Don't let Larry Summers head the FedThe Washington Post says that right now, Larry Summers is the front-runner for chair of the Federal Reserve, one of the most powerful economic policymaking positions in the country. But as noted progressive economist Dean Baker says, "Picking Larry Summers for Fed chair would be exactly the wrong message to send at the moment. Summers is one of the main architects of the policies that have given us the worst downturn since the Great Depression. It would be an especially bad signal to send when there is an outstanding pick already at the Fed serving as Vice-Chair, Janet Yellen." References: Reuters, "Opposition mounts to Summers as possible Fed chief," http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/07/26/usa-fed-summers-idUSL1N0FV0T820130726 (mentions this petition) Bloomberg, "Senate Democrats Ready Letter Urging Yellen as Fed Chief," http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-07-26/senate-democrats-ready-letter-urging-yellen-as-fed-chief.html Dean Baker, "The Return of Larry Summers?" http://www.cepr.net/index.php/op-eds-&-columns/op-eds-&-columns/the-return-of-larry-summers Felix Salmon, "Don’t send Summers to the Fed," http://blogs.reuters.com/felix-salmon/2013/07/24/dont-send-summers-to-the-fed/ Scott Sumner, "Larry Summers is unqualified to be Fed chair," http://www.themoneyillusion.com/?p=22379 Bill McBride, "Janet Yellen for Fed Chair" http://www.calculatedriskblog.com/2013/07/janet-yellen-for-fed-chair.html Ezra Klein, "The subtle, sexist whispering campaign against Janet Yellen" http://m.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2013/07/19/the-subtle-sexist-w hispering-campaign-against-janet-yellen/ Dean Baker, "Democracy Versus Bankers at the Fed" http://www.cepr.net/index.php/op-eds-&-columns/op-eds-&-columns/democracy-versus-bankers-at-the-fed William Greider, "Stop Larry Summers Before He Messes Up Again" http://www.thenation.com/blog/175372/stop-larry-summers-he-messes-again David Dayen, "Larry Summers will destroy the economy (again)" http://www.salon.com/2013/07/24/sexist_larry_summers_will_destroy_the_economy/singleton/ Yves Smith, "Why Larry Summers Should Not Be Permitted to Run Anything More Important than a Dog Pound" http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2013/07/why-larry-summers-should-not-be-permitted-to-run-anything-more-important-than-a-dog-pound.html William Greider, "No More Second Chances for Larry Summers" http://www.thenation.com/blog/175420/no-more-second-chances-larry-summers Noam Scheiber, "Wait, Larry Summers Is Now the Favorite for the Fed? Can we at least talk it over first?" http://www.newrepublic.com/article/114009/larry-summers-fed-chairman-over-janet-yellen Mike Konczal,,"Should Obama pick Larry Summers to head the Fed?" http://www.politico.com/story/2013/07/should-obama-pick-summers-to-head-the-fed-94765.html22,405 of 25,000 SignaturesCreated by Robert Naiman
Eliminate Water MandatesWater Purchase Mandates in Pennsylvania and the violation of the Riparian Doctrine.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Katherine Muth
Stop Voter Suppression in North CarolinaOur lawmakers should be encouraging more North Carolinians to vote, not limiting them. Under a new proposed voter ID bill, the North Carolina Legislature wants to make it harder for voters to get to the polls. On top of strict new voter ID requirements, this bill would: *shorten early voting by one week *eliminate same-day registration and provisional voting if at wrong precinct *prevent counties from offering voting on the last Saturday before the election beyond 1 p.m. *prevent counties from extending poll hours by one hour on Election Day in extraordinary circumstances (such as lengthy lines) *eliminate state-supported voter registration drives and preregistration for 16- and 17-year-olds *repeal voter-owned judicial elections and straight party voting *increase the number of people who can challenge voters inside the precinct *purge voter rolls more often443 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Carolyn Smith
Appoint a Truth Commission on Viet Nam War CrimesRecently revealed massive secret surveillance programs have been defended on the grounds that national security requires them. The vast expenditures for these programs, together with the even vaster outlays for homeland security, weapons, military deployment, and clandestine activities, necessitate austerity in basic domestic programs like education, employment, environmental protection, pension support, etc. Reminding ourselves of the consequences of past delusions advanced in the name of National Security may help to drain the term of some of its ability to instill irrational fear. This would enable us to appraise more coolly claims that we surrender our civil liberties, invade other countries, make enemies, and spend ourselves into national poverty in order to ward off the specter of terrorism. The world knows about what we did in Viet Nam, but unlike the Germans who looked closely at themselves in the mirror after the fall of the Third Reich, America has never examined the moral implications of what we did to the Vietnamese, or to other nations we have invaded or subverted. The disparity between what others saw us do and what we allow ourselves to believe lies at the root of most hatred and mistrust we encounter abroad. It allows us to continue believing in the beneficence of our actions as we send young men and women into cultures they know nothing of to commit atrocities they are unable to avoid. A Truth Commission, modeled after the South African one, would lay bare what has been done in our name. Enough time has passed since the Viet Nam War for a dispassionate examination that would shed light on current calls for secrecy, clandestine activity, and war. The insights of Viet Nam veterans were often ignored when they returned home; but the vets are still with us, as are survivors of the holocaust that we inflicted on a peaceful peasant population where an estimated three million people or more died.. Although our war effort was unsuccessful, the propaganda of the National Security State was successful in many ways, and it shapes our fears, our budgets, our willingness to go to war again, and our willingness to surrender our Bill of Rights even today. We owe it to ourselves, our children, and the rest of the world to do as the Germans, South Africans, and others have done: to face the truth and allow it to slay the demons which would lead us to kill innocent people again.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by William Jacoby
Private Student Loan DischargeThis is a petition to support the passage of H.R. 532 and/or S. 114 to bring back Chapter 7 protection to private student loans which was taken away in 2005. This will allow for private student loans to be discharged through Chapter 7 bankruptcy.202 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Edgar ceja
National Registry for Animal abusersI want a National Registry for convicted animal abusers. It should include cross reference between States, stiffer sentences, mandatory home inspections, and the convicted shall never own an animal or sit for an animal again! The Registry will require each convict to provide valid proof of residency from either a driver's license or State ID that will be kept in the Registry's data base. In the event a convict moves, and/or changes his/her name and does not provide this information to the Registry, the convict will be charged with evading local authorities and sentenced to 10 years at a Federal Prison.1,221 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Lisa Williams
Support Human Rights for Garment WorkersMore than 1,230 young parents of many children have been killed in Bangladesh garment factories in the past 8 months due to extremely poor work conditions. Seven European fashion companies have signed a Workplace Safety Accord requesting standards for safe conditions. Please appeal to Walmart, Gap, and all of the U.S. firms to join in this action to save lives26 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tim Tollefsrud
Ask Barnes&Noble to stop supporting hate based authors.I was very bothered when I read the paper this morning. A author Amber Dee Parker wrote a book for little kids to explain to them why it's wrong to be gay and teaches little kids to pray for gay peoples sins. She is scheduled to speak at Barnes&Noble today in Lincoln, NE. This petition is not asking Barnes&Noble to stop selling this book. This petition is asking Barnes&Noble to STOP endorsing authors who marginalizes members of society. I want Barnes&Noble to cancel Amber Dee Parker's event. This is taken from the July, 20 2013 Lincoln Journal Star Online copy. The book in a nutshell Amber Dee Parker's “God Made Dad & Mom” tells the story of a biracial boy named Michael who asks his father why his friend Jimmy has two dads. The story follows Michael through the day as he learns about family at parochial school, including the Bible passage Genesis 1:27: “So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." And later, on a surprise trip to the zoo, his father shows him even animals have fathers and mothers. Along the way, Michael learns that he, like his friend Jimmy, was adopted, but by a mother and a father. The storybook ends with Michael and his father praying for his friend’s dads -- and that they ask God for forgiveness of their sins.133 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Ryana Swift
NV Enact a GMO Labeling Law!NEVADANS: Do You Consume GMOs? Do your Children? HOW DO YOU KNOW? At age 32, after having a complete hysterectomy due to my chronic pain, bleeding & inflammation, I began to research. Now, ten years later, I have read, studied and kept up with Medical cause and effect findings of GMOs.1,757 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by SHANNON EWING
Petition to see the unedited version of dans new videoYes I have been personally effected by the ability to not see penis16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by sarah bananna
"Protect The Legacy of the Deceased and The Sanity of Their Survivors" (AdLLaw Initiative)We ask all the people; members of our Congressional body and the President of the United States to support the Anti-Defamation Legacy Law Advocates or AdLLAaw (Ad Law) Initiative. Originally we thought to start with California. The California Courts Judicial Council created a draft Initiative. Although, prepared for California the language of this document states clearly what we wish to see become law on a national level. http://antidefamationlegacylawadvocates.org/2013/07/18/anti-defamation-legacy-law-advocates-adllaw-initiative/ The purpose of this Initiative is to bring about legislation which will include the deceased among those who can be legally defamed giving their family a statute upon which to base a civil cause of action. We see this law as any other civil action. Such a law would be neither frivolous nor a magic pill to cure all ills, but a possible deterrent against slandering a decedent for most or a possible tool to address more serious offenders. Within the past 10 years the list of decedents who are egregiously defamed surpasses what is common or usual or expected. The list ranges from the famous to the non-famous. We are blessed with many rights (especially those of us who are Americans), but with them come responsibilities to ensure we do no harm to others through our dangerous behavior. Intentional defamation of a decedent does more than just hurt their survivor’s feelings; it can endanger their health and welfare through false public perception, judgments and actions taken. We hold dear our First Amendment rights, but there is nothing in our Constitution about bearing false witness as a legal right. We urge you to support the Anti-Defamation Legacy Law (AdLLaw) Initiative. http://antidefamationlegacylawadvocates.org/4,042 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by Anti-Defamation Legacy Law Advocates
Renaming Larimer Avenue Basketball Court after Tyrone "Moon" HowardTyrone "Moon" Howard grew up on that basketball court and went on to play professionally for the Harlem Globetrotters. He has mentored and coached numerous children throughout the City of Pittsburgh.511 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Toni Allen