Pass LB 472Nebraskans desperately need help. It is both a secular and spiritual issue, and it is humanitarian.151 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Stephen Abraham
Support Marijuana ReclassificationDebra J. Saunders' column tells the whole story: "Last year, Congress passed an amendment that barred the Department of Justice from using federal dollars to prosecute medical-marijuana dispensaries in states that have legalized them. Last week, three senators proposed a measure to clean up the federal-state medical-marijuana mess once and for all. "Sens. Cory Booker, D-N.J.; Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y.; and Rand Paul, R-Ky., introduced their CARERS(Compassionate Access, ResearchExpansion and Respect States) Act, which should draw support from the right and left. "Why? "First, it would reclassify marijuana from a Schedule I to a Schedule II drug, granting recognition that marijuana has legitimate medical uses, a sop to the left. Second, it would direct the federal government to stop prosecuting dispensers in states that have legalized marijuana for medical use - a states' rights emphasis that should draw GOP votes. "The measure also would allow cannabidiol imports to help patients with epilepsy and seizure disorders - the folks who need medical marijuana the most - and allow Veterans Affairs doctors to prescribe medical marijuana. "Booker sees his legislation as a matter of "common sense, fiscal prudence and compassion." "For decades, Congress wouldn't move on medical marijuana because D.C. pols thought of advocates as goof-offs who just want to get high. They didn't see the legitimate medical benefits. Then, two years ago, CNN physician-reporter Sanjay Gupta looked at the issue anew and found that cannabis could help children with life-threatening seizures. "Medical marijuana has been used to treat people with epilepsy, Parkinson's, brain tumors and post-traumatic stress disorder without the serious side effects often associated with prescription drugs. "From San Francisco, CARERS looks like a political slam dunk. It has bipartisan support. Already 23 states have legalized medical marijuana, which puts momentum on the "yes" side. "It stands a good chance of moving because it's so bipartisan in nature," said Bill Piper, the Drug Policy Alliance's man in Washington, D.C. But: "The hard part is going to be getting it through committee." Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, opposes the bill. "Will Grassley allow the bill to come to a vote? "The committee is unlikely to take up a bill in the near future that remakes these laws so broadly," spokeswoman Jill Gerber answered. She added that Grassley "is looking at ways to lift any unnecessary barriers" to scientific research into marijuana-based medicines to treat epilepsy and other conditions affecting children. "There are 11 GOP and nine Democratic senators on the committee. I see three Rs who could vote yes - Mike Lee of Utah and Ted Cruz of Texas support states' rights, and Jeff Flake of Arizona voted for similar legislation in the House. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe there are more. "That would put Sen. Dianne Feinstein in the middle. Other committee Dems are very likely to vote yes. On the one hand, Feinstein and Grassley often work closely on drug-war issues. On the other hand, Feinstein does represent California. Her office told me DiFi is still reviewing the legislation. "Which leads to my final question: Would President Obama sign CARERS? Advocates believe the White House could have and should have made marijuana a Schedule II drug years ago, but didn't. "The administration has been behind the curve. "Everyone pretty much believes that" Obama is not really for current federal marijuana laws, said Marijuana Majority Chairman Tom Angell, just as many believed Obama supported same-sex marriage back when he said he was against it. ""I wouldn't be shocked to see him evolve on this issue the same way he did for marriage equality," Angell mused. "Maybe all we need is for Joe Biden to say that marijuana should be legal."" http://www.chron.com/opinion/outlook/article/Saunders-Medical-marijuana-bill-lost-in-smoke-6143197.php2,063 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Michael Morrill
Governor Wolf: Pledge to Stop AIDS in Pennsylvania by 2020Governors of New York, Washington, and Minnesota have all pledges to stop AIDS in their state by 2020. Pennsylvania has the resources and the science to make this a reality in our state too -- all it will take is strong leadership from the governor.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Max Ray
Vote No on SB 615This is an issue of free speech and freedom to choose who you want to go to for nutritional advice. There is more than one view on what constitutes good nutritional advice and this bill is an attempt to corner the market on who you can go to for this advise.19 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sally Karlovitz
End Non-Medical Vaccine Exemptions in MarylandPublic health officials have tied the rise in pertussis and measles to the lowering of the vaccination rate. If this trend continues, the immunity of the entire population is threatened (known as ‘herd immunity’). Dangerous communicable diseases will spread further, and will also affect people who have been vaccinated—those with weakened immune systems, the very young, the very old, and the like. This petition seeks to address falling vaccination rates by requiring all children to be vaccinated in order to attend Maryland schools unless they have a medical condition that precludes it. "The right to practice religion freely does not include liberty to expose the community or the child to communicable disease or the latter to ill health or death. Parents may be free to become martyrs themselves, but it does not follow that they are free, in identical circumstances, to make martyrs of their children." Justice Wiley B. Rutledge Prince v. Massachusetts121 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Stephan Neidenbach
Support for the Federal CARERS ActMedical cannabis must be separated from the debate over commercial cannabis. Medical cannabis is about providing sure medicine to the ill and the decriminalization of the patients who use it.1,156 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Ryan Moats
Tell fast food companies to say NO to GMO applesOn Friday the 13th, the USDA approved the unnecessary, unlabeled, and poorly tested GMO apple. It was an unlucky day indeed for the apple growers, food companies, and people like us who want to protect our families from GMO foods. But it’s not all bad news. Thanks to pressure from thousands of people like you, McDonald’s and Gerber -- two of the biggest purchasers of apples -- have already confirmed that they have no plans to sell GMO apples. Their commitments will help keep this risky product off the market. Now, we need to get other fast food companies to join them. If we can get the top 10 fast food companies, including Burger King, Wendy’s, Subway and Dunkin' Donuts, to commit to not sell the GMO apple, we may be able to prevent it from ending up on our plates! Tell these fast food restaurants to say NO to GMO apples!649 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Peter Stocker
TanningI started tanning at the age of 15 until they changed the law. Now all clients have to be above the age of 17, or bring a parent's signature.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Amber
To Have Sickle Cell Disease Waived from 30-Day Readmission RuleThe 30-Day Readmission Rule states: Patients readmitted into a hospital/ medical institution within 30 days of discharge; the discharging hospital/ medical institution will be fined in the form of a reduction in reimbursement from the State for the patient's hospitalization. We DO NOT support the policy of penalizing hospitals who care for patients with sickle cell disease and the 30 day readmission penalty imposed on sickle cell disease. People suffering from this life long disease frequently have unplanned, unpredictable and recurring needs, such as controlling severe pain episodes that can only be managed in the hospital requiring multiple hospitalizations and readmissions in a 30 day period.2,872 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Bonnye Johnson
Make Good on Your Promises: Fund the African American AIDS Response ActThe African American AIDS Response Act Fund (AAARAF), created by the Illinois Legislative Black Caucus and passed by the General Assembly in 2006, puts scarce HIV prevention dollars in communities where they are most needed. However, as a result of an administrative error made last summer, $1.5 million that was appropriated to the African American AIDS Response Act Fund (AAARAF) simply disappeared. Such a critical mistake is unacceptable and must be rectified immediately. According to the latest available information, African Americans account for more than half of new HIV cases diagnosed in Illinois each year. Additionally, a recent report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests that 33% of African Americans between the ages of 18 and 65 years old have never been tested for HIV.116 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Keith R Green
Affordable and Accessible Health Care in MichiganThe state of Michigan has taken significant steps towards affordable and accessible health care through the Affordable Care Act and the expansion of Medicaid. Unfortunately, the problem of unemployed as well as underemployed individuals being unable to receive appropriate medical services persists. Health care is a basic standard to quality of life, and should be available to everyone no matter what their background may be.15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kayla McMaster
Tell the Supreme Court: Obamacare helped me or someone I knowKing vs. Burwell was brought by a cadre of right-leaning and libertarian critics of the law who've been methodically searching for ways to undermine it. After the Supreme Court rejected arguments that the "individual mandate" was unconstitutional, they're now arguing that subsidies to help individuals afford insurance are illegal in many states. It's frankly infuriating that we're still having this debate—and mind-boggling that it's a credible threat after so many years of MoveOn members and millions of other Americans signing petitions, making calls, standing in the snow and rain to cry out for our country to ensure that EVERYONE has access to quality, affordable care. The decision on whether to uphold Obamacare is once again back in the Supreme Court's hands. Let's do what we can—including making sure that the justices hear exactly how much Obamacare has done to help people all over the country. If you or someone you know has benefited from Obamacare, join us in standing up and protecting this legislation today!33,681 of 35,000 SignaturesCreated by Anna Galland