• Mortgage Fraud
    I have three children , twin girls doing their second year of High School and a young girl in middle school.Now the whole familly in few months we'll be homeles because of HSBC made us signed some fraudulent documents,when we were making the deal.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Job Delouis
  • Republican Governor Kasich: Do not decrease Ohio's budget for persons with disabilites on Medicaid
    I have a 28 year old who also has severe Autism and Down Syndrome. He was not eligible for any form of Medicaid until he was 18 years old due to the household income of 2 working parents. Today he is dependent on Ohio Medicaid for his multiple health issues and his private program he attends Monday through Friday. Do not hurt our people who need to keep their Medicaid entitlements and have no voice for themselves. My son is non verbal and cannot speak for himself. We, as registered voters in Ohio must uphold his and many others rights a citizens to have health care and other rights and opportunities to achieve their fullest potential.
    131 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Ruth Redmond
  • Cardenas Gas Safety Act
    Cardenas Gas Safety Act Mr. John I Cardenas an Air Force retired Civil Servant (GS17), the first Mexican American who attained the privilege of PE and was Patriarch of a fine family and an outstanding human being, was killed inside his home on Set.15th, 1:30AM by a driver who's car went out of control, struck the gas meter and killed her self along with Mr. Cardenas who suffocated while his son and Grand son watched helplessly. Thus depriving his family and friends from his generous smile, keen humor and amazing kindness. Many have have lost their lives due to unsafe exposed gas meters.
    281 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Jonathan Sayed
  • Reject Romney's claim
    Many of us are offended that Romney's claim that 47% of Americans are victims living on help from the government. We reject this. Many of us are unable to work because of some disability, or we are too old, too ill, or are a wounded veteran coming home from one of the wars. We do not want to be called victims. I think Romney needs to give an apology.
    666 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Marguerite Vincz
  • Concurrent Receipt for Chapter 61 Veterans as promised!
    There is an outstanding campaign promise with a retirement benefit that is still lacking those disabled veterans who have earned a military retirement also. Currently our military retirement has to be returned to the service of which a disabled veteran has retired, when the disability payment from the VA is greater than the retirement amount. Chapter 61 veterans have been excluded because they did not serve 20 years. How do you serve 20 years when you are seriously disabled? Going through a disability retirement process already has a time in service requirement, that has to be met. Why raise the bar on seriously disabled veterans that have gone through both profuse agonizing processes?
    2,557 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Leon A. Houston II
  • No More Seniors SS TAX
    As you work throughout your career, you pay into social security. When you retire, you are taxed for a part of that income. When you have to return to work for extra income, you are again taxed toward social security, even though being retired already, you will never again be able to increase your social security benefits. I believe that seniors who have already begun drawing on their benefits, but find themselves having to return to a job for any reason, should not be taxed again, nor should they have any part of their earnings in jeopardy if they earn "too much", (i.e.- having to pay back $1 for every $3 earned past the alloted annual amount). None of their annual benefit should be taxed again.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Diana Sammis
  • Save Social Security for Future Generations
    There has been too much talk ... and too little action ... about the impending insolvency of the Social Security System. Politicians use scare tactics to highlight the problem, yet they are afraid to tackle the problem in any serious manner. Earlier fixes to Social Security included raising the minimum age requirement and raising the amount of income that could be taxed. Removing the ceiling on Social Security taxes would ensure the solvency of the Social Security system by placing an additional "burden" on those who can most afford it.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William W. Donovan
  • Saving Social Security and Medicare
    Petition Congress to have their benefits converted to the Social Security/Medicare system. By their participation, all legislation regarding Social Security and Medicare would effect them directly. By merging their benefits, additional revenue would be gained into the much needed Social Security Fund. As a senior on a fixed income, I have paid into the system my whole life. I fear now that the money I invested is at risk and at the mercy of those who are not directly effected by their decisions. Cuts in benefits will greatly hurt the elderly and handicapped, the most vulnerable people in our society. Make Congress accountable.
    237 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Carole Schaefer
  • Mormons: Donate food stores to empty food pantries
    I recently watched the TV news program that described the huge food stores that the Mormon church maintains. Every day I see more reports that food pantries all over the US are empty and people are being sent away with nothing. The Mormons have a chance to make a huge difference for families that are suffering-even if they only donate a portion of the food they have stored.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary Snarr
  • Chicago Mayor Emanuel - Settle the Teachers' Strike
    While sympathizing with the financial state of the City of Chicago, now is not the time to turn the American Teachers Federation against the City of Chicago and the Democratic Party by association. Your failure to find a workable solution to the problems facing teachers in this economical environment is in complete contrast to the proposals and ideals set forth by the man you supported for President in 2008, President Barak Obama. I urge you to find a solution now before the strike by the ATF becomes yet another talking point for the Republican candidates that could possible cost this President re-election to office.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sandra K. Pilon
  • 2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Reuel Sherwood
  • bus entrance to soho
    About a year ago, MTA cancelled the bus stop at West Broadway and Houston, the literal entrance to SoHo. It is so inconvenient, not only to the thousands of artists and high-end shops in SoHo, but for tourists wanting to get right into the heart of this renowned neighborhood without having to walk from the subway at Bleecker or 7th Avenue. It makes financial good sense to make it easy for residents and tourists to get to SoHo and be welcomed!
    8 of 100 Signatures