The Real Cruelty of the Covid-19 PandemicIt is unconscionable that in the wealthiest nation on earth there should be hungry people waiting in long lines for food, when perfectly good food is discarded30 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Abdul Cader Asmal
Save the United States Post OfficeThe Postal Service is by far the most popular government agency, with a 90% approval rating. It is one of the largest employers in the U.S., with a workforce of 630,000 people, 40% of whom are people of color. Our mail is delivered, rain or shine, six days a week, regardless of where we live in the United States. Privatizing the postal service would be a terrible blow for rural citizens. We need to stymie the Trump Administration and keep the USPS healthy and strong.150 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Susan McRae
Reopen NJ Bars & RestaurantsFor me and many of these businesses, this is our livelihood and way of life. What happened to pro-choice? By June 6th, it will be over 60 days of us complying and with no end in site. We have the bare minimum or absolutely NO money coming in but still have to pay our state and federal taxes along with utilities, insurance, etc. Please reconsider this. We the people have right to make responsible choices and if you want to stay home, then stay home. That is your right as it our right to run our businesses, support our families, and get our staff, who are suffering the most back to work.6,691 of 7,000 SignaturesCreated by Katherine Barasky Fama
New York State Should Not Forget Essential FarmworkersTo Governor Andrew Cuomo, the New York State Senate and the New York State Assembly: We are a group of New York State agricultural workers and organizations that work with us. As we know, we are living an unprecedented moment for the population of the world. In the course of history, human beings have always fought to survive, always looking for the way to improve every day. Perhaps we may lack certain material things necessary to live and develop in society, but something that is indispensable to all is agriculture. Nature mandates that humankind has based its development giving agriculture a very important value, because without it we would not survive. Given the circumstances of this pandemic, thousands of persons like myself ask themselves, why have we been left behind, in these moments when all of us need the support of all. We should not be excluded from assistance when we are part of society. We risk our lives and the lives of our families every day, to produce food for the rest of the population and to help support the economy of the State. It is contradictory that we generate billions of dollars and we aren’t taken into consideration. The voice is not only mine, it is of thousands of workers that don’t have a way to make themselves heard or perhaps don’t even understand the situation, they just feel forgotten. To the recipients of this letter, I would like to you to know that we also exist in society. We are parents, children, siblings, grandparents. Some of us are sick. Some have lost their lives. Others are unemployed. We are essential workers and today we urgently need help. We ask the State Government and the State Legislature to create a fund to mitigate the impacts of the pandemic among agricultural workers who are unemployed or affected by the pandemic and who have no access to federal assistance. California has established a fund to help Californians who aren’t eligible for unemployment insurance benefits and disaster relief, including the CARES Act. The City of New York has announced a fund in collaboration with a private foundation to help immigrant workers who are left out of federal assistance. We ask that we, the essential migrant workers of Upstate, are not forgotten. We too love this country like any citizen, because our children were born here and some of us have spent half our lives in this country and we feel it like our own. We ask the Governor and the Members of the Legislature to pass a measure that includes all the agricultural workers, who have the same needs of any essential worker in this State. We are proud of the work we do. We do it well and with love, and with it we contribute to the greatness of this country. We ask that New York recognize our contribution and be sensitive to our critical needs in this very difficult moment. We urgently request the Governor and the Legislature of the State of New York to take action to create a monetary fund to help satisfy the basic needs of all the agricultural workers and their families who are suffering in this moment and don’t fulfill the requirements for federal help. We All Count Todos Contamos268 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Alina Diaz
Open Bars & Restaurants for full business!Because small businesses run this state and without them we are going to drown economically9,456 of 10,000 SignaturesCreated by Kelly Lord
Stop Justin Walker's ConfirmationMcConnell is calling the Senate back into session during a global pandemic. Instead of focusing on helping the people who are struggling during the public health crisis, he is working to install his political crony into a powerful lifetime role on the federal bench. At only 37 years old, Justin Walker would sit on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals for decades to come. As a partisan operative, Justin Walker helped lead the lobbying campaign for Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court. He lauded Kavanaugh for providing a 'roadmap' to overturn the Affordable Care Act. And he made well over 100 media appearances to praise and defend Kavanaugh between June and October 2018. The influential D.C. Circuit decides important cases that impact our lives. From civil rights protections to issues of national security, some of the most significant issues of our time hinge on the decisions of the D.C. Circuit. Only a few short months ago, Walker was nominated and confirmed to the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Kentucky despite his far-right record and the American Bar Association's determination that he was unqualified for the position because of his embarrassing lack of trial and litigation experience. Now, just months later, McConnell is fast-tracking Walker to the powerful D.C. Circuit because of their close relationship. Trump and McConnell's attempt to pack the courts with lifetime appointees who are unqualified to serve people in America may restart as early as next week. We cannot allow the American judicial system to descend even further into this partisan politicking. Of Trump's 56 appellate nominations, none are African American. Only one is Latinx. And just 11 are women. His district court nominees are similarly nondiverse. Walker's nomination only worsens Trump’s record on judicial diversity. Tell your senators to reject Justin Walker.37,199 of 40,000 SignaturesCreated by The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights
Global Debt Cancellation, not Reduction and not SuspensionRemoving the pandemic from every country must be the priority of all nations. It is not possible to both pay debts and direct the necessary resources to defeat this pandemic, COVID-19.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Enku Kebede-Francis
Give animals a fighting chance!My fur baby was euthanized less than an hour after being picked up by “animal control” due to severe injuries that he did not have. We took our DECEASED pet to another vet and they said he did not have those injuries. “Ramona Humane Society “ lied and continue to remove themselves from any fault. They took a picture of my baby Chase and posted it ON their WEBsite and said they did not post the picture and they did not know who posted his picture. SHELTERS SUCH AS THESE NEED to be honest and forthcoming for the sake of the animals and owners. It’s CRIMINAL AND WRONG for them to disregard our rights, WRONGFULLY AND INSTANTANEOUSLY EUTHANIZING HEALTHY ANIMALS WHO ARE LOVED BY THEIR FAMILIES. WHY WAS THERE NO ATTEMPT OR WINDOW OF TIME ALLOWED FOR US TO LOCATE HIM?122 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Rebecca Sermeno
It's Physical Distancing with Social ConnectionReaching out to neighbors and friends, even if it is virtually, can help our society thrive even in the face of a pandemic. If we choose, instead, to curl in on ourselves and ignore the plight of those around us, we lose part of our humanity. It is important to preserve our compassion. This period in history is difficult, but we can ease some of the pain if we remember that we are not alone and that we have the power to help ourselves and others.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Celia Padnos
End the lockdown and the stay at home orderBecause people need to start protesting and getting their lives back to normal again and letting kids have a life playing sports going to school. People need to start going back to work and making money. You are making us American people suffer and it's not right. We need to work go back to every day life and have a life back and enjoy our lives and stop this crap. Because people are killing themselves and jumping off bridges and buildings and people are oding and this is not right so hurry up and fix this. You need to step up and open up our New Jersey state up quickly and stop spreading fear and let us have our freedom back.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lynn Thompson
Free Testing in Churches or Non profits for Coronavirus in Communities of ColorTo many people of Color are dying due to lack of testing, and we do not know who, and how it is being spread.80 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Fedie R Redd
Insist that all taxpayers with income less than $100,000 get the next assistancePeople who are paying taxes and in repayment plan are in just as much trouble as others and the relief benefit should go into their hands to stay afloat and not get further in debt. It is unfair to say all americans get help with the relief act because you are leaving many of us behind.65 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Louise Janney