• Stop cuts to HIV/AIDS services
    AIDS service organizations have endured over a decade of flat funding and 3 years of dramatic budget cuts, stretching their resources over an ever-growing population in need of HIV prevention education. The current PA House Republican budget proposal for 2011-2012 purposes an additional 25.4% cut in the AIDS Programs.
    210 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Kirsten Felix
  • reinstate my original birth certificate over turn my adoption.
    I want the state of Ohio to overturn my adoption and reinstate my birth rights. I am an adopted person and have located my birth family in 2004 43 yrs later. I was molested as a child in the care of my foster family along with a sister. My foster sister molested also for over 10 years. I was molested for about 7 yrs. At 16 I was adopted by my foster family. I joined the army never went back for 23 yrs. Till "dad" got sick. Was told never to return or do or say anything. My birth name I had restored in Oct 2010. Been fighting with Toledo Lucas county Ohio, sense restore my birth,thus far they have redused. I am now 53 and fill I have the right to be who I was born. If the court,children services can falsify an adoption birth certificate,I so not see why they can not reissue my original birth certificate. I know it is just a piece of paper, but is who I was born. My God given name. I will never give up! I want to be who o was born. Thank-you all!
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael De. Hibbard
  • Restore the GI Bill - Don’t Leave Veterans in the Cold
    After 9/11, congressional leaders fought for increased benefits for our military veterans. But with President Obama's signing of the Veterans Educational Assistance Act, living allowances will now be cut for all student veterans attending school, leaving 270,000 soldiers-turned-students and their families without money needed for rent, food and clothing during every school break--including Christmas. Join with Student Veterans of America, Reps. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) and Susan Davis (D-CA) in support of the Post 9/11 GI Bill Payment Restoration Act to prevent this cutoff from taking effect on Aug. 1. Send a clear message to Congress and the White House: don't leave our nation's heroes out in the cold.
    49 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Geoffrey C. Lewis
  • Impose a fee on Alcohol companies
    The alcohol tax has not been raised in many states in 20 years. Yet the cost of alcoholism and drug abuse on our country has skyrocketed. If they can spend millions on Superbowl ads, Alcohol companies should be made to spend some of their outrageous profits to benefit the consumers and the victims of their consumers by providing substance abuse treatment and supportive services to foster youth who have been taken out of their home due to substance abuse.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ronda Dixon
  • Congress: Leave Social Security Alone!
    Social Security has a surplus. It doesn't make anyone more secure to reduce benefits or to privatize any part of it. If Social Security had been privatized during the most recent huge Wall Street crashes, most elder Americans would have lost their retirement incomes. When it is said Social Security is or will soon be broke, they are lying. They just don't want to pay back what has been borrowed from it
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Diane Byers
  • Maintain current system to aid Seniors.
    The Area Agency on Aging is a very efficient organization that helps Seniors in Ohio. It is being suggested that a for profit group could take on these functions and save money. The target word is money as the needs of Seniors would be secondary . Support Area Agency on Aging as it has supported the aging for many years.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karen Kindel
  • I want transit options from Lewiston-Auburn to Portland, Maine
    Portland Maine has the jobs. Lewiston-Auburn has the workforce and reasonable real estate prices. How can these 2 economic hubs be connected? A reliable, accessible transit solution is needed, but our lawmakers question the need for it. This is your chance to let them know that the need is real, the need is now.
    237 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Jane West
  • Save Social Security and Public Education
    Some of our basic needs are on the chopping block in Congress. We can't afford to let Social Security be privatized, and Public Education funding to be diverted and frittered away. This is a petition to ask Congress to pass an "operation fee" onto credit card companies and banks, charging them 1% of their profit which in turn will go into new and protected accounts to pay out Social Security benefits, and to fund public education. This will free up tax money for other needs, and every swipe of a credit card will be benefiting Americans. And it will take back (in a positive way) from the companies who have taken so much from the people.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Gage
  • Forcing hookup long after the inital notification at current costs is unfair
    South Haven Township ( and other municipalities) notified residents that when water and sewer service was made available, hooking up would be mandatory. Since the regulation was not enforced for many years, and home building has stopped, the townships find that revenue to pay for the bonds involved isn't there. Now, the townships want all affected owners to pay current enormous fees to help get them out of the mess they created.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom Erdmann
  • Mayor Lee: Pave Minnesota Street
    Minnesota Street between 17th and 22nd is awful. I can't even ride my bike on it. I think if we get enough Dog Patch residents to complain we can get the city to resurface the street. After you sign this petition, which I will personally deliver to the mayors office, you should give him a call: (415) 554-6141. Join me so we can have a smooth street! Testing the revetting on this...
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Adam Quinn
  • Tell MoveOn.org that SignOn.org is awesome.
    MoveOn is the organization behind SignOn. If you like SignOn, why not tell them?
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sam Tregar