• Withdraw all Cannabis Tax Dollars from Oregon Police
    The police departments in the state are already more than well-funded. The 15% of cannabis tax revenue (that’s about $109 million of the $725 Million total in 2019) goes to them is simply not needed. This money could go to fund much-needed infrastructure and create jobs for people in need of work (Economists estimate the unemployment rate is truly around 20% since the pandemic undid 10 years of economic growth in two months).
    102 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Joseph Appel
  • Hold Minneapolis Police Chief Accountable for the Actions of His Force.
    The culture of an organization is set from the top down. The murder of George Floyd has shown there is a serious problem with the values and culture within the Police Department of the City of Minneapolis. When officers such as Derek Chauvin are not reprimanded, held accountable, or prosecuted, it shows a culture that, maybe, doesn't value these actions, but it also doesn't condemn them.
    63 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Deborah Sether
  • Petition To Change Racist Street Names In Nashville
    Nashville has a long history of racial injustice. We must end glorification of slavery and racism by removing these tributes. Atlanta has already done the same to its Confederate Drive. It’s time, Nashville.
    1,550 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Jane Anonymous
  • Boycott Twitter
    Trump is inciting violence and supporting white supremacy over Twitter as well as slandering anyone who disagrees with him. This is not acceptable behavior for anyone using Twitter especially the president of the United States. Currently, he is feeding the fires of civil unrest causing more danger and violence.
    65 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carla Becker
  • Charge Police Officer Derek Chauvin with 1st or 2nd degree NOT manslaughter!
    This is extremely important because cops cannot be above the law, racism cannot win, and there needs to be proper repercussion for their actions. I am tired of seeing law enforcement just get a slap on the wrist. For seven minutes, George Floyd and bystanders cried out and pleaded for his life as your officers choked him to death in broad daylight. This is an act of police violence committed on an innocent, unarmed Black man. No one deserves what happened to George.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Oscar Villegas
  • Children, Hunger, Inoculations
    I have no idea if this is feasible, or is against the 1st Amendment ( but it is my free speech), I think this is an option that should be considered. Our government needs to pay more attention to this looming double crisis as it will effect the country as Covid-19 has.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Margo Sinclair
  • Justice for George Floyd (Minneapolis, MN)
    https://www.facebook.com/174912008599/posts/10157683665508600/?vh=e The video shows the officer with his knee on Mr. Floyd’s neck begging the officer to allow him to breathe, but the officer refused while continuing to apply more pressure until the paramedics came.
    222 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Shameka Wharton
  • Reparations for Black Americans NOW!!! Without Increasing Federal Budget
    Black American wealth is shrinking daily and our median net worth is projected to be zero by 2056. This reparations plan will pump billions of dollars into Black Businesses each year (for 225 years) and greatly increase the net worth of Black Americans. Black Americans are owed reparations and must receive it NOW!!!.
    63 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chuck Starks
  • Give Landlords More Rights
    Landlords are being harassed and our properties are being destroyed no one is helping us to recover money for damages by tenants. Tenants are harassing landlords, creating it unsafe for landlords who live on the property. Tenants are not paying rent and continually harass and threaten and destroy our properties that we work hard for, which cause us to lose our properties or cause us to get hurt by tenants.
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Monica Mackay
  • All states require mail in votes for this presidential election.
    We have a right not to die or put ourselves in harms way when we vote.Save the post office to ensure we the people can vote without harming ourselves. PS Could someone at move on post a american flag with constitution saying with liberty and justice for all as my logo..I dont know how to do this.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Margaret Kreager
  • Save Small Business Jobs Survival Act
    To keep alive the future of this and next generation and to provide a safe future for all of us.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jose A. Ruiz Carreton
  • L'chaim – For Life: Yours and mine.
    One of the most important commandments in the Torah, Pentateuch, is the mitzvah that when one builds a house there must be a parapet, Deuteronomy 22:8, so that if someone falls “you do not bring blood guilt on your house.” The New Living (Bible)Translation of that verse is “... so you will not be considered guilty of murder.” Neither Presidents G.W. Bush or Obama used the word parapet, but they understood their responsibility to anticipate and create strategies, which they did, to prevent Americans from falling ill to the kind of virus that has now so devastatingly struck our nation and the world - strategies that specifically included those that President Trump has either outright refused to carry out, or has delayed in doing so. Further, since he took office President Trump has either fired or ignored most of his own intelligence advisers, ignored his predecessor's warnings, and disbanded the plans his predecessors had put in place and closed down important scientific virus research, as detailed on “60 Minutes” - 5/11-20. I worry that we citizens, exhausted by the impeachment proceedings, are unwilling to acknowledge the truth – that President Donald Trump is guilty of negligent manslaughter, because of his ignorant decisions and a lack of substantive action to mitigate the impact of the plague that has taken so many, many lives – a national disaster caused because Donald Trump refuses to have a parapet in place, while he publicly declares, “...I don't take responsibility’ for corona-virus failures,” or “I don't know anything about it.” (3/14/20). That is why I am pleading with you to do your part to help save lives.
    146 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Rabbi Philip Posner