Tell Obama: Don't Put Ray Kelly, Mr. Stop-And-Frisk, in Charge of Homeland SecurityPresident Obama recently said that NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly has "been an outstanding leader in New York" and is "well-qualified" to run the Department of Homeland Security. Growing up in Brooklyn, I was stopped by the NYPD at least 60 times before my 18th birthday. They never told me what I was doing wrong. In NYC, if you’re a young black or Hispanic man like me, you fit the target description. As President Obama explained powerfully on Friday, racial profiling is painful and degrading. And for people like Sean Bell and Trayvon Martin, it is deadly. Now I’m a father myself and I don’t want the same thing happening to my kids. My experiences have motivated me to want to be a lawyer, so I can help young people come together and change the whole system. You can watch a video of my story here: http://bit.ly/TyquansStory. Ray Kelly is responsible for the NYPD program that has stopped people nearly 5 million times. The program doesn’t work: 88 percent of the people stopped are not arrested or ticketed; guns are almost never recovered; and the practice has really harmed the relationship between the police and the community. Dear President Obama: Ray Kelly is not qualified to lead the Department of Homeland Security. We can’t let a man who believes so strongly in racial profiling run our nation’s immigration system. Appointing Kelly would be so hurtful to me and to the millions of others who feel the sting of racial prejudice every day. Please don’t do this.252 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Tyquan Brehon
Exotic Birds & Domestic Pigeons Agriculture Classification La clasificación agrícola de los pájar...Requesting agriculture classification for exotic birds and domestic pigeons in Florida , Individuals who propagate exotic birds in Florida are covered by the Florida Right to Farm Act, 823.14, Section (3) c, which states: “Farm product” means any plant, as defined in S. 581.011, or animal useful to humans and includes, but is not limited to, any product derived therefrom.” Palm Beach County individuals propagating exotic birds have had an agriculture classification, for exotic birds for 35 years. June, 2013 the decision by the Property Appraisers Office has denied agricultural Classification for Exotic Birds, previously, under the agricultural Classification for Exotic Birds, Code 6750. The PBC today view the exotic bird facilities as that as DOG BREEDERS WITH KENELS. Action is needed by Florida legislators to represent all Florida Citizens to include Exotic Birds in the Statute to maintain their status as exotic bird farmers and continue the benefit of agriculture classification as other farmers and nurseries raising pet plants, tropical fish and rabbits, that are considered as Agriculture Classification. A simple solution is to add the words "exotic birds" to Section 5 of Florida Statute 193.461 Solicitando la clasificación agrícola para los pájaros exóticos en la Florida , Los individuos que propagan pájaros exóticos en la Florida están protegidos bajo el acta Florida Right to Farm Act (el Acta del Derecho a Cultivar), 823.14, Sección (3) c, que estipula: “Producto agrícola” significa cualquier planta, tal como esté definido en S. 581.011, o animal útil para los seres humanos e incluye, pero no se limita a, cualquier producto derivado de aquellos.” Los individuos del Condado de Palm Beach (CPB) que propagan pájaros exóticos han tenido una clasificación agrícola para los pájaros exóticos por 35 años. En junio del 2.013 la Property Appraisers Office (Oficina de Asesores de Propiedades) denegó la clasificación agrícola para los pájaros exóticos, previamente bajo la clasificación agrícola para los pájaros exóticos, Código 6750. La CPB hoy día considera a las instalaciones de los pájaros exóticos como las de los CRIADEROS DE PERROS CON JAULAS.691 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Cherane Pefley
Stand Your Ground...Stop Spending and Vacationing in Florida!This petition is in regard to the racial injustice in the state of Florida. In light of the Trayvon Martin case and the Marissa Alexander case we need to bring this prejudice to the attention of America. We will not continue to pour resources into this state until Stand Your Ground is prohibited; as well as, justice for these families and the safety of all Americans.21 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Robin Lewis
Tell Cumulus Media To Flush RushRush Limbaugh has a long record of reckless vitriol, bigotry, racism and sexism. After he attacked a female law student as a "slut" and a "prostitute," over 2,600 advertisers have refused to run ads during Limbaugh's show. In the wake of the Trayvon Martin trial, Limbaugh even used the n-word and claimed it was not racist. [Video of Limbaugh's racial attacks: http://youtu.be/K-Gfb3cwHIw ] The advertiser losses are having an effect, though. Cumulus Media carries Rush Limbaugh on over 40 stations. Rush Limbaugh's contract with Cumulus expires this year, but renewal is not guaranteed the way it was in the past. Recently, Cumulus’ CEO reported that the backlash to Limbaugh’s remarks has cost Cumulus stations millions of dollars in revenue and that most major advertisers now refuse to associate themselves with Limbaugh. When Limbaugh's contract expires, Cumulus Media should not renew it. Enough is enough. Other ways you can take action: Join: The Flush Rush Facebook community https://www.facebook.com/groups/flushrush/ Tweet: #stoprush Twitter campaign https://twitter.com/search?q=stoprush Contact: Active Rush Limbaugh advertisers http://stoprush.net79,963 of 100,000 SignaturesCreated by Graham Morrison
Tap! Pure American DanceSupport a National Treasure Tap dancing is a Native American dance form that originated here in the United States with the support of the American people we can bring long over due attention to a deserving art form The old towne hoofers club is Washington DC's oldest dance company who's sole purpose is to educate teach promote and preserve the art and history of tap dancing- hoofing For further information please feel free to contact Charles Wyche "Tapologist" 202-277-9950 [email protected]16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Charles Wyche
legalization of canibus in WyomingStop the senseless spending of billions to keep marijuana illegal legalize it and tax the hell out of it and make billions. This country is in major debt and something needs to be done.36 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Robert Johnston
Magazine Retailers: Boycott Rolling Stone MagazineRolling Stone thought it was cute to put Boston Marathon Bomber Dzokhar Tsarnaev on the cover of their magazine like he's some sort of rock star. The real rock stars are the survivors, the first responders, the officers who helped in Watertown and those who were murdered by these cowards. Let's show Rolling Stone that this kind of insensitive sensationalist journalism will not be tolerated by banning their magazine from news stands...not just for a month, but indefinitely!96 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michael Zildjian
Boycott Rolling Stone MagazineI am a huge proponent of our Freedom of Speech rights - but I am so not down with Rolling Stone magazine putting the picture of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on the cover - what do you think?16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ed Saez
Medical Marijuana legalized in VirginiaMedical Marijuana has beed illegal in Va for years. I have a sleeping and eating disorder that causes me to be up for hours and days at a time, and make it harD for me to get an appetite. I am ver health conscience and I watch very close what I put in my body. Marijuana is the only medication that give me no negetive side effect.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ramell Hamlette
Project NO BRAMy petition is a ban on bras, they are the leading cause of terminal breast cancer and no doctor has looked at them because the medical industry and Breast Cancer Research is fueled by the sales of bras. I have not personally been affected by this , but I know Millions of women who have33 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Chaz Campbell
No Book, or Movie Rights for George Zimmerman!George Zimmerman claims to be so sorry for what happened. Yet, he stands to make millions selling his story to book publishers and even movie studios the right to make a television movie. This petition is meant to make sure Zimmerman never profits from his actions on Feb 26th, 2012. Yes, he is a free man, but he did not lose a child. He admitted how terrible it was, yet he could now become a millionaire. I am asking you the public to sign this petition to prevent Zimmerman from profiting from killing Trayvon Martin that night.106 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Jaime Perry
Department of Justice: Investigate Juror B37's Book Deal as Juror MisconductJuror misconduct is when the law of the court is violated by a member of the jury while a court case is in progression or after it has reached a verdict. It is believed that Juror B37 had a book deal before or during her services as a Juror in the matter of the State of Florida v Zimmerman.243 of 300 SignaturesCreated by C. L. Toliver