Mr. President: Please Stop Using Tax Payer Money to Support RushThe United States Government is spending our tax dollars to support Rush Limbaugh. Rush Limbaugh’s Show continues while he collects welfare. Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move program is heard on the Rush Limbaugh Show. United States Departments airing Public Service Announcements (PSAs) include Department of Energy, United States Forest Service (as in Smokey Bear), Housing and Urban Development. The Ad Council distributes many of these PSAs claiming, “The airing of Ad Council PSAs on media programs does not imply support of that program or its spokesperson’s ideologies.” As taxpayers, We The People do not want our name used to fill Rush Limbaugh's dead air.30,230 of 35,000 SignaturesCreated by Carol Wallin
Kauai Only- Hold Council/Mayor Accountable for Bill #2491We are holding our public servants accountable. This "Right to Know and Protect" bill is common sense and is exactly why the Constitution and Bill of Rights were created. They are elected public officials. If they fail to uphold and serve the people per the Constitution, we will take action ourselves if no one is representing us. We will gladly use the Charter for Recall if needed. Constitution of Hawaii/Article 1/Bill of Rights- POLITICAL POWER: All political power of this State is inherent in the people and the responsibility for the exercise thereof rests with the people. All government is founded on this authority RIGHTS OF CITIZENS- Section 8. No citizen shall be disfranchised, or deprived of any of the rights or privileges secured to other citizens, unless by the law of the land. Constitution/Section 1 Article X1- For the benefit of present and future generations, the State and its political subdivisions shall conserve and protect Hawaii's natural beauty and all natural resources, including land, water, air, minerals and energy sources, and shall promote the development and utilization of these resources in a manner consistent with their conservation and in furtherance of the self-sufficiency of the State. All public natural resources are held in trust by the State for the benefit of the people.102 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Desiree Hoover
Lakeway City Council + ZAPCO: Don't allow car dealerships in Lakeway!1. We do not support amending any city ordinances to allow car dealerships to be built in the City of Lakeway. 2. We do not support any zoning amendments to allow commercial property to convert classification that will allow car dealerships to be built in the City of Lakeway.60 of 100 SignaturesCreated by T. Bryce
KEEP FUEGO BY SOSA'S CIGARS OPEN IN DOWNTOWN DISNEY!Downtown Disney is changing and they will be closing Fuego by Sosa's Cigars at the end of September. Here the older generation as well as the younger, (but over 21) generation get to experience the nostalgia of days gone by, where people from all over the world come to unwind and enjoy a drink and a Cigar in a friendly, welcoming, fun atmosphere! The Sosa family has been in the cigar-making business for more than 70 years! Fuego by Sosa's Cigars most definitely fits into Disney's new format perfectly, so to not have them be part of all of the new changes would be a huge mistake! Please show your support, Don't let Disney close their doors by not renewing Fuego's lease! Please sign this petition and let Disney know that you want Fuego to remain open and be part of the new "Disney Springs" right where they belong!354 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Faith Ramos
Wildland Firefighter Protection Act (H.R. 2858)I have been a federal seasonal wildland firefighter since 2007. I have fought fires in 8 states and worked on hand crews, engine crews and helicopter crews. For decades wildland firefighters have quietly endured some of the most adversely dangerous and difficult working conditions. We love our jobs, but all we ask is to be properly recognized, to be treated fairly, and to be compensated and looked after in a manner that is consistent with other firefighters around the nation. It doesn't seem right to me that people that prepare espresso have comparable wages and better benefits than those who regularly risk their lives for life and property.4,572 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by Lindon Pronto
Final MCR showBecause MCR saved so many peoples lives and it hurts to just see them call it off we are just asking for one final show just to see them again22 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gabbie
OLD ENOUGH FOR WAR, OLD ENOUGH TO DRINK.The first night I was back from Iraq, I was walking alone to my secret fishing spot, and as I was waiting for a bite that would most likely never come, I couldn't help but laugh as I took a another sip off the beer that an "of age" friend of mine slipped into my bag, I had to, after all iv been threw over the last year, the hell I volunteered to walk threw, after all that, I could still get arrested for under age drinking2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michael Flood
Petition for Entrance on 7th Street for proposed Hospital Linen development, and to remove 6th st...Traffic on 6th Street is a problem, and many people have worked over the years to decrease traffic on this residential street. The traffic causes noise, air pollution, and unsafe conditions for children, adults, and pets, on a residential street. The current plans for a development at the Hospital Linen site and the Metropolitan State parking structure in Dayton's Bluff, Saint Paul and Beacon Bluff do not contain a way to direct traffic to 7th Street, a commercial street, and will increase traffic on residential 6th Street and adjacent side streets. To date, the lack of a plan to direct traffic towards 7th Street encourages drivers to use 6th Street as a highway ramp to Interstate 94, which has resulted in the loss of life and property. This is completely unacceptable in a residential neighborhood, and will no longer be tolerated by residents of 6th Street, or Dayton's Bluff, and a closure of 6th Street between Mounds and Maria is demanded. The more support the more likely officials will listen. We're hoping to reach 150 signatures to show we are serious. Thank you!95 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Elliott Nickell
A law that bans acts of kindnessBy the time I was seven, I had already been placed in 17 different foster homes. I was out of options until a loving gay couple, Greg and Stillman, gave me the family that I had dreamed of. Greg and Stillman took me in as a foster kid and then adopted me when I was eight. If it hadn’t been for my two dads, I might have continued to bounce from home to home for years—without their love and support, I doubt I could have made it to college. But in Nebraska, where we live now, gay and lesbian people are prevented from providing loving homes to kids who need them. Nebraska is one of only three states that still have this type of unfair ban. Today, my dads are helping the ACLU fight this ban in court—but we need to use every means possible to challenge this unfair policy, including public pressure. Tell Governor Heineman to do what’s right for the children of Nebraska.1,005 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Arthur Stewart
Grandfather application of student loan credit for public service.I am 63 this year. I put in nearly 20 years as a mental health worker, case manager, and therapist. Despite the last 12 years of my career being comprised of two jobs, ( the second in cognitive therapy for. Violent Felons). I have been unable to maintain a home, so gle parent my daughter and pay on loans. The pay in public mental health with an MA. Peaked at 36k after all my years of service. Simple respect for people who do this work would dictate this as an equitable support. Thank you Alexander R. Anlyan Ps: I have been working on this for years, please help.193 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Alex Anlyan
Tell Haagen Dazs, Dreyer’s, Edy’s, and Baskin Robbins: No Extreme Genetic Engineering in Our Ice ...Natural vanilla flavor comes from a vanilla bean, right? Maybe not for long -- a new genetically engineered ingredient, straight out of a petri dish, is about to enter our favorite foods, from ice cream to birthday cake. Synbio vanilla -- produced by a form of extreme genetic engineering called “synthetic biology” -- is stranger than science fiction, but regulators will still let food companies call it "natural". So we're asking major ice cream companies like Haagen Dazs, Dreyer’s, Edy’s, Baskin Robbins and others not to use this experimental genetically engineered vanilla in their products. The truth is, this new vanilla doesn’t even come from a plant. Instead, it is made in labs using synthetic DNA and genetically engineered yeast that exists nowhere in nature. What’s worse, the FDA hasn’t even bothered to test this laboratory creation as a new product. Instead the agency will likely approve it as “Generally Regarded as Safe”. As the first major use of synthetic biology in our food, synbio vanilla could set a dangerous precedent and open the floodgates to allow more synthetic, genetically engineered ingredients labeled as “natural”. And if all of this wasn’t bad enough, this new synbio vanilla could speed rainforest destruction, and harm sustainable farmers and poor communities that rely on rainforest-raised vanilla beans to survive. Ice cream companies are one of the biggest purchasers of vanilla flavoring and we need your help to send them a strong message: don't use this unnatural “synbio vanilla” in your ice cream.213 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Peter Stocker
I won't buy Yuengling BeerI love Yuengling beer, but I can't buy it anymore. Dick Yuengling, Jr., the head of the Yuengling beer company, has continued his attacks on workers. This time, he has declared that Pennsylvania should restrict the right of workers to organize unions. Yuengling is a supporter of "Powerless Union" laws, which they cynically call "Right to Work." Powerless Union laws allow unions to organize, but render them so weak that they can't effectively represent workers. There are lots of good beers brewed by companies that treat their workers with respect. It's time for us to stop drinking Yuengling until they change their attitude about workers' rights.945 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Lisa