• Protecting pregnant medical marijuana patients
    Pregnant women are having their babies ripped away daily for their medical choices to consume marijuana over pharmaceuticals due to a medical condition in Colorado. Many doctors will prescribe medications that have been proven to cause birth defects but do not condone medical marijuana use during pregnancy. It is a mothers job and right to protect their children the best we know how, we know that any medication while pregnant can be potentially harmful but when medically necessary we want the right to choose plant based medication over pharmaceuticals. #OneTeamOneDream
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amberly Taylor
  • New Trial for John Ortiz Kehoe
    John Ortiz Kehoe has been wrongly convicted based on false testimony, suppression of statements that show Mr. Kehoe couldn't have murdered Rose Larner on December 7th, 1993. He is owed a new trial with all of the suppressed documents to be admitted and to have the perjured testimony be brought to light at last.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brandy Garrett
  • Get the FBI to investigate the Shreveport/Bossier judicial system
    I've personally experienced the judicial corruption in Shreveport/Bossier for nearly a decade, having been illegally arrested by a bail bondsman and convicted on the charge, my children being adopted by my parents without due process and no legitimate reason, and having my phone searched by law enforcement with no open case or cause while under a witness subpoena, among many other infractions. This criminal behavior has to stop! The Louisiana, judicial system is essentially a corrupt network of law officials seeking power and monetary gain!
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by mallory josey
  • To Move Zeph Pitt From the United States Penitentary "Canaan" in Waymart, PA; to the Bureau of ...
    My son Zeph Pitt, has a number of medical issues,. When he was arrested, over 3 years ago, he had just been diagnosed with Hepatitis C, had a torn A/C joint in his shoulder; a mass in one testicle, with pain and swelling, and degenerative disc disease with osteoarthritis. He was transferred to four facilities during the two and a half years awaiting sentencing. Each move meant starting over as medical records do not follow the inmate! Now sentenced to a federal facility so remote, it is not near any adequate medical treatment. It has been over 7 months and no MRI yet. It took almost 9 months to get the MRI at the first jail in 2015. His labs show the Hepatitis is getting worse; but no treatment is being given. The muscles in his right bicep and chest muscles are atrophying, which causes great weakness on the right side. And just as an aside, it took 4 months to get approved for a tooth cleaning. and the approval letter stated it would be a 12 or 18 month wait for the dental care. The worst part of course, is he didn't even go out and commit a crime! (Not just a Mom being blinded.) He made dumb choices long ago, as a young man, paid the price, and had no intention of breaking the law... Long story, we have an appeal in the works, but meanwhile I'd like to keep him alive so he can get a chance to be the man he wants his children to know
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shyer Maguire
  • Demand President Trump investigate "Wrongful Convictions"
    No one is above the law. Too many cases have revealed a lot more people have been incarcerated and/or put on death row; simply by a corrupted system; (Thank GOD for DNA). Prosecutors, Judges. LEO's, and even elected officials who campaign on upholding civil and especially constitutional rights are NOT being held accountable. Even when there has been exonerations and releases, and even in some states 'restitution' for their injustices; those responsible are not being held criminally liable, (as they should be). Resignations and offers of retirement should not even be considered! Too much and for far too long has caused irreparable damage to an individual and their families.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Diane E. Perkins
  • Justice For Samuel Ronan
    This petition is to garner support and funding for Samuel Ronan's legal defense against the arresting police officers who assaulted him and detained him without cause.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marcus Perriello
  • Restore the Civil Jury Trial
    The 7th Amendment to the U. S. Constitution and Article 1, Section 16 of the California State Constitution guarantees its citizen the right to a jury trial in civil cases, such as disputes between banks and borrowers, employees and employers, insurance companies and the people who bought the insurance, doctors and patients, etc. But both the California courts and the U. S. Supreme Court have eroded that right by allowing the bank, employer, insurance companies, hospitals, and doctors to create contracts that have provisions that require in the event of a disagreement the parties must go to arbitration.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James S. Smith
  • Give Colorado Families a Fair Chance at Employment!
    Colorado currently has a law (C.R.S. 5-18-109) that limits the time that employers can view most criminal background history to seven years, however unlike so many of our sister states, because of how our law is written it is considered "preempted" by federal law and it is completely ignored by most employers. The United States has the largest percentage in the world of individuals involved with the justice system and predictions are that by 2040 almost one in every three individuals will have some sort of criminal history. Too many Colorado families are forever barred from meaningful employment because a law that our citizens have already passed is ignored. A new law that can actually be enforced is needed, and we urgently need your signature to help.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Timothy Roeckel
  • Family visits / Conjugal visits in Rhode Island
    To be delivered to Rhode Island State House, Governor Gina Raimondo, The Rhode Island House of Representatives. A conjugal visit is a scheduled period in which an inmate of a prison is permitted to spend several hours or days in private with a visitor, usually their legal spouse. While the parties may engage in sexual intercourse, the generally recognized basis for permitting such visits in modern times is to preserve family bonds and increase the chances of success for a prisoner's eventual return to life outside prison. Additionally, they serve as an incentive to motivate inmates to comply with the various day-to-day rules and regulations of the prison, to avoid any infringement which might disqualify them from having a conjugal visit. Family is the most important thing when serving a lengthy prison sentence. Without communication by letters, phone calls, and visitation, Inmates would be more aggressive and violent against each other and officers. It actually keeps them sane. I believe that if other state prisons allow conjugal visits for married inmates, that it would be logical to allow those types of visits in Rhode Island's prison as well. This type of bonding promotes healthy relationships and morale. I believe that if the inmate has shown growth and good behavior since being incarcerated whether he has been in one particular place for a long time or if he has been incarcerated atleast 6 months or longer he or she should be allowed conjugal visits. Not only will it help with decreasing the reentry of the inmates but it will help with their psychological wellness while incarcerated and give them something to look forward to. It helps them connect better with the outside world and will allow for longer, faithful marriages and healthier relationships. Honestly, I think that every inmate's case is different and conjugal visits should be considered accordingly. During a conjugal visit, people are permitted to engage in sexual activity but mostly, it's actually meant for family time chatting in a non-prison setting, offering some semblance of a normal life in order to keep the integrity of a family unit together. These visits are intended to incentivize prisoners to comply with prison rules, be on best behavior, and have a higher chance of success upon re-entry to civilization. There are lots of benefits to maintaining a family unit even when one of its members is behind bars; and studies show that conjugal visits reduce incidences of sexual assault inside prisons. All states offering overnight visits require prisoners who get on the list to have impeccable prison behavior and to have already been incarcerated for at least 90 days. Inmates who are lifers or sex offenders aren't usually allowed conjugals. This would also affect me and my family as I have a fiancé who is doing time in prison. We been together since 2014 and he been incarcerated since 2016. He is serving 18 years in prison. We do also have a 3-year-old together. It’s tough as it is to only be able to talk on the phone for a short period of time or only get to visit on certain days with my daughter, and if it gets too full you have to leave within a certain amount of time. This would help our relationship out a lot if it got approved; not only me but other families as well. Please sign this petition. If you can get your friends and family members to sign, Please Share !! Let's face it, each and every one of us have someone or knows someone in a prison. We are their voice as well, so let's speak for them and their families! Thank you very much for your time. Some articles that show how they have helped a family and the prisoners http://someoneiknowandloveisdoingtime.wordpress.com/2011/11/19/my-first-conjugal-visit-frp-rated-r/ https://www.legalzoom.com/marriage-divorce-family-law/marriage-domestic-partnership/conjugal-visits-preserving-family-bonds
    239 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Amanda Marie
  • Help Legalize Weed in Mississippi
    My mother suffers from systemic lupus (a disease that deteriorates the immune system) and fibromyalgia. Studies have even proven that marijuana, or at least CBD (Cannabidiol Oil), can eat away at the lupus cells and quite possibly we could find a cure for lupus.
    297 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Anthony Rosenzweig
  • Support Bail Reform (SB-10)
    California’s current bail system is punishing families and communities. Most Californians cannot afford to post bail and so must either stay in jail or pay substantial nonrefundable fees to a bail bond company. These fees are not refunded under any circumstances – even if the court finds that a person is innocent or was wrongfully arrested. Over-policing of communities of color results in more arrests, exacting a disproportionate price from these communities. Whole families suffer, as they take on long-term debt to purchase the safety and freedom of a loved one, and women are hit the hardest. According to an Ella Baker Center survey, 83% of family members who take on court-related costs on behalf of loved ones are women. Successful models for reform can be found in Santa Clara County California as well as other states. In Santa Clara County, the pretrial risk assessment tool has saved $33 million in six months by keeping 1,400 defendants out of jail. Pretrial release costs the county just $15-$25/day compared with $204/day for incarceration. In addition to the cost savings, 95% of defendants appear for their court dates, while 99% are not rearrested while released to the community. This is clearly a more equitable and safer option for our community with the additional benefit of long-term financial savings on incarceration. Money saved could potentially be used for education in our communities. Under the California Bail Reform Act, judges will have access to more information than they do now about people coming before them so they can determine, based on the circumstances of the individual case rather than a person’s wealth, who can return home and under what conditions while their case is being resolved. More informed decision-making protects public safety while reducing the number of people kept in jail after arrest.
    148 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Tara Owen
    Sexual abuse/molestation occurs whenever one person dominates and exploits another by means of sexual activity or suggestion. Any sexual act, overt or covert, between a child and an adult through seduction or coercion. Numbers are disturbing when it comes to child molestation/sexual abuse cases here in Iowa that are not facing appropriate prison time due to the laws we have in place. We the citizens of Iowa are asking for our State legislators to put a bill in place to bring harsher punishment and stiffer penalties when it comes to these type of predators! laws that continue to require to register as a sex offender and require life long probation and ankle monitoring . as well as a life long no contact order in place for victim. My granddaughter was sexually molested from ages 2 to 6 years old. evidence was clear and founded by DHS as well as local law enforcement. and confession of guilt by her grandfather Dean Hilpipre under oath in Court. He was charged with two counts of sexual abuse 2nd degree. which is a mandatory sentence of 25 years each count. Assistant county attorneys negotiated a lesser charge that ultimately ended with 5 years probation and 5 years no contact order! This needs to change! NO MORE PLEA DEALS FOR CHILD MOLESTERS!
    321 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Deborah Yanna