• Exonerate Abraham Bolden
    Abraham Bolden needs to have his conviction removed from the record so history will reflect the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
    357 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Ralph Thomas
  • Thank you FBI
    To show that we are grateful to the FBI for their sacrifices in keeping our nation safe.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Louis Ricciardello
  • Legalization of Marijuana in Minnesota
    There are so many useful outcomes of the use of cannabis and the legalization of it. People can obtain cannabis for all the wonderful medicinal reasons it has. Crime rates drop as well, therefore Police forces are less taxed. People who have been incarcerated for its use and sale are now able to once again become productive in our society.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeremy Schaefer
  • Legalization of marijuana
    Yes. Being a visually impaired man, I feel that the medical advantages to marijuana far out weigh any moral objection from the right.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Goldey
  • Legalize recreational adult cannabis use and sales in Louisiana
    59.3 percent of the United States population now lives in a state where marijuana has been legalized to some degree. 63 million Americans (one in five) now live in states where adults are legally allowed to use marijuana recreationally. Polls show that 60 percent of Americans support the legalization of cannabis, with a majority indicating that enforcing prohibition isn’t worth the cost. Louisiana citizens deserve to have the same freedoms as US citizens in other states. Louisiana should use cannabis legalization as a means to reform our notoriously excessive criminal justice system and as a way to potentially bring thousands of jobs and hundreds of millions of dollars to our state. Louisiana needs to stop discrimination against its cannabis supporters, we need to stop arresting, and giving criminal records to own citizens for using a plant that is perfectly legal for Americans to use in other states. ... I hope and pray this petition actually does some good. Thanks for your signatures!
    507 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Samuel Miley
  • Living Wage for part time workers
    Because I am fed up, & I am not going to stand ideally by while my friends are near death, due to stress. I Bid You Peace, Louis Aaron, [email protected]
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Louis Aaron
  • Parole Support for Matthew Ward
    Ok Im going to be real with you all. My man Matthew Ward has done 8 years so far on a drug charge, marijuana actually. A non violent crime, mind you, on a drug which is legal or soon to be legal in a ton of states. Now dont get me wrong some time or rehab would have been more reasonable at least then he could have a chance and learn. What will locking him up for 11 years do for him beside teach him how to be a real criminal, not to mention the excessive sentencing. His projected release date isnt until September of 2020. He has gone up for parole every year with no such luck. We just went up at the end of February. They denied his parole for his past...they didn't see any of the hard work he did before the hearing. 14 months no trouble as of December...and he would still be on a streak if it wasnt for the cop that was harassing him. Every time he even looked her way, even if she is speaking to him, she would try and charge him. Many saw this and every time the charges were dropped. Well right before he left the last prison she made sure she went in for the charge again...because he wouldn't get shipped to where he was supposed to and he couldn't fight it because he was then at a different prison where no one knew what had happened. The assistant warden at his new prison was trying to have the book thrown at him...They brought up his affiliation with a gang. I totally get where they have a problem with this....(however most people do while in there for safety. He explains to the parole board that, that is not the case anymore and that he graduated from the step down program, got his GED and he is really trying to do everything to change and be a good person, he just wants to get the chance at freedom and prove to them that this isnt how he wants his life to be. He was basically a kid when he went in. I dont know if this petition will even make it anywhere but I have to try. Please let him back into society. He has so much support especially from his mama and myself.
    63 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kristina
  • Restoring All rights for Victimless Felons
    I believe that if a person has done their time for a crime committed and there were no victims involved, such as drug possession, that person should be able to have all their rights as citizens restored: the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, which includes voting, a good place to live, and the chance to have a good job. Without this restoration, they may be doomed to repeat their past mistakes and wind up back in prison. And, yes, like many families, I have a family member who has been negatively impacted by time served for a drug possession - it is almost impossible to find a good place to live or a good job with a record. Time has been served, dues paid, it is time to allow them to move on.
    86 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nancy Krinick
  • Legal Marijuana
    Legal Marijuana is proving to be a powerful revenue generator in the states where it is legal. Medical marijuana is als changing lives all over the country. It’s time for Alabama to have serious, grown up talk about Marijuana
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rick Cousins
  • Medical marijuana for Idahoans
    To stop the prosecution of Idaho medical cannabis patients, to allow safe access to medical cannabis for Idaho patients.
    104 of 200 Signatures
    Created by William Esbensen
  • Undocumented Report Court of Special Appeals Jeremy Ali-Said
    Mr. Ali-Said has been reformed. Google Court of Special Appeals Jeremy Ali-Said .He was sentenced harshly and unfairly 15 years is long enough.
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bernardstine bethea
  • A Call to End Health Workers' Participation in the Practice of Solitary Confinement
    On any given day, 80,000-100,000 people are held in Solitary Confinement units in jails and prisons throughout the United States, usually as punishment for some type of infraction – often for infractions as minor as possession of too many postage stamps. People of color are disproportionately subjected to isolation, as are those with mental health needs. The length of time in solitary ranges from a few days to decades. People who’ve been held in solitary have likened it to being buried alive. In 2011, the United Nations declared that Solitary Confinement beyond 15 days constitutes torture. We, the undersigned Helping & Health professionals, question the ethics of health worker participation in the practice of Solitary Confinement. In particular, mental health professionals play a vital role in this practice, as they are routinely called upon to assess the mental status of those held in solitary, to provide psychiatric medication, and to advise correctional personnel as to those at high risk for suicide. Ironically, solitary confinement itself creates and exacerbates mental disorders, yet we are forced to become enablers to this grueling punishment. We call upon the governing bodies of our professions to set mandatory standards for those assigned to these units and to denounce Solitary Confinement in its current form, as it is in direct violation of our Codes of Ethics, which call upon us to uphold the dignity and humanity of all people. For further information on “Dual Loyalty” – the conflict between professional standards & employer expectations please go to: www.socialworkersasc.org Social Workers Against Solitary Confinement
    1,043 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Sandy Bernabei