• Tell the OCDA: Indict the LAPD officer who shot at a 13-yr-old boy
    Orange County is proving to the world once again that police are above the law. An off-duty LAPD officer is shown on video forcefully grabbing and dragging 13-year-old Christian Dorscht, after he stood up for a girl the officer called a "c**t" and yelled to get off of his lawn. And when other children try to help him, the officer pulls out his gun and fires a shot into the crowd. If that isn't upsetting enough, what happens next is even worse: when police show up, they let the officer--who still hasn't been identified--walk free, but arrest Christian and another 15-year-old boy with charges of "battery and terrorist threats." It's a combination of white vigilante and police violence terror--and it's horrifying. Hundreds of people poured into the streets in protest to demand the officer be charged. The Anaheim Police Department posted a statement that they are working on an investigation--but the power rests with the District Attorney's office. And technically, after an investigation, the DA's office could still charge the children that were terrorized on that day. That's why we're demanding that Orange County DA, Tony Rackauckas, immediately indict the officer--and refuse to prosecute any of the children involved. Will you sign the petition?
    93 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rashad Robinson Picture
  • Protect Freedom of Speech in Arizona
    SB 1142 will allow the state to arrest and prosecute anyone involved in a protest that has any vandalism, whether that person was involved, whether the offender was part of the protest, an onlooker, or part of the opposition. Clearly it a response to the false notion that protesters are paid troublemakers, not responsible citizens. AB 1142 is not about preventing vandalism; it's about preventing protests.
    486 of 500 Signatures
    Created by bradley taylor hudson
  • First Amendment violation to peaceful assembly in Arizona will result in Tourism stoppage
    It is the duty and honor of every citizen, to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America.
    155 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lauren Piraino
  • Transgender rights are human rights
    I was a popular educator who always fought for the underdog. Being gay gave me first-hand experience of this kind of hate. It has to stop.
    247 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Robert F. Scherma
  • Pass GENDA Now!
    Protect transgender youth NOW.
    57 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mel Wymore
  • Uphold Transgender Rights
    As a teacher and parent, I have seen firsthand the power of respecting all students and their chosen identities. Preserve their fundamental rights to use the appropriate bathroom facilities. Limiting this will only pave the way for further denial of human rights.
    122 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Shannon Christine
  • Oppose Trump's roll-back of gender-nonconforming children's bathroom use
    One of my children, and hundreds of thousands of other American children, suffer bullying, exclusion, social isolation, self-doubt, sometimes self-loathing, and an exceedingly high risk of depression and suicide, because their genders do not conform to their gender assignment at birth. They require the federal protection against discrimination that Obama administration's guidelines provide. The protective guidelines should be enacted, not eliminated.
    476 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Peter F. White, M.D.
  • Stop Oklahoma Senate Bill 197
    To allow this bill to pass into law is to condone the ignorance and hate that so many have fought to destroy. We are Oklahomans, a wise and compassionate people. But all this state-sponsored hate will do at the very least is kill our economy and drive away new markets when we're already at such a critical financial state. At the very most, this action will compromise our sacred integrity. We must stop this.
    63 of 100 Signatures
    Created by CODA G SCOTT
  • The Year of Resistance Pledge
    To overwhelm and overcome the dangerous forces that are trying to undermine and even destroy truth, freedom, and democracy, it will take a heightened level of commitment from all of us. If we share our stories with one another and motivate each other daily, we will inspire and empower one another to continue with this necessary fight. The momentum of the resistance must not end. Through this pledge, we can ensure that it only grows stronger and more resilient. Our passion and our teamwork are our best assets.
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nate
  • OC Board of Supervisors: Decriminalize and Stop Displacing Involuntarily Homeless Residents of Sk...
    The county has a responsibility towards the inhabitants of the riverbed that is not being fulfilled. Like other Orange County residents, they are entitled to shelter, waste disposal, and sanitation services. The county’s refusal to provide these services worsens the quality of life for both the Skid River encampment and neighboring residents. The county is wasting money enforcing camping ordinances. Criminalizing homelessness diverts funding that could be better spent on housing. Furthermore, there are only 1500 shelter beds in the county for 4500 homeless individuals. The courtyard in Santa Ana has no room for the number of people living on the riverbed. The reality is that breaking up the encampments when there is no viable living alternative will only relocate homeless individuals to more visible and populated areas. Therefore we demand the county to allow the residents of the riverbed to remain in place and provide them with waste disposal and sanitation services until there is a feasible alternative.
    241 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Jamie Ludovise
  • Support Palestinian American teacher fighting discrimination
    Sireen Hashem is suing Hunterdon Central Regional High School Board of Education (Flemington, NJ) in Federal court for discrimination, including harassment, termination, and retaliation. We support Sireen Hashem’s fight against discrimination based on race (Arab), national origin (Palestinian), and religion (Muslim). Incidents of discrimination at school included being the only teacher who got in trouble for showing a film about Malala and being told that she could not teach the way other teachers did because she was Palestinian and Muslim. When she appealed her termination despite being rated as an effective teacher, the FBI was called on her as further harassment and retaliation (a precursor to what we may increasingly expect under a Trump administration). The Board's current argument that "Palestine is not a nation" is simply another example of discrimination and an insult to all Palestinians. It is inappropriate for a school board to make false and politically charged statements claiming that Palestine is not a nation. In fact, Palestine is recognized as a nation by 136 nations-- but legally a nation's recognition has NOTHING to do with whether there is discrimination based on national origin. We cannot tolerate the school district's attempt to erase Sireen Hashem’s national identity and Palestine's existence as a nation. We support Sireen Hashem's Federal lawsuit at this time of vicious Islamophobia, discrimination, and harassment of Arabs and Muslims. Join us in fighting back to demand justice for Sireen Hashem and an end to Islamophobia, racism, and bigotry in our country.
    219 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Jon Moscow
  • Stop Senate Bill 4 (CSSB 4)
    U.S. District Judge John Z. Lee ruled against the use of detainers. It violates an anti-commandeering statute in the 10th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Terry Doughty