Town Representatives: Support a GND TownwideWe have 10 years to turn this around. Even though Mont Vernon is a small town, we still throw out an AVERAGE of 3,516,496.2 pounds of trash a year. This is unacceptable, and also the weight of 2,583 grizzly bears. People also throw away about 5.1 pounds of trash A DAY, while only 1.4 gets recycled. And the EPA estimates that 75% of human waste could be recycled, however only 30% is. Each year, each person tosses out roughly 220.96 pounds of food waste, which is especially tragic since so many children are going hungry in the United States. The EPA also estimates that 1/3 of edible food is thrown out or wasted, and every single year, the US as a whole, disposes of 21.5 pounds of food waste. We don't have to stand back and watch!! Yes, we're a small town, but we could be the bridge to creating a healthier, greener world!! It's little things like this that can help us fight -and stop- climate change.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Solange Donnell
Stay Woke: End Cash BailOur Constitution prohibits excessive bail and yet over 412,000 innocent people sit in jail every day, most, because they can’t afford to pay their bail. Excessive bail can cost the incarcerated their livelihood, homes, and children plus costs America $15.26 billion a year. The money bail system serves only bail bondsman. D.C. has proven that a system that uses public safety and likelihood to return to court as a measurement for release work and that the cash bail system is NOT NECESSARY. This change will: 1. Prevent individuals from remaining in jail due to lack of funds. 2. Stop wealthy/well-connected individuals from being able to get out of jail despite their danger to society and prevent. 3. Bring equity to a system that disfavors those who are not wealthy.27 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Thereasa Black
Call on Adrian Smith to resignThough President-elect Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election, Trump and several of his allies claimed that the election was fraudulent and pledged to fight when Congress met on Jan. 6 to formally count the votes of the Electoral College. The attempt to invalidate the votes of the electoral college, much less the popular vote of the People of the United States, is a threat to our very democracy. Nebraskans in particular should note, and remember, Smith’s collaboration in such immoral, indecent behavior. Both before and after the seditious riot at our nation’s Capitol building on January 6th, Smith made quite clear that he supports Trump's high crimes and misdemeanors in inciting his followers to fight and move on the Capitol. With ample time between the attack and the resumption of debate on the floor that day, Smith certainly had an opportunity to examine his conscience and choose Country over party. He did not. If there is anything sacred in American political life, the Nation's Capitol itself is surely that. The insurrection on January 6th violated that sanctity. By continuing to promote the vicious falsehoods that prompted the rioters' actions, Smith demonstrated an extreme lack of integrity. He showed no respect for American democracy or the tenets of its constitution, and his representation is an embarrassment to Nebraska and especially the 3rd District that he purports to represent. Smith essentially voted to disenfranchise millions of voters for the sole purpose of handing the election to our disgraced presidential election loser. Not liking the outcome of an election does not give anyone the right to flip the results.32 of 100 SignaturesCreated by LauraLee Woodruff
Vrbo: Provide incentives for people to not rent out their properties in DC metro areaWhite nationalists and conspiracy theorists already attempted a failed coup on our government because they believe the election was stolen from Trump. After they overwhelmed law enforcement, they went back into our communities to stay at rental properties after some hotels closed ahead of their arrival. Now they are coming back. Vrbo should provide incentives for people to not rent out their properties in the DC metro area from Jan. 16th-Jan. 21st in order to keep our communities safe. Vrbo should follow the lead of Airbnb and provide funding to help those who are struggling and not rely on individual Vrbo hosts to cancel or block out reservations. Many Vrbo hosts rely on renting their space in order to make monthly rent or obtain another source of income as a result of the unemployment or underemployment during the pandemic. Also, many local DC Vrbo guests are don't have stable housing or are unhoused. Let's hold corporations accountable in actively fighting against white supremacy. Words are empty with action!290 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Jason Miller
Justice for Andrew Junior SmyrnaIt is important for my son's case to be re-examined because the evidence shows that the police officer's life was never in any danger and he was acting upon impulse. I also believe that the District Attorney's decision to not charge this case is for political interest. There are so many unjustified police shootings that has taken place in the State of Georgia and the police officers are not being charged by the District Attorneys. There seems to be a culture within the police departments for the officers to use a specific reason of "fear for life" to justify their actions and this will free them of being held responsible for shooting and killing of our children. This type of culture needs to be examined by the United States Justice Department. In addition, there should be an independent audit of the District Attorney's office to examine the processing of evidence in police shooting cases.124 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Ingrid Smyrna
Ask the U.S. Senate to unseat Kansas Senator Roger MarshallBecause Senator Roger Marshall CONTINUED to support setting aside Americans' presidential votes; because he CONTINUED supporting the lies that Donald Trump won the election and was cheated out of our presidency; because Roger Marshall is not so profoundly stupid as to believe the lies he supports, and could profess them solely for divisive political purposes: because Roger Marshall CONTINUES to support those lies even after personally experiencing the terroristic violence of the division they cause: Roger Marshall has demonstrated he is and will CONTINUE to be an enemy of America's unity and peace. He should be removed from the U.S. Senate.35 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Steven Hicks
Censure/Expel Mo BrooksThe words he used can only be construed as incendiary and the fervor with which they were stated were unmistakably treason when referring to his colleagues in Congress. That behavior was an abomination and for him to make such statements show him to be an embarrassment to the state of Alabama and the United States. We deserve better and we deserve someone who represents ALL, not a specific clique. Now that he has so eloquently shown himself, we must show him he has no place in our legislature.89 of 100 SignaturesCreated by LaTonja Carter
AT&T: Drop white supremacist propaganda One America News from DirecTV!Back in June, an OAN host suggested that “traitors" who "stole" the election should be executed. OAN spreads dangerous messages like these every single day, powered by the income from AT&T. And court records show that not only does AT&T provide tens of millions of dollars in revenue for OAN, AT&T allegedly proposed the idea of a right-wing show for its satellite service, DirecTV, the only cable provider that gives OAN a platform to spread its dangerous messages. Even OAN lawyer Patrick Nellies acknowledged that if OAN loses or isn’t renewed by AT&T's DirecTV, the company would “go out of business tomorrow,” which shows just how much power AT&T has to stop OAN. And AT&T isn’t just giving a platform and singlehandedly bankrolling conspiracy theory network OAN, it also donated almost $300,000 to the Texas lawmakers who sponsored or co-sponsored the horrible abortion ban. Unfortunately, that’s not all. AT&T was also among the corporations that committed to stop donating PAC money to Republicans who voted to overturn the results of the 2020 election and fueled the insurrection, but it broke that commitment and has since donated thousands, hoping we wouldn't notice. AT&T is fueling attacks on our democracy by propping up and enabling white supremacy propaganda and conspiracy theory network OAN and by funneling PAC donations to insurrectionists. AT&T must drop OAN from DirecTV now.74,639 of 75,000 Signatures
Give All Asylum Seekers the Right to a Bond HearingThis is important because no asylum seeker should be deprived of their liberty without due process of law. Currently, asylum seekers who come to our border and present themselves at a Port of Entry are not eligible for a bond hearing. There is therefore no judicial review, or checks-and-balances, to what ICE decides. This goes against our country's fundamental notions of justice and democracy.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sara Ramey
Impeach Trump NowHe is a threat to this country and he has no business being in charge of nuclear codes and the reins of government25 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Hugh Janney
Invoke the 25th AmendmentCiting his baseless claims that the election was stolen from him President Trump fomented an insurrection at the US Capitol. He is clearly delusional and dangerous. It is time for Vice President Mike Pence and the Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove him from office immediately.213 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Mary Stevens
Transparency and explanation of what happened to Congress during the lockdown of January 6th, 2021.Many key Senators who have for months supported the incumbent president of the United States and publicly and boldly opposed the certification of the electoral vote count due to election integrity charges changed their stance after being whisked away into "secure locations" in the Capital building during the lockdown. In order to ensure our representation in Congress through these key representative members has not been compromised by intimidation, threats and other forms of illegal or unconscionable coercion we must have an investigation into the preceding hours after these representatives where whisked away to "secure locations".64 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Billy Killen