• Save Zumba with Marisa and Janice
    We, the members of the Zumba class with Marisa Tournear and Janice Winn at Quincy University's Health and Fitness Center feel that our class has been cancelled abruptly without good reason. We have been told that the reason is dwindling numbers in attendance, which is definitely not the case. Some of us have been attending regularly for the past 4 years. Zumba is more than a trip to the gym for us; we have become a family. We refuse to settle for this cancellation, and want our class to be reinstated.
    63 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Save Zumba with Marisa and Janice
  • Utah 'Non-Economic' Pain and Suffering Cap
    Sign using the form on the left if you think Utah citizens should be able to vote on non-economic pain and suffering settlement limits instead of leaving the decision up to wealthy lobbyists, insurance agencies, and doctors! What if Utah law said your income could only be $20,000 per year for the rest of your working life? You’d be stuck bringing in only a third of what most other Utah households earn, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. You’d also be unable to buy a house, afford to live in a decent housing complex, or even qualify for many of the necessary steps to achieving the American dream. Here’s the scary truth: all of these things could happen to almost anyone at any time, and it’s due to a law you probably don’t know exists. My dad’s story is tragic proof of this. One year ago, my dad went in for a routine medical procedure. While current legal proceedings prevent me from going into detail, what I can say is that my dad has lost 90% of his feeling in his left leg and is no longer able to work. Unfortunately, a law went into effect without ever being on a ballot that says the limit for a malpractice settlement in the state of Utah is $450,000 for pain and suffering. That sounds like a lot, but think about it: my dad has 20 years of work left. If he could go to work and earn just $50,000 per year (still below the average), he’d make almost $1 million before he retired. Instead, even though my dad can no longer go fishing with his sons, go to work, take a jog, or even walk normally ever again, the state of Utah’s lobbyists decided – without voter knowledge or consent – all of pain was only worth less than $20,000 per year. And it’s all due to a law that never even went public. This $450,000 limit doesn’t just affect the middle-aged, either. If a child – even a baby – is a victim of malpractice, the family can still only be awarded $450,000 in damages. If that baby lives to be 50, that’s only $9,000 per year! I personally believe it’s not enough, and this cap should be changed based on the severity of each case and life expectancy of the victim. However, I’m not asking for this petition to change the law; I’m simply asking for the right as a citizen to vote on whether this law represents what I want as a tax-paying member of society. Had it been brought to the public prior to being passed the outcome of this law might have been different. Since this could affect any of us, don’t we deserve to have at least a vote? Please sign this petition so Utah voters can vote on Utah’s non-economic “pain and suffering” cap during our next election.
    115 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jessica
  • Accept the federal funds to expand Medicaid in Tennessee."
    My son and I are hardworking Tennesseans as well, and we are committed entrepreneurs with an upstart business. We simply cannot afford healthcare at the moment. Just recently I got a piece of sawdust in my eye, and "man" it was in there deep. I was in extreme discomfort, but I knew an emergency room visit of $1000.00 was out of the question. So I had to lay in the floor while my son dug out the wood splinters. I am a grown man with a high tolerance for pain, but please consider for a minute that not everyone has helping family members in times of need and ask yourself what is the right thing to do. Medicaid expansion.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeremy Dowlen
  • House of Delegates, Expand Medicaid
    At least 400,00 citizens in Virginia have to make more than hard choices which normally means no health care. I saw them for years as a pharmacist. Not only that hospitals that serve many of these patients and had millions of tax dollars invested in them will know lost millions for nothing but ideology.
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Leonard Edloe
  • TriCare Prime for ALL Retirees
    DO NOT TAKE AWAY TRICARE PRIME RIGHTS TO ANY RETIREES Our military retirees have all worked hard and served 20 or more years for their country lets not abandon them now by taking away their rights to TriCare Prime. Many retirees military families served in the military with the promise that they would have these benefits for their families after being retired. It is un just to take away these benefits for any retirees! CBO Studies Removing Retirees from Tricare Prime Military.comJan 21, 2014 | by Richard Sisk Barring working-age military retirees from TRICARE Prime would be the most cost-effective way of slowing the growth of Defense Department health care expenses that have jumped 130 percent from 2000-2012, according to a Congressional Budget Office analysis. The non-partisan CBO explored various options to include changing the eligibility for TRICARE Prime which would produce the biggest savings in the Pentagon's health care budget -- nearly $90 billion over 10 years, the CBO report estimated. The CBO analysis, released last week, was prepared at the request of Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., chairman of the House Budget Committee. Current health care costs for DoD amount to about $52 billion annually, the CBO said, and only a formula involving increased cost-sharing for retirees who use TRICARE "has the potential to generate significant savings for DoD," the CBO said. All other approaches, such as better management and eliminating waste, "would not address the primary drivers of health care costs for DoD," the CBO said. The biggest savings would come from changes in current programs to "make working-age retirees and their families ineligible for TRICARE Prime, the most costly program for DoD, but allow them to continue using other TRICARE plans after paying an annual fee," the CBO said. "Shifting current cost-sharing arrangements so that beneficiaries pay a greater percentage of their health care costs would reduce DoD's spending significantly, primarily by encouraging people to leave TRICARE in favor of other providers," the CBO said. "It also would encourage those who continued to participate in TRICARE to use fewer services." The proposed TRICARE changes were expected to generate major opposition from veterans service organizations. Joe Davis, a spokesman for the Veterans of Foreign Wars, questioned the CBO numbers but said the report following on other major program initiatives advocated by DoD indicated that "the Pentagon is opening up a new front in the war on retirees. This is a threat to the all-volunteer force," Davis said. The VFW and other service organizations are currently battling cuts to the cost-of-living adjustment for working-age military retirees under the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013 worked out by Ryan and Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash. RELATED TOPICS TRICARE Richard Sisk
    271 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Ana Champagne Fernandez
  • Prohibit denial of legal health care services in WA state
    (Background) As more secular hospitals merge with religiously affiliated ones, nearly half of WA state hospital beds are now controlled by Catholic ideology that prohibits contraceptive counseling and contraceptive methods including condoms, birth control pills, morning after pills, IUDs, vasectomies and tubal ligations; and that prohibits fertility assistance, termination of pregnancy and the provision of information and referrals about the end of life option of "death with dignity", all of which are legal in WA State. Non-Catholics and Catholics alike increasingly find themselves in situations in which the only health care available is subject to these restrictions dictated by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops. WA State has the highest percentage of religious control of hospital beds in the U.S. and its continuing to increase (26% in 2010, 45% so far in 2014). Some business owners refuse to include the same legal health care services in their company's health insurance plans. Some pharmacy owners refuse to dispense certain legal contraception products. Some health care providers continue to discriminate against LGBT families. Substantial amounts of public funds in the form of Medicaid, Medicare, and Public Hospital District tax levies are paid to those hospitals and providers. Should religions, based solely on their ideologies, be allowed to deny legal health 'standard of care' to the general public who pay those taxes? It's time to say, "Stop!" We believe that in medical care, the patient's rights must come first with all legal medical "Standards of Care" and "Best Practices" available for all residents of our state. Washington citizens have worked for decades to place into law the Reproductive Privacy Act, the Death with Dignity Act, and Marriage Equality because in America individuals, not churches, decide matters of conscience. State officials are responsible to make sure all these benefits are continually available to all WA residents.
    5,790 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Charles Bean
  • Congress: Take action on "Tick-Borne Diseases Advisory Committee"
    You probably know someone with such diseases, or soon will. These diseases are growing rapidly, and the lack of adequate tests for the various disease states is urgently needed. From multiple personal family experiences, I know that these diseases are either dismissed or mis-diagnosed; AND are under-reported, and as a result are too often NOT treated promptly. As a scientist, myself (currently undergoing treatment), and from observations of family members and friends who have or are suffering from one of these illnesses:: It is clear, that the voices of a broader representation of those involved in the actual practice of treating chronic tick-illnesses, as well as patients and patient advocates must be heard, to provide a more balanced input so that proper public health policies and guidelines can be forthcomming. Let's not waste billions on wars, and armaments... Let's work with other governments, to address this widespread publich health menace. It could make people well, promote the public good, and further the understanding or antibiotic resistant threats.. Please join in this effort to make the world a better place.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Samuel E. RIFFLE
  • Expanding Medicaid in Missouri is a Win, Win, Win
    I know many people--family, friends--who have inadequate health care because they have no insurance. Also I cannot see why legislators would want to pass up this golden opportunity to increase jobs and income for the state.
    942 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Elliott Denniston
  • Children and Youth Need Comprehensive Vision Care
    We have been working on children's vision issues for several years and are alarmed at the number of children and youth who are not doing as well as they should in school because they have never had a comprehensive vision examination that includes assessment of their binocular vision problems. SB 430 in the California Legislature would check all children for binocular vision issues by the third grade. All states should check children well before they start school, by the time they are in the third grade and every other year thereafter. This is a big year for National implementation of the ACA and state initiatives like SB 430 and the State Health Care Innovation Plan in Washington State, which should be paying attention to binocular vision problems of children and youth.
    228 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Helen Spencer
  • Tell your lawmakers to vote to re-authorize the Private Option in Arkansas!
    The Private Option is a vitally important program to the working poor in our state. It covers people who are starting their own businesses, the self-employed, as well as students who are over 27 and looking to further their careers. It assists 215,000 low-income Arkansans who could not previously afford or were deemed "ineligible" due to pre-existing conditions to finally have health coverage, provide much-needed annual checkups, immunizations, mental health services, as well as saving an estimated 1,100 lives every year in our state. The program will also save the state money while injecting nearly a billion dollars to local health providers. As of February 26, there are 127,051 Arkansans who are currently enrolled and benefiting from the program, with a total of 189,000 applications submitted. The Private Option helps to lower the median age of the Arkansas Insurance Marketplace, which will help keep insurance rates on the exchange lower. As you may have heard, the Private Option is under attack by some in the legislature. Some of the more conservative members of the House of Representatives and Senate would like to derail the Private Option. This would kick these hard working Arkansans off their new plans, as well as cost the state money. Arkansas has a provision for a balanced budget. In 2014 alone Arkansas will save $89 million by implementing the Private Option. If the legislature successfully defunds the Private Option these savings will go away and one of two things will happen: 1) The legislature will have to repeal tax cuts, raising taxes on Arkansas families. 2) The state's budget will have to cut vital services to replace the money that the state is losing in lieu of defunding the Private Option, further harming our state. Please help to ensure that the Private Option stays available to our state by signing and SHARING this petition and urge our lawmakers to re-authorize the Private Option!
    844 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Al Ulrich
  • Legalization of Medical Marijuana in the State of WV
    Ivan Clark Coleman and many other are finished taking psychotropic RX Drugs, Benzoids and Pain Medication that effects the mind, body and soul, Meanwhile leaving our bodies to suffer negative post side effects. Medical Marijuana has been proven effective without the major side effects associated with Modern Homeopathic Medicine.
    74 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ivan Clark Coleman
  • Save the babies
    Alot of women including myself have suffered loss of infants due to hospitals not giving them oxygen and treatments to help them live longer. Hospitals let these poor innocent babies die even if they have a slight chance at living. My son was born breathing and moving and was left to die because the hospital had the option to not help him breathe even when i begged them too.
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by clarissa loston