• Ban assault weapons and ammunition
    We should start with better background checks. No loopholes. This latest shooter had his arms legally. This is why a total ban would really change things.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jacqueline Gambino
  • Ban semi-automatic weapons
    The entire country is in mourning because semi-automatic weapons were used to gun down many innocent people in a matter of seconds at the elementary school in Newtown, CT. The general public does not need these types of weapons to defend themselves or for hunting. At least pulling the trigger each time you want to fire a weapon might just save lives by giving others a chance to run or take cover. So people, are you with me on this?
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maureen L
  • Prosecute the HSBC Bankers for their dealings with known Terrorist!
    HSBC has been busted for having dealt with Al Qieda and other terrorist groups. They have helped to launder BILLIONS of dollars for drug cartels and terrorist organizations. They were responsible for a wire transfer to one of the terrorists just DAYS before 9/11/01. Its hard to know we live in a world where people who commit such horrific acts as dealing with the scum of the earth can simply walk free with no punishment... But that's where you live, unless we do something about it. HSBC "Failed to monitor of 60 TRILLION DOLLARS of wire transfers and bank account activities". The executives for this bank have gotten off with a very harsh... No Punishment!!?!!?! The US says basically they are to big to fail, and that prosecuting them could affect their licensing in the US which would affect the entire financial market, essentially giving a completely free pass to bankers at the top to break any laws as many times as desired as they are "To Big To Fail OR Jail!!!!"
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael
  • Stop the Gun Insanity
    We have all been affected by the recent and growing absurdity of the proliferation of guns that can be obtained by even the deranged among us. Schools and places where children and other innocent by-standers can be easily targeted must be better protected.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jannette Dates
  • Constitutional Amendment to Eliminate Assault Weapons
    Ask Congress and the White House to Amend the Constitution to outlaw the sale importation and ownership of forms of Assault weapons.
    85 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Keith Kearney
  • Safety in our schools
    To many lives have been cut short due to mass shootings . We need to protect our children. Gun control is not the answer since all these guys seem to obtain them legally. We need to be vigilant and proactive! Having police in our schools will help stop the shooters or at the least slow them down and save some lives! We need extra protection now!
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maria Comiskey
  • Gun show sales background check.
    Currently there is no background check for sales of guns at gun shows. This is a loop hole to by pass any form of mental or legal background check on sales at gun shows or private gun sales. This is an open forum to purchase a gun for those that do not qualify for new gun sales. Without any form of checking who these sales of guns are going to we do not have a clear picture of who's hands they end up in! These sales are done without verifying the mental stability of the buyer and guns are ending up in the hands of those who any society should not tolerate. We currently have laws in place for the sale of new guns to any person in the USA which purchases a new gun and these same guidelines should be followed for the sale of any guns. If a sale of a gun is to take place be it at a gun show or private sale this should not by pass a background check. There should be a means to qualify a persons background on all sales of guns.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Ahrens
  • Stop the killing.
    As a nation we need to address the massacre killing that is becoming to common place in our country. There needs to a strong movement to understand if the problem is guns, too much free publicity, or something else we as a country can do. The first step is prayer for the families and those affected by any massacre, and prayer for our leaders and citizens to take the proper action.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary Ellen Fritz
  • Students Against Gun Violence
    Enough is enough! We need real gun control!
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eli, Ian,Tapu & Noah
  • Federal Mandatory Gun Purchasers Background Check Law
    We need to start somewhere. Lets start with a federal law shall we??
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Zakis
  • Federal Mandatory Gun Purchasers Background Check Law
    Federal Mandatory Gun Purchasers Background Check Law
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Zakis
  • It's Time To Take Away The Toys
    The only way to beat the N.R.A lobbyists is through a referendum. We, the people, must call for a vote on this issue.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Taylor Marchand