• The Yellow Ribbon Month For Veterans of American Wars
    Our government recognizes 13 wars in its history and countless conflicts around the globe. More than 100 million men and women have served in the military to defend the liberty and independence we have today. VeteransPlus created www.YellowRibbonMonth.org in hopes of giving Americans a virtual place to say thank you to military and Veteran families. VeteransPlus and many grateful Americans believe that the entire month of November should be dedicated to commemorate and honor Servicemembers, Veterans, and Families of the Fallen, especially the 25+ million Veterans living today.
    81 of 100 Signatures
    Created by VeteransPlus
  • No More
    Preventing people from either getting killed or any accidents from falling into any lakes, creeks, or rivers. Shut them down adding more rangers within the area. Also put signs on every pole that are there. this is the time we should put them up and make them bigger as well
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matt Luciano
  • Twin Falls School District: Change the Dress Code
    I, Brooke Fitzgerald, would be personally willing to debate the changing of the dress code both as a fundraiser for the Twin Falls High School Speech and Debate team and because it is an issue that I am deeply passionate about. If Mr. Dickinson of the District or Mr. Allen of TFHS would like to contact me, my email is [email protected]. We the students, parents, and concerned members of Twin Falls School District wish for the new dress code policy to be changed from just above the knee to fingertip length because the rule was illogically created, it disenfranchises female and low-income students, and because the discipline committee's perception of "appropriateness" does not correspond with the perception of the general public. My name is Brooke Fitzgerald and I am a senior at Twin Falls High School. Upon doing my research on the dress code change, I found that the main reason mentioned by the administration for implementing the more stringent dress code was that the previous "mid-thigh" rule was too hard to enforce. Ease of administration is not a reason to force female students to abandon their constitutional rights to freedom of expression and equal treatment, as this rule inherently targets female students. The second reason behind the dress code change is increased professionalism. This is also nonsensical because a professional environment will not exist unless uniforms of suits and slacks are instated, which will elicit much more protest. Furthermore, I suspect that professionalism is not the main motivation for the change. When Brady Dickinson (Director of Operations for the Twin Falls School District) was interviewed by Brian Smith in the Times News, he mentioned nothing about "professionalism" as a rationale for the change. The fact that the majority of Twin Falls High School in particular lacks air-conditioning means that students (including myself) are faced with the choice between purchasing new clothes that they're uncomfortable in and wearing jeans, increasing their body temperature and decreasing their attention. This is a problem directed solely at female students, as the majority of skirts and shorts manufactured for women are at the fingertip or mid-thigh length. Many times it is not a matter of choice of style, but availability of style. Forcing students to comply with this nonsensical rule further disenfranchises female and low-income students, for no real reason other than the ambiguity of the term "mid-thigh". However, this is not only a student problem. The increased regulation and enforcement of the dress code has angered many parents, as they are forced to leave work or go out of their way to provide their children with clothes that are deemed as "appropriate," not by their parental judgement, but by a discipline committee that all but a select few of parents do not have input with. For these reasons and more, the dress code needs to be changed.
    341 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Brooke Fitzgerald
  • Joe Hune: Apologize for Calling Medicaid Expansion Nauseating
    Joe Hune's comments shows the contempt he holds for our friends, neighbors, and relatives who will benefit from having regular access to medical care thanks to the expansion of Medicaid in Michigan. Uncompensated care costs doctors and hospitals billions of dollars a year and this expansion will help prevent those costs from being passed on to us in higher insurance rates.
    126 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Judy Daubenmier
  • Abolish Time Change
    I am wanting to abolish the time change. Keeping and staying with daylight savings (the extra hour and sunlight). Most everyone I talk with agrees and wants this change as well. Please sign! Abolish Time Change now!!
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian Fridlund
  • Stop the Fluoridation of Los Gatos Drinking Water
    Fluoride is a poison that lowers IQ by 10 to 20 points and creates lethargy in those who consume it. Most cities have ceased adding it to their water after decades of zero proof of it preventing tooth decay. Even dentists question the benefit of "drinking" fluoride vs. applying it topically to the teeth. Adding it to the water supply is in effect "mass medication"by people who've been paid off by the fluoride pharmaceutical companies.
    224 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Bill Kellinger
  • 113 of 200 Signatures
    Created by James DeBenedetto
  • Red Lights at Bull Creek
    There are red lights being unused next to Wal-Mart that could be moved to Bull Creek. There are too many wrecks in this area and they are almost always severe.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Barbara A Howard
  • Subsidized Hate
    My family has been subjected to hate crimes for decades from some white supremacists who live next door. I see how they hate The US Government, Jews, Gays, Hispanics, Blacks or any white person that does not agree with their ideology. Yet they live off the Government. Therefore, indirectly we are all subsidizing their hate. Very clever and evil and it has to stop.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Irene Dragustinovich
  • Colorado GOP must prove they are all not bigots!
    All across the nation we are watching the GOP displaying outright bigotry and racism. Now we are seeing it in Colorado and it is an embarrassment! The Colorado GOP now must prove they are all not the bigot and racist as their Lori Saine is! Remove her or admit all GOP members are bigots. Please watch http://kdvr.com/2013/09/04/gop-lawmaker-brings-fried-chicken-to-poverty-hearing-in-silent-protest/ It is simply too late for any apology!
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Mitton
  • Marriage Equality in Missouri
    I have been with my partner for 20 years and feel like a second class citizen in my own state and country. There are many gay couples in the state of Missouri that wish to have their voices heard and their love for one another accepted but are always pushed away. We are human beings and wish to be treated as such. We want our love to be just as important as you believe yours is. As American and Missouri citizens, we should have the same rights as any other American or Missourian. We deserve Marriage equality.
    2,471 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by allen flood
  • We Want More @moia
    Marko Ahtisaari has decided to step down in November. With the recent acquire of Nokia's Devices and Services businesses by Microsoft, we want to ensure we get more Marko Ahtisaari goodness. Sign this petition if you want more of this ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vU7T_B3I6R0
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ryan Lowdermilk