*JASPER COUNTY JAIL* Cleanliness, dietary issues, recreation.I was stopped by CPD while residing in Carthage. The end result was I got tickets for improper registration and no insurance. I moved to Joplin before my court day and honestly had so much other stuff going on that I'd forgotten all about it, honestly. Well, I was stopped by JPD and got arrested. I spent a few days in Joplin city jail, then got transferred to Jasper county jail where I also spent a few days. When in Jasper county jail, the conditions were beyond horrible; and I mean for anyone. But I don't wish to share any names or specifics; however, there was an incident that I heard about where a young woman did not only attempt to, but she hung herself. She passed out; later came to in a puddle of blood, her chin cracked, her neck all messed up and bruised up horribly. Needless to say, she wanted nothing more than to die, with a whole beautiful life ahead of her. And that's what that place does to most people. All the disease and filth and hunger. No wonder people constantly go mad. Think about this. Our Jasper county jail is only teaching people to be lazy and to not take care of any responsibility at all but then they expect them to get out and just work and be responsible. That's just insane if you ask me.178 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Jodee halverson
Teewanna CurryMy entire family has been affected, especially his mom. Please help; we just want justice and peace! He is not able to work and provide for his family and this is also his year to graduate high school and his teachers are calling constantly. We need Timotheus free now! He is innocent! He is constantly denied bond!55 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Teewanna Curry
Crime in Downtown MinneapolisGoing downtown Minneapolis is dangerous, robberies are up 53% and it seems that a weekend doesn't go by where people are shot in downtown Minneapolis. It doesn't have to be this way.1,271 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Rick Berg
GoFundMe: Don't Let Killer Cops ProfitWe demand that GoFundMe immediately suspend the "Officer Daniel Pantaleo's family help fund," fundraiser that is currently being hosted on your site. Daniel Pantaleo murdered Eric Garner. I watched the video, I heard Garner say "I can't breathe," 11 times, but Pantaleo refused to stop. I watched Eric Garner die, over allegedly selling loose cigarettes, a petty misdemeanor at best. GoFundMe needs to immediately suspend the "Officer Daniel Pantaleo's family help fund," fundraiser for the following reasons: 1. The medical examiner ruled Eric Garner's death a homicide. 2. The NYPD's administrative judge ruled that Pantaleo should be fired for his use of the illegal chokehold, which led to the untimely death of Eric Garner. Stating that Pantaleo was "untruthful," in his description of the events that took place. 3. NYPD Commissioner James O'Neill fired Pantaleo for his role in the murder of Eric Garner on August 19, 2019. GoFundMe's policy clearly states you prohibit "items that promote hate, violence, racial intolerance, or the financial exploitation of a crime," and Daniel Pantaleo committed murder on video, and was fired from his job because of it. Pantaleo has been receiving a salary the past five years, and GoFundMe should not continue to allow him to profit off of the murder of an innocent man! GoFundMe needs to refund all the money collected, and stop this fundraiser right now!273 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Malachi Robinson, Color Of Change
Family/conjugal visits for inmates and their families in Wisconsin.Inmates lose everything when they are sentenced to serve time in prison. Many lose their families as well due to no longer having the ability to remain close with their spouse or children through their sentence. Many inmates become more aggressive and stop caring because they have nothing to look forward to anymore. If inmates were allowed to have family/conjugal visits to help keep their bond with their spouse and their children, they would have something to look forward to. They would be less aggressive because they would not want to risk losing spending time with their spouse and children. Let's stop taking everything away from the inmates and let them remain close to their families.240 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Yvette Forsythe
Let's Do The Right ThingI am doing this so my State of Ohio does the right thing!24 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Demale Rogers
Reinstate Arizona House Sentencing & Recidivism Reform CommitteeArizona is the 4th most incarcerating state in the Union and by these actions is destroying families and communities. • We need to stop thinking that punishment is the solution to the problem. • We need to stop spending billions of dollars warehousing humans. • We need to begin investing in all the things that can make criminal behavior less likely. • We need this committee to be bi partisan, equally represented by Republicans and Democrats. Our incarcerated community is not only living in inhumane conditions but also suffering from the lack of medical care, nutritious food, programs and education, incentives for an earlier release. Our prison system does not offer a true path of restorative justice. For true reform to occur, the Department of Corrections need to provide education, programming and vocational training for ALL incarcerated people, not only for those that are close to be released.448 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Charlene - Deborah - Lillian
Cancel Judge Genece Brinkley!Judge Genece Brinkley of Philadelphia is the reason Meek Mill has gotten caught up in this country’s broken criminal justice system. She is not only responsible for Meek Mill’s disenfranchisement, but she is responsible for the unjust jailing of an astronomical number of young black men. She continually files dozens of civil lawsuits against her own tenants (yes she is also a landlord of an apartment complex in the area) that have no legitimacy. She is a corrupt judge. She is just one more piece of this corrupt criminal justice system. Sign this petition and send to everyone. Post this link everywhere you can. Judge Genece Brinkley needs to go NOW, before anyone else under her rule is unjustly sentenced.51 of 100 SignaturesCreated by McKenzie
FBI, Bring Andrew Anglin to JusticeLet's send the message to racists that their campaigns of intimidation, harassment, and violence have consequences.94 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Merrill Cole
Lower the penalty for misdemeanor marijuana offenses in Cleveland!It is time we HELP end the War on Marijuana! Cleveland is the 2nd largest city in Ohio and has roughly 400,000 residents that would benefit greatly from the Sensible Marijuana ordinance. The aggressive enforcement of marijuana possession laws needlessly ensnares hundreds of thousands of citizens into the criminal justice system and wastes billions of taxpayer dollars. Furthermore, this issue has been executed with staggering racial bias. Despite being a priority for police departments nationwide, the War on Marijuana has failed to reduce marijuana use and availability. It has also diverted resources that could be better invested in our communities. Together we can create a smart fair sensible marijuana ordinance in the City of Cleveland. The Sensible Cleveland Marijuana Ordinance would decriminalize in the city of Cleveland, OH : 1. Marijuana under 200 grams 2. Paraphernalia 3. Hashish under 10 grams 4. and allow one to gift up to 20 grams OUR MISSION: 1. Save taxpayer dollars 2. Better use of city resources and assets 3. Free the police for higher priority issues 4. Protect individual rights It is not fair for residents of Cleveland to be punished for minimal amounts of marijuana. It is our assertion that the current restrictions and policy regarding Marijuana Control in Cleveland doesn’t ensure public safety and wastes valuable resources. The current policies affect thousands of lives every year. When people are arrested for possessing even tiny amounts of marijuana, it can have dire collateral consequences that affect their eligibility for public housing, student financial aid, employment opportunities, child custody determinations, and immigration status. Thank you for giving your time - we need your HELP CLEVELAND! NO FINE NO TIME.190 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Sensible Cleveland
Incarcerate Wendell Melton*Our Objective: We are initiating this petition because of the violent and heinous crime that was perpetrated against an unarmed 14-year-old child by his own biological father. Wendell Melton shot and killed his own son on 11/2/2017. He served 4 months in jail and has been living at home awaiting trial with an electronic leg monitor "Program of Intensive Supervision" (NRS 176A.440) prior to trial. According to the State of Nevada: "If the charges against you are sufficiently serious, the judge may hesitate to leave you at liberty while you are awaiting trial, even when you have already posted bail." Our Goal: Is to have Judge Eric Johnson revoke Wendell Melton's "Program of Intensive Supervision" and request that he return to jail and await his court Trial set for 3/10/2020. Why is this important? It is important because it is a slap in the face to our citizens that depend on the legal system in Nevada to be fair and protect us from violent criminals that kill children. This case was mismanaged from the beginning, Judge Eric Johnson was opposed to releasing Wendell Melton from custody, due to the nature of the crime, and flight risk, since the defendant is a licensed pilot. Proof of such statements can be reviewed on court video on 3/22/2018. It was D.A. Dijacamo that persuaded the judge to reduce bail from $808,000 to $200,000 and allow him to post bail for murdering an unarmed child in the chest. Witness to this court proceeding was the victim's mother, Veronica Melton, and Blue Montana. We also petition that the State provide an attorney to the victim's mother, Veronica Melton, in further proceedings. Had she had one on the day that Judge Johnson lowered the bail and let him out on house arrest, then her attorney could have rightfully objected to the motion, but the state and the victims of crime failed to provide one.152 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Veronica Melton
Unfair SentencingToo many low level, non-violent crimes are earning high level incarceration times. Prisons have become holding warehouses for those with mental health issues. These incarceration issues, along with the death penalty, erroneous convictions, and administrative punishment (solitary) have negative effects on prison population, financial stability, family outcome, mental health, and recidivism rates. Changes need to be made.22 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mark Shoffner