• We need to address ways to initiate peace!
    We need to look at ways to prevent suicides, mass murderer and violence in our country. It has been on the rise unfortunately. We practice predjudice in politics-sexual issues etc. We need to start prevention by putting a stop to bullying-allowing gays and lesbians to marry (2 or many issues).
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary Jane McConnell
  • Mentors
    Black male and females need positive role models in their lives I have a program which can help funding is needed please help save the children
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carl Lewis
  • Keep America, America
    There should never be any job in the United States other than interpreter that should require bilingual ability. This issue cost the tax payers to much money and has eroded the educational system to no ends. DMV, Social Services are you for real, all road signs are in English, why should the book be in any other language. And really, welfare in any language other than English should not even be considered. I've worked in Mexico and Montreal, Canada had to learn the language to handle business.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by D.R. Nelson
  • Keep America, America
    There should never be any job in the United States other than interpreter that should require bilingual ability. This issue cost the tax payers to much money and has eroded the educational system to no ends. DMV, Social Services are you for real, all road signs are in English, why should the book be in any other language. And really, welfare in any language other than English should not even be considered. I've worked in Mexico and Motreal, Canada had to learn the language to handle business.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by D.R. Nelson
  • Help New Mexico Children's Well-being
    A non-partisan study released this week found that the state ranked 49 out of 50 in child well-being. http://datacenter.kidscount.org/DataBook/2012/
    2,031 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Thayer
  • Helping the LGBT commUNITY
    I have personally taken in over 50 kids in the last five years that were disowned or displaced due to their sexual orientation
    116 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Joy
  • Save the U S Postal Service
    We must save the post office as we know it! This is curcial for small businesses, for the elderly, for those in rural areas or our country. This bill HR 2309 will be coming up for a vote shortly.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pat Owen
  • colorado Donation for the Family of the vitims
    Helping the families of the shooting. Trying to creat a donation fund. i was wondering if there is a donation pool for some of the victims in the shooting. because i read this case http://usnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/07/22/12890701-double-tragedy-aurora-shooting-victim-learns-her-daughter-was-killed?lite and it broke my heart. i personally do not have any money but im sure that if you announce a donation pool for the victims that people like her can get the help that they need. Her father died 8 weeks ago. her 6 year old got killed and now the family is drained of money because of not only her illness but her late fathers illness and a funeral to host.... just one family.... they need the help of the american spirit. Now shes in the hospital and she has to plan her ...babies funeral? i know it is not really a petition... but someone has to say something.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by antoinette ali
  • VTA: Kids Shouldn't Pay!
    When I recently moved to San Jose, I wanted to do what's best for the environment, and my wallet, by using public transportation whenever possible. My first trip to the grocery store on VTA left me shocked when I discovered that a single mom with 2 young children ends up paying $16 per day to take VTA! We're calling on VTA to encourage the use of public transportation by allowing children too young to ride alone (under 12) to ride free with a paid adult.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Melissa Anne Strawn
  • Equity Residential Attempts to Dismantle Rent Control/Below Market Rate Programs
    This petition is to alert residents to the fact that the largest property management company in the country, Equity Residential Properties, is attempting to dismantle Rent Control laws and Below Market Rate programs as millions of Americans are suffering from lack of affordable housing. I am currently a victim of their attempt to dismantle the Below Market Rate program in San Francisco despite being granted tax free bonds to build properties in San Francisco for the last 25 years.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Citizens for Affordable Housing
  • People of the Village of Harlem and Community Preservationists Demand that Harlem's 7th Avenue Re...
    Adam Clayton Powell Jr., Boulevard (ACPB), also known as 7th Avenue, is the last Grand Boulevard of Harlem. It has four lanes in each direction (one for parking and three for driving). It has the most contiguous landscape and skyline associated to the Harlem Renaissance period. The physical character of the boulevard is close to the way it looked during the time of Harlem's Historic Parades and Historic Black Men in Movement Rallies held on the boulevard led by Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X and other great men of color. The boulevard's current physical character and ambiance is essential to ACPB as a Historic Resource for Harlem residents and friends of Harlem. Today, people draw from that inspiration. The African American, African and Harlem Mother's Day Parades follow in the tradition of Harlem's Historic Parades. The same is with Activism. The New York City Department of Transportation's plan to quickly start construction - sometime in August 2012 - and make the following unwanted changes in the name of safety does not fly: Narrowing the street and putting up pedestrian plazas won't stop speeding. That's a problem all over the city. The chances of getting seriously hurt or killed being hit by a moving vehicle are 80% if a car hits someone while traveling at 35 or 40 MPH. No. This plan is more about gentrification. Repainting lane dividers that have faded in many areas and cutting back excessive foliage from trees blocking traffic controlling devices, i.e. traffic lights and signs, along the boulevard would be a great help in keeping ACPB safe. However, the DOT does not properly maintain the boulevard, which it should before making changes. Also, not hosting proper town-hall meetings for community discussions before attempting to make such changes violates state and federal law. The DOT has solicited some community support. An approximate total of 226 petitioners (including several letters) signed a simple petition supporting the DOT's plan. The DOT has said that this represents overwhelming support for its traffic safety plan. However, there are many people out there that say otherwise. By signing this petition you can can show the Bloomberg administration that you are one of the many who care about Harlem's historic preservation and Harlem's last grand boulevard.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Julius Tajiddin
    Time Warner has the monopoly on cable in New York City. Most buildings won't allow Direct TV, which is more affordable. We want 50% off for students making $25,000 and under per year and single parent households earning $35,000 and under 25% off the bill per year.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rise Shuler