Help free Minckler ! Bring him back to school.Minckler has been falsely accused and expelled for these said accusations, although they have no, and I mean NO, proof of any of these such crimes he has been said to have committed.41 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jesus Martinez
Executive Clemency for Richard AddersonRichard Adderson has been serving a federal prison sentence for almost 13 years for a "conspiracy" charge due to there not being enough evidence for an actual distribution charge. Richard has NO prior drug convictions,felony convictions, nor prior prison incarcerations. He has served enough time to pay his debt to society, during which he suffered the loss of his mother, whom he was not given furlough to attend funeral services, and recently, his brother. He has 4 children, who have suffered the lack of having their father. He has had good conduct while incarcerated and feels as though the length of his sentence was too harsh for the crime committed. Overall, for the crime he was charged with, his debt to society has been paid in full. Richard respectfully requests an executive commutation, requesting early release. Help give this man the second chance he deserves to live a productive life in freedom. Thank you, sincerely, for your support.58 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Richard Adderson
Unwarranted Searches At River North CC/ VADOCWe as family have every right to see aand visit with our loved ones. There is no reason why we should have to suffer like we are incacerated as well. Understand there aare rules to visitation and complying with them are not nor should they be a problem. But when we comply we are still treated like as they maay put it "just another inmate" Me personally I have experienced 2 of the most degrading situations ever in life both with in less than a month apart. And both at River North CC. I was strip searched my car was searched and i complied. Staff took pictures of my medications. I suffer from severe anxiety and biptolar. i proved they were my meds by my name being on the bottles. the narcotic dog supposebly alerted on me after being searched and of course coming out clean after being made to squat cough and all while being on my menstral i still was only aloud 1 hour with my husband in a no contact visit this was on Oct 14,2018. Then on Nov 10th, 2018 the same thing happened this time i didnt have my meds i told them id no longer take my meds before visit of have them on me. It happened again same outcome i was clean. this time i same visit sitauation. My anxiety is a disability others go through this all the time but not every one speaks out. It is time we STOP letting people get away with the disrespect of us and our loved ones and we stand up for our families. there are more details to my story. Stand with me and sign this petition and lets get it to Mr.Clarke and Mr. Robinson and our Govenor. Share this petition as well. Thank You "S.J."10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Shannon Joyner
California Prisons Must Establish Catastrophic Weather Evacuation Plans for all PrisonersWe have seen the devastation caused by fires, floods, droughts, and all manner of catastrophic weather already and we know there are many more on the way. Prisoners in state custody deserve our protection and California will be on the front lines of climate change in the US so it is our duty to protect those who can’t protect themselves.37 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jeffrey Drongowski
Pass Texas House Bill 4201, Stop Mugshot Websites from profiting off of arrest photosWhile the State of Texas does protect the deceased it does not does not provide a statutory basis for right of publicity claims. On the 10th of March 2017, Representative Mary Ann Perez and Representative Gary W. Elkins proposed legislation that addressed the right of publicity. On the 3rd of April 2017 it was read for the first and was subsequently forwarded to the Business and Industry committee. Websites are publishing arrest booking photograph and charging fees for their removal. These website's siphon information from the sheriff's department databases under the Freedom of Information Act. Many of these victims are not guilty of any crime and are vindicated through the court system only to find that their record and mug shot is posted on the Internet causing irreparable damage and suffering resulting in making it difficult if not impossible to find employment. I was arrested and charged with a litany of felonies; all of which were not true, and all of which were immediately dismissed by the district attorney. I have over 20+ years, an undergraduate degree, a master’s degree, and a successful career that had progressively moved forward. I have been looking at a job but cannot find one. Despite paying over $1500 and providing the case resolution information to a number of these sites, my mug shot and information is still found on the web, and remains at the head of any internet search of my name. I am not alone; 808,634 individuals were arrested in the State of Texas in 2016 (http://www.dps.texas.gov/crimereports/16/citCh9.pdf) It is imperative that the State of Texas legislature take HB 4201 from the 85(R) 2017 session out of committee and pass this bill, protecting the citizens of this state from having their reputations ruined by extortionists website operators hiding be hind the Freedom of Information act. references: https://capitol.texas.gov/billlookup/text.aspx?LegSess=81R&Bill=HB4201 http://rightofpublicity.com/statutes/texas http://rightofpublicity.com/ Florida : http://www.scribd.com/doc/58921958/An-Investigation-Of-arrests-org#download Texas : http://www.fwweekly.com/2011/11/09/an-ugly-business/ Ohio : http://www.toledoblade.com/Courts/2012/12/05/Web-sites-profiting-from-mug-shots-sued-fees-charged-to-remove-online-images.html California : http://digitalcommons.law.scu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1555&context=chtlj http://www.citmedialaw.org/legal-guide/north-carolina-right-publicity-law http://www.newyorkpersonalinjuryattorneyblog.com/category/kyle-prall http://www.citmedialaw.org/blog/2011/mugshot-racket-paying-keep-public-records-less-public http://www.fwweekly.com/2011/11/09/an-ugly-business/ https://corporate.findlaw.com/litigation-disputes/right-of-publicity.html https://www.americanbar.org/content/dam/aba/administrative/litigation/materials/2015_intellectual_property_lit/materials/the_right_of_publicity_article_rosenthal.authcheckdam.pdf5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Richard Reichle, MRP
Stop Racial Abuse And Discrimination In S.C.I. Against InmatesStop racial and discrimination abuse on inmates by guards within prison institutions for hateful reasons. Transfer Stanton Story AP3330 because he is not receiving medication, the guards are beating him, and they are giving false reports. He is dying by the hands of the guards!23 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Pearlina Story
Sonoma County: Prosecute Animal Cruelty, Not Animal Rescue58 nonviolent activists were swept up in a mass arrest by Petaluma police last month and charged with felonies for trying to give food and water to starving animals at the largest organic poultry producer in the nation. The farm owners yelled homophobic slurs, threatened to run us over with a truck, and were so aggressive that the police pulled out a taser to stop them from hurting us. Yet instead of addressing the animal cruelty at the farm -- or the threats and aggression of the farm owners -- the officers arrested dozens of activists, demanded $20,000 bail for each, and issued a press release falsely accusing the activists of violence. They also made mocking comments on social media in support of the industry and, despite promises to give the animals care, had all the starving animals killed. This abuse of the law cannot continue. Ask Sonoma County District Attorney Jill Ravitch to prosecute animal cruelty and drop the charges against nonviolent animal rescuers.6,002 of 7,000 SignaturesCreated by Wayne
Release for Dr. AskariWe the undersigned concerned residents of the Metropolitan Atlanta are deeply troubled that the recent devastating hurricane demolished the Marianna Prison Camp where our beloved Dr. Nevron Askari was being housed. Subsequently, Dr. Askari has been transferred to a higher risk prison and placed in isolation conditions in Tallahassee Florida. This arrangement significantly deviates from the prior sentencing conditions. Dr. Askari has served a year of her sentence with excellent conduct. In that she has served as an exemplary inmate with no complaints or infractions, we respectfully request she be released and allowed to come home. We request her sentence be completely commuted or reduced to house arrest with or without probation and community service.487 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Mikell Hagood
Protect Our Community: Stop the Release of a Sexually Violent PredatorQuarles has been diagnosed with sexual sadism disorder. He has completed less than half of a 4 module treatment program. The mental health team working most directly with him testified he is not ready. Liberty Health, the company responsible for supervising him upon release testified he is not ready. This is a very dangerous decision for the community of San Diego. It must be reversed!1,433 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Mary Taylor
Rights for paroleesThis is a passion for me because I was once incarcerated and released and it felt like I still doing my time with all the restrictions and road blocks in order for me to live a normal life like other citizens .I just think once you do your time you shouldn't have to continue doing time for the rest of your life especiallgy if you are on the bottom rung of society.18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gail Fobbs
Fair housing for ex-consI recently tried to get into public housing and was denied due to the fact that over twenty years ago I had a pattern ( I quote) of criminal behaviour and therefore am denied to live in a housing apartment complex that is for people disabled and with a low income of which I am in both of those catagories. Plus I am 50 years old and a grand mother of 2. So am I suppose to reside in the streets and be homeless or start committing other crimes to supplement my disability income in my shape not sure what kind of a crime I can commit these days. I can't walk with out some type of assistance. With that being said I thought it was kind of a ridiculous reason for denying housing that I can afford and desperately am in need of however now I don't qualify. Something must change this should be considered discrimination of some sorts. I am sure others have been denied for the same reason which in turn created a purpose for someone to return to criminal behaviour due to the fact that they were desperate and need shelter somewhere.25 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dolly Wilson
Body cams for all state prisonsI’'m starting this petition because it has been a big deal in the states prisons of things going on within the walls that are highly illegal and to minimize this there will be less riots, less fabrication on tickets written, and most importantly it will protect the officers and the prisoners alike. It's long overdue and a necessary tool in corrections. "BODY CAMERAS"... From an inmates point of view and having 22 years of exposure to the corruption within the system; it's not a matter of want....it's mandatory that body cameras are placed on any employee that enters the secured grounds of an institution; having contact with inmates. Where do you think majority of narcotics/contraband comes from??? I assure you that an inmate visit or mail is not the introduction point... Sure,small amounts may come through visits and mail. However, once again body cameras will insure accountability... Obviously the employee('s) is not properly doing their job if man hours and many millions of tax dollars have been spent on surveillance, simply for the officer to watch a prisoner on visit;yet they too neglect their post... Body cameras will keep every officer in check... Countless man hours have been used at tax payers expense to conduct investigations in the Dept. With body cameras,it will be a simple review of footage...and with such option,I assure you from a criminal mind;the body camera will detour an officer from wrongdoing... Professional conduct will be held at an all time high;as that should be the case all along... Taxpayers, your tax dollars are at risk even more if YOU continue to allow the correction system abuse your pockets with meaningless flops of prisoners for misconducts that were fabricated by an unprofessional officer. Don't take my word on this...Simply push for body cameras in corrections and watch at least: 2/3 of serious misconducts( e.g. Threatening behavior, sexual misconduct, weapon,assault,etc.) suddenly drop... The numbers speak for itself... Your civic duty is to support all that is good for your community and state. How can body cameras in the Michigan Department of Corrections be a bad thing??? Do they have a greater expectation to privacy than officers in society,whom wear them? NO,they don't... Please,push the body camera issue ,to your state representative. Let's make a stand for accountability.139 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Michelle Wagner