No Social Security CutsThis is about President Obama's proposal to change the way cost of living increases are calculated for retirees on Social Security. As a person dependent on Social Security, the proposed "chained CPI" would decrease cost of living increases for me and my fellow retirees and make those among the least able responsible for decreasing the deficit. Ourselves, our parents and our grandparents should be our top priority, and these cuts should be stopped. This terrible idea should be rejected.653 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Racheal Curtis
Say no to any social security cutsPresident Obama's projected cuts to Social Security and Medicare will be devastating to middle class and poor seniors. Seniors are being asked to fund all the fiscal sins of the last ten years, while the projected Obama budgets lets those with more ability to pay off the hook. These projected cuts will necessitate huge adjustments for those who can least afford it.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Calvin Hayhow
Stand against Social Security cutsWe have all been paying into Social Security our entire lives. It is not an "entitlement," it's a promissory note.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bill Holmes
Do NOT Cut Our Social Security BenefitsSocial Security Benefits556 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Margie Shulman
Social Security cuts; I have received only 1.7% adjustment in the last 3 years.In the last 3 years my SS payments were increased by only 1.7%. That adjustment ignores the main cost of survival - namely the costs of food ang energy (gas and electricity).1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Marc Jeric
Stop Spreading Lawn ManurePolitical cronies have back-doored Social Security funds to other projects, and now are waving false flags that "entitlements" like Social Security and Medicare are bankrupting the federal budget. What a bag of lawn manure.15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Clay Moldenhauer
Rep. Ron Barber: Stop Cuts to Social SecurityI am on Social Security on a fixed income with only a little extra income from self employment. If President Obama cuts cost of living benefits to current and future retirees he will be going against his promises and creating unnecessary hardship for those who have paid in their hard earned money and deserve to have this income in their senior years.596 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Leslie Tizer
No Social Security CutsThis is about President Obama's proposal to change the way cost of living increases are calculated for retirees on Social Security. As a person dependent on Social Security, the proposed "chained CPI" would decrease cost of living increases for me and my fellow retirees and make those among the least able responsible for decreasing the deficit. This terrible idea should be rejected.389 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Steven Wallace
Petition titleYes. I would be as I'm 60.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Larysa Yost
Social SecurityWe have paid Social Security for years and deserve our share of all those years.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ellen A Curry
NO CHANGE TO SOCIAL SECURITYPlease say no to President Obama's proposal to cut Social Security by lowering the cost-of-living adjustment for current and future retirees.4,178 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by Cindy Young
Stop the proposed cuts to social securityPlease do not cut social security, so many of us depend on it just to live, many of us can no longer work.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Grace