• Governor Dayton, keep up your good leadership.
    Governor Mark Dayton has used good sense in how he governs Minnesota. He was a good senator too. He won the race for governor--although he was not endorsed by the Minnesota DFL party--because people think he is a smart, honest, and fair person, and the best leader for the job.
    3,677 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Jean Zamboni
  • Sign on to Rep. Jim McGovern's Resolution to Save SNAP
    Massachusetts elected officials must stand united in rejecting H.R. 6083 and endorsing Rep. Jim McGovern's Resolution to protect SNAP benefits. Here is a link to the resolution: http://www.frac.org/pdf/HR_760_McGovern.pdf
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jean Terranova
  • Investigate Tax Exempt Status
    Many destructive religious groups are tax exempt in the U.S.A. Personally,my life has been destroyed by a extremely financially successful cult. This group has done little, to nothing to contribute to others' in need across this country. There should be close examination of those who receive tax exemption status, and do so while calling themselves a "religion."
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alice Jena
  • PUCO reverse the decision on AEP's rate hike.
    The rate hike that has been approved by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio will affect small businesses and tax payers who in times of hardship will suffer another rate hike for an inefficient energy giant. They have already had a rate hike to which they were supposed to use the cash to bury the power lines and modernize, but the last power outage caused by severe thunderstorms obviously showed how ill prepared they were for an incident of this nature. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-505245_162-57489873/aep-ohio-customers-may-see-7-percent-hike-in-bills/
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joshua Deeds
  • Petition to ban Assault Cars
    In 2010 alone, traffic accidents produced 32,788 fatalities. These people were from all ages, walks of life, and included men, women, and children. Furthermore, the cars in these accidents produced untold amounts of carbon emissions. It is time to say enough is enough, and to ask Congress to ban the motorized implements of destruction used in these accidents.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by everyman
  • Keep Family Together: Stop the exploitation of children
    A shocking issue in U.S. history has been that of social services' involvement with families who have been accused of child abuse and/or neglect. Many people believe social services to be a steadfast organization with the intention of helping reunite families. Many more know better that social services is nothing more than a means of a corrupt organization to rip families apart and use whatever means necessary to make money and exploit families. The devastation caused year round by social services is unfathomable to any human imaginations. Valuable tax dollars, state funded dollars, and resources are poured into breaking families apart and sending children even as young as newborns to foster homes to be raised by complete strangers who may or may not have the children's best interest in mind. It is proven that children are 6 times more likely to die in foster care than they are with their natural born parents and yet we allow this atrocity to happen every day. What we as American people need to do is take a stand and demand change. Social services workers receive compensation for the longer they keep children in their care or in foster care. It is one giant money scheme. We need to take a stand and propose that social services workers be payed more for reuniting families and far less for breaking them apart so they are more inclined to do their job. Not only this, but there should also limitations to their use of power. Currently, social services has a nearly unlimited mass of power to do as they wish with families and it is a direct violation of American rights. Families who can not afford the legal expenses often lose their children and are left heartbroken, financially devastated, and put at the mercy of court systems who would have them prosecuted before they would ever listen to their side of the story. There is no accountability for any slanderous lies that social services may or may not use as a means to achieve their goals and there is no justification for the way the process is handled. Take a stand for American rights. Study what makes this such a big deal and take a stand.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nate
  • Not "Entitlements"
    Stop referring to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid as "Entitlement Programs", which sounds like we don't deserve them. Refer to them as "Earned Benefits".
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary Zorich
  • Cut Congressional Pay!
    Congress members make so much money off of corrupt kickbacks when they retire that they don't need these huge salaries and should make the amount of other federal employees! This would help balance the budget!
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nik Pappas
  • Join Tammy Baldwin and Speak Out to Save Medicare!
    Our budget challenge requires serious leadership -- and can’t be driven by dangerous ideology. But the Ryan budget would take a slash and burn approach, ending Medicare as we know it for future generations and threatening the economic security of our seniors. In Wisconsin, the race for US Senate has only one candidate who will stand with seniors and protect the economic security of the middle class: Tammy Baldwin. Stand with Tammy and join her fight to protect Medicare!
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tammy Baldwin
  • Smoke free Alabama
    Eliminating all smoking in Alabama state bars and restaurants.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Crystal Phillips
  • Express instead of Zig Zag, rearrange public transit in La Crosse Wisconsin
    Fundamental change in public transit in La Crosse Wisconsin from the existing slow zig zag, to express bus meeting with neighborhood vans. La Crosse is long and narrow with 3 main north/south roads, so we need 3 express bus routes. Neighborhood vans on call to take you out to the express bus. Bicycles to rent out at bus stations. Regular downtown quick access vans. And connections with neighboring towns. Reducing traffic costs is the main political point for public transit. Reducing road construction maintenance, expensive parking ramps for a special interest, traffic accidents killing and maiming our children, air water pollution, All these costs can be reduced with a more balanced overall transportation policy that reduces traffic with transit. Transit reduces traffic, so it saves more than it costs. Bicycles reduce traffic, also saving costs. Transit is a main economic engine for a community, benefiting everyone especially new families. Changing the basic set up from slow zig zag, to express bus meeting with neighborhood vans, will open up new opportunities for all members of our community.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dae Miles
  • Fix Our Telecommunications Infrastructure
    My friends in Europe and Asia can all phone me on their cell phones for pennies per minute, and don't have to choose among high-cost, low quality Internet service providers. The U.S. invented modern telecommunication technologies, why don't we have comparable quality-for-cost in this fundamental infrastructure? Is this really how "free enterprise" performs? If so, we are a terrible model and need to demand a better system!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary Keeler