RISE — Repeal Ineffective Sentencing Enhancements and reduce jail overcrowdingPlease ask your legislators to support Senate Bill 180. The RISE Act, Senate Bill 180, has been introduced into the California Legislature by Senator Holly Mitchell (D-Los Angeles). It is a key sentencing reform bill in the effort to shift from a failed policy of mass incarceration and jail expansion to social investments that will actually reduce drug use and support vibrant, healthy communities. SB 180 would repeal the current three-year sentence enhancements for prior drug convictions, with the exception of convictions involving a minor. The enhancements are applied consecutively – three years for every prior conviction for possession for sale. Of the 1,700 people now serving sentences longer than five years, many more than 10 years, in county jails; the leading cause is non-violent drug sale offenses. Why is the RISE Act so important? It will: Free up taxpayer dollars for investment in cost-effective community based programs instead of costly jail expansion. Address the extreme sentences that are causing some people to spend 10 years or more in dangerous, overcrowded county jails. Reduce racial disparities in the criminal justice system. Reduce the practice of punishing people who are suffering from a substance disorder. Senate Bill 180 is co-sponsored by American Civil Liberties Union of California; California Public Defenders Association; Californians United for a Responsible Budget; Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights; Drug Policy Alliance; Ella Baker Center for Human Rights; Friends Committee on Legislation of California and Legal Services for Prisoners with Children.857 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Kevan Insko
Tell Gov. Rick Scott: Stop blocking State's Attorney Aramis Ayala!Florida Gov. Rick Scott just wrongfully removed the first Black woman State's Attorney in Florida's history from a key case after she heroically pledged not to use the death penalty. Aramis Ayala ran on a daring platform committing to real change for our communities. Her bold move is a direct response to the voters who put her in office, and shows the kind of leadership we need to see from prosecutors across the country. And Gov. Scott is sending a scary and unfair message: the voters’ choice in who they elect to serve real justice does not matter.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rashad Robinson
Tell Gov. Rick Scott: Stop blocking State Attorney Aramis Ayala!Florida Gov. Rick Scott just wrongfully removed the first Black woman state attorney in Florida's history from a key case after she heroically pledged not to use the death penalty. Aramis Ayala ran on a daring platform committing to real change for our communities. Her bold move is a direct response to the voters who put her in office, and shows the kind of leadership we need to see from prosecutors across the country. And Gov. Scott is sending a scary and unfair message: the voters’ choice in who they elect to serve real justice does not matter.20,974 of 25,000 SignaturesCreated by Rashad Robinson
Muslim Ban Blames Islam for Violence Against Women: Sign to Stand Against this Untruth!!!Myself and many others have been the victims of sexual assault and rape by homegrown American men. The idea of using violence against women as an excuse for this Muslim travel ban is absolutely infuriating and demeans the nature of violence against women!32 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Carol Rizzolo
Racists should not chair Congressional Committees—Remove Rep. King nowRep. Steve King's blatant and dangerous racism cannot be tolerated. Despite his outrageous statements, King is still the Chair of the House Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice—which oversees constitutional rights, Federal civil rights, ethics in government, and more. Speaker Paul Ryan tried to distance himself from King's statement with light criticism. But critiques are not enough. King is in no way fit to chair the Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice—or any other committee. This weekend, Rep. Steve King of Iowa tweeted his support for a Dutch nationalist politician saying, "We can't restore our civilization with somebody else's babies." This statement is the latest of King's many racist comments—and he's even doubled down on the statement saying, "I meant exactly what I said." In the same interview, he went further and said, "If we care about our stock, our country, our culture, our civilization—we need to have enough babies to replace ourselves and hopefully grow." Allowing Rep. King to continue to chair the committee further normalizes this terrible brand of racism and hatred. Former KKK leader David Duke and Richard Spencer, another white prominent supremacist, both celebrated and praised King's comment. And as attacks on Muslim, immigrant communities, and communities of color escalate in the wake of Donald Trump's toxic presidential campaign and subsequent Executive Orders, we cannot allow racism and white supremacism to be further normalized. Republican leaders have the ability to remove King from this committee and must do so immediately and send the message that racism and hatred will not be tolerated and rewarded by members of Congress. They must do so immediately.1,343 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Maria Tchijov
Stop bills targeting protesters and the homelessThree troubling bills target the homeless and protesters. H5690 says that drivers who drive into a protester on the road are not liable for the injury they cause if they "exercise due care" -- the bill sends a signal that encourages malicious people to "accidentally" drive into protest marches and rallies. http://webserver.rilin.state.ri.us/BillText/BillText17/HouseText17/H5690.pdf H5258 makes it a crime to stand anywhere in an "unsafe" road or on the roadway median, a bill that targets panhandlers but also criminalizes people with political messages or fundraising drives. http://webserver.rilin.state.ri.us/BillText/BillText17/HouseText17/H5258.pdf H5210 fines drivers if they stop to give anyone money or other items, penalizing those who are generous to the less fortunate as well as anyone who just hands something to family or friends. http://webserver.rilin.state.ri.us/BillText/BillText17/HouseText17/H5210.pdf230 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Randall Rose
Nissan finances racist Breitbart propagandaAs the bi-vocational pastor of a small church here in Jackson, MS, over the last 12 years, I've watched Nissan engage in abusive, exploitative, and militantly anti-union labor practices in their Canton, Mississippi facility. At the same time, Nissan tries to burnish their image by sprinkling charitable contributions around the community. The disconnect between Nissan's public image and actual corporate behavior was so great for me that I decided to get involved by joining the Mississippi Alliance for Fairness at Nissan. Now I'm asking you to get involved too. Tell Nissan to stop using their advertising dollars where hate is being promoted. Tell Nissan to stop the threats and let workers have a fair union election. Join me in adding your name to this petition. Nissan has chosen to take a page out of the playbook of Mississippi and intimidate workers against voting for a union. The U.S. is the only place in the world where Nissan operates non-union. So we pastors here say: "Why not Mississippi?"639 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Pastor Horace McMillon
Karen Pence STOP your plan to "make people aware of what art therapy is and how it works,"To give a voice to art therapists that disagree with the national AATA organizations alliance with Karen Pence , the second lady. I am an art therapist who will be negatively affected by Pence's uneducated explanation of the profession.161 of 200 SignaturesCreated by connie
Repeal HB2NC has always been a leader in the Southeast as a moderate, business-friendly and people-friendly place. We are the capital of March Madness with some of the best sports teams in the Nation. I want NC to return to the place where people want to come work, live and play here.182 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Rob Axtell
No More Dollar General Stores in North TulsaDollar General is planning to build next door to Carver Middle School. Family we have to fight this!!! North Tulsa is over saturated with Family Dollar Stores and Dollar Generals. The life expectancy for those who live North Tulsa are 10 years less than those who live in South Tulsa. We have no quality grocery stores in North Tulsa but our community continues to see these processed food sanctuaries on every corner in North Tulsa! Enough is Enough! Our lives depend on it!28 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kristi Williams
Remove Carl Sonken and Jim Varley from OfficeMy petition is about Page County Attorney's office refusing to conduct a proper investigation and providing justice for Lily Ann McKeever, an innocent child who died while in the care of a State Registered Developmental Home, Class B. Lily Ann McKeever needs justice; due to this being a state approved Day Care, no charges were filed. This was my granddaughter and she needs justice. The County Attorney Office says we have a good civil case but not a criminal case. The abuse of authority in this case in small town Iowa needs to be stopped.120 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Irene Newquist
Remove Judge Randy Stoker from the benchNPR tells the bone chilling story like this ........ "A 19-year-old white man accused of kicking a coat hanger up the rectum of a mentally disabled black teammate received no jail time at his sentencing on Friday. Former high school football player John R. K. Howard entered a so-called "Alford plea," meaning he maintains his innocence while admitting a judge or jury would likely find him guilty. He was sentenced to probation and community service, and his conviction might be entirely dismissed at a later date." How is this even possible in 2017??? We have got to send a message to Judge Randy Stoker. Howard originally pleaded guilty to felony injury of a child and the original charge was sexual assault so how does this happen? The victim told the court that Howard sang a KKK song about lynching and taunted him about fried chicken and used other racial slurs. Two other teammates of Howard's also participated in this brutal attack and were not even charged. Now what do you think would happen if the races were reversed in this case? This is modern day slavery/Jim Crow behavior. We need Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wasden investigated for allowing this monster to walk on a case like this. He had the nerve to say "he hopes now the victim's parents can find some closure and peace with the sentencing." What???? We also want this unfit judge off of the bench for allowing this insanity to occur! Remove Judge Randy Stoker immediately before someone else's child is harmed by a predator he let back out on the street!58 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jessica Vickery