• Tell Sheriff Horton and I.C.E. Field Office Director Dianne Witte to FREE THEM ALL!
    People in detention are highly vulnerable to outbreaks of contagious illnesses. To date, we have seen the high level of contagion in New York jails and many counties across the county have released people detained or incarcerated as a measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Protecting the health of people in detention is a necessary step to protecting the public safety, as detention center staff and ICE officers go back to their homes and communities each night. Our demands are simple: Release all people incarcerated and detained in the Etowah county Detention Center and County Jail. Immediate action before an outbreak occurs is the best and safest way to prevent the spread of disease and reduce the threat to those most vulnerable to complications from the novel coronavirus. Release your plans to prevent the spread of COVID-19 within the Etowah County Detention Center and County Jail. Sheriff Horton has yet to release a detailed plan to reduce the risk of a COVID-19 outbreak in the Etowah County Jail and Detention Center. An outbreak would totally overwhelm the Etowah County Jail and medical facilities in Etowah County. Plans should include screening, testing, non-punitive isolation methods, and adequate medical care. Make publicly available information regarding the spread of COVID-19 within the Etowah County Detention Center and County Jail and uphold the right of those in custody to communicate with their families, friends, and legal counsel. Families, friends, and lawyers should have access to regular communication with those in detention including free phone calls (including confidential phone calls and video conferencing with attorneys), access to email, video visitation, and postage mail. Join us in advocating for the release of some of our most vulnerable community members by signing your name and/or organization below. Let’s #FreeThemAll together!
    254 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Detention Watch Network
  • Demand your mail-in ballot
    Everything and everyone on Earth will be effected by the next Presidential election. If TRump steals the 2020 Election the entire planet is doomed. If Biden wins, we all (planet, species, humans) have a chance of survival and making things right for our kids and grandchildren.
    49 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amy Pincus Merwin
  • It is time to enact a mandatory two-week shelter-in-place order
    The NY times editorial board wrote yesterday about the importance of a shelter-in-place order. They made such a great argument that I decided to make a petition out of it because I also believe it is time for President Trump to prioritize the wellbeing of humans over the health of our economy. They emphasize why it's so important for President Trump to sign such an order. "Once he does, and governors follow his request, there will be time to debate how soon some controls might be lifted, or how soon certain people, like those under a particular age, might be free to resume something like normal life. There will be more time then to develop palliative treatments, and more time for the federal government to order up the test kits and ventilators needed nationwide. There will be more time to gather data about which regions, and which people, are most at risk. The coronavirus can spread so quickly that to prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed, the restrictions need to be sweeping, they need to be uniform across jurisdictions and they need to be put in place now. Everyone shares Mr. Trump’s concern for the economy. But this is not a moment for mere salesmanship, for conjuring a cheerful vision rather than facing reality. It’s a moment for providing a plan. On Tuesday, Mr. Trump said he’d “love to have the country opened up and just raring to go by Easter,” which falls this year on April 12. Who wouldn’t? But wishing will not make it so. This crisis has not turned a corner — it hasn’t even hit yet. Rather than raising false expectations of a rapid and full return to business as usual, the president needs to be pursuing even more drastic measures. He should announce that, within 24 hours, all nonessential businesses should be shut and residents directed to remain in their homes except for vital trips out, such as to obtain food or medical care. Provisions can be made for people to walk in outdoor public spaces, so long as they maintain a distance of at least six feet. Two weeks from now, with more testing, we will also have a far better sense of where infections are clustered if more people confine their movements to a limited number of places Federalism is integral to American government, but the administration needs to get serious about running a coordinated national response. All this may seem like an overreaction to a health crisis that many Americans aren’t yet feeling. But though it has already wasted time and opportunities to contain the coronavirus, the United States still has a chance to apply hard lessons learned by China, Italy and other nations. A nationwide lockdown is the only tactic left to parry a viral adversary that is constantly on the move, and to buy the time for medical workers to prepare for what comes next." As hard as it will be to endure such an order. It is time for all of us to be willing to do such a sacrifice if we want to come out of this pandemic crisis as soon as possible. Please sign this petition if you agree and pass it along. Let's send the White House a loud message!
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sandra Brown
  • Draft Senator Nina Turner for Bernie2020 VP running mate
    This is after South Carolina and Super Tuesday. Dear Move On, This is a petition for the Bernie Sanders 2020 presidential campaign and also a petition for Move On, and for Democracy For America. By June 2015 DFA and Move On had utilized reportedly over a million dollars to draft Elizabeth Warren, when suddenly the attention, the focus and the torch was passed to Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, an Independent, who battled the most progressive battle for the Democratic nomination we have seen in decades came out swinging and rocked the party as no one has ever done, moving the party itself away from the center finally. The establishment did not see it coming and did not know what hit them. For the 2020 election, attention again shifted to Elizabeth Warren as it did in 2015. This time she would run, and awkwardly enough now against her progressive friend Bernie Sanders. The unfortunate end of Ms. Warren’s campaign caused a huge shift yet again, as Democracy for America shifted their support not to the Establishment candidate, but back to Senator Sanders, who has been fighting for us since 1963. And we Berners thank you immensely and immeasurably. DFA gets it. A large portion of the electorate does not. Now after South Carolina the most progressive candidate since FDR in 1932, 88 long years ago, he has hit opposition. The billionaires, the corporations, the hospitals, the CEOs, the banks, the health insurance industry, the pharmaceutical industry have all rallied, joined forces, in a Stop Bernie coalition all against one single candidate who would finally break the cycle, and we welcome their hatred. All of the past candidate’s critiques of the oppositions's administration, candidate Joe Biden, have been left behind as they all join in collective show of unity together to stop the progressive movement as they do not understand our movement or the term democratic socialism confusing it with textbook socialism or even communism. An opposition always asking where Bernie is going to get the money after money suddenly is available to bail out the banks and the auto industry, then somehow there is money. The middle class is once again going to get nothing or worse, lose to another four years of Trump. If we shoot for Medicare For All, the worst that can happen is some public option bills in legislative negotiations and concessions. If we shoot for what the opposition is offering, the worst that can happen is nothing changes, and we get told that it is those damn Republicans again that would not let us get anything done. Enough. This time the middle class, the working class, should win. This petition is for you, Move On and we hope for DFA also. We are not asking for a million dollars necessarily. This is to ask you to once again step up for Bernie and help many of us draft a Draft Senator Nina Turner for his VP Running Mate. We can only pray DFA joins you. They have already endorsed him. The problem we have is the current delegate count and a pandemic that is keeping his strongest weapon, his army of door knockers including me, from getting out the vote and the perception being effectively pushed by the media that it is almost all over for Bernie Sanders. Bernie has stated before that it is ‘too early’. That was then and things have changed dynamically as they can in these things. We can no longer wait, we need a shockwave to go through the media and having the concept of the first African American VP, first woman VP and first African American woman VP, a progressive declaration that the other campaign cannot match, and should they, only look again like he is being a copycat and people will see right through it. She has been a long time supporter and co chair of his campaign, & will shut down any attempt at calling this some stunt. The time is now. Senator Nina Turner is the co chair of the Sanders campaign, a staunch and energetic advocate with a passion for Senator Sanders and has been for a long time, her name does not come out of a hat as some tactic, it comes out of not only the clear and evident support at his rallies and long standing friendship with Bernie, and her personality, her character, her way of framing the big picture with such electricity is like being taken to church, while her work for African Americans in her native Ohio and in Washington as a Senator is unquestionable and would bring so much to the campaign including more voters to reconsider the opposition ticket of back to the past. We need to flip this race back on the side of justice, and we believe the opposition campaign cannot compete with this, and any attempt to recreate it will look transparent and the voters will see any form of imitation as not flattery, and not the real thing and perhaps phony. The vision is the first African American VP in history, the first woman VP in history, the first African American woman VP in history. Now that is progressive. We would like to petition you and DFA to endorse drafting Senator Nina Turner or Ohio as the running mate of candidate for president of the United States, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont. This is to create the most progressive ticket this country has ever witnessed and we would like this to be done before the Tuesday March 17th primaries and voters get the opportunity to vote for this ticket or the choice of the establishment and simply more of the same as we have been assured that candidate Joe Biden informed a gathering of wealthy donors not long ago and again nothing will fundamentally change for the middle class or the rich. We need this ticket now at this point in time, and we need you Move On and DFA, now to reach out to your members and organization as you have the unique place in history and time, and the ability and reach to help us with this. Together we can make history and pick up where FDR and MLK and RFK left off, the war on income inequality. Will you help us?
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alfonso Villasana
  • Stop the deportation of veterans and their families who have served honorable in the military.
    Any person who honorable serves this country were promised citizenship upon completion of their service. A person's family also serves when you serve in the military and should be given citizenship for their sacrifice.
    345 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Mark Reich
  • Endorse Bernie Sanders
    Bernie will fight for the working class and poor. He has been consistent for 40 years. Medicare For All, tuition free public college, Green New Deal, Get money out of politics, get us out of endless wars, Federal Jobs Guarantee, Expand Social Security, Immigration reform, Criminal Justice Reform
    559 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Robyn Weisgerber
  • Tell ICE to immediately release hunger striking men in Louisiana
    Five South Asian men have reached the 75th day of a hunger strike in the GEO Group-operated LaSalle Detention Facility in Jena, Louisiana where they have been subjected to the tortuous procedure of forced-hydration and force-feeding. According to medical professionals, 75 days without adequate nutrition is when vital organs begin to fail. The growing number of hunger strikes in ICE prisons across the country are no coincidence. It is indicative of complete disbelief in a fair legal process and the lengths ICE is willing to go to indefinitely detain them. Some of these men have been locked up for nearly 2 years,. We are deeply concerned that ICE appears willing to let these men die in detention to make an example of them rather than be released to community, where each man has family or close friends willing to provide housing and support. Freedom for Immigrants (FFI) has filed complaints with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties (CRCL) on behalf of the five men, demanding DHS address the systemic civil rights violations the men have faced under ICE custody. Freedom for Immigrants alongside Detention Watch Network (DWN), South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT), local advocates, and medical professionals in the Louisiana area are warning the men are on the brink of death and call for their immediate release. Additionally, independent physicians cannot conduct an assessment of the medical treatment these men are receiving while in detention because ICE is violating its own policies which say people in detention have the right to independent medical evaluation. This is urgent. Currently, ICE is force-hydrating one man and force-feeding two men hunger striking at Jena LaSalle Detention Facility. Force-feeding is a painful process that involves physically restraining the hunger striker and forcing fluid through nasal passages with tubes. The practice has been denounced by the United Nations, Physicians for Human Rights, the American Medical Association, and the World Medical Association. Tell ICE to immediately release these men while their asylum cases are processed.
    26,773 of 30,000 Signatures
    Created by Rebekah Entralgo
  • Prison Reform: Taking Action Against Mass Incarceration, Inadequate Prison Reform, and Abusive Gu...
    Help three Bellingham High School juniors raise awareness and bring about a change in the ineffective and unethical American prison system.
    79 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cody Trinkaus
  • Tell Congress: Investigate and Cut Ties to McKinsey
    The New York Times has broken the news that consultants from McKinsey—a global, corporate consulting firm that holds contracts with numerous government agencies—were complicit in fueling Trump's vicious anti-immigrant agenda. Not only were they willingly paid to collaborate in the development of an inhumane and illegal set of policies, they made recommendations that even made ICE officials uncomfortable—all in the name of separating, detaining, and deporting more immigrant families. The Trump administration's immigration policies are a stain on our nation's soul. The House of Representatives, which is already investigating the family separation policy, should specifically investigate the role of McKinsey consultants; how much they were paid; what expertise they brought; what recommendations they made; and how many other federal contracts they hold. We need Congress to take measures to cut all ties to McKinsey and other consulting firms that benefit so richly at taxpayer expense. Congress must ensure it will no longer fund inhumane policy proposals to punish immigrant families. #DefundHate
    402 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Greisa Martinez, United We Dream
  • Tell Congress: Don't deport Yemenis fleeing war!
    The Trump administration is deciding whether to allow Yemenis — fleeing one of the most brutal humanitarian crises in the world — to remain in the United States. With the U.S. fueling the devastating Saudi- and UAE-led coalition war in Yemen, we MUST have a pathway for Yemenis seeking refuge here. We have just over one month to build HUGE pressure to make Congress make the Trump administration to save Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Yemenis in the U.S. so that they’re not sent back into harm’s way. We already won on preventing the Trump administration from completely ending TPS for Yemen last year. Let's win again this year AND get a redesignation so that thousands of more Yemenis can be protected through this necessary lifeline.
    284 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Miles Picture
  • We The People Have Had Enough
    I am starting this petition in order to get more people involved in our rights as citizens of this great nation of immigrants and born in country citizens to remove the president of the United States of America. He has not upheld the constitution of the United States of America and has done more harm than any other president in the history of our nation.
    55 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Edward Szczerba
  • Tell ICE to #FreeKelly!
    Kelly is a 23-year-old transgender asylum seeker who has been locked up in immigration jail for nearly three years. Kelly is suffering medical neglect and was put in solitary confinement for four months solely because of her gender identity. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has the power to release her immediately but refuses to let her go. Kelly is suffering tremendously, both physically and mentally. Additionally, her unnecessarily prolonged detention is exacerbating the trauma she has experienced as a domestic violence and human trafficking survivor. During her nearly three years in detention, Kelly has never been given a bond hearing. All Kelly wants is to live safely and without fear. Unfortunately, there are many more transgender individuals like Kelly who are unjustly locked up in immigration jail while they apply for asylum, and are experiencing inhumane treatment because of their gender identity. Kelly needs your help. Sign the petition to demand that ICE use its discretion to #FreeKelly now!
    2,779 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Julia Toepfer