Band togetherWhen I look at the Democratic field I see a lot of talent and good ideas. But this positive message is lost in the bickering that makes them all so unattractive. Democrats have a mission to serve the needs of all classes, all races in this country including former Trump voters. People are tired of fighting. Give them hope and unity and a positive cohesive message.56 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Helen Gatling-Austin
Use RICO to Arrest TrumpDonald Trump told Michael Cohen to make sure that the public never saw his school records and grades – because they show who and what he is. Trump is ignorant, insane, racist, demonic, and tyrannical. In “Duty to Warn,” psychologists and psychiatrists warned the world, and specifically, the USA that Trump is severely mentally ill, and unfit for public office. He is a danger to himself and others. Trump exhibits severe debilitating and defective character and personality traits. He is a serial, pathological liar. And as of 2/24/20, he has told over 16,500 lies or untruths since becoming illegitimate, fake-president of the USA. Trump is a con-man. In June of 2018, a $25 million dollar settlement was reached in the Trump University fraud case – where Trump scammed unsuspecting students out of their hard earned money. Trump is a Birther. He lies and deceives constantly. According to Tom Murse, “Trump has filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy for his companies six times. Three of the casino bankruptcies came during the recession of the early 1990s and the Gulf War, both of which contributed to hard times in Atlantic City, New Jersey's gambling facilities. He also entered a Manhattan hotel and two casino holding companies into bankruptcy.” (Tom Murse’s Article, 10/16/2019). Trump is a criminal. He is an unindicted co-conspirator in the Stormy Daniels Case, where he tried to cover-up his affair with that porn star, by making criminal, election violations payments to her. The Mueller Investigation and the Ukraine election-cheating case indicate that Trump wantonly, willfully commits crimes routinely, constantly. Trump is a traitor. He assisted, aided and abetted Vladimir Putin’s attack on the USA during the election of 2016 – and afterwards. He continues to assist Putin to this day. Consider his shameful, treasonous conduct in Helsinki, Finland, in July, 2018. Trump has destroyed the US Presidency, the DOJ, the Republican Party, and the Senate GOP. His attacks on the Judicial branch of government have been severe and unrelenting. Trump attacks African Americans, Latinos, Republicans, and Democrats; and employees of the Intelligence Community, the CIA, and the FBI. Trump is a one-man wrecking crew. Trump covered-up and obstructed the Mueller Investigation and the House Impeachment process. He tried to cheat again, and enlist Ukraine to help him in the 2020 US election. He denies that Russia helped him in 2016. Trump is the worse type of thing that has ever appeared on earth. There is no legitimate and effective US federal government in force today to check him. That’s why the Trump Crime Family walked right in and took over. Moreover, we’re in a new age, a new era since 1998, called the Second Coming – and biblical change and effects complicate matters. Trump and the Republican Party should be subject to the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act. Wherefore, we good, honorable, loyal Americans, hereby issue this Citizens Arrest Warrant for the following aberrant, treasonous criminals, to check them and hold them accountable: Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell (MoscowMitch), William Barr, Lindsey Graham, Jim Jordan, Devin Nunes, and all of the other satanic deviants.19 of 100 SignaturesCreated by James Robinson
We need more African American women on our state Supreme Courts.Nationwide, according to the Brennan Center for Justice, “gender disparity on supreme courts is particularly severe for women of color". There are no African American women on the Supreme Court of the United States and only 14 on the state supreme courts across our nation African American women are needed to broaden the perspectives of our Supreme Courts during judicial decision making, which is critically needed to expand justice for all.177 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Mary Smith
Dis-bar Attorney General William BarrAttorney General William Barr has falsely presented the findings of the Mueller Report to the American public, Mr. Barr has traveled to various other countries acting as an emissary for Donald Trump, President of the United States, and he has become involved in decreasing Federal sentencing guidelines for Roger Stone. We believe Mr. Barr is acting on behalf of the personal interests of President Trump and against the interests of the citizens of the United States who in this instance is his client.856 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Linda Warzecha
MASS Peaceful Protest in Washington DCGoing to the voting booth is NOT ENOUGH !! I live in Idaho. I will be there. That is the kind of commitment we need to send this message and get results. He is the enemy of every US citizen and needs to be stopped; Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham as well.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Danny Wallace
Censure Donald TrumpCensure is a moral statement on immoral behavior. While this president and his supporters stonewalled the Impeachment trial and made it a farce, this is an historical footnote on that behavior that will follow him to his grave and into history. He should not get off with an acquittal; this will say why and how he did it in the most shameful way conceivable and condemn him for it.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Hugh Giblin
Fair Chance Employment - Please sign and share to others" Have you ever been convicted of a crime?” Many employers ask that question before they will even consider employing someone. That screens out more than 20% of all Americans who have a criminal record. We say we give second chances to those who have worked very hard to overcome their past but have we really? When people make mistakes, they should make amends. But once they have, they should be treated no differently than anyone else. But too often individuals with convictions in their past are discriminated against when it comes to hiring. If employers must ask about convictions, they can ask later in the hiring process. As the call to “ban the box” spreads across the country, it has become a powerful movement for fair hiring. According to the National Employment Law Project, “Roughly 70 million people in the United States have some sort of criminal record, and nearly 700,000 people return to our communities from incarceration each year. Supporting the employment opportunities of people with records creates safe communities, reduces childhood poverty, and strengthens families.” Please support those who are trying to put their past behind them and look to a brighter future where they can and will contribute to society in a positive, productive, forward thinking community. Its tway past time for a change in our thinking and compassion for families who struggle with this on a daily basis. Thank you in advance for your support.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Helen Lusk
Idaho, Start re-Funding the Education system. Stop de-funding it.Higher education creates better paying jobs. Better paying jobs creates a better tax base. How much income tax is generated by a minimum wage paying job, compared to the income tax of an undergraduate degree pay scale? Do I need to go to the sales taxes paid by the two different incomes? Didn't think so. What started as "Trickle up" economics has turned into "Flooding up" economics. History has shown how income inequality turns out. It hasn't been pretty. We are heading, "full steam ahead" in that direction. 1929, 2008 are the years I am pointing to. The quick recovery of 2008 won't happen again. The Federal Government can't afford to bail out numerous industries again. I feel that the current state of affairs in our society are a reflection this imbalance. The political polarization. The mass shootings. The current horrific crimes being committed are a direct reflection of the terrible conditions we are experiencing. Horrific conditions are creating horrific reactions. People are struggling to eat, can't get health care because: 1) wages haven't kept up with the real cost of living. 2) We are out of options to make up the difference. When wages first began to shrink, (1978) "incomes" went from individual to "household". Mom and dad worked. Then they worked more hours. When that didn't maintain a comfortable lifestyle, (1990’s), borrowing filled the gap. We witnessed how that turned out, the 2008 recession. The middle class needs to be able to pay for things, not borrow to get them. Jobs are created when people buy things, (after all, someone has to make the things, deliver and sell them), that is how economics works. Henry Ford figured this out over 100 years ago! I am looking to my leaders to take some action. Be brave and do the right things for the right reasons. If the status quo is not changed, we are all going to be left behind. The people at the top, (the very rich), will continue to get further out of reach and more powerful. I don't think my fellow middle-class citizens are capable of continuing down the current path. The mass shootings for example, started in schools, (easy targets), then to theaters and malls, (bigger easy targets). These shootings haven’t changed what caused them. The next group will probably be politicians. Lack of gun laws is not the problem, more gun laws is not the answer. Lack of financial security is the problem, and all that goes with it. Please stop doing what we are doing, so we stop getting what we are getting. Let’s put a stop to the current state of affairs. Everything I have written here, is a glimpse of what I have observed. Unfortunately, I don’t have many solutions to offer, sorry. Political discussions with my contemporaries don’t happen. Everyone’s feelings get hurt, they stomp off, end of discussion. They are emulating what our leaders are doing. The dialogue needs to be started, so options are thought of and the best options given a chance to work. Please, let’s begin talking.120 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Jim Eberhard
Repeal the $15.7 billion tax increase for working families that strips generational wealth.These defined contribution plans became popular as a way for workers to save for their retirements by investing small amounts of money each year in a tax-deferred account using pre-tax money. When the retiree started taking distributions, the distributions were counted as ordinary income for tax purposes. Upon the death of the retiree, the beneficiaries of the defined contribution plan would have to take the required minimum distribution every year and pay taxes on that distribution as ordinary income. Because these defined contribution plans would continue to grow tax-deferred, the distributions could continue for decades and could be passed on to the heirs of the beneficiaries. This was a great way for workers to acquire savings and pass those savings and the resultant income on to their children and grandchildren thus creating generational wealth. This changed when the revenue provision of the SECURE ACT passed. Now, the distribution period is shortened to ten years. The effects of this change are two-fold. First, workers can no longer provide long-term savings and income to their children and grandchildren. Second, because the distribution period is shortened, more money is distributed so more money is taxed. Furthermore, the increased distribution will more than likely push the beneficiary into a higher tax bracket. The rich get to leave their kids over $11,000,000 tax free with no restrictions. The working class get to leave their kids a tax increase. Furthermore, the rich get a $1 trillion tax cut over ten years because of the Trump Tax Act. This tax cut helped increase the federal deficit by 26% from 2018 to 2019. The rich get a $1 trillion tax cut. The working class get a $15.7 billion tax increase. REPEAL THE REVENUE PROVISION OF THE SECURE ACT THAT IS A $15.7 BILLION TAX INCREASE FOR WORKERS AND THEIR FAMILIES.25 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Karen Perricone
National Media - Stop preemptive TV coverage of every Trump public addressIt is important to limit pre-emptive coverage of the president's speeches in the name of fairness since other presidential candidates do not get the benefit of free coverage every time they make a speech. It is important because "breaking news" media coverage that interrupts regular programming gives the president's speeches a weight of importance and veracity that is not necessarily intended or deserved. It is important because we're frankly tired of being forced to suffer commentary that is negative, opinionated, ad hominem, and not important to the good of the country.16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by S. Valleau
Investigate Senator Ron Johnson for interfering in 2020 electionElection interference is unacceptable. This needs to end. Furthermore, 75% of Americans demanded a fair Impeachment Trial and I, along with many other Wisconsin Constituents wrote and/or called Ron Johnson DAILY to demand he vote according to the will of Wisconsin...and he not only never responded nor acknowledged ANY of these demands, he voted in his own interest instead. Ron Johnson needs to resign and be investigated for ethics violations.446 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Kathleen Ritter
Save our DemocracyThe recent first time in history vote by 51 Republican Senators to disallow witnesses, testimony, or pertinent documents in an impeachment trial after taking an oath to be fair and impartial has shown that we need a quick remedy to remove violations as stipulated in the petition. The blatant and dishonest violation of their oath should be remedied by removal from office. Their actions endanger our Republic.30 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John Conway