• Expand Medicaid
    There's a critical special legislative session happening next week in Richmond that will determine whether nearly 200,000 Virginians gain access to health care. The question is whether Virginia will accept federal Medicaid funds, as Obamacare encourages. 1) Other Republican-led states have done it. 2) Virginia voters strongly support it. And the state Senate just passed it. But right now, some Republicans in the House of Delegates are standing in the way. If they continue to block Medicaid expansion, they'll be catering to an extreme slice of their own base rather than helping get health care to the state's neediest residents. If just a handful of Republican delegates listen to their constituents, then Medicaid expansion can still pass and a government shutdown can be avoided. That's possible. It's worked in other states. And our state delegate—Del. Joseph Yost—could be the key vote in passing Medicaid expansion in Virginia. That's why it's critical that we let Del. Yost know that we support expansion. Expanding Medicaid access to Virginia's poor and disabled is the right thing to do on so many fronts: It will save lives. It will create jobs. And it will save Virginia taxpayers billions of dollars.
    846 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Carol
  • Health Care for ALL in Virginia
    I know people whose lives would be greatly improved if the Virginia legislature agreed to expand Medicaid. Please help convince our Delegate by signing this petition.
    192 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Melody Tennant
    As a Type 1 diabetic, I know the perils and costs of having a life long disease, as well as being dependent on medical care, and medicine. Every person in Virginia should have fair access to any treatments or care that they may need. We need to stand together to make this happen, and we will.
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ross Plunkett
  • Support Virginia Medicaid Expansion
    It's the right thing to do, and financially advantageous for the Commonwealth.
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Donald Bley, MD
  • Expand Medicaid
    Getting Medicaid coverage for those who fall in the economic cracks. Those who make under $11,400, but more than $7,800 annually, can't get Medicaid.
    78 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Morgan Blade
  • Support Medicaid Expansion in Virgina
    It's time to put the people of Virginia and THEIR needs AHEAD of political posturing once and for all.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jacqueline French
  • Support Medicaid expansion in Virginia!
    Virginia has a vast number of poor and disabled residents who are in dire need of the benefits of Medicaid. It is absolutely foolish not to accept the federal aid that is available to help them.
    67 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nancy Boyer
  • Pass the Budget WITH Medicaid Expansion
    We have a huge opportunity to expand access to health care in Virginia but, to do that, we'll have to show Republican legislators that their constituents support accepting these funds.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Skip Mertz
  • Every Virginian Deserves Access to Healthcare
    Nobody should have to use a hospital emergency room as their only access to healthcare. Our legislature has an opportunity to expand Medicaid, and should do so now. Please sign this petition and pass it on.
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Judith Matthias
  • Support Medicaid Expansion in Virginia
    Expanding Medicaid access to Virginia's poor and disabled is the right thing to do on so many fronts: It will save lives. It will create jobs. And it will save Virginia taxpayers billions of dollars every year.
    86 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gregory Maxwell
  • Everyone should have access to quality health care
    Every day I see patients who cannot afford proper medical care. This care includes office visits and medications. What's sad is that I work in Mental Health. No one seems to care about other people until they are this person or this person has went without their medication and has harmed one of their loved ones.
    57 of 100 Signatures
    Created by La Keisha Keneti
    Although I am not eligible for Medicaid there are 191,000 Virginians that I care about - young adults, mothers, fathers and kids that need this expansion. As a long time tax payer I want, no I demand that my state representative vote to support this expansion. Del. Robert Orrock look to your constituents and vote in favor of passing this bill. If Virginia needs guidance and success stories on implementation, work with New Hampshire.
    101 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Gayle Bracy