• Free Russel "Renny" Harris
    Blessings, Russel Renny Harris was convicted of conspiracy, murder, a sale and possession of controlled substances and sentenced to 48 and one-third years to life. Sadly, on December 16, 1991, on Beekman Avenue in the Bronx people lost their lives in a brutal senseless attack. Renny has already served 26 years and some months making him eligible for clemency or pardon. Renny used his time during incarceration to better himself, serving as a mentor to younger incarcerated individuals. He has maintained an above average academic, work and disciplinary history which shows his maturation. Those who have visited, corresponded and speak to him have seen, read and heard his growth. Petitioning for clemency would serve as another vehicle by which to obtain his freedom. Clemency or pardon is most commonly available to permit a judgment of conviction to set aside where there is overwhelming and convincing proof of evidence not available at time of conviction. There is nothing compelling the Honorable Governor Kathy Hochul to grant clemency to an actually innocent defendant. Hopefully, with the past and continued support of his devoted and loving family as well as friends, the Honorable Governor Kathy Hochul will see Russel Harris has a chance to productively, successfully and positively integrate himself back into his community and society.
    308 of 400 Signatures
    Created by LaTanya Harris
  • Immediate Removal of Judge James Troiano
    As longtime champions of the rights of and justice for victims of sexual assault, we hope to ensure that the retired, but repeatedly recalled, Judge Troiano is never again allowed the opportunity to protect an alleged socially advantaged rapist from the consequences of his intentional and intimate harm to another, or to question the motives of the victim on the basis of the Judge's personal admiration for the perpetrator’s wealth, position, and assisted academic standing. Judge Troiano, in a decision that is shocking in its misconceptions about rape, power and trauma, disregarded objective legal analysis and sought to protect the perpetrator from the severity of his actions, trivializing the perpetrator’s conduct, questioning the motives of the victim in reporting, and justifying it all with the observation that the perpetrator “came from a good family” and therefore should not be held to adult standards for the adult crime of rape. NOT ONCE AT ANY POINT DID THE JUDGE EXPRESS ANY CONCERN ABOUT THE DEVASTATING EFFECT THE RAPE HAD AND WILL CONTINUE TO HAVE ON THE VICTIM’S LIFE. In having the courage to seek criminal charges against this predator, the victim likely saved other young women from the same treatment throughout the remainder of this perpetrator’s life. It has long been known that those who assault without consequence tend to do so repeatedly. We are reassured by the Appellate Division’s strong language rebuking Judge Troiano’s treatment of the victim, the facts, and the law before him in this case. At the same time, we are mindful that the victim endured not just the rape and the aftermath, but the period during which it appeared that the perpetrator was more credible to and valued by New Jersey’s justice system than her fundamental right to privacy, to bodily integrity and to due process of law. To deliver justice to the victim, we urge you to sign this petition to the Committee on Judicial Conduct to request that Judge Troiano be immediately removed from the bench.
    301 of 400 Signatures
    Created by NOW New Jersey
  • Judge Van Aken: Release Kevin Epps on Bail
    Kevin Epps, an award-winning filmmaker and social justice activist, is being held without bail in the San Francisco County jail. He has been in custody since May 7, 2019, and is claiming self-defense for a 2016 incident in which he was never charged. Judge Van Aken denied bail to Kevin based on preliminary evidence that led her to believe that he is a danger to the community. Several court hearings later, we believe that the evidence against Kevin has not held up to justify her initial judgment. We are asking Judge Van Aken to reconsider releasing Kevin Epps on bail to best serve him, his family, and the community. Since 2016, Kevin continued to work as a filmmaker, has been a caretaker for his mother and children, and posed absolutely no substantial threat toward anyone. For more information on his case and to support him and his family directly, please go to his GoFundMe campaign: https://www.gofundme.com/x48br-free-kevin-epps
    725 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Tobee Chung Vanderwall
  • Jeffrey Charles Abramowski Innocence
    Wrongfully convicted and needs relief ASAP before he dies in prison ! Please help ! He has been through the most corrupt Homicide Detective in Brevard County Florida. He has proof he has been framed he needs legal help before time runs out please. He was given a mistrial without his knowledge and that’s a Double Jeopardy clause he should be freed immediately! Also a manifest necessity clause ! Please help Jeff he is in Martin Correctional Institution Indiantown Florida DC#E28200
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kim Elisa Dollar
  • Kansas Governor Laura Kelly reduce prison overcrowding commute
    The governor of Kansas was a state senator. She neglected her duties as state senator and now wants to fix the problem by sending inmates to a private prison in Arizona. She can reduce the population of Prisons in Kansas by commuting sentences of-of low-level nonviolent offenders. Let low-level non-violent offenders out of prison, Governor Kelly.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Wilkinson
  • Please help Mazel Sexton
    I was sentenced to Life plus 68 years in prison because of a stupid choice/mistake I made at a young age. A man lost his life because of that choice/mistake. I would give anything to change it. You can read my story on my facebook page. Mazel Sexton. https://www.facebook.com/mazel.sexton
    204 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Mazel Sexton
  • Clemency For Erik Jensen
    Erik was re-sentenced on May 21, 2019, from life without parole to life with the possibility of parole after 40 years; this would make Erik 57 years old. Erik's co-defendant (who has sworn testimony that Erik did not commit the crime) is eligible for parole in 2020. Let's get Erik the same commutation!
    255 of 300 Signatures
    Created by brittney martinez
  • Please help decriminalize possession and use of cannabis in Georgia
    Arrest Statistics In 1990 there were 8,314 arrests for marijuana possession or sales by all of the local, county and state law enforcement agencies in the state of Georgia combined. By 2013 that number ballooned to over 35,000, with nearly 85% of those arrests being for possession only. Georgia ranks sixth in the nation in the number of people arrested for marijuana. “Marijuana prohibition is taking a toll on the entire country, but Georgia is among the states paying the biggest price,” said Mason Tvert, director of communications for the Marijuana Policy Project. “Law enforcement resources would be better spent addressing serious crimes instead of arresting adults for using a substance objectively less harmful than alcohol.” Racial disparities in marijuana arrests No group understands the war on the cannabis plant better than Georgia’s African American community. In 2010 Georgia law enforcement officers arrested 389 out of every 100,000 citizens for marijuana, and African Americans accounted for 64% of those arrests In fact and a 2013 ACLU study entitled “The War on Marijuana in Black and White concluded that African Americans in Georgia were 3.7 times as likely to be arrested for marijuana than whites.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by yolanda bennett
  • Reject the Chicago police union's white supremacist ties
    Last month, the same lawless white nationalist and white supremacist groups that stoked violence in Charlottesville attended rallies organized by Chicago's Fraternal Order of Police (FOP). Chicago's police union has found common cause with racist groups including the Proud Boys, American Identity Movement, and the American Guard. They are all stoking anger and division by using District Attorney Kim Foxx's handling of the Jussie Smollett case. For the Fraternal Order of Police, it's an opportunity to attack one of their most strident critics and weaken her agenda of criminal justice reform. For the white supremacist groups, the FOP's rallies and over-the-top rhetoric provided the perfect backdrop for them to win new recruits over to their twisted, hateful ideology. The FOP protest offered sanctuary to extremist organizations, allowing members to emerge from the shadows of the Internet and establish the legitimacy and public visibility required to grow their ranks of domestic terrorists. By welcoming white nationalist leaders into their assembled fold, the police union signaled its tacit approval of their dangerous agenda of hatred and violence. But despite widespread reporting on extremist groups' participation in the recent police union rally, FOP head Kevin Graham has refused to publicly denounce the organizations and the viewpoints they espouse. So long as the FOP refuses to denounce the white nationalist groups they gave aid and comfort to, the City of Chicago must not deal with them like a legitimate organization. The FOP is attempting to negotiate a new contract with the city of Chicago. Please join us in calling on Lori Lightfoot, Chicago's newly elected mayor, to not negotiate any new contract with the Fraternal Order of Police until they have publicly denounced the Proud Boys and the other "alt-white" groups benefiting from the FOP's anti-reform stance. And any new contract must include key reforms that make police officers more accountable to the public when they abuse their power.
    95 of 100 Signatures
    Created by DeAngeloBester
    To all my friends and followers, As sad as it may be in this time and day racial inequality in the judicial system is a real issue. All it takes is for you to be black, not wealthy enough to hire proper counsel, and have a prosecutor that wants or needs a case or cases to stick. Then it simply becomes a situation of how many years of your life they want to take from you and your family. My brother Alphonso Destin has been incarcerated for the past eleven years for crimes the person who really committed them confessed to and evidence proved he committed them. The evidence that proved my brother didn’t commit these crimes was not brought to his attention up until three years after his trial. Also throughout my brother’s trial the court appointed lawyer would not let me and my family into the courtroom, imagine the impact this had on the jury. This is just a few of the tactics that our supposedly fair and just judicial system used to secure the conviction of whoever for whatever crimes regardless of actual guilt. Your signature on this petition that will be presented to the Virginia governor in request for a pardon/clemency for my brother would be very much appreciated. Please help right this injustice. My brother could be your brother, son, nephew, or uncle. Lets hope that one day all races can be seen as one in the same by the judicial system. The goal is 1,000 signatures, lets make it happen people. Sincerely, Ashley Destin
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ashley Destin
  • Tell District Attorney Elton Mathis: Re-Open Sandra Bland's Case
    We will never forget the viral video of Sandra Bland's violent arrest in 2015. Many of us were struck with horror as we witnessed Texas State Trooper Brian Encinia, drag Sandra from her car and threaten to "light her up" because she refused to put out her cigarette. It was an unbelievable moment of unbridled hostility. And the officer who violently assaulted her was only charged with perjury for lying about the circumstances that led to Sandra's arrest--a charge that was later dropped in a deal that the DA never consulted Sandra's family on. This is not enough--rarely are police officers held accountable for their criminal behavior and we won't accept anything but justice for Sandra Bland. Now an uncovered self-recorded video of Sandra's arrest has sparked a new wave of outrage. The cell phone video allows us to visualize just a small part of how she experienced her own arrest. It's crucial information that proves what we already knew: Brian Encinia did way more than lie about Sandra's arrest, he assaulted a woman who posed no threat to him. We don't doubt that Sandra Bland died as a result of the white supremacy that runs rampant in the Waller County Police department. In 2015, Color Of Change members put their money together to hire private investigators in Waller County and they revealed a deeply corrupt bail system that rewarded the district attorney, judges, and sheriff. Elton Mathis, the same DA that blamed Sandra's death on her family's inability to make bail is still in office and we must hold him accountable. We are joining Sandra's family in demanding District Attorney Elton Mathis of Waller County, Texas take criminal charges against Brian Encinia back before the grand jury. Will you join us?
    33,395 of 35,000 Signatures
    Created by Rashad Robinson Picture
  • Corruption in New Jersey's Judicial System
    The Supreme Court commissioned a "Special Committee" on Foreclosure procedures in New Jersey. They claimed they wanted to preserve the "right to due process". What a farce. The Committee issued recommendations which did NOT include changes to Rule 4:64-2. The Supreme Court sought Public Comments. ALL Public Comments were against changing the Court Rule, but the NJ Supremes went ahead and changed it, anyway. Please sign my Petition. Homeowners in New Jersey are being deprived of the "right to due process" by the very Court that claims they are trying to protect the "right to due process". The NJ Supremes should have just come right out and said "Proofs needed to Foreclose-NONE. You don't have to prove you have the right to Foreclose in New Jersey. Just declare a default and you're good to go". People all across this land should be OUTRAGED!
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sandra Lopaz