Ban Gay Conversion Therapy in CaliforniaThe American Psychological Association convened a task force on Appropriate Therapeutic Responses to Sexual Orientation. The task force conducted a systematic review of peer-reviewed journal literature on sexual orientation change efforts and issued a report in 2009. The task force concluded that sexual orientation change efforts can pose critical health risks to lesbian, gay, and bisexual people, including confusion, depression, guilt, helplessness, hopelessness, shame, social withdrawal, suicidality, substance abuse, stress, disappointment, self-blame, decreased self-esteem and authenticity to others, increased self-hatred, hostility and blame toward parents, feelings of anger and betrayal, loss of friends and potential romantic partners, problems in sexual and emotional intimacy, sexual dysfunction, high-risk sexual behaviors, a feeling of being dehumanized and untrue to self, a loss of faith, and a sense of having wasted time and resources.63 of 100 SignaturesCreated by JaVonte D Baker
Impeach Florida dishonorable judge Jerald BagleyAmerican families are targeted by predator judges, attorneys and guardians who troll hospitals, banks and other facilities to prey on older adults with financial assets and force them into an illicit court proceeding they call guardianship. Guardianship is the term they use to imply there is a legitimate court proceeding taking place but the court is running a human trafficking racket where the only thing that is happening is illegal orders that extort the life savings of vulnerable adults. The term guardian is also a ruse to imply legitimacy but the guardian is the protector of the corrupt judge and provides a gateway to the bribe money27 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Warren
Return My Children!For 33 months, DFS has kept my children from me even though 20 months ago I completed everything asked in the treatment order. Please help me get my children home.28 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Deanna johnson
Ban conversion therapy in New Mexico.The NM House and Senate passed Senate Bill 121, a bill that would ban so-called conversion therapy for individuals under 18 years of age. The bill is sponsored by Sen. Jacob Candelaria (D-Albuquerque) and Rep. Andrés Romero (D-Albuquerque). Conversion therapy, aimed at changing a person’s sexual orientation and/or gender identity, has been rejected by the American Psychiatric Association and the American Medical Association. “This discredited practice is not based on medical science. It’s based on dangerous misinformation. Being LGBTQ is not a mental disorder and we should not treat it as such. Children who undergo conversion therapy are more likely to attempt suicide, have depression, or partake in dangerous behavior. The bill includes language that would promote therapy that favors acceptance, support, and understanding for a person’s gender identity or sexual orientation, without attempting to change that identity or orientation. Senate Bill 121 passed the House by a large majority, 44-23.169 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Michael Carpenter
Google: Stop funding BreitbartAfter an uproar over placement of ads on extremist Youtube videos leading some of Google’s largest advertisers to walk away, the company announced this week that it would bolster its policies to address hate speech. But it doesn’t go far enough. Google Adwords is the largest and most prominent ad network on Breitbart, the alt-right ‘news’ site of Steve Bannon and his white nationalist followers. And the company still lets neo-nazi sites get away with incitement of violence towards marginalized groups of people. Recently, a self-proclaimed white supremacist stabbed a Black man with a sword in Manhattan and admitted to police that it was an intentional hate crime. This same disturbed individual subscribed to numerous white nationalist and anti-feminist Youtube channels. Over the past few months, the incredible grassroots Sleeping Giants campaign has led thousands of companies, including most major corporations worldwide, to blacklist Breitbart in their Google advertising campaigns. Breitbart is by far the most advertiser-blocked website of all time. And yet, Google continues to place advertisers’ brands on Breitbart by default. Not only is Google failing to protect its advertisers, it is also directly funding the most prominent white nationalist website in the world. This has to stop. We are calling on Google to remove Breitbart and other white nationalist extremist sites from its default advertising placement list and to completely remove these hateful sites from its ad services.42,642 of 45,000 SignaturesCreated by Nicholas
Mitch McConnell wants to change the rulesACT NOW! We've learned that changing the rules of how appointments are made can undermine what is best for the people of this nation. Betsy DeVos is a perfect example of why our nation's leaders shouldn't remove the necessity of working together. Mitch McConnell isn't committed to working together. Show his true colors of divisiveness and partisanship by calling him out on his willingness to lead Judge Gorsuch's confirmation and blame it on the Democratic Party. Call your Senator and ask them to bring the nation's attention to Mitch McConnell's evil acts.62 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Whitney Altopp
North Carolina Legislators: Stop HB 467I have worked with the Rachel Carson Council for years to help people in North Carolina fight the harmful health and climate effects of massive waste from industrial hog and chicken farms. I was shocked and alerted our North Carolina members when HB 467 was introduced at the behest of the Chinese holding company, WH Group. It owns the Smithfield Corporation that has the largest number of polluting hog facilities in North Carolina. This bill is a blatant give away and protection for the Chinese and the big polluters who harm the people we work with across the state.685 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Bob Musil, Rachel Carson Council
Alabama Bill(s) Seek to Reduce Adoptions of ChildrenHouse Bill 24 and Senate Bill 145 would allow faith based adoption and placement agencies to legally discriminate against families for children with none, based on their religious views. Research supports that in looking at what is in the best interest of a child, a loving and supportive home is a much more important factor than whether the parents are of the same religion, race, gender or if one has been divorced. The over 4,000 children awaiting placement in Alabama, with over 1,000 waiting to be adopted, deserve to have a loving home regardless of individual organization's prejudicial beliefs. We must take a stand for the children68 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Cassandra Simon
Help us end CPS and family court corruptionThis petition is to show there are many families that are being torn apart due to lies from CPS workers, angry family members, and revenge-seeking exes and even medical personnel. As a whole nation, we need to put a stop to CPS and family court corruption. CPS doesn't seem to care about what is best for our children and WE ALL need to expose them for tearing apart good families and taking away kids who are loved yet leaving children who are abused in unfortunate circumstances in homes where they are in real danger. Please help me in exposing all CPS and all family courts for their corruption. NO parent should know the pain of having their child/children taken away and placed in a home with pure strangers. DCBS/DFS/CPS/FAMILY COURT would much rather take children from their homes and send them to strangers than try to ACTUALLY repair families. We CAN stand and SPEAK UP for OUR children and OUR rights!!2,500 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Kam Nesw
Senators KAINE and WARNER - We, CITIZENS OF VIRGINIA, Ask That You Join the Filibuster of the Nom...For signature by CITIZENS OF VIRGINIA only please as the Senators are only influenced by their own constituents!! Check MoveOn for a petition addressed to your Senator. The Gorsuch nomination is scheduled for vote in the Senate on April 7, 2017, so, if you oppose the nomination, please sign this petition at your earliest convenience. Senator Warner announced on April 3, after this petition was posted, that he opposes Judge Gorsuch's nomination and will join in the filibuster of that nomination by Senator Kaine and others. I hope you'll still sign this petition to show Senators Kaine and Warner that we support their position and want them to hold fast to that decision despite political pressure and dealings that will inevitably occur over the next few days. Please take a moment to call Senator Kaine (202-224-4024) and Senator Warner (202-224-2023) to tell them of your opposition to and your support for their opposition to Judge Gorsuch. OUR CALLS DO MATTER as I've been told by every legislator with whom I've spoken in recent months! The following are but a few of the objections and concerns raised by the nomination of Judge Gorsuch to the Supreme Court: 1) Hearings and vote on President Trump's SCOTUS nominees must not proceed unless President Trump and his campaign and transition teams are cleared of collusion with Russian officials/operatives who interfered in our 2016 Presidential Election. 2) Republicans effectively stole the SCOTUS seat. President Obama, by right and obligation, nominated Judge Merrick Garland to the SCOTUS. Republicans, contrary to their Constitutional duty and Senate rules and protocol, denied Judge Garland a hearing and a vote. This unprincipled behavior should not be condoned or rewarded. Confirming Judge Gorsuch in these circumstances sets a dangerous precedent and signals that Republicans can act contrary to our Constitution and be rewarded for their misconduct. 3) Judge Gorsuch was nominated by President Trump to fulfill his promise that the next Associate Justice will have an ultra conservative judicial philosophy like Justice Antonin Scalia and will vote to "automatically overturn" Roe v. Wade. 4) While Judge Gorsuch claims to be apolitical, his nomination is supported by a publicity campaign funded by millions of dollars of "Dark Money" from largely unknown, apparently conservative, sources (reportedly linked to a network tied to the Koch brothers). 5) Confirmation of Judge Gorsuch, who is 49, will have a profound and enduring effect on our Nation as his philosophy and predilections will likely shape the views of the Court for more than 30 years. 6) During his confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Judge Gorsuch was evasive and refused to answer legitimate questions designed to reveal his judicial philosophy. 7) Judge Gorsuch is a proponent of "originalism" (and will apply the words of the U. S. Constitution as they were understood at the time they were written - 1789 - when slavery existed and women could not vote) and "textualism" (and will look solely to the objective meaning of the text of a statute rather than to the legislative intent or statutory purpose), an approach not likely to protect and forward the civil rights of women and minorities. 8) As evidenced by his prior opinions as a Judge of the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals and his extrajudicial writings, Judge Gorsuch will most certainly undo our country's progress in so many areas and prevent its progress in others, in part, as outlined below : ** Women's Reproductive Rights - See a) Burwell v. Holly Lobby Stores in which Judge Gorsuch interpreted the Religious Freedom Restoration Act to permit a corporate employer to refuse to provide its employees with medical insurance including comprehensive contraceptive coverage because it conflicted with the corporate employer's religious beliefs and b) Assisted Suicide by Judge Gorsuch (2006), where he expresses skepticism of the Constitutional basis of a woman's right to choose abortion. ** Separation of Church and State - In Holly Lobby, Judge Gorsuch essentially found that the religious beliefs of a closely held corporation supersedes the beliefs and the rights of employees. ** Worker Health & Safety - See TransAm Trucking v. Admin Review Board in which Judge Gorsuch sided with the corporate employer and found that a Dept. of Labor rule that a driver can't be fired for failing to operate his vehicle because of safety concerns did not prohibit the firing of an employee who temporarily left a disabled truck trailer along the roadway in sub-zero temperatures to seek shelter at a nearby location in the truck cab. ** LGBTQ Rights - Judge Gorsuch's reasoning in the Holly Lobby case has already been used to allow individuals to discriminate against the LGBTQ community (See EEOC v. R.G. & G.R. Funeral Homes, Inc.). Judge Gorsuch has also expressed admiration for Justice Antonin Scalia, also an "originalist" who wrote that our Constitution DOES NOT protect against discrimination on the basis of gender or sexual orientation. As Judge Gorsuch is also a proponent of originalism, it follows that he will not likely be inclined to protect and extend the civil rights for the LGBTQ community. ** Environmental Protection - Judge Gorsuch has repeatedly denied court challenges brought by environmental protection groups against those who damage our environment. See, for example, Wilderness Society v. Kaine County. He also will likely restrict the ability of federal agency experts to implement federal laws enacted to preserve our planet and halt the progress of climate change. See, for example, Gutierrez-Brizuela v. Lynch. ** Campaign Finance Reform - In his concurring opinion in Riddle v. Hickenlooper, Judge Gorsuch indicated that making a campaign contribution is a "basic constitutional freedom . . . enjoying significant relationship to the right to speak . . .. Thus, it seems unlikely tha...348 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Catherine Carey
LGBTQ People Count, So Count Us!Our community is strong and resilient, and we deserve to be seen. We Count. The Trump administration's recent decision to remove sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) questions from HHS surveys, to halt progress on including SOGI questions in the Census and American Community Survey, and to stop evaluation of HUD LGBTQ programs make it seem like the Trump administration doesn't agree. We won't stand for it. We demand to be counted. Reverse the decision not to collect data about LGBTQ people and their families now. We Count, so count us!1,158 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Meghan Maury
Restore Federal Protections for Transgender StudentsI am a Transgender ally and an active member of organizations fighting for Transgender and Immigration justice.118 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Donald Baldwin