• Arizona State Senators and House Members: Vote Against Amendments to SB1154
    Arizona SB1154 will allow physical therapists to practice acupuncture with barely any training, leading to potential injury by ignoring the required Sunrise process for increasing their scope of practice. The bill allows physical therapists to take a weekend course and set their own standards, while ignoring public safety. “Dry Needling” is acupuncture and as such is already regulated by the State of Arizona.
    1,117 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Perry Cooper, L.Ac.
  • Tell Accredo’s Hemophilia Health Services they were wrong!
    This is to support Tom Albright who posted recently: Our house burned to the ground two days ago. Nobody hurt. All of my factor 9 was destroyed in the fire. I have two joint bleeds with no access to factor 9 to stop the bleeding. Two days of pain in those joints so far. I won't be able to take factor 9 for a few days thanks to Accredo.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ken Baxter
  • How are we to make it?
    To let congress know what is really happening to the working, struggling, lower wage people of the U.S. since Obama Care was passed. My employers and most employers have dramatically reduced hours we are able to work to avoid paying healthcare costs for their employees. This is real. I am a real single mother who works to support my child with an absent father who fails to pay child support court ordered. I was making good money working 40- 45 hours a week. My hours were reduced to 20. I sought better employment with a large corporate National employer and recently all newer employee hours have been deliberately cut to 12 a week. How am I supposed to live on taxed minimum wage and pay for Obama Care?
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bonnie Bishop
  • We don't want Chickens from China!
    Its bad enough that we are sending many of our jobs to China, we should not put our health to the side to allow chickens from China. A short time ago, China had an outbreak of H7N9, the latest in a string of "bird flus" that have struck the country. The disease, which the World Health Organization describes as an "unusually dangerous virus for humans," is directly connected to poultry farming. China refused to take our beef when the mad cow disease had occurred and has since not allowed beef from America. We need to take care of our health, or jobs, our country.
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Husami
  • Move marijuana from Schedule 1 drug to Schedule 2
    I know many people who would benefit from some form of medicinal marijuana, from my father, who died of cancer a handful of years ago, and suffered greatly during chemo and radiation treatments, suffering that could have been alleviated by marijuana; to a niece of mine who suffers from dozens of seizures per week, to another friend who has to leave the workforce due to debilitating migraine headaches. So much suffering that can be at least partially mitigated, by a simple stroke of the pen.
    132 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Bill Haughton
  • Cannabis Compassion and Care Act for America. If you are American, this is for you and your loved...
    I am an insulin dependent diabetic with painful, peripheral neuropathy. My 7 year old daughter has severe Crohn's disease. The Cannabinoids, a specific group of chemicals in the plant, have a vast array of beneficial properties, including but not limited to: Reduction in inflammation, boosts immune systems, helps with the transport of glucose into the cells, controls pain without the risk of respiratory depression, etc. I have tried multiple pain medications for diabetic neuropathy and nausea, with no success. My daughter takes dangerous chemotherapy drugs and steroids to control her Crohn's disease. It is damaging her liver, increases her risk of cancer to 11% and causes sterility in females. The next step for her is intravenous chemotherapy. Cannabis has been scientifically proven to force Crohn's disease into remission. This was proved by several double-blind placebo studies done recently. For more information on the scientific study please visit: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1542356513006046 http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/pdq/cam/cannabis/healthprofessional/page3 Please, sign the petition and force our government to listen to America. If it can relieve pain, heal tissue and treat PTSD, then what is the issue? Thousands of years of human use and no recorded deaths related directly to Cannabis. With any medicine, there is the potential for abuse. Morning Glory Flowers are not illegal, yet they do have some psychoactive effects. People are also dying from "Potpouri" and "Spice", which are synthetic drugs, with no therapeutic value. People are turning to these even though it is illegal. Castor Bean Plants, Hemlock, many plants KILL and are poison, but not illegal. Let's end this insanity, Tax, regulate and enforce. It has worked with alcohol and tobacco, which both are FAR more deadly than the plant, Cannabis. It's the 21st century in America. I served my country in the Marine Corps during Desert Storm. I was subjected to all kinds of chemical exposure. Our U.S. Government knows how ineffective prohibition is, that's why alcohol is legal today. One major difference between Alcohol and Cannabis, Cannabis does have medicinal qualities and the studies prove it. I have worked as a RN for years, and have never oberved a patient admitted for soley using marijuana. Let's face it, in today's world, you could consider Robitussin, Nyquil and many other OTC drugs as "gateway" drugs. Alcohol and tobacco are the biggest gateway drugs yet our government doesn't have a problem with these killers. Let's move towards a nation of FREE people instead of a nation of INCARCERATED people! Americans continue to use Marijuana despite the laws. The use hasn't stopped because of the War on Drugs, it has increased! If we actually study history, we know prohibition doesn't work. It leads to deaths, incarceration and innocent people being hurt by the government's decision. Thank you and please SIGN the petition for all those Americans suffering right now. SIGN the petition for the 19-year-old American that has a Felony on their record for using marijuana! Any substance can be abused. Over 1000 people die every year from Acetaminophen over-dose. I have personally observed this as a registered nurse. I have NEVER seen a person admitted to the hospital for ANYTHING RELATED TO CANNABIS in my 15 years of health care experience! Thank you, Laney's Dad "aka" Emery Myers RN, DON-CLTC For more information on the scientific studies please visit: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1542356513006046 http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/pdq/cam/cannabis/healthprofessional/page3
    380 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Emery Myers
    Produce begins to lose nutritional content the moment it is picked. We are requesting to make it mandatory that all produce be marked with a "DATE PICKED" label.
    290 of 300 Signatures
    Created by HOG HealthyOrganicGreen
  • Utah Medicaid Expansion
    It is about equity. I am not personally affected, as I already have good Healthcare coverage. However, I believe that our society should try to assist those who sometimes need help, and Medicaid expansion is one effective way to accomplish this in Utah
    125 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Peter Harvey
  • Roll Back the 20% cost of Health Insurance for State Employees
    What I receive in pension money has been devastated by the additional 20% cost of my health insurance. We're being taxed right into poverty.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael V. Rich-Bey
  • Let doctors prescribe pain medication for those suffering with chronic pain.
    I was injured with a burst fracture and have had multiple spinal surgeries. I am told that the burst fracture will cause me extreme pain the remainder of my life and I am only 51. Pain medication is all that has kept me from taking my life. It does not eliminate the pain but it gets me through each day. Now my surgeon is afraid to prescribe me medication due to the new laws. His nurse called 4 area Pain Clinics on my behalf and none will manage my treatment to include Pain medication due to the new laws. We people with terrible pain cannot work, go to the movies, travel, simply enjoy life anymore. It was already taxing on us to have to get new prescriptions each month (Fentanyl) and have to stand in line at pharmacy counters (insurance cancelled contract with pharmacies in my area with drive up). Now those pharmacies if I am lucky enough to get a prescription have protocol in place putting flags on us if we have been on medications longer than 6 months. Patients are being cutoff without even chance to get help through withdrawal. Pain patients have already been closely scrutinized with their needs. There has to be a different way to keep those medications off the streets without keeping it from those who need it to endure their lives.
    3,401 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Nancy
  • Expand FL Medicaid now
    My petition is about saving lives, keeping Floridians healthy and accomplishing that in the most economically responsible way
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Felicia Bruce
  • Health Insurance for 69,500 Uninsured Mainers? Yes, please!
    Last year, Governor LePage vetoed a bill that would have brought millions of dollars in federal money to Maine so that 69,500 low-income Mainers could have health insurance under the Affordable Care Act. Despite a broad, non-partisan campaign to secure a veto-proof majority for the bill’s passage, efforts failed in the final hours before session adjourned. Now, we have a second chance to bring that money to Maine. When research shows that accepting federal funds would save as many as 157 lives in the first year alone, create 4,400 new jobs, and generate at least $20 million in state and local taxes, why would any legislator turn that money down? Let’s not allow this opportunity to slip through our fingers. It’s good for Maine’s people, and it’s good for Maine.
    2,358 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Lunden