COVID-19 Emergency Rent and Debt ForgivenessAs a group, the working class of San Diego have been financially crippled by the critical and necessary measures put in place to slow the spread of COVID-19. Though the federal or state government may eventually provide relief, the immediate conservation of our limited financial resources is necessary for our own and our family's health and well-being. Lessors, lenders, banks and other relevant institutions can, as a class, seek their own relief; the state and federal government is much more responsive and historically more likely to act on their behalf. We must protect our limited cash flow immediately.3,205 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Leomara Chavarria
Everyone Receives $2,000 a month due to corona virus hardshipThis will help Americans while they are affected due to the chaos that is going on.9,558 of 10,000 SignaturesCreated by Sophia Vaz
COVID-19 Emergency Rent and Debt Forgiveness - Condonación de renta y deuda - 사태의 렌트와 빚은 면제되어야 합니다As a group, the working class of California have been financially devastated by the critical and necessary measures put in place to slow the spread of COVID-19. Though the federal government may eventually provide relief, the immediate conservation of our limited financial resources is necessary for our own and our family's health and well-being. Rentors, Leasors, banks and other relevant institutions can, as a class seek their own relief; the state and federal government is much more responsive and historically more likely to act on their behalf. We must protect our limited cash flow immediately. Como grupo, la clase trabajadora de California se ha visto devastada financieramente por las medidas críticas y necesarias implementadas para frenar la propagación de COVID-19. Aunque el gobierno federal eventualmente puede proporcionar alivio, la conservación inmediata de nuestros recursos financieros limitados es necesaria para la salud y el bienestar de nuestra familia y la nuestra. Los arrendatarios, arrendadores, bancos y otras instituciones relevantes pueden, como clase, buscar su propio alivio; El gobierno estatal y federal es mucho más receptivo e históricamente más propenso a actuar en su nombre. Debemos proteger nuestro flujo de caja limitado de inmediato. 이것이 왜 중요한 일 인지 아십니까? 우리는 COVID-19로 인한 필수불가결한 조치에 의해 경제적 활동이 불가피하게 중단된 LA의 노동자 단체입니다. 우리는 가족들의 안정된 생활을 위해, 제한된 경제적 자원 수급에 대한 즉각적인 대화가 필요함을 느낍니다. 우리의 제한적 경제 활동에 대한 보호조치가 즉각적으로 이루어져야 합니다.165,048 of 200,000 SignaturesCreated by Samson Lahti-Parsell
Postpone the IRS filing date in 2020 to June 15thAn unprecedented change in our lifestyles is occurring. We're currently experiencing school shutdowns, furloughs, layoffs, quarantines, social distancing, and food and supply shortages. This is a drastic lifestyle change for the nation. Decades ago, the IRS tax filing was due on March 15th; then it was moved to April 15th. For this year, please postpone this filing until June 15th. This will give American families a slight break in at least one area of stress in their lives at the moment.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Carol Anne Gordon
Draft Senator Nina Turner for Bernie2020 VP running mateThis is after South Carolina and Super Tuesday. Dear Move On, This is a petition for the Bernie Sanders 2020 presidential campaign and also a petition for Move On, and for Democracy For America. By June 2015 DFA and Move On had utilized reportedly over a million dollars to draft Elizabeth Warren, when suddenly the attention, the focus and the torch was passed to Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, an Independent, who battled the most progressive battle for the Democratic nomination we have seen in decades came out swinging and rocked the party as no one has ever done, moving the party itself away from the center finally. The establishment did not see it coming and did not know what hit them. For the 2020 election, attention again shifted to Elizabeth Warren as it did in 2015. This time she would run, and awkwardly enough now against her progressive friend Bernie Sanders. The unfortunate end of Ms. Warren’s campaign caused a huge shift yet again, as Democracy for America shifted their support not to the Establishment candidate, but back to Senator Sanders, who has been fighting for us since 1963. And we Berners thank you immensely and immeasurably. DFA gets it. A large portion of the electorate does not. Now after South Carolina the most progressive candidate since FDR in 1932, 88 long years ago, he has hit opposition. The billionaires, the corporations, the hospitals, the CEOs, the banks, the health insurance industry, the pharmaceutical industry have all rallied, joined forces, in a Stop Bernie coalition all against one single candidate who would finally break the cycle, and we welcome their hatred. All of the past candidate’s critiques of the oppositions's administration, candidate Joe Biden, have been left behind as they all join in collective show of unity together to stop the progressive movement as they do not understand our movement or the term democratic socialism confusing it with textbook socialism or even communism. An opposition always asking where Bernie is going to get the money after money suddenly is available to bail out the banks and the auto industry, then somehow there is money. The middle class is once again going to get nothing or worse, lose to another four years of Trump. If we shoot for Medicare For All, the worst that can happen is some public option bills in legislative negotiations and concessions. If we shoot for what the opposition is offering, the worst that can happen is nothing changes, and we get told that it is those damn Republicans again that would not let us get anything done. Enough. This time the middle class, the working class, should win. This petition is for you, Move On and we hope for DFA also. We are not asking for a million dollars necessarily. This is to ask you to once again step up for Bernie and help many of us draft a Draft Senator Nina Turner for his VP Running Mate. We can only pray DFA joins you. They have already endorsed him. The problem we have is the current delegate count and a pandemic that is keeping his strongest weapon, his army of door knockers including me, from getting out the vote and the perception being effectively pushed by the media that it is almost all over for Bernie Sanders. Bernie has stated before that it is ‘too early’. That was then and things have changed dynamically as they can in these things. We can no longer wait, we need a shockwave to go through the media and having the concept of the first African American VP, first woman VP and first African American woman VP, a progressive declaration that the other campaign cannot match, and should they, only look again like he is being a copycat and people will see right through it. She has been a long time supporter and co chair of his campaign, & will shut down any attempt at calling this some stunt. The time is now. Senator Nina Turner is the co chair of the Sanders campaign, a staunch and energetic advocate with a passion for Senator Sanders and has been for a long time, her name does not come out of a hat as some tactic, it comes out of not only the clear and evident support at his rallies and long standing friendship with Bernie, and her personality, her character, her way of framing the big picture with such electricity is like being taken to church, while her work for African Americans in her native Ohio and in Washington as a Senator is unquestionable and would bring so much to the campaign including more voters to reconsider the opposition ticket of back to the past. We need to flip this race back on the side of justice, and we believe the opposition campaign cannot compete with this, and any attempt to recreate it will look transparent and the voters will see any form of imitation as not flattery, and not the real thing and perhaps phony. The vision is the first African American VP in history, the first woman VP in history, the first African American woman VP in history. Now that is progressive. We would like to petition you and DFA to endorse drafting Senator Nina Turner or Ohio as the running mate of candidate for president of the United States, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont. This is to create the most progressive ticket this country has ever witnessed and we would like this to be done before the Tuesday March 17th primaries and voters get the opportunity to vote for this ticket or the choice of the establishment and simply more of the same as we have been assured that candidate Joe Biden informed a gathering of wealthy donors not long ago and again nothing will fundamentally change for the middle class or the rich. We need this ticket now at this point in time, and we need you Move On and DFA, now to reach out to your members and organization as you have the unique place in history and time, and the ability and reach to help us with this. Together we can make history and pick up where FDR and MLK and RFK left off, the war on income inequality. Will you help us?24 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alfonso Villasana
Pass SB 2123 as it was FIRST IntroducedFor the citizens of Mississippi. This is to get loved ones out of horrible prisons and back into society. When these men and women get out, they will get jobs and start paying taxes. We can get our prison systems in order and up to code. We can get our loved ones back in our lives every day and not just four hours one day a week. We can get guards that care and are not overworked or just needing a job. Everyone makes mistakes and everyone deserves a second chance.324 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Tuesdee Schertzer
Stop the Spread - Shut the SchoolsFor many COVID-19 is a life threatening illness. Given the current situation with coronavirus I think FCPS should do the right thing and close the schools for a few weeks. It is clear from the numbers in the rest of the world that if we shut things down now we have a much better chance of containing the virus. I know that we have several snow days already built in to the school year. We can use them now and help stop the spread of the virus. I could keep my own children home but it’s not going to help unless everyone keeps their children home. Below are links to a few articles I’ve found defending this idea: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/03/coronavirus-cancel-everything/607675/ And https://medium.com/@tomaspueyo/coronavirus-act-today-or-people-will-die-f4d3d9cd99ca If we take things seriously and “quarantine” now we can prevent this virus from overwhelming our medical system like it seems to have done in Northern Italy. But we need our leadership to guide us. I promise I will defend you when other parents complain that closing the schools is an over reaction. Believe me when I say I don’t look forward to spending weeks at home with my children (even though I love them very much!)21 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Stephanie Loritz
Better Measures for the Coronavirus Emergency to protect PeopleBy allowing workers to stay home without fear of being unable to make rent and allowing people to buy health insurance, EVERYONE will be better off as it will help slow the spread of the virus. Also, if more people get health insurance, the insurance pool will be bigger, and presumably younger people who opted not to get insurance will be motivated to get covered.169 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Melissa Freedman
We need more African American women on our state Supreme Courts.Nationwide, according to the Brennan Center for Justice, “gender disparity on supreme courts is particularly severe for women of color". There are no African American women on the Supreme Court of the United States and only 14 on the state supreme courts across our nation African American women are needed to broaden the perspectives of our Supreme Courts during judicial decision making, which is critically needed to expand justice for all.177 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Mary Smith
The Fight For The Youth in Talladega City School SystemI am a community activist within the Talladega Community. I have been communicating with parents and those who are concerned about our school system, but because for the last 3 months the Talladega Board of Education has displayed lack of leadership. They have been the topic in the local new paper, The Daily Home. We have parents that attended board meetings expressing their concerns about The Talladega Board and the Superintendent being accused of "racism". Nevertheless, we now have a parent who has a taping of the superintendent talking about black teachers and members of the Talladega School System Board.27 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sabriana Swain
Affordable Housing A Path to HomelessnessHi, I am a 73 year old retired, disabled, veteran who lives on Social Security and if you haven't guessed already, I live in an Affordable Housing Project owned by the County of Kauai. I have done everything requested of me from the first notice of violation as I cherish my home and can't afford to lose it. I requested a Grievance Hearing with the local Public Housing Authority (PHA - HCV Program) for my Section 8 housing. The Federal Register lists The Kauai County Housing Agency as the local PHA. The hearing was approved and I waited for a date and time. Then it was canceled saying that I had done nothing wrong within the program to warrant a hearing. I was referred to the Agency of Elderly Affairs who referred me to the Legal Aid Society. After providing everything asked for I was told it was believed I had a case and awaited an appointment with the managing director. Then I was told that the managing director was leaving to accept another job and the only other lawyer in the office doesn't believe these types of cases are winnable because the County makes out the contracts as month to month rentals rather than the HUD mandated year to year lease and you can't introduce the federal law in court because the HUD mandated Tenancy Addendum is not attached to your contract. Therefore HRS 521-71 applies, that basically says management can evict a tenant for no reason. A few days later I got a call from the legal assistant who was originally helping me, saying she had forwarded all my paperwork to a lawyer in Honolulu who specializes in this type of case. After spending several hours telling him the details, he kept saying that I wasn't giving him anything to work with. In his words it always ends in a he said she said even with witnesses or so called proof where the judge couldn't decide the truth, until I mentioned management cheating on the House Rules. The next day I got a call telling me that after an hour on the phone with EAH Housings lawyer he had convinced him that management could not win this case in court. Now I'm a bit vague as to what happened next even though I asked questions, but the next thing that happened was the new best way out was a Mutual Termination Agreement sent by EAH Housing's lawyer. When I asked what happened I was told, we work in teams using local lawyers, we do not have the budget to island hop for court appearances. All the members of the team must agree on a course of action. The only thing that makes sense here is the local lawyer refused to litigate the case in court. I read the agreement and refused to sign it because of all the illegal things it contained. We then spent time rewording the agreement and sending it back. Basically they were to dismiss the case and I must move in 60 days. The next hearing was on Aug 19 and the local lawyer presented the agreement to the judge. EAH Housing's lawyer was a no show and the judge refused to dismiss the case. He asked for a stipulation from EAH Housing's lawyer to dismiss. I knew at this point they were not going to live up to their agreement. I was assured that this would not happen until the time ran out on Oct 31, 2019 and it did not happen. I didn't move because they broke the agreement the day they were a no show in court. Next I get a summons to appear because they were suing me for breaking the agreement. That summons broke the state law for not giving me time to prepare. So the next summons was dated Dec 2, 2019 the same day they dismissed the original case. EHA Housing's lawyer flew in from Honolulu specifically for this hearing. The judge puts us in mediation because I do not have representation. EAH Housing's lawyer proceeds to tell me I can not win this case and he is very good at what he does. If we do not reach an agreement you will lose your HCV (Section 8 voucher) for five years and become homeless. I'm EMR Sensitive and the first problem I have in Lihue because of all the cell towers and free Wi-Fi is organizing my thoughts. Doctors do not recognize this problem yet. While the mediator was asking good questions he could not see a good end result for me. The fair housing Act gives up to 60 days for disabled people and I caved to that. The agreement was signed and the judge agreed. I have all along been looking for a place to live, desperately wanting to get away from this manager. Affordable Housing directly from the state or HUD (through the Hawaii Housing Agency) is 3 years out after you fill out the paperwork and approved you are put on a waiting list. Looking for other affordable housing, the waiting lists are not open and there are no vacancies. Looking on the retail rental market, no one accepts the HCV Program. So on Jan 31, 2020 at 4PM I will become homeless. The cost of moving into storage and out of storage and the deposit and my portion of the first month rent will put me in debt. I had a blowout on the way to a doctor's appointment and while I could get the spare out of the trunk I could no longer change the tire. I passed out on the front seat of the car and a kind woman stopped to help and found me. This made me realize that my desire to move out wade my physical ability to move. So I am here asking for help. If you think this was a long story you should hear the long version. If you agree this is wrong on multiple levels please sign my petition. Or better yet call (808) 241-4440 and ask to speak with Steven Franco and express the fact that management broke the house rules when getting a lawyer to serve a 45 day notice. When I was a kid this was called cheating, but she is also a habitual liar. This is why she hates me because I call her out. I'm not the only one here. According to the chair of Health and Human Services for the County she has had at least 4 complaints against her. She evicts people because their kids are out playing without supervision and making too much noise.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David LaBarre
Prison Reform: Taking Action Against Mass Incarceration, Inadequate Prison Reform, and Abusive Gu...Help three Bellingham High School juniors raise awareness and bring about a change in the ineffective and unethical American prison system.79 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Cody Trinkaus