Tell District Attorney Elton Mathis: Re-Open Sandra Bland's CaseWe will never forget the viral video of Sandra Bland's violent arrest in 2015. Many of us were struck with horror as we witnessed Texas State Trooper Brian Encinia, drag Sandra from her car and threaten to "light her up" because she refused to put out her cigarette. It was an unbelievable moment of unbridled hostility. And the officer who violently assaulted her was only charged with perjury for lying about the circumstances that led to Sandra's arrest--a charge that was later dropped in a deal that the DA never consulted Sandra's family on. This is not enough--rarely are police officers held accountable for their criminal behavior and we won't accept anything but justice for Sandra Bland. Now an uncovered self-recorded video of Sandra's arrest has sparked a new wave of outrage. The cell phone video allows us to visualize just a small part of how she experienced her own arrest. It's crucial information that proves what we already knew: Brian Encinia did way more than lie about Sandra's arrest, he assaulted a woman who posed no threat to him. We don't doubt that Sandra Bland died as a result of the white supremacy that runs rampant in the Waller County Police department. In 2015, Color Of Change members put their money together to hire private investigators in Waller County and they revealed a deeply corrupt bail system that rewarded the district attorney, judges, and sheriff. Elton Mathis, the same DA that blamed Sandra's death on her family's inability to make bail is still in office and we must hold him accountable. We are joining Sandra's family in demanding District Attorney Elton Mathis of Waller County, Texas take criminal charges against Brian Encinia back before the grand jury. Will you join us?33,395 of 35,000 SignaturesCreated by Rashad Robinson
Corruption in New Jersey's Judicial SystemThe Supreme Court commissioned a "Special Committee" on Foreclosure procedures in New Jersey. They claimed they wanted to preserve the "right to due process". What a farce. The Committee issued recommendations which did NOT include changes to Rule 4:64-2. The Supreme Court sought Public Comments. ALL Public Comments were against changing the Court Rule, but the NJ Supremes went ahead and changed it, anyway. Please sign my Petition. Homeowners in New Jersey are being deprived of the "right to due process" by the very Court that claims they are trying to protect the "right to due process". The NJ Supremes should have just come right out and said "Proofs needed to Foreclose-NONE. You don't have to prove you have the right to Foreclose in New Jersey. Just declare a default and you're good to go". People all across this land should be OUTRAGED!22 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sandra Lopaz
I respectfully and humbly ask every American to sign this petition and make 26 year old Mr. Shane...Shane M. Piche, 26, was sentenced on Apr. 25 to 10 years probation and will have to register as a Level 1 sex offender after entering a guilty plea to third-degree rape in February. Judge James P. McClusky's verdict that Piche had no other prior arrests and there was only one victim is unacceptable, unjust, and despicable in every way. The punishment does not fit the crime of rape for this poor young 14-year-old girl and what she endured. She deserves justice and assistance for the after-effects she has and will continue to endure due to this atrocity. The people of the United States demand a new and fair trial for this 14-year-old girl in an appeal to US Court ASAP!51 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Melannie
We say NO to Industry City's Rezoning of Sunset ParkSunset Park has the largest, working-class industrial waterfront in Brooklyn, but Industry City wants to turn it into a playground for the rich. Industry City wants to change current zoning to build large chain retail stores and luxury hotels, which may lead to luxury housing. We must protect long-time residents, workers, and small, locally-owned businesses from rising rents and displacement. This is our neighborhood. We should be deciding the future of our waterfront and neighborhood, not private developers like Industry City. Sunset Park tiene la costa de agua industrial más grande. La comunidad de Sunset Park cuenta con una población de personas mayormente de clase obrera y bajo ingreso en Brooklyn. Descaradamente los patrones de Industry City quieren destruir nuestra comunidad, y convertirlo en un patio de recreo para los ricos. Mediante el mecanismo de rezonificación ellos desean cambiar la zonificación actual para construir grandes cadenas de tiendas minoristas y hoteles de lujo, lo que puede llevar a viviendas de lujo. Debemos proteger a los residentes, trabajadores y pequeñas empresas de propiedad local desde hace mucho tiempo del aumento de alquileres y desplazamientos. Este es nuestro barrio. Deberíamos decidir el futuro de nuestra línea de costa y vecindario, no de desarrolladores privados como Industry City. Protect Sunset Park is a coalition of individuals and organizations representing residents, workers, students and small businesses. We are independent from outside groups. Join us and stay informed. Contact us: [email protected] --- Proteja a Sunset Park es una coalición de individuos y organizaciones que representan a residentes, trabajadores, estudiantes y pequeñas empresas. Somos independientes de grupos externos. Únete a nosotros y mantente informado. Contacte a nosotros: [email protected]854 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Protect Sunset Park
Wrongful Visitor Suspension California Dept. of Corrections and RehabilitationsCDCR will not take responsibility for its staff's actions. 6 months suspension given to Elizabeth V. for Possession/ Passing Contraband on 1/26/19. CDCR's own report of that day states negative results of contraband found and zero possession of contraband and still, Warden Charles Callahan will not reinstate visiting privileges. CDCR will not take responsibility for this wrongful suspension.18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Elizabeth Villegas
Jail for ShaneShane needs to go to jail. Don't let rapists walk free.400 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Delany Pressler
Wendy Kelley:Directer of Arkansas Department of CorrectionsWe the people and the families of incarcerated in the state of Arkansas demand the removal of Wendy Kelley as director of Arkansas Department of Corrections and associated Deputy Directors Dale Reed and Dexter Payne. In the collaboration of these individuals, incarcerated men and women in the state prison system are deprived of humane living conditions, adequate medical care, and safety and protection from harm. Grievances filed by inmates are always deemed without merit even in severe situations. These employees of Arkansas Department of Corrections take it upon themselves to punish families of incarcerated individuals by withholding mail, falsifying information in files, accusing family members of violating ADC policy without allowing "Due Process", restricting visitation, phone calls, and video visits, therefore depriving family dynamics with significant others, parents, siblings, and children. This in return affects the inmates psychologically, causing undue stress and mental anguish, which violates prison rights along with citizens rights. In numerous situations when a family member contacts these individuals, they are treated rudely and lied to. These deaths occurring in the system are not by family, they're by staff, for which administration does not want to be held accountable. Assaults in units by staff and other inmates show lack of interventions to prevent these occurrences. Numerous falsified disciplinaries are overlooked and pushed aside in order to condemn inmates to solitary confinement, which in return causes PTSD and other disorders. We the families demand accountability and transparency of the Arkansas Department of Corrections Administrations and staff. Ms. Kelley herself being a lawyer holding a license in this state violates civil rights to prisoners and families. It is time our legislators take action and demand removal and replacement of these individuals, no more covering up their infraction on human beings incarcerated and their families. Numerous time inhumane conditions, assaults, PREA violations go unrecognized or undocumented in order to keep their ACA accreditation, on which Ms. Kelley is on the board of ACA, which is a conflict of interest. We the families of the incarcerated demand to be heard and changes to be made accordingly by the replacement of these directors. We demand better conditions for all inmates, humane treatment, adequate medical care, improved mental health care with a licensed trained therapist, the safety of all inmates, and respect to families of the incarcerated.133 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Ouachita Center
Prisons: OvercrowdingMy older brother went to jail for some months and when he came home, he told us of his experience in there. He talked the most about how crowded it was. It was so crowded that there would be three, even four people to a cell when there were only two beds. He also told me about how he had gotten into a fight/ jumped because he was in a cell with people who disliked him. I want to prevent people from turning to violence due to overcrowding.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Khyrea Daniel
Governor Pritzker Stand Up to ViolenceActs of violence are terrorizing communities throughout Illinois. Children are being murdered and traumatized, without any support or constructive outlet. The hurt, pain, and tears of victims, families, and the community have been ignored for far too long. Protecting human lives should be the number one priority of this administration, and this is why Illinois desperately needs a Violence Prevention Commission immediately.141 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Arnold Julien
#NoNewYouthJailThe Annie E. Casey Foundation states “Research shows that placement into a secure detention facility can have an outsized impact on the ultimate case outcomes for court-involved youth – with potentially profound and negative consequences….Youth who spend time in custody are less likely to complete high school, less likely to find employment, and more likely to suffer mental health problems than comparable youth who are not detained. In addition detained youth are more likely to be re-arrested, adjudicated or convicted for new offenses and incarcerated than youth who remain at home awaiting court or pending placement”. · The Governor has recently been quoted as saying that the “Raise the Age” Bill is a progressive piece of legislation. He is sadly mistaken. New York State is the 49th out of 50 States to start treating 16 and 17-year-olds as juveniles and furthermore, the implementation of the Bill is outdated and regressive. There is a disconnect between the actual legislation and the implementation. · The State adopted a reform bill called “Close to Home” in 2012. This means that children should be kept in their communities and close to their families and not shipped away. The bill appears to apply only to New York City and not the surrounding counties. Therefore the State is encouraging Westchester County Department of Probation to build an 80 bed detention facility for a 14 county region. Most of these youth have not been adjudicated. The counties are: Westchester, Rockland, Orange, Putnam, Delaware, Broome, Duchess, Ulster, Sullivan, Columbia, Greene, Schoharie, Nassau and Suffolk. Some of the counties are over two (2) hours away. Shouldn’t the “Close to Home” policy be applied to all children in New York State? · As part of the Raise the Age agreement, New York State is willing to pay $1,200 a bed for County children and $2,400 for out of County, thus creating an incentive to ship children away from their communities. (In contrast, the 40 year old Youth Shelter Program of Westchester located in Mount Vernon has a per diem rate of $200 and provides many more services and a much lower recidivism rate than the County detention center.) Why these discrepancies in per diem rates? · The Raise the Age funding is limited to incarceration. It does not include any money for community prevention/diversion. We recommend that for every dollar spent on incarceration there be a dollar for dollar match for prevention/diversion. · Community Prevention/Diversion starts with the Police. When police officers are poised to arrest a youth they have many alternatives to arrest and incarceration at their disposal: community service; church sponsored youth groups; community centers with tutoring programs, youth courts; alternatives to incarceration centers; and wrap around mental health services all imbedded in the community. Arrest should be the last resort. · As compensation for a strain on the Juvenile Justice System New York State is providing money for construction and staffing of a jail for children. Is there data to justify this thinking? Is there an agency looking at the Juvenile Justice System as a whole? Will the incipient legalization or decriminalization of Marijuana affect the numbers? Will we continue to have a disproportionate number of Children of Color incarcerated in our County? Do we know who is being diverted and who is being incarcerated? Have we consulted with the other 48 States as to what is the most effective and appropriate system? This incarceration plan is a travesty for our young people and needs to be stopped, and re-evaluated. We need to redirect funding and reach deep into our communities to raise up the services that would welcome our youth as a diversion from incarceration. We need to do it NOW!463 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Sandy Bernabei
Stop Hate Criminal Jawar MohammedI am initiating this petition because of a person called Jawar Mohammed, Hate preacher, instigating genocide among Ethiopian Society. Because of Mr. Jawar’s hate messages, in less than seven months thousands of people were massacred and millions have been displaced from their original inhabitation. Many citizens have been exposed to a dire life and death situation. His vicious and controversial messages have filled the society with animosity. Therefore, before the country engulfs to never-ending civil war, we should stop Jawar.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Solomon Woldeyes
Gypsy shouldn't be in jailGypsy has had a rough life and putting her in prison because she wanted to escape her mother doesn't seem right. Putting her in jail isn't right and she should be out. Personally, I feel bad that this amazing human being had to go through so much; it's just not fair.53 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nelly Caceres