i am starting this petition becuz i have been put thru hell trying to get my husband the treatment he needs to get well, rather than bury him from quaduple bypass surgery and the following complications Mrsa would've given him. it's a huge scam being perpetrated on the naive American public, it is anti trust corruption at it's absolute worst, and it is inexcusable.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Victoria
  • Protect Toddlers from ADHD Rx Amphetamines
    Please sign this petition to protect toddlers from being diagnosed and prescribed ADHD amphetamines. The FDA has not approved ADHD first-line treatment amphetamines for toddlers less than three years of age. According to a report by the CDC official Susanna N. Visser, at last year’s Georgia Mental Health Forum, more than 10,000 two and three year olds are being prescribed amphetamines for ADHD. Apparently many attending doctors with a moral gauge gasped together in response to the shocking announcement. Good parents seek out medical advice for crying toddlers. Toddlers should not be chemically punished for their behavior. Toddlers should not be experimented on for being inattentive, impulsive and hyperactive. Good doctors understand pediatric physiology; immature liver and kidneys impair drug metabolism and excretion. Toddlers are especially vulnerable to adverse drug reactions and adverse drug events. Doctors are not required by the FDA to report adverse drug reactions or adverse drug events. Please sign this petition to protect our nation’s toddlers from being “treated” with amphetamines. Profiting off the brains of babies must stop. The ADHD amphetamine treatment is so excessively disproportionate for toddlers as to shock the general moral sense. Doctors are not required to tell a patient that a drug is being used off-label. Amphetamine overdoses are difficult to identify. Known harmful side effects include amphetamine induced: insomnia, weight loss, impaired judgment, mood disorder, and psychosis, psychotic disorder with hallucinations, psychotic disorder with delusions, anxiety, cardiovascular adverse event, chemical dependency, serotonin syndrome (Libby Zion Law), tics and other movement disorders. Mia Lilien, Author of FARSNUF, a Guide to ADHD Free
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mia Lilien
  • Make Vaccines Mandatory to Attend California Schools
    The California Department of Public Health declared pertussis (whooping cough) an epidemic in 2014, a sharp rise over the past four years. There was an outbreak of measles in 2014 as well. The Los Angeles Times and numerous other media sources have published data on vaccination rates in Southern California showing the widespread use of the “personal belief exemption” (CA Code 120365) by parents to excuse their children from mandatory vaccinations. Public health officials have tied the rise in pertussis and measles to the lowering of the vaccination rate. If this trend continues, the immunity of the entire population is threatened, especially those with weakened immune systems: the very young, the very old, and the like. This petition seeks to address falling vaccination rates by requiring all children to be vaccinated in order to attend California schools unless they have a medical condition that precludes it.
    299 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Alan Weiner
  • Tell Governor McCrory: Do not delay. Accept federal funding to expand Medicaid for uninsured No...
    According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, in North Carolina there are approximately 319,000 people who do not have another health insurance option if we do not expand Medicaid. They have too little income to qualify for the Affordable Care Act exchange and too much income to qualify for Medicaid without the expansion. Many are working poor, students, or women. People die every year in North Carolina due to poverty and lack of health insurance, because they do not receive the screenings and routine health care that can catch and manage health problems before they become life-threatening conditions. Due to lack of Medicaid funding, hospitals are suffering and some have closed their doors, leaving their communities without emergency services and endangering health and lives. Expanding Medicaid would create 25,000 badly needed jobs and lead to a healthier and more productive workforce. Ninety percent of the funding would come from the federal government, leaving the state cost relatively modest. Let’s expand Medicaid and invest in the health, well-being, and productivity of the people of North Carolina.
    5,125 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Barbara Council
  • Anthony's Act - Providing Those Suffering With Addiction a Real Chance at Recovery
    Here's what Cris Fiore wrote about it: Every day in this country 119 people die from drug overdose, and another 6,748 are treated in emergency rooms. That averages out to an overdose related hospitalization every 13 seconds and an overdose death every 13 minutes. Drug overdose is now the leading cause of accidental death in the United States, outstripping traffic fatalities or gun homicides. And every year it gets worse. In addition to the terrible human toll, substance abuse costs the U.S. economy over $600 billion annually. Effective treatment can dramatically reduce these costs. According to several conservative estimates, every dollar invested in addiction treatment programs yields a return of between $4 and $7 in reduced drug-related crime, criminal justice costs, and theft. When savings related to healthcare are included, total savings can exceed costs by a ratio of 12 to 1. Major savings to the individual and to society also stem from fewer interpersonal conflicts; greater workplace productivity; and fewer drug-related accidents, including overdoses and deaths. My 24-year-old son, Anthony, died May 31, 2014, following a six year battle with opioid and heroin addiction that included three unsuccessful short term treatment programs, each lasting less than 30 days, which was all that insurance would pay for. For most people, this is simply not enough time to recover from the assault addictive drugs make on the body and to restore the life skills that keep a person from relapsing. Research tells us that effective inpatient treatment leads to long term sobriety and fewer relapses. Ninety (90) day residential drug rehab is suggested as the minimum length of time for effective treatment. Anecdotal evidence gathered from post discharge patient interviews suggests that long-term treatment at a drug rehab facility can decrease the risk of drug addiction relapse by up to 73%. That can mean the difference between addiction and recovery—or even life and death. Tell your U.S. Senators and representatives: The Affordable Care Act must be amended to provide for a minimum of Ninety (90) days inpatient drug or alcohol treatment up to a maximum of One Hundred Eighty (180) days per year at a facility certified to provide such care by the Secretary of Health of the state in which it is located.
    82 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lizette M McWilliams
  • Bring Awareness To This Lethal Eating Disorder: Anorexia
    Anorexia Is one of the most lethal eating disorders in America. It takes over lives and forces people to see themselves in a way that they shouldn't. Anorexia makes people become extremely obsessive with their weight and the physical appearance in general. I believe that with making more and more people aware we can all find some sort of way to find a better way to heal anorexics with what they are struggling with because they do it alone. I believe that awareness can be raised for people going through the stages of the lethal eating disorder, Anorexia.
    59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dayana
  • Support RI Comprehensive Health Insurance Legislation (H 5387)
    I. The Problem: Our expensive, inefficient health insurance system - Between 1991 and 2014, health care spending in RI per person rose by over 250% – rising much faster than income – greatly reducing disposable income. - 62% of personal bankruptcies were medical cost related and of these, 78% had health insurance at the time of their bankruptcy. - Health care is “rationed” under our current multi-payer system, despite the fact that Rhode Islanders already pay enough money to have comprehensive and universal health insurance under a single-payer system. - The federal Affordable Care Act (ACA) cannot control rising premiums, co-pays, deductibles and medical cost related bankruptcies, nor prevent private insurance companies from continuing to limit available providers and coverage. - Fully implemented, the ACA will still leave 4% of Rhode Islanders without insurance – resulting in as many as 116 Rhode Islanders dying unnecessarily from lack of insurance each year. II. The Solution: H. 5378 – Single Payer RI Comprehensive Health Insurance Program - Provide comprehensive health care coverage to all Rhode Island residents. - Improve access to health care. - Save approximately $4000 per resident per year by 2024 and put more money into the Rhode Island economy. - Significantly reduce administrative costs (almost $1 billion in the first year) and shift these dollars to actual provision of health care. - Decrease provider administrative burdens and allow them to spend more time providing health care. - Establish a funding system that is public and progressive. - Eliminate health insurance costs and administrative obligations on Rhode Island businesses and make them more competitive and profitable (e.g., in the first year, payroll contributions to a single payer plan would be over $1.2 billion less than current private health insurance premiums). - Contain health care costs (reduced administration and control over monopolistic pricing) and save 23% of current expenditures in the first year with larger savings in subsequent years. - Create a significant economic stimulus for the state by attracting businesses to and keeping businesses in Rhode Island because of reduced health insurance costs. Read the legislation: http://webserver.rilin.state.ri.us/BillText/BillText15/HouseText15/H5387.pdf
    130 of 200 Signatures
    Created by PNHP-RI/HEALTHCARE-NOW RI Coalition
  • Georgians DO want Medicaid Expansion.
    Deal claims Georgia can't afford Medicaid Expansion. Sure we can, we're already paying for it, but other states are reaping the benefits of our tax dollars. What we can't afford is uninsured people needlessly suffering due to political posturing. I want Georgia Legislators to do the right thing.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dianne Wing
  • Time in Rehabs for addiction recovery
    I worked in the recovery field and saw first hand the need for more time in rehab facilities. Short term treatment was usually not effective.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Barbara Allison
  • Close the Healthcare Coverage Gap
    It is projected that 1,176 Georgians will die this year due to inaccessible healthcare. The remaining 500,000 who survive fall into a coverage gap, created by Governor Nathan Deal and the Georgia General Assembly when they voted to opt out of coverage expansion available through the Affordable Care Act, and almost 3.5 BB dollars. The cost, in terms of human lives, and human potential, however, is incalculable, quite staggering and incredibly devastating for the loved ones of Georgia’s victims. I know- I am one of many.
    244 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Barbara Christmas Tillman
  • Washington Support for House Bill 2009 to not allow personal vaccine exemptions for school
    Public health officials have tied the rise in pertussis and measles to the lowering of the vaccination rate. If this trend continues, the immunity of the entire population is threatened (known as ‘herd immunity’). Dangerous communicable diseases will spread further, and will also affect people who have been vaccinated—those with weakened immune systems, the very young, the very old, and the like. This petition seeks to address falling vaccination rates by requiring all children to be vaccinated in order to attend Washington schools unless they have a medical condition that precludes it or are member of a church with does not allow medical interventions.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kathy Hennessy
  • Expand Medicaid in Nebraska
    I believe that expanding medicaid is the right thing to do, especially when it's almost free. There are 54,000 people in Nebraska who do not have health coverage now and would if we accepted federal money to expand Medicaid. The Nebraska Unicameral voted against this last year. It seems that they are afraid of anything associated with "Obamacare". Nebraska should accept federal funding to expand Medicaid.
    1,258 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Gwendolen Hines