Delay appointment of a new Supreme Court JusticeWe should not have a defeated President naming a Justice for life in the last few months of his term. McConnell blocked Obama’s Garland appointment in Obama’s last YEAR.6,606 of 7,000 SignaturesCreated by Gerald Tuckman
Stop Lifetime Appointments to Supreme Court of U.S.A.It affects all aspects of our lives. Women's rights concerning their own bodies, and many other key issues.92 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Debra L Field Randall
Cleaning The People’s HouseIt is important for the people of the United States and will be our way to express a New Beginning for our Country and for the world stage, as well. It is also necessary for the new president and family to begin the difficult job of hope and repair. Our People House, The White House needs love and attention. Let’s do it !!36 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Helene Fellen
Ban Private Online Proctoring in K-12 SchoolsIn the midst of a pandemic, Big Tech is trying to enrich itself and invade our children’s privacy through new and untested online proctoring services. By scanning our children’s faces, IDs, and even their bedrooms, these online proctoring companies promise to end cheating forever. The choice is clear: surveillance has no place in our children’s lives. The Department of Education must protect kids’ privacy by banning private online test proctoring companies from K-12 schools. Online proctoring companies do exactly what they advertise to do: they collect invasive amounts of sensitive, private information, use new and untested technology to determine a child’s integrity, and create a permanent record of their behavior in their servers. By fudging the line between security and privacy, these firms are turning classrooms into a privacy threat. My first interaction with an online proctoring service was when I tried to take an online exam this past spring quarter. Within minutes, it was clear to me that this software had no place in the classroom. First, it asked my name, and then for government ID, and then to scan my face and retinas. As if that wasn’t enough, a company I had never heard of asked me to photograph my room, and that’s when I knew that this isn’t security software -- it’s straight-up spyware. Students aren’t criminals, and we shouldn’t be treated as such. It’s obvious that these services are dangerous in a college setting, but imagine how much worse it would be if they penetrated K-12 schools. Children would be forced to share mountains of sensitive, personal information with no oversight as to how it will affect their futures, including: - Biometric data like facial images, retina scans, and fingerprints - Citizenship status - Gender identity and expression - Weight, health conditions, and mental and physical disabilities - Online browsing history, internet searches, and interactions This technology is invasive for students of all ages, but especially inappropriate for kids under 18. Parents and children will be at the mercy of shadowy firms to determine their academic integrity, generating profiles for every child using invasive amounts of private information. If enough students and parents fight back against this move towards mass surveillance of young children, we can hold these companies accountable and protect kids’ privacy. Tell Betsy DeVos and the Department of Education: no more mass surveillance of children. Ban private online test proctoring companies from K-12 schools.633 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Daniel Farzannekou
Fund the Post OfficeTrump is trying to starve the Post Office to swing the election50 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Paul Berg
Save Social Security and MedicareEveryone knows that the income payroll tax funds Social Security and Medicare -- two vitally important programs for Americans. Cutting, reducing, or "defraying" these taxes will decimate these two popular and badly needed programs for seniors; seniors who have paid into these funds all of their working lives. Trump and the GOP have already decimated American tax reveues through their tax cut for billionaires and big corporations -- revenues badly needed for education, healthcare, combatting climate change, funding the Postal Services, to name a few needs of a healthy and vibrant democratic society. Don't let him decimate Social Security and Medicare as well.18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Janet Wise
Include National Rental Assistant during COVIDWhile the unemployment rates have skyrocketed, so has the amount of money owed to landlords. Simply making it harder to evict people is NOT stopping the bills from overflowing! Many people and families will not be able to catch up on their rent and will be evicted. Not only will this cause a crash in the economy but the homeless population will supersede anything we’ve seen thus far. Housing is a basic human right and our country must help with this atrocity that can be prevented with proper steps.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jasmine Davis
Protect California’s Fragile Elderly from New Nursing-Home Survey ModelThis dual consultant/survey model is not new. It is the model that existed throughout the 70s and 80s—a model that resulted in such poor care, it prompted Congress to pass the 1987 Nursing Home Reform Act. This law deemed it unlawful for nurse surveyors to provide facility consults, then turn around and write deficiencies and citations for advice that they, themselves, had given, due to conflict of interest. Although the CA Health and Safety Code (1417.3) allows nurse surveyors to provide instruction to facilities on occasion, it makes it illegal to provide instruction if it will diminish survey efforts. However, given the degree of facility involvement required of nurses per the new model, survey efforts will clearly be diminished, as there are simply not enough nurses in the state of CA to implement the new survey model and still have time for surveys and complaint investigations. The new survey model is redundant and represents an inefficient and wasteful use of government spending: nursing homes already have full-time Infection Preventionists on staff, CDPH has infection-control experts that can provide consults without it being a conflict of interest, and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) has Quality Improvement Organizations and Quality Improvement Networks that are already providing oversight and education on quality improvement . The new survey model is in violation of the Nurse Practice Act: the training has not been standardized, the new survey policy was not written by an RN, and Covid-infection control is out of the scope of practice of many nurse surveyors, not all of whom have the Public Health Nurse license required engage in control of communicable disease in the community setting. The new survey model is in violation of the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics, which obligates nurses not to accept assignments that place patients, or themselves, at risk, or assignments that involve conflicts of interest. Since the majority of nursing home residents in CA are minorities, the new survey model stands to further harm a patient population that is already underserved by the healthcare system, by further ignoring the healthcare and quality of life needs of CA’s many Latino, African American and Asian nursing-home residents. Implementation of this new model will severely limit the ability of nurse surveyors to hold specific nursing-home administrators accountable for their actions, or hold the nursing-home industry at large for the motivations of a business that is for-profit, and thereby lacking in incentive to provide quality care in the first place.180 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Susan Lawrance, MA, MSN, RN
Vote No Confidence on Gov DeSantis' Handling of Coronavirus ResponseThis is important to limit the unnecessary deaths of the citizens of the state of Florida due to Covid19. A Florida Governor cannot be recalled. This petition will put pressure on the Governor to follow SCIENCE. SIGNATURES=PRESSURE=CHANGE IN BEHAVIOR23,568 of 25,000 SignaturesCreated by Shelley Vana
Keep our youth safe! Bring more street lights to the North East neighborhood of St. Cloud!The North East neighborhood of St. Cloud desperately needs more street lighting to keep our youth safe. Why is this important? The North East neighborhood of St. Cloud is very poorly lit, and this is cause for concern for youth safety. The streets that are particularly concerning are 3rd St NE and 4th St NE leading to the bus stop on Wilson Ave NE. Youth and adults deserve a well-lit neighborhood to stay safe when walking at night to access public transportation. Help us keep our community safe by illuminating the North East neighborhood of St. Cloud!100 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Chenel Sanders
Implementation of Social Workers into the Police ForceImagine a scenario in which a domestic dispute occurred between you and a partner. Which professional would you feel more comfortable speaking with? Which professional do you feel would be more capable of providing you resources for next steps? An armed officer? Or a plains clothed, unarmed social worker? Sign this petition to enact social workers into non violent roles in the community. A calming, unarmed presence, aimed to reduce escalation can decrease brutality between police and citizens, and in addition, can save lives.53 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Maggie Chiu
Care for America everydayPeople can’t move forward with life and stay positive through this horrible time if they are constantly worried about losing there home, not being able to pay for lights, internet for school, car payments for vehicles used to care for families, essentials toilet paper, dog food? When will they stop arguing about the tits for tats and do something. It continues to get worse and worse in this country yet no one is doing anything to help long term only in the moment!5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dolores Stanton