LAPD Must Rescind Predictive Policing programs PredPol and Operation LASER Immediately!To be delivered to the Los Angeles Police Commissioners and the Inspector General (listed above): Angelenos demand that the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) immediately rescind its Predicting Policing programs. Consisting of a location-based tactic called PredPol and a person-based, location-based tactic called Operation LASER (Los Angeles Strategic Extraction and Restoration), these programs are targeting and criminalizing our communities resulting in the harassment, displacement, evictions, and possibly even the death of our community members. Anchored in the war on terror, the architects of PredPol and Operation LASER are engaged in massive amounts of data collection and surveillance using pseudo-science to trace, track, monitor, stalk, criminalize, and target communities. Predictive Policing policing programs are continuing to expand nationwide and need to be dismantled. Predictive Policing in Los Angeles - PredPol guesses about future crimes and uses algorithms to create 500 X 500 ft hotspots in neighborhoods, essentially pathologizing whole communities and saturating these communities with police who presume crime will occur. - Predpol is based on historic crime data that is rife with bias. This creates a feedback loop that amplifies the targeting of communities that have always been targeted by police. - Another example of pseudo-science that drives PredPol is the claim by one of the the creators of Predpol - Jeff Brantingham, professor of anthropology at UCLA, who compares “criminal offenders with hunter-gatherers,” and states that “the behaviors a hunter-gatherer uses to choose a wildebeest versus a gazelle are the same calculations a criminal uses to choose a Honda versus a Lexus.” - The creators of Operation LASER claim the program to be analogous to medical surgery, with the basic premise of targeting individuals with laser-like precision in the community, similar to how “a medical doctor uses modern technology to remove tumors.” - LASER is a person-based predictive policing program in which individual community members who may have had previous contact with the law enforcement are presumed to be criminal. - A Chronic Offender Bulletin, similar to a most wanted poster, is issued about the person. There is no way to contest the Bulletin which ultimately results in the creation of another secret list. - LASER also creates LASER Zones where homes, business, and buildings are deemed criminal and LAPD "intervenes" by evicting and serving abatement notices to people and their families, effectively displacing them and making it impossible to rent again.246 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Stop LAPD Spying Coalition
Mark Zuckerberg Must Return to Capitol Hill To Testify on Joel Zamel, Psy-Group and Related Compa...March for Truth demands urgency and transparency in the investigation into foreign interference in American elections.55 of 100 SignaturesCreated by March For Truth
unlawful recording/child pornagraphy chargesIn 2015, my 14 year old daughter was recorded by a school staff member in a school swim girls locker room while she was undressing. This wasn't considered child pornography despite my daughter being partially nude. There has to be a change to these laws and a stricter punishment needs to be enforced when it comes to children being videotaped/photographed naked or half naked by an adult without permission or consent.302 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Herlinda Favela Alba
#JusticeForChikesiaClemons: Tell Mobile County District Attorney to drop the charges#SayHerName is a national movement that began in 2015 to bring attention to violence against Black women, girls, and trans women. It is important to stand with Chikesia in this moment because like in so many cases of violence towards Black women, her story has not had a lot of mainstream coverage. After the arrest of the two Black men at the Starbucks in Philadelphia, Rashid Nelson and Donte Robinson, there was a national outcry to stop the calling of police on Black people. The nation responded with righteous anger for justice to be served for those brothers. I am asking for the same to be done for Chikesia. The death of Sandra Bland did not initially receive the coverage it deserved. It was the advocacy of activists across the country, that pushed Sandra’s case to be at the forefront of mainstream media. Let this be the reminder of why we need to stand for Black women and #SayHerName.217 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Rashad Robinson
Change Grand Jury ProcessMy grandson was murdered by a police officer and in the jury process the prosecutor presented the members of the jury with instructions that would guarantee the aquital of the officer. Jury members should be able the question the prosecutor about facts and events the lead the officer the make a personal judgement that could possible lead to unjust excessive force or death of innocent people or a preceived sense of danger.104 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Dearrea King
Treatment of InmatesI am requesting that this be sent to President Donald Trump, Governor Greg Abbott, The United States House of Representatives, The Texas State House, The Texas State Senate I am requesting that a change is put in place as for how inmates are treated and to pass a legislation bill to make sure their civil and constitutional rights are being upheld. They are treated unjustly without rhythm or reason. They go weeks without going to the commissary. Their mail is not delivered in a timely manner. Even though they have been convicted of a crime they still deserve to be treated fairly and given a fair chance to be rehabilitated.98 of 100 SignaturesCreated by misty mason
FREE CHAUNCY JAMESMY BEST FRIEND (Chauncy James) HAS BEEN SENTENCED TO 34 to LIFE ON HIS 1st OFFENSE❗️❗️❗️25 to LIFE IS EXCLUSIVELY ENHANCEMENTS❗️❗️❗️ Far too many people of color are disproportionately impacted by our state’s overly punitive sentencing laws, which tie the hands of our judges. SB 620 is a critical step toward a more fair and equitable justice system in California. For far too long, extreme sentencing enhancements have fueled mass incarceration, failed to deter crimes, and disproportionately ensnared people of color. He has totally changed his way of thinking for the betterment of himself, his family and most importantly society. I truly feel he deserves a second chance at life being in society to show he is very much an asset instead of a liability. He was given an extremely harsh sentence for a 1st time offender❗️❗️❗️ Chauncy deserves some consideration for sentence reduction or have his sentence enhancements reexamined under SB 620 ❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️465 of 500 SignaturesCreated by ROCHELLE THOMPSON
Share a Jail - Don't Raise TaxesURGENT!!!! Wednesday, May 16th the Greene County Legislative body will be voting to borrow $51.4 million to build a jail that we MAY NOT NEED! For more information on the jail issue, please visit www.smartgreenegov.com95 of 100 SignaturesCreated by SmartGreeeneGov
Resignation for SCDC Director StirlingREMINDER: National Prison Strike August 21st -September 9th State and Federal Prisons. We are demanding the resignation of SCDC Director Stirling. There are many, many reasons and I am sure so much more than I list. First of all let me set the record straight...the incident that happened at Lee County Correctional Institute on April 15th and lasted throughout the night ending in at least 7 inmates deaths...this incident didn't have anything to do with phones or contraband, it was simply because they choose to mix rival gangs together in the same dorm. Why did it take 7 hours?! 7 hours to help the injured or even stop what was going on, because it was noted that when SLED arrived there was no issue with the inmates. No employee inside that prison even tried to take any kind of action. It has been known that these same CO's have hosted 'Gladiator Matches'. Where they set it up to watch the inmates fight to what potentially could be the death. As for the cell phones, Stirling happens to be hiding behind one (YES ONE) incident that happened in 2010; September 1st, 2010 actually, against a CO. Capt. Robert Johnson, who was ordered a hit on from a Cript gang member. Now before we go any farther with this... it is my understanding from a source that this all could have been avoided had Capt. Johnson not received money from a group of individuals for a "pack" he went and got, then giving it to another group of individuals...this causing the anger and having it directed towards him. So was it the cell phone or even gang member that was at fault for this...absolutely NOT, if Capt. Johnson chose to be crooked, then toy with the individuals money and pack. I call that instigating. Yet here he is blaming cellphones...the same cell phones he was helping bring into this prison. I understand being upset or angry, but this is a grudge for an incident that he instigated and happened almost a decade ago and it seems to be the ONLY incident you ever hear about from Stirling. You do the math. Ratio of cell phones confiscated versus attacks against officers involving cell phones.. Hundreds of thousands to 1 (ONE). Most of these men share their phones so others can call family members, to call family members and loved ones; they aren't fighting over them. If it weren't for those cell phones, this would have been swept under the rug, like many other incidents have. Which is exactly why Stirling is punishing F1, F3 and F5 dorms....because they leaked the information that has caused an avalanche of lawsuits, angry inmates and REALLY angry loved ones, on top of him The cell phone isn't the weapon...unless it is used to expose what conditions Stirling is having them live in and the real life inside the prison. There are incidents on many occasions involving inmates' deaths and how they are rushed off in a van before the ambulance even makes it there. One incident happened to be on Officers Appreciation Day. There was a stabbing, the man was quickly rushed off, leaving others to wonder what happened, where he went and whether or not he bled out. The prison doesn't have enough money to hire more employees (Yet the people that would work there, there is always a reason for them not to be hired) or pay employees more for their time but will spend millions to block cell service and now drones, or I don't know maybe, just maybe clean these crap holes up and make it suitable for people/ human beings to live in. Seems to me that Stirling has it all backwards... You were always taught never to bite the hand that feeds you, but Stirling you are starving each and every one of them... employees, inmates, families, loved ones and every single person that has to cover up YOUR mistakes... and I hate to tell you but you're gonna get BIT! Moving along and again, surely I will miss probably many things and when signing the petition if anyone can think of anything, please add it to your comment. Let's start with food. Food is typically expired and in lack of proportion. Sometimes inmates are not fed until almost dinner and they are just tossed slop. There is nothing healthy about what they are served, I have a lot of photos of food sent to me and I have yet to see fruit and if there is a vegetable it doesn't look right. The only time it was seen that they had any kind of healthy FRESH food was when they were posting pictures of the volunteers smiling...'Look at me I'm doing good'. Meanwhile, they were fed that for the entire next week. I have had employees tell me how these people were fed stuff to make dog food...yes, you heard me right, DOG FOOD. Clearly stated on the package, it said "not for human consumption". So what do these employees do? Serve it up and pass it out to inmates. Every time I even think of that it makes me cry. Who does this to other human beings? These men are degraded, dehumanized, isolated, and improperly fed. These men are treated as slaves. You're welcome, Warren Buffett. In case you weren't aware, he has many plants that have inmates making his products for him. Why, you ask? Because it is cheaper than having them made on the outside...how is this not considered slavery? How is this rehabilitation? These men get treated terribly and live in deplorable conditions. They have been punished already; they had their freedom and rights taken away. They shouldn't have to be put through this as well. This is torture. Give them rehabilitation, teach them how to be so they can return to the streets properly...instead of creating bigger criminals. The longer you keep them in the further away from the outside they become, detaching them. You then release them back into society setting them up for failure. Everyone makes mistakes. Help fix them instead of making it worse. South Carolina prisons are said to be the worst in the nation. There have been many, many killings on Stirling's watch. Most are hidden and rushed out to have the bodies disposed of...so the public doesn't find out. Murder Camp. J...866 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by K C
Bring Back Good Time in Michigan's PrisonsTwice in April Michigan’s Good Time Bill, HB 5666, was not to voted on by legislators as expected. The Good Time Bill that was originally introduced in the House at the end of February and was scheduled to vote April 10th and was rescheduled for April 17th, legislators still have not voted on the matter and we cannot wait another election cycle for Good Time to be reintroduced again. Michigan is suffering from a clear problem and its hitting us hard. Michigan state keeps inmates much longer in comparison to other states. These extra years of men and women staying in prison is socially and economically expensive, driving up prison costs by millions and millions of dollars a year with incarceration consuming over a quarter of the state’s general fund. Not only is this problem costly economically on a state level but costly on a community level as African American families are heavily effected with over 44% of the states entire prison population being made of of non-white men. That’s almost half! Its more than disappointing, its disgusting to see the lack of the representatives’ interest in the demands of the people on correcting this gross issue. This Initiative petition requires at least 252,523 valid signatures by May 30th in order for the proposed legislation, the Good Time Bill, to override the legislators voting process. After the successful collection of signatures the bill must be put for a vote by legislators to be either adopted or rejected within 40 days. If the proposed bill is not immediately adopted and is rejected by legislators then it is given another opportunity to become a law by moving forward to proposed to the people in the state of Michigan’s next general election which would be November 6, 2018. This is our opportunity to bring Good Time back in the State’s prisons so that rehabilitated prisoners can rejoin society to support their families and communities.1,759 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Amani
Ivan EwingA little background on Ivan Ewing. Ivan is 35 years old and he comes from Nashville. He also has a beautiful 4-month-old baby that he has never met, Ivan Jr. I am his (wife, GF, fiancee) Heather; we have been together now for (years, months). When Ivan was arrested, he was charged with tampering with or fabricating evidence, possession/manufacture with intent to resell, criminal trespassing, and possession of drug paraphernalia. Ivan is pending an 8-year sentence for the crimes that were committed. He is fully aware of what he has done and that is was wrong. Ivan wants to do the right thing. He wants to live the right way and be there for his family and show them how life should be. Ivan wants to be the role model that his son deserves to have. Ivan Jr. is currently only 4 months and has never gotten the chance to meet his daddy, not to see or be held and loved by his dad. Ivan Jr has been through a lot since he was born. Ivan Jr was born prematurely. They had to do an emergency C-section to get him out because the labor cord was not in the right place. They believe that it is possible that he may have had a stroke before he even came out. He cant hear and has only partial eye sight Baby Ivan will have to have surgery to repair a bulging part of his brain. He has alot of medical needs and needs both of his parents to help care for him I want more than anything for Ivan Jr to know his daddy and for his daddy to know him; to be a part of Ivan Jr's life, to help raise him. I know typically family isn't taken into consideration with the deciding vote. I completely understand that; I just ask that you try and take us into consideration. Ivan Jr and I are currently living out of a family shelter, trying to get back on my feet with our son who needs special nurses and around the clock care. This is very difficult for me as I am doing this all on my own. I don't have family to help and nowhere else to turn. I didn't want to live on the streets, especially with our son; not to mention the special treatment our son needs. This isn't something easy to admit but I can't do this on my own. I am aware of his actions and I know what he did was wrong. However, I have seen so much of a change already in him. I am not asking for sympathy, I just ask that you take us into consideration as you decide whether or not he should be paroled.51 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Heather Ewing
Eliminating the Statute of Limitations for bringing conviction for Rape or any Sexual Tresspass.Maine has reduced the time to bring conviction for sexual assault from 10 to 8 years. Sexual assault is committing trespass which is covered under due process in the Constitution. Statutes of Limitations serves to violate this civil right of due process.62 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Katrina Adams