• Google: Stand with Children and Families
    One of the key leaders of Trump’s Family Separation policy, Miles Taylor, has been given a plum position at Google as head of national security relations. Taylor served as Chief of Staff to former Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Kristjen Nielsen, who recently defended the decision to separate families. The full scale of the horror of the Family Separation Policy is still coming to light -- we just learned that 1556 more families were torn apart, while countless still remain separated. According to the ACLU, of the 1556 new cases, five children were under a year old, 26 were a year old, 40 were 2 years old, 76 were 3, and 60 were 4 years old. What’s most terrifying? It’s unclear if they have been reunified. Because the government didn’t have a way to track families. Take a step back and imagine for a moment what it must be like to have your child ripped away from your arms. And then for that child to be put into a freezing cage while Trump lawyers argue that they don’t deserve soap, blankets, or toothbrushes. DHS top employees like Taylor likely saw images of families in tears as they were torn apart, received detailed briefings on the psychological trauma it was causing, read internal reports of widespread sexual abuse and torture -- and CHOSE to work to keep those inhumane policies going. Google’s motto is famously, “don’t be evil.” For all the traumatized families and children -- including the six children who died in U.S. custody -- here is your chance. Add your name to call on Google and all Google employees to live up their values and demand the company do the right thing and stop hiring key players of Trump’s Family Separation Policy. Children and families are just beginning to face the long-term psychological trauma associated with family separation. Some children were separated at such a young age and for such a long time -- that they didn’t even recognize their parents when they were reunified. Add your name now: No person who helped tear children from their mother's arms deserves a soft landing. CEO Pichai publicly condemned Trump’s Family Separation when it was first announced. Don’t back down on your values now.
    3,046 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Paola Luisi
  • In Texas the Wall is not at the border
    To stop the misuse of Taxpayer money in order to subsidize misleading lies as well as stop the erasure of Native Original People of Texas.
    136 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Juan B Mancias
  • Reunite My'Air with Mother
    I'm the Mother of My'Air Jefferson. She has never been apart from her Mother. She was abused and neglected while in DSS custody.
    196 of 200 Signatures
    Created by channell boxley
  • Appeal to US Congress
    Subject: Petition To The American House Of Representatives The US government is planning to send a billion dollars to Somalia (a country in East Africa). According to a statement issued by the US Ambassador to Somalia, the money would be used for humanitarian assistance, expanding education and healthcare, building institutions, and creating jobs. Now, this would be great if the Somali Government actually used the money for developing their own country. According to Transparency International, Somalia is ranked the most corrupt nation in the world, tied with North Korea. And according to a UN report, 70% of foreign aid received is unaccounted for. In fact, the United States suspended food and fuel aid to the Somali Government in 2017 because they were unable to account for all the aid given. Now the highly regarded congress must ask themselves, if we can’t trust this Somali Government to distribute food to its own people, then why should we trust that they would use our hard-earned tax dollars to better their county? Not to mention this is the same government in Somalia that has rigged its nation's election process, and when their citizens questioned them the government had them arrested and even killed. When the UN questioned them, the government ousted the UN Ambassador from the country. If you don’t want your tax dollars used to support a nation that can’t even be trusted with food, then sign this petition and let our President and Congress know that we don’t trust this Somali Government with our money. We, the undersigned Somali Americans, are grateful for all that unites and binds us to one another as members of peace-loving and law-abiding citizens. As Somali-Americans, we value our way of life, and our highly developed culture, literature, and language. We recognize the intrinsic value of our shared heritage and we are fully aware of our common destiny. We all know what we share is much more important than what has divided us in our recent past, namely the politics of mistrust and fear. We are saddened by the destruction, death and utter devastation that has been visited upon our beloved country for the past 30 years, during which period Somalia has become a metaphor for a failed state, mired in mindless anarchy. The needless suffering of the Somali people at the hands of warlords and so-called corrupt government, who stoked inter-clan and intra-clan suspicion, and set Somali brothers and sisters against each other for personal and perverted political and economic ends, has been the source of shame and profound sorrow for ordinary Somalis everywhere. Indeed, the good name of the Somali nation has, during this period of misery, been scandalized. This disgraceful state of affairs cannot stand! Excellencies, We urge you to put the Somali nation’s interest before politics, recognizing that no one has a monopoly on truth. The Somali people have suffered long enough! We call upon for a complete cessation of hostilities and a renewed dedication to saving the lives of innocent people and save the Somali nations from so-called corrupt and terrorist collaborators in Mogadishu.
    50 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Abdi Said
  • Stop Deporting Military Spouses
    Over the last two decades, hundreds of thousands of American men and women have risked their lives serving in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. For the most part, they have done so secure in the knowledge that if they are killed, their country will provide for their families. For those whose spouses are undocumented immigrants, however, this is an obligation our government has not met. Last year, Univision reported that nearly 12,000 military spouses were in deportation proceedings. Earlier this year, the Trump administration announced plans to remove protections for the spouses of servicemen and women currently deployed. Cuauhtemoc “Temo” Juarez served in combat as a Marine in Iraq from 2003 to 2005. While he was deployed overseas, his wife Alejandra cared for their infant daughter Pamela, now a high school senior. They later had another daughter Estela, now ten years old. Temo and both children are US citizens, but Alejandra, an undocumented immigrant, was deported to Mexico in 2018 despite having no criminal record. Estela, too young to be left alone while Temo is working, also moved to Mexico with Alejandra. Cindy Furman served in the Air Force in Iraq. She met her future husband Demetry, who was serving in the Canadian military, while he trained with US forces. He held US security clearances and later served in Afghanistan as part of the US-led coalition. In 2018, he was arrested in Ohio and later deported. His crime? A minor drug conviction in Canada in 1992, for which he served 28 days of community service and paid a fine. He was pardoned in 2002, but is still ineligible for a visa as a result. He now lives in Ontario. Cindy, suffering from health problems, remained in Ohio to be near her adult children, and is unable to travel to visit her husband. Alejandra and Demetry are two of the many military spouses who have been deported, tearing apart the families of those who have served this country. The Protect Patriot Spouses Act, introduced by Congressman Darren Soto of Florida, would allow many of these spouses to pursue legal permanent residency, an opportunity they do not have under current immigration law. https://www.npr.org/2019/06/27/736362986/trump-wants-to-withdraw-deportation-protections-for-families-of-active-troops https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/557?q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22%5C%22protect+patriot+spouses%5C%22%22%5D%7D&s=1&r=1
    1,162 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Douglas R Benner
  • Thank you Governor Cooper for vetoing HB 370
    Dear Governor Roy Cooper, We thank you for your leadership and valor in standing with the immigrant community. As you said in your swift action, this bill is harmful and nothing more than patrician political tactics to scare our community. With this veto, you affirm your long-standing recognition that the immigrant communities are a vital part of North Carolina. We will continue to work with your office and our community to fight any more attacks against our families! Thank you, El Colectivo NC and the community
    94 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Walter Gomez
  • Rep. Stephen Lynch - Shut down the camps!
    We are a group of hundreds of ordinary, concerned constituents. Even though we have been to the representative's office 6 times over the past few weeks, his staff could not even tell us his position on current US policy on family detention in border camps. Rep. Lynch has even voted to give unfettered funding to continue operating these camps. We have also called on Rep. Lynch to push for Impeachment hearings, which he continues to oppose, and to hold a town hall to meet discuss these issue with his constituents during August recess.
    342 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Judith Grant
  • Tell Congress: No federal funds for Trump's racist "public charge" rule
    The Trump administration just leveled yet another cruel attack on immigrant families with its heartless "public charge" rule—and it's up to Congress and the courts to mitigate the damage. The Department of Homeland Security's newly-finalized regulation is nothing more than a "wealth test" on immigrant families who are seeking a healthy, stable feature in the US. It means that means that if you aren't white and wealthy, you aren't welcome in the U.S. And it goes into effect, it would separate countless families. If this rule is implemented, families will be forced to choose between health care, food and homes, and a safe, stable future in the U.S. because using basic safety net programs—like SNAP—could threaten their pathway to a green card in the future. This is a blatant attempt to create a backdoor administrative family separation policy, and it would virtually close America's doors on anyone who isn’t white and wealthy. The best way to build a strong country is to ensure that the families who live here—who are woven into the success of our communities—have the tools they need to thrive. Congress has the power to take the teeth out of this cruel plan by refusing to allow federal funds to be used to punish people for taking care of their families.
    1,788 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Connie Choi
  • Close the camps
    Immigrants come to America for a better future and for their kid’s future. They’re not criminals, they’re not animals, they are human beings, people who should be treated equally. They’re not supposed to be in cages.
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Leydi Hernandez
  • OK County Jail Trust & Sheriff: Stop Collaborating with ICE
    ICE is a federal entity, operating in an unconstitutional manner and with cruelty as its motivating principle. It was created in haste after 9/11 without proper oversight and functions now with fear and cruelty as its motivating principles. When local law enforcement gets involved with ICE, they no longer are serving the community, but abdicating authority to the federal government and becoming part of evil, inhumane practices. This is not how our communities are kept safe -- this is how we are told to live in fear and distrust our neighbors.
    1,315 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Rena Guay
  • Congress: move these children out of these cages!
    The petition itself says what it is about and why I am starting this petition! We Americans must speak up and speak out loudly!! I have written to our own Senators from MN, many other Senators, our Representative from the 2nd Dist of MN and many other Representatives - news outlets, and journalists - MSNBC, CNN, - Rachel Maddow, Chris Mathews. And I have contacted the Immigrant Law Center of MN; the American Immigration Lawyers Assoc.; and the Office of Refugee Resettlement of H.H.S. -- I received a call from the American Immigration Lawyers Assoc - but the person who called said he couldn't help me, I would have to call another person... will do that next. We need to insist that these children do not spend one more day in these cages!! These children are precious minds waiting to learn and grow!! Is this the experience we want them to grow in?
    57 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert & Charlotte Vier
  • Abolish ICE
    Sign the petition to Abolish ICE and end the cruelty of mass deportations!
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sanctuary Space