Wrongful terminatiomThis is important because the man who terminated his job did so wrongfully and unjustly. He did not deserve to lose his job and this is being disputed with H.R. He needs proof that he is a hard working reliable employee who did nothing wrong to be terminated.94 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Hope Bowling
Change federal law of consentI believe 12 yr olds are still children and do not have the maturity or education to consent to a sexual encounter.35 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Deanne Jackson
Stop suspending driver's licenses just because people are too poor to pay the fine.Originally, license suspensions were used to promote driving safety by punishing and removing unsafe drivers from the road and thereby encouraging safe driving. However, the scope of license suspensions has expanded greatly. Instead of suspending driver’s licenses only where public safety is at stake, courts now use license suspensions as a tool for collecting this unpaid traffic citation debt. These suspensions make it harder for people to get and keep jobs, often start them on a path to incarceration, and raise public safety concerns. Ultimately they keep people in long cycles of poverty that are difficult, if not impossible, for many to overcome. However, this doesn’t have to be the case. People should make restitution and pay their debts, but we believe driver’s license suspension should not be the first step to trying to make that happen. Since 2015, the states of California, Mississippi, Virginia, Texas, Montana, Idaho, Maine and Washington, D.C, have passed laws discontinuing the practice of suspending a person's driver's licenses simply because an individual can't afford to pay the ticket in the time allotted. Surprisingly, the collection of fines in these states has increased, not gone down. What they've found is that if you make it easier -- not harder -- for people to pay, the more likely they will. This can be the practice in Kansas and with this policy change, we will be a safer state and one where our citizens can adequately contribute to the economy, since they will be able to drive to jobs where they can earn a reasonable income, and subsequently stay of state-supported services. It's a policy that only makes sense and it works.92 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bonita Gooch with The Community Voice
stop Trump from pitching the first pitch for the YankeesHe is a divisive person who couldn't care less about New York and he is only wanting this because Dr. Fauci threw the First Pitch in Washington DC.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by sandra sadler
Protect California’s Fragile Elderly from New Nursing-Home Survey ModelThis dual consultant/survey model is not new. It is the model that existed throughout the 70s and 80s—a model that resulted in such poor care, it prompted Congress to pass the 1987 Nursing Home Reform Act. This law deemed it unlawful for nurse surveyors to provide facility consults, then turn around and write deficiencies and citations for advice that they, themselves, had given, due to conflict of interest. Although the CA Health and Safety Code (1417.3) allows nurse surveyors to provide instruction to facilities on occasion, it makes it illegal to provide instruction if it will diminish survey efforts. However, given the degree of facility involvement required of nurses per the new model, survey efforts will clearly be diminished, as there are simply not enough nurses in the state of CA to implement the new survey model and still have time for surveys and complaint investigations. The new survey model is redundant and represents an inefficient and wasteful use of government spending: nursing homes already have full-time Infection Preventionists on staff, CDPH has infection-control experts that can provide consults without it being a conflict of interest, and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) has Quality Improvement Organizations and Quality Improvement Networks that are already providing oversight and education on quality improvement . The new survey model is in violation of the Nurse Practice Act: the training has not been standardized, the new survey policy was not written by an RN, and Covid-infection control is out of the scope of practice of many nurse surveyors, not all of whom have the Public Health Nurse license required engage in control of communicable disease in the community setting. The new survey model is in violation of the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics, which obligates nurses not to accept assignments that place patients, or themselves, at risk, or assignments that involve conflicts of interest. Since the majority of nursing home residents in CA are minorities, the new survey model stands to further harm a patient population that is already underserved by the healthcare system, by further ignoring the healthcare and quality of life needs of CA’s many Latino, African American and Asian nursing-home residents. Implementation of this new model will severely limit the ability of nurse surveyors to hold specific nursing-home administrators accountable for their actions, or hold the nursing-home industry at large for the motivations of a business that is for-profit, and thereby lacking in incentive to provide quality care in the first place.180 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Susan Lawrance, MA, MSN, RN
Rename John Muir High School “Robinson High School”I believe the requested renaming would reflect well on the city in which my mother (Eleanor Strawbridge Mead Schlinger), I, and my two daughters (Eleanor’s granddaughters) were born and the school at which my grandfather (Rufus Mead) was principal when Mack Robinson and Jackie Robinson were students there.18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Robin Schlinger
Protect the Rights of Protesters in IllinoisAmerica is not my country of birth but it was always my dream. I was lucky and able to come here, get an education, a job, and my citizenship. I have always been proud to be an American but right now as I am relearning and re-educating myself on so much of this country's horrific history, I clearly see how the American dream is in reality a nightmare for so many people, a nightmare that they have been stuck in for hundreds of years. Enough is enough. Things have to change for the betterment and for the human rights of Americans everywhere.58 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Reneeta Renganathan
Stop Federal Law Enforcement from Invading ChicagoWe don't need Federal officers in camouflage and tactical gear in our Chicago streets with tear gas, shotting at mainly non-violent protesters, and used unmarked vehicles to arrest and detain protesters. The American Civil Liberties Union has called the behavior of federal officers in other cities such as Portland Oregon 'flat out unconstitutional". Federal authorities have no right to police an American city against the wishes of local leaders.181 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Hannah Widlus
Tell CU Boulder to Investigate Discrimination Complaints in their Greek LifeIn light of anti-blackness in this country and how other marginalized groups are currently oppressed, we cannot afford to stay silent on this matter.875 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Maddie Solomon
A case of justice deniedThe quest for justice is something that should be of utmost concern to all of us.18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Roy Howe
No Sanctuary for Racist StatuesStatues of mass murderers, Confederate traitors, slave owners, and white supremacists have marred our land for far too long. Thankfully, the time has finally come to remove these material celebrations of racist oppression, and patriots throughout the land have wisely and courageously taken the initiative to do so. However, one official has foolishly called for these rejected statues to find a new home in the small town of America he manages. This effort to create a mecca for racism must be stopped. We the people, Newton Falls residents and/or US citizens, firmly reject the illegal and ill-advised proclamation by a local unelected official to unilaterally declare our town a depository for statues of mass murderers, Confederate traitors, slave owners, and white supremacists. No celebration of systemic racism, genocide, or white supremacy has any place in America The Beautiful. We resolutely reject the proposed denigration of our fair town into a mecca for racists and their ilk, and declare this shameful proclamation null and void. We shall overcome.697 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Werner Lange
Trump's TreasonWe need to prevent President Trump from aligning our country with Russia which has some kind of plan for America. Trump is Putin's stooge as Russia helped get him elected in 2016. Also, it has been reported that Trump doesn't want to hear anyone say negative things about Putin: Trump would throw a fit. We can't risk anymore degradation of our country in favor of Russia and the Taliban.27 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Suzanne Hansen