• Stand With Trader Joe's Workers!
    Trader Joe's is a company that carefully cultivates a progressive reputation. But over the past few years, we have seen the company culture shift from a workplace with incredible pay, benefits, and atmosphere, to a company with increasing turnover, declining benefits, and stagnating wages. The pandemic put those changes into stark relief as “essential” workers everywhere were asked to risk their health in order to keep the economy going. These two factors—the company’s internal changes and the pandemic—made it clear that we needed to have a say in our workplace, and that a union was the only answer to that need. A union could also bring Trader Joe’s back into alignment with its own core values, the values that had made it a great place to work and shop in the first place. Even though we have won elections in four stores, Trader Joe’s continues to union bust and refuse to bargain in good faith. Recently, Trader Joe’s fired Steve Andrade, one of the crew members in Hadley, MA for completely frivolous reasons. In his termination paperwork, management claimed that a power tool belonged to Steve, and its presence in the store created a safety issue serious enough to warrant firing him. The catch? This tool didn’t even belong to Steve. In fact, the tool was at the store long before Steve started working in Hadley nine years ago. Since we won our first union election, we’ve heard from hundreds of crew members across the country eager to unionize their stores, and we are helping many of them organize right now. But instead of allowing the free and fair elections they promised their workers, or bargaining in good faith, Trader Joe’s has hired a union-busting law firm and is fighting us every step of the way. Trader Joe’s has fired union supporters, threatened and coerced workers, and continues to drag their feet at the bargaining table. We can only win when we stand together in solidarity. Can you take a moment to sign our petition to demand that Trader Joe’s stop union-busting and reinstate workers fired for organizing?
    24,392 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by Trader Joe's United
  • Restore SNAP Food Benefits to Disabled Medicaid Clients!
    My family is among those caregiving families that have been heavily impacted by the loss of SNAP food benefits. My spouse, Jon, is profoundly disabled with ALS and several other serious medical conditions. He requires continual care which precludes any outside employment by myself. We have struggled to make ends meet solely on Jon’s monthly disability payment. In January, we were notified that our monthly SNAP benefit would be reduced from $516 to $13. This cut in benefits represents a 97.5% reduction in SNAP benefits and is nearly 30% of our monthly income! This severe benefit cut dramatically increases the risks to my ability to continue to care for Jon at home. To avoid Jon's forced return to institutionalized care, we have been forced to depend upon a GoFundMe campaign to replace our lost food benefits. While our story is deeply personal, it is also illustrative of the injury being inflicted upon the many families caring for disabled loved ones nationwide. (To learn more about this issue, our personal story, and our GoFundMe effort; please see the excellent recent video and print article that appeared on Scripps News via the following link: https://scrippsnews.com/stories/families-are-struggling-with-reduced-snap-benefits/ ) I have started this petition out of a deep conviction that no family already struggling under the strain of providing care to a seriously ill or injured loved one should ever have the additional worry about how to put food on the table! Please join me in telling President Biden to take immediate action to make this crucial change in SNAP benefit rules to to end this cruel food insecurity and support low-income disabled persons and their caregiving families. Thank you so very much for your support of this petition! (and please share it on your social media platforms.)
    87 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alan Gossett
  • End Anti-Transgender Legislative Violence Now!
    With this movement, we are being actively, methodically, and intentionally eradicated. We’re getting a front seat to how a society divides itself and turns against those that are different. The leaders of these movements are not just trying to eradicate the existence of transgender individuals; they are eradicating anything that does not support the continued dominance of what this country was founded on. This means it will not stop at transgender issues; it will continue to expand and spread and will redirect to the next segment of society that poses the next risk to their position. And while it might seem that the concurrent attacks on reproductive rights, religious freedom, books, African-American history, and science are disparate, we know the truth. They are coordinated and intentionally designed to whittle away our power. Let’s call it what it is: political warfare. Political violence. Now is the time for us to band together across differences across cultural or societal norms, or societal norms and stand in the gap for trans people, not only in this country but all of the rest of the world. Because America's power has implications for others. And the world is watching. We've got to unite urgently and show our PRIDE. This is not something the BLACK transgender community can fight without additional support. Even if people are not trans or a member of the LGBTQ+ community, they can relate to the experience of being hidden, unseen, and afraid. We need to unite around that commonality and build solidarity around our unity. We must speak out against these anti-trans bills and work to oppose them at every turn. We call on lawmakers at every level of government to reject these harmful and discriminatory measures and to instead support policies that promote equity, collaboration, reparations, and justice for the people these policies have always minimized. These bills, including those that target trans youth and seek to limit their access to healthcare and athletics, are being promoted by politicians who are using fear and misinformation to advance their own political agendas. We must hold these elected officials accountable for their attacks on our community, and we must work together to resist and oppose these regressive and harmful policies. We urge you to join us in taking action to protect the rights of BLACK transgender people and all members of the trans community by honoring these demands: 1. Commitment to the protection and safety of BLACK trans people 2. Increase access to gender-affirming healthcare 3. Autonomy for trans youth, adults, and their families 4. End legislative violence against trans people By signing this petition, you are standing up to the hateful rhetoric and harmful policies that seek to erase us and deny us our basic human rights. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that all people, regardless of gender identity, are treated with dignity, respect, and equality under the law. We are grateful for your support and advocacy on behalf of this critical issue.
    1,884 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by The Marsha P. Johnson Institute Picture
  • Don't let Republicans cut food assistance for American families
    My name is Ruth. I’m a single mother in New Jersey, and I am writing to ask for your support as Republicans in Congress try to slash the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), commonly called food stamps, which is a lifeline for myself and my three children. A member survey by ParentsTogether Action found that 44% of parents can’t afford enough food for their families, and 37% of parents reported skipping meals so their kids could eat. More than half of those surveyed said that they now rely on food banks or similar services. It’s frustrating to hear Republicans say they’ll let the US default on our debt and stop paying bills unless Democrats agree to their budget cuts that will slash away at lifesaving programs, when I know corporations and billionaires are not paying their fair share. Rather than CUTTING essential benefits right now, Congress must strengthen SNAP (food stamps) benefits and stop the political attacks against this life-saving program. It’s unconscionable to cut funding and increase barriers to access, but Republican proposals would impose work requirements and time limits that would take away food assistance from millions of families —including some children and older workers. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities points out that “Justifications for work requirements rest on the false assumptions that people who receive benefits do not work and must be compelled to do so. These assumptions are rooted in stereotypes based on race, gender, disability status, and class. They ignore the realities of the low-paid labor market, the lack of child care and paid sick and family leave, how health and disability issues and the need to care for family members affect people’s lives, and ongoing labor market discrimination.” Food is necessary for survival. It shouldn’t be used as a political tool. Our families are counting on Congress to make sure no one is forced to go to bed hungry.
    27,257 of 30,000 Signatures
    Created by Ruth Rodriquez
  • request a change in one of the outdoor Shatto Park tennis courts from regular tennis to pickleball
    Pickleball is a rapidly growing sport that is becoming increasingly popular among people of all ages. With the conversion of one tennis court into four pickleball courts, more people would be able to enjoy this exciting sport at your facility.
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jay Jongyoup Hahn
  • Support the Chicago Police Settlement Transparency and Accountability Ordinance (PSTA)
    If we pass this reform, Chicago will set the standard for police accountability for cities across the country. Chicago communities deserve nothing less. See more details about the legislation here: https://www.cjpnation.org/psta Full text of the ordinance: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTkeuGJw2zVQpTyVe-SMj0cjLs_O7m5mY5DAuSvIPRaauxiWNAu3Tkyr8ZaWAIFEx0HyxwkYDMtzdlv/pub
    288 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Tracy Siska
  • We Welcome TEA
    The corruption and conflicts of interest in our education system cannot go unchecked any longer. Our children's futures are on the line, and it's up to all of us to take action and demand change. We must hold our leaders accountable and support the state-appointed board of managers to fix the systemic problems at La Joya ISD. Together, we can make a difference and create a brighter future for our community. It's time to stand up for our children and demand that the La Joya Independent School District accepts the recommendation to replace the current school board with a state-appointed board of managers. Join us in supporting the TEA's efforts to fix the issues at La Joya ISD. Show your support by signing and sharing this petition to let the TEA know that they are welcome and needed in our community. We cannot allow a handful of individuals with their own interests at heart to hold our children's futures hostage any longer. It's time to put an end to this nightmare and start rebuilding our community in the right direction. Together, we can make a real difference and give our children the education they deserve.
    272 of 300 Signatures
    Created by LJISD Community
  • Tell Speaker McCarthy and Members of the House Majority to Back Off Our Benefits
    Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid provide safety and security for the millions of seniors, families, and veterans who rely on these benefits to retire, access health care, and feed their families. Speaker McCarthy and the House Majority are threatening to force a catastrophic economic default unless their extreme demands to gut these overwhelmingly popular and hard-earned benefits are met. Their willingness to hold the economy hostage and make working people pay the price is nothing short of extreme and dangerous. Default would devastate individual Americans and communities of color across the country. After a lifetime of hard work and paying in, 48.6 million seniors rely on Social Security assistance every month to pay their bills. Nearly 64 million seniors rely on Medicare for their health coverage. More than 84.8 million Americans receive life-saving coverage through Medicaid. The entire country will suffer if our economy defaults. The majority of the House GOP supports cuts to essential programs. The Republican Study Committee, which includes 75% of House Republican members, released a budget for 2023 that would take measures to reduce or eliminate Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the Affordable Care Act, and SNAP benefits – voucherizing, means-testing, cutting funding, and imposing stricter requirements to gut coverage for millions of Americans.
    1,424 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Courage for America Picture
  • Stop the willow project
    It's going to destroy the article. It's going to destroy the world, our world. It's going to destroy future generations, It's going to destroy everything we need more people to sign it we are going to die we need to take action the isn't much time left please just listen to me, Listen to us all. Please I beg, Spread awareness, Do everything you can please I don't want to die I'm just a kid I don't want to lose everything my home, Please help.
    4,695 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Lidia Mendoza
  • Declare a state of emergency in Ohio after the Norfolk Southern train derailment!
    We don’t know the impact of the toxic chemical explosions on people’s health yet, but residents have reported experiencing nausea, shortness of breath, dizziness, and headaches. It’s also been confirmed that chemicals have spilled into the Ohio River, which covers 14 states and provides drinking water to more than 5 million people. This water basin also leads directly into the Mississippi River, a major water source in the United States. President Biden already called Gov. DeWine and said the administration would give him whatever he needed, so why hasn’t DeWine declared a state of emergency? It is critical that Gov. DeWine declare a state of emergency and formally request President Joe Biden for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) aid so residents affected by the explosion can get the help they deserve.
    2,498 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Sharie Ellison
  • Help students with Autism receive the services they need
    Children are being denied medically necessary services in school settings. Children with Autism also face numerous challenges and ABA therapy in school often times are denied. The fact remains that children with Autism who need ABA therapy often times go without therapy or have to complete reduced hours due to conflicts with school. ABA therapy in school can help to remove behavioral health barriers, increase social and emotional relationships and can lead to life long educational and social relationships and can also lead to reduced medical costs. Please help us to tell school board members in Colorado that these services are vital and the policies crafted should reflect the needs of our student population.
    157 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jeremy White
  • Needed Telehealth for Psychotherapy
    Thousands of vulnerable individuals are at risk to lose Telehealth for psychotherapy as of February 28, 2023, as noted in detailed letter above. It should not be a choice between risking grave illness versus psychotherapy, whether patients or therapists. It should not be a choice between being poor and having access to psychotherapy through Telehealth.
    626 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Susan K Faron PhD