• AARP: Support the Repeal of the GPO & WEP
    As a lobbying group working at the local, state, and federal levels on issues affecting aging Americans, retired Americans need AARP’s political influence to assist in repealing the GPO and WEP.
    11,977 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Pam Alexandroff
  • End systemic homelessness in the United States by creating a new federal agency
    In 2020 the homeless population in America was almost 581,000 people. It is estimated to be much worse in 2023. These people are ALL US citizens which means this is really a bad problem. Some areas are worse than others and the quantity of people who are able bodied and willing to work is diminishing because of systemic issues like malnutrition and psychological damage equivalent to PTSD. These concentrations actually work out well for creating programs that are focused in the areas that need it the most. We have the technology and resources today to build self-sufficient systems that operate just like other small businesses and quite literally solve the homelessness problem for our country. What seems like an impossible problem is within our grasp if we just choose to address it and have an intention to make our world better with this action.
    103 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Isaac Horton
  • Justice for Terra!!!!
    Because my daughter and so many others who defended themselves are behind bars.
    327 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Adrienne Grant
  • Save student loan debt cancellation!
    In August, the Biden administration announced an historic student debt cancellation policy, which would transform the lives of tens of millions of borrowers across the country. Despite President Biden possessing the authority to cancel student debt as per the HEROES Act, passed by Congress in 2003, right-wing MAGA Republicans have filed numerous lawsuits challenging the legality of student debt cancellation. Now, a Trump-appointed federal judge has officially blocked the cancellation program, and the Biden administration has been forced to stop accepting cancellation applications. While the case is currently being appealed to a higher court, student loan debt cancellation appears to be in jeopardy. In trying to kill this program, Republicans and their right-wing minions are trying to deny critical relief for tens of millions of families that have suffered under the crushing weight of student loan debt. This is absolutely unfathomable, and that’s why we’re demanding that they drop all litigation regarding student debt cancellation.
    102,651 of 200,000 Signatures
  • RAE 4 - We need answers! Prioritize Latinx behavioral health!
    So, what’s the problem?  Though 43.2% of Pueblo’s residents are Hispanic or Latino and 17.8% are living in poverty, there are little to no affordable and accessible treatment services in Spanish without Servicios  48% of avoidable costs in RAE come from substance misuse  RAE 4 got a D grade in its outpatient treatment planning score per a recent audit  Community waits months to be seen. Servicios see everyone in 14 days or less.  Latinos are the second highest utilizers of illegal substances in Colorado. In some neighborhoods, drugs are easier to find than healthy meals.  Latino Coloradoans were the second highest utilizers of mental health services in the State representing 25.8% of all those seeking treatment Root causes to these health inequities include lack of access to bilingual therapists; strong corporate marketing to target poor and BIPOC communities; fear of institutions; lack of resources for immigrant/migrant and refugee communities; lack of transportation; language barriers; retention challenges due to experiencing homelessness; barriers to treatment specific to COVID-19; and stigma. What happens now: Servicios is funded to continue services in Pueblo until 4/30/2023. Health Colorado Inc went from funding us with almost $.5M in Cycle 1 to $0 in Cycle 2. Seeing the massive need for the very services that we expertly provide, we want to know how HCI intends to fill this critical gap in services, and in a culturally and linguistically responsive manner? What can you do: Speak up. La raza! Méjicano! Españo! Latino! Chicano! Or whatever we call ourselves, WE MATTER! When it comes to caring for community, money talks. When resources are taken away, it sends a clear message that our needs and our people just don’t matter and are not valued. Call Christina Brown, the Director of Community Engagement and Transformation at Health Colorado Inc and share your thoughts: (719) 621-8785. Our loved ones are dying and we cannot “wait on time” and expect things to get better by themselves.
    108 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Neva Martinez Ortega
  • Bring back the stream for Walden school
    this has effected many of the AP students, further pushing the weight of stress of the AP classes, Bringing the Stream back would help many of our students, it would also be really funny.
    44 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ronan Ward
  • Cancel the LUMA contract that has left Puerto Ricans without power over and over again!
    Before Hurricane Fiona hit, Puerto Ricans were being subjected to nearly daily power outages that were burning out generators, leaving hospital patients at risk, and forcing children to do their homework under flashlights. For this state of misery under the LUMA Energy consortium, households and businesses were issued SEVEN rate hikes—in one year alone. This abuse is unconscionable. After more than 100 organizations sent letters to the Commonwealth and Federal governments, and to Congress, and after attempts by legislators in the Island to withhold funding from LUMA Energy were blocked by a Congressionally-imposed fiscal control board, Puerto Ricans en masse took to the streets. Their demand that went unheeded: Cancel the LUMA contract. Gov. Pedro Pierluisi, we echo the call of the people being harmed by this bad contract and incompetent service provider. Do right by the people by canceling this contract before Nov. 30th. Otherwise LUMA will be locked in for 15 years. In fact, all you have to do is not sign any renewal contract. To President Biden and Congress, we say Puerto Rico MUST have a sustainable and clean, renewable energy grid that is reliable, hurricane or not. The federal government should take immediate steps so that what should have been done after Hurricane Maria is accomplished. Federal reconstruction funding to rebuild the electricity grid should be required to be used for only sustainable and clean, renewable energy projects, not dirty, polluting fossil fuels. FEMA should reprogram the tens of billions already available in disaster funding to municipalities and NGOs. As energy experts advise, Congress should move to cancel all or a substantial portion of the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority’s debt. FEMA officials recently testified that out of $13 billion available in US grid reconstruction funds, only $40 million had been disbursed, FIVE years after Hurricane Maria. Enough is enough! Please join the demands of the people of Puerto Rico: #CancelLUMA, #CleanGrid4PR #CommunityDrivenRecovery
    20,624 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by Power 4 Puerto Rico
  • Do No Harm: Female Healthcare Workers and Their Supporters Against Intimate Partner Violence
    Physicians perpetrating violence against women, co-workers, and intimate partners need to be held accountable by the institutions created to do so. We cannot continue to condone domestic violence within our own licensing practices. The Texas Medical Board must act! For additional updates, engagement and access to the recent media coverage, please go to the "Do No Harm" website at: https://www.theuncooperative.org or follow RESPOND Against Violence on Instagram. Consider showing additional support on January 18th, as we support Domestic Violence Awareness by wearing Purple! If you or someone you know may be experiencing domestic violence, please know the resources. The Domestic Violence Hotline is 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or TTY 1-800-787-3224. and the website includes valuable resources: https://www.thehotline.org
    545 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Dr. Jessica Wilson
  • Counselors Not Cops: In Salem Keizer Public Schools
    Police in schools have served as the main bridge for students of color, poor students, students with disabilities and trans and queer students to enter the criminal justice system. Our goal is to create a path where our public schools become a place where students are nurtured and provided with the resources that help us grow to be healthy adults. We want to end the long history of systematically criminalizing Black, Indigenous and other students of color, specially those living with behavioral and physical disabilities as well as trans and queer students that attend Salem Keizer Public Schools. Even though in 2021, Superintendent Christy Perry decided NOT to renew the School Resource Officers program, which took about 1 million dollars from our education funding, far right groups who do not represent students are attacking this student-led victory. We need the full and permanent reinvestment of SRO funds into non-punitive education programing/staff and we want our school district to make a commitment to end the school to prison and deportation pipeline.
    626 of 800 Signatures
    Created by LUS Youth Picture
  • Investigate GOP Governors like DeSantis for human trafficking & violating federal immigration law
    Families, including children, were transported across state lines under false pretenses. This was a premeditated effort targeting persons by national origin. It’s shameful that instead of treating asylum seekers with the love, dignity and care they deserve, Republican Governors like Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott are exploiting them and using them as political pawns. Families, including children, are being transported across state lines under false pretenses. Immigrants are being treated inhumanely. These are not isolated incidents. They are deliberate actions relentlessly carried out by anti-immigrant Republicans/politicians. It’s completely unacceptable and it needs to end now. Republicans want to divide us by demonizing immigrants. But no one is illegal on stolen land. And immigrants deserve to be welcomed and treated with dignity, love, and care. Together, we can keep fighting for immigration justice including a pathway to citizenship for undocumented folks.
    105,584 of 200,000 Signatures
    Created by Vanessa Brito Picture
  • End Homelessness & Poverty while Rebuilding the Economy
    This issue is affecting everyone from tourist to communities to families to business owners and overall the economy. This problem has given me the opportunity to understand how to handle the issue effectively and efficiently everyone has voice and nothing will change if no one isn’t listening on how to create solutions that will not mask the problem but remove it. I've heard and seen the frustration and this has allowed me to be able to understand how to make the correct choices for the homeless community and the business owners we are all crying out for something to be done this is a change for good it will allow us to get back what Covid-19 has taken away from our communities and rebuild our economy.
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shavona Jackson Picture
  • End indigenous homelessness in Minneapolis
    Our community is suffering from an unprecedented humanitarian crisis that we haven’t seen since the Indian removal act. The opioid and mental health problems our indigenous relatives are experiencing is killing our children and young adults in our native communities every single day. We must create a safe and culturally healthy space to heal. Western “treatment” is not working for the historical trauma that is the cause for most of the addiction and mental health issues we are facing today. To heal properly, my people must return to our traditional ways of healing and living the best we can in this artificial environment that has been created by the colonists and settlers. This little 6 acre park is perfectly located in the Minneapolis Indian community. The park is only blocks away from the Native American Community Clinic, Indian Health board and the Takota Institute for higher education. This historic move would all but eliminate the homeless encampments in south Minneapolis. Our relatives would be able to be housed with dignity and heal within the community instead of always being “sent away” to get treated and fixed. So please join our historic endeavor to get stolen Indian Landback and create our Red Road Village…
    181 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Mike Forcia Picture