• Free My Son, Randy Rader
    I'm His Mom; Haven't Seen My Son But 3 Times In 15 Years - Too Far Away; Thousands Of Miles, So Hard. His Brother Is Sick. We Need Him Home. He's Been In 15 Years For Not Much. Please Help Him Come Home. His Mom, Debra
    146 of 200 Signatures
    Created by DEBRA RADER
  • Free Frankie Sanchez!
    Mr. Larry Kupers United State Department of Justice Office of the Pardon Attorney Washington D.C 20530 Re: Pardon Department Your Honor, I humbly write this letter to you in my quest to be pardon. I honestly believe that I should be pardoned. I have expressed intense regret for my transgressions. My name is Francisco Sanchez, I am a native New Yorker. Life for me hasn't always been easy. I witness my father Manuel Sanchez, worked very diligently at the same housing development complex in Long Island, NY for 25 years. He had struggled with alcoholism and I felt in my heart that was not the future that I wanted, but unfortunately, I made a foolish decision and turned to life on the fast lane. It was a choice that I made and now I'm paying the price for it. However, spending my life in prison, in my opinion, does not match the crime committed. I had entered into the state of Baltimore Maryland, and I was arrested along with my mother for conspiracy to distribute Heroin and Fentanyl. Under the United State Code 21: 841(B) (1) (C) I was found guilty and sentenced to a mandatory term of Life in prison without the possibility of Parole. It was determined by the Judge that the drugs attributed to our case were the cause of death of several individuals in early 1992 in Baltimore Maryland. (case #92-0301) My deepest sympathy goes out to the victims and their families, Also, for the loss, of my dear Mother who passed away while serving a 10-year sentence. As a son, I carry the burden of my pasts mistakes with a pain that is immeasurable. I express deep remorse for what I’ve done and I am fully accountable for the consequences of my actions. However, the sentence handed down to me does not fit the crime. In 2014 The Supreme Court in Burrage vs. United States 571 US 204 held that "at least where the use of the drug distribution by a defendant is not an independently sufficient cause of the victim's death or serious bodily injury, a defendant cannot be liable under the penalty enhancement provision or 21: USC 841 (B)(1) (A) unless the use is a but-for-cause of the death and injury" The Supreme court referred to the death in similar cases Wheeler vs. the United States that the death results enhancement as "an element is not a sentencing enhancement, but rather a statutory element of a crime. To be denied the rights to my 5th and 6th amendment right is a crime itself against humanity. I don't think that its fair that our District and appeal courts continue to err and deny defendants the opportunity for relief claiming the Burrage case is non-retroactive. Teague vs. Lane 489 Supreme Court (1989) Tyler vs. Cain 533 US, are cases where The Supreme Court states clearly: “Any new substantive rules are categorically retroactive”. While in prison I have been active with The Ronald McDonald "soda pop tops" Recycling donation program, We, here at F.C.I Ray Brook New York work very hard in knitting funny-fun hats and colorful cool blankets for the children with cancer under the coordinator & reentry specialist Mrs. S. Kiefer. I have successfully completed the criminal & behavior and Victim Impact course, I work hand-in-hand with the Cease Fire and stop the violence programs located in Syracuse New York, with this program I served on the advisory team/Spanish liaison. I stand as a suicide prevention companion member also a Big Brother mentor for young youth who enter behind these walls. My goal is to start a non-profit organization called "The Gladys Rivera Sanchez Foundation. A program design to help women with abused cases. I have made adjustments that I 'am so proud of and they have led me to an amazing transformation in my life and I know that if given the opportunity, I would continue my service and be a valuable asset to different organizations and to all of the youths they serve. Respectfully submitted, Frankie Sanchez reg # 28910-037 P.O. Box 900 Federal Correctional Institution Ray Brook Ray Brook, NY 12977
    74 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dee
  • Wrongfully Convicted
    My son was wrongfully convicted of murder and sentenced to two consecutive life sentences. There are numerous items of evidence that were left out of the trial that play a vital role in justice being served. My son is in prison while a murderer is still on the streets.
    117 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Anthony Davis
    I'm starting this petition because in every court house in this country, everyday it's full of mostly Black Americans which only make up a small percentage of American population. EVERY AMERICAN and non American knows Black Americans are not treated fairly in this country BUT not enough if any is being done to stop it. It's time for REAL CHANGE, we have too many politicians elected and not writing bills to make changes for the people who voted them into office. NOBODY'S holding those who treat Black Americans unfairly accountable. If you are not fighting for fairness for Black Americans you are part of the program PERIOD. We all deserve equal and fair opportunities in this country. Please show your support and make a difference. America is stronger when we all are working together and being treated fairly.
    81 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Victor Gurley
  • Rontavis Davis Petition
    My brother was arrested in Albany Georgia and we as a family feel as if he is being treated unfairly by the Georgia Department of Correction and Albany Police Department. We have all done things and made mistakes in which we can not take back but yet we do regret those choices that we have made, some of us has even been punished for those crimes such as my brother. Whether they was properly or wrongfully punished they was punished so for a judge or state to make a decision of someone freedom based upon something he or she has done in their past but has served time for already is wrong. What type of message is that sending the individual that just because you made a mistake once or maybe twice in your life that you deserve to be treated unfairly or like a dog because now you don't matter to society better yet the people who stood before you and fought for your freedom didn't fight for the freedom of a person with your mantality! How do we espect them to ever trust the justice system if the justice system screwing them over. To give my brother 15 years to life in prison is just a heinous system it's not like he murdered someone, no im not saying no punishment should be done but I do feel as if he has already given a lot of his time to the system missing out of his children lives and missing the death of both our grandparent don't you guys feel as if thats enough punishment itself. Imagine you making mistakes as a young adult because you had no guidence, no one to really teach you right from wrong so you turned to looking for that love and lesson of life from the streets so you get caught up in the moment but thankfully instead of being in a grave you was blessed to sit and learn your lesson in a facility. You learned to value life and never take it for granted more importantly you paid your due to society so why can't you be treated equally don't we all bleed the same blood? All my family is asking for is that my brother case be looked over and reviewed so a decison can be made in which he doesn't spend the rest of his life in prison.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kintoria Shavon Mayes
  • MegaComrade Officer Clement E. Edegbe: Petition For Law Enforcement License Revocation
    MEGACOMRADE OFFICER CLEMENT E. EDEGBE, who claims to be a Freedom Fighter (People's Freedom Movement - PFM) and Law Enforcement Agent, has engaged in an intolerable level of cyber-bullying against Chief Ambassador Osarodion Osagie, Founder and President of A Godsent Foundation, an accredited 501c3 organization based in Texas. We, the members of A Godsent Foundation Worldwide, petition the Texas judicial system to investigate said cyber-bullying as evidenced in his August 18, 2018, Facebook Live video entitled, "Evil Satan Sent Foundation Episode One Of Amb. Dion Osagie Governorship Interest Saga" posted at 9:04 pm. After reviewing this video (which can be found on his Facebook page and YouTube), we ask that you give consideration to withdrawing any license which allows him to carry a firearm and/or enforce the laws of the land in the U.S. due to evidenced unstable and erratic behavior. In this video, Officer Edegbe attacks not only Chief Osarodion Osagie but also his Foundation members by: • A Godsent Foundation Fundraising fraud accusations • Accusing Chief Osarodion Osagie of occultic practices to gain influence over his followers • Promising to use his position as a Law Enforcement Officer to not only ‘rubbish’ Chief Osagie but “cut his dreams short” even if he dies tomorrow, proving him to be the greatest scammer of all time • Misleading the public to think that he has evidence of an FBI criminal investigation with no proof • Encourage his members to lay curses on Chief Osarodion Osagie and all his ‘scorpion’ members. Thereafter, a FaceBook Live video of PFM members using occultist practices against Chief Osagie • Accusing Chief Osarodion Osagie of killing his own father, who died as an honored US citizen, for insurance money • Accusing Chief Osarodion Osagie of killing people using witchcraft to increase fundraising efforts • Advocating Chief Osarodion's rape by “Chicano Boys” in prison • Accusing Chief Osarodion Osagie of conspiring to scam the US Treasury • Operating illegal ‘rings’ in San Antonio and Dallas • Accusing Chief Osarodion Osagie of being a drug user • Accusing Chief Osarodion Osagie of running a Terrorist entity in Benin City, Nigeria • Telling Chief Osarodion Osagie to “pee in a cup and wash his face with it”...he called this a ‘prophecy’ (unstable behavior) • Threatening to go to the media with his ‘imaginary information’ This is just one online example of the cyber-bullying that Chief Osarodion Osagie and his Foundation members have had to endure. Chief Osarodion Osagie also has all video evidence since July 20017 to present which proves that Officer CLEMENT E. EDEGBE has threatened to bring him down by insulting his family publicly. We, the undersigned of this petition, beseech the Texas Judicial System to take swift and sweeping measures to ensure the safety of Chief Osarodion Osagie, his Foundation members, and the public-at-large.
    109 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Carla Adagun
  • Something Has to Change
    So when someone is charged with a murder charge there are stipulations automatically set in place. For example, said individuals are not allowed to leave the state in which they were charged, not able to possess a weapon, and not allowed to possess drugs.
    70 of 100 Signatures
    Created by bridgette
  • Hire Licensed Social Workers in NYPD
    Mental health professionals are better suited in dealing with mental health crisis than NYPD officers who have limited training and understanding of mental health illnesses. As such, this petition is demanding that the NYPD hires mental health professionals specifically, licensed social workers, to help them deescalate situations involving people with mental health illnesses. If you're having cardiovascular trouble, you're not going to call your dentist. Because it doesn't make sense. Similarly, people in mental health crisis shouldn't have to be attended by people who aren't qualified to understand their needs. Because NYPD has not had such support, it has led to injury and death of people with mental health illness. The best preventative measure will be to hire licensed social workers to assist the NYPD officers in deescalating situations and protecting the rights and the lives of people with mental health illnesses. By practicing better preventative care, this will result in less conflict between NYPD and the community, less incarceration rates and less involvement in child welfare.
    86 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marilyn Reynoso
  • Judge T.J. hauler MUST RESIGN for being dismissive of sexual assault
    Logan Michael Osborn bound a 14-year-old girl with a belt and sexually assaulted her. Osborn pled guilty and was sentenced to time in prison, butCircuit Court Judge T.J. Hauler in Chesterfield County, Virginia decided to suspend the prison term entirely--and now Osborn gets to walk free. A psychologist said that Osborn is likely to offend again, but the judge still let him go. This is not the first time Judge Hauler has let off a violent offender. He also released a rapist who went on to kill his father-in-law once set free. We have to stop judges from letting off sexual predators without regard for the consequences. Judge Hauler must be forced to resign.
    4,463 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Maria
  • End the Exploitation and Abuse of Prisoners
    I was incarcerated and know first hand. I also have loved ones who are incarcerated going through this at this exact moment.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bethany Smith
    Police officers were called to a home of a young man that was having a PTSD episode only to end up being shot 12 -15 times by officers. You never want to believe it's about race but help the family understand this: https://www.facebook.com/MicMedia/videos/1998266460196122/?hc_ref=ARQTlkmXjN5OBTwPC75SwizK7koeKRkmYwlxulTP05GS7p6ryR-55WD4KY6PaZRCzY4 https://news.sky.com/video/knife-wielding-man-tasered-by-police-11325628 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-1186351/Shocking-moment-Police-taser-knife-wielding-man-Hackney.html There has to be some consistency and more training on how to handle these types of 911 calls... I respect officers in their position to get home to their families but with a little more training it can help from destroying families in the process...
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Johnson
  • Free Chanan Aqu Simmons
    The DNA proved that it was not his blood type we are asking for any help we can get!
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michelle Schemmel