Trump’s election has put the Standing Rock Sioux and the Water Protectors fighting the Dakota Access Pipeline in grave danger. Not only is Donald Trump an actual investor in Energy Transfer Partners, the corporation responsible for building the pipeline, the corporation’s CEO even donated to Trump’s campaign! Now more than ever we need to we add our voices to amplify theirs. That is what the Standing Rock Sioux are asking for, and we need them to know we will be here for them. Add your name here to let the Water Protectors know they aren’t alone in fighting to protect Mother Earth.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alfredo Ramirez
  • President Elect Trump States Millions in Illegal Voting and Rigged System Post Election - Legal A...
    How are voters on any side able to believe in an election when there have been mention of fraud, rigged systems and millions of illegal votes cast in this election? President elect, Donald J. Trump is the individual reponsible for making these statements. There has to be a legal response, as this declaration creates a vote lacking in confidence. Sign this petition to declare your desire for a National Recall Effort or a re-vote as "millions of votes were cast illegally" as made public by Donald J. Trump. NO FAITH IN VALID/LEGAL ELECTORAL PROCESS!
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kevin Sniecinski
  • Minnesota: Don't Send Cops to #NoDAPL Protest at Standing Rock
    According to the ACLU Minnesota has deployed over 40 law enforcement personnel to Standing Rock. According to MN Governor Dayton, this is in compliance with a compact between states in the case of a "state of emergency". However, this is not a "state of emergency". When police moved in with tanks and riot gear, using sound cannons, pepper spray, mace, rubber bullets and water cannons, this became a militaristic style police action in support of big corporate oil (Energy Transfer Equity) and against the peaceful protestation of the people of Standing Rock who are standing in protection of their treaty, sacred land and water rights (the Water protectors). (Hundreds of Native American protectors have gathered at the site since April to protest the pipeline’s construction on land they claim is tribal under the 1851 Treaty of Fort Laramie.) Tax funded Minnesota state resources: including Sheriff, Police, Fire and Equipment, should not be used to support a privately owned pipeline nor to oppress an indigenous people. This is one of the poorest counties in our nation, and they are being taken advantage of in leu of putting the pipeline near the community of Bismarck where it was originally planned.
    172 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sherri Mann
  • Disabled Parents Can
    David Rae's autistic 12-year-old daughter is in crisis, severely depressed, and attempted suicide in school in the beginning of October. The family denies the father the ability to see or speak to his daughter, despite court agreements.
    141 of 200 Signatures
    Created by David Rae
  • Sandy Franklin
    My baby sister, 18, died while in the custody of the Midland County Jail under the watch of the jailers. On July 27 at approximately 10:30 pm my sister and her boyfriend were pulled over by the city police. This was a controlled stop. Her boyfriend was being watched by the narcotic's department. They knew that her boyfriend had just purchased meth. My sister had a warrant for a failure to appear on a failure to stop at a stop sign ticket. After getting to the jail, my sister swallowed 3.8 grams of meth that her boyfriend told her to. There were recorded phone calls of my sister stating "I did what you told me too, how much did I swallow?" By the next day, she was starting to feel the effects. All through the night fellow inmates begged for help; screamed at the guards to please help. My sister sat in a cell screaming and begging for them to call my mom! Repeating her phone number over and over! 5 women who have called me told the same story! At approximately 4am they removed my sister from her cell and threw her in a cold shower! At approximately 10am the girls in the cell knew she was dying! Finally at noon on the 29th of July the jail called my mother to tell her she needed to get to the jail immediately! My sister was sick and it didn't look good. Our sheriff came in at 12:25 pm to let us know they were dropping all charges so that we could get in to see my sister! Shortly thereafter they came in to let us know she was gone! We begged to see her! They made us wait another hour! For three hours we sat in a little white room as they did their paperwork while my sister died alone! I begged our sheriff a couple of months later to look through video to see if it could have been different! My sister's body had bruises everywhere. Her face was smushed down on one side! They lied and said she became aggressive when help was brought, but that makes no sense! At every turn, we have been denied information or an investigation! All we want is an investigation and if a jailer denied her medical that they are punished accordingly! I don't understand how anyone could watch as someone died! I don't understand how they, the jail, can honestly say they didn't know. What about inmate checks, bed counts, searching the inmates as they come in????? How do you not notice for three days that someone is overdosing!?!?!?! We have hired attorneys but they are blocked each time! Please, this is our last hope! She didn't deserve to die! Her son didn't deserve to lose his mother! Statement from a girl who was in the cell with my sister: "She made it to population .. when before she gets back there was supposed to go through intake. Where she is supposed to sit down with a nurse.. why didn't the nurse catch her heart rate and dilated pupils? They did an entire shift change ... the first guard let her down while everyone was still locked down to go get in the shower. ( which isn't supposed to happen ) asking if she was detoxing ( jokingly).. and still after being told she was overdosing didn't take it seriously. The second guard came on to shift and went back to medical 3x letting them know the problem... The first time she came back... Medical said she would have to wait for the nurse to come around.. Sandy told me she felt like she was passing every time she closed her eyes.. after I told the guard she didn't have that time to wait she went back and told them and came back saying she still had to wait.. after asking for a medical form that I could fill out for Sandy so she could sign it so that it would be on records is when she then went back again and came back and asked for Sandy to come with her... After Sandy came out of a cold shower to help her burning up body (in all of her jail-issued clothing) I gave her a white shirt, a pair of socks to help her freezing feet and pulled her hair into a ponytail. I walked her over to the guard and told her everything would be ok.. 😞"
    276 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Brittania Arpe
  • Shut Down Donald Trump's Twitter Account
    Donald Trump's hostility to the American press corps is well known. By calling individual reporters "scum" and "losers", he has attempted to minimize the great American tradition of a free press which monitors and distributes news to an informed electorate. His ability to bypass this traditional media by tweeting his lies, racism and hate speech can be easily prevented by monitoring his "real Donald Trump" account (and eventually "POTUS") and shutting it down permanently if any tweet contains hate speech, racist remarks and verifiable false information.
    515 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Blaise Smith
  • Goodbye Governor McCrory
    Governor McCrory has performed dismally, damaging the state of North Carolina across the board. The voters of North Carolina have weighed in with their votes. McCrory needs to concede.
    86 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sandra E. (Sandi) Wheeler
  • Stop Governor McCrory's Recount
    If Governor McCrory truly wants to respect the Democratic Process in NC, he would let the original results be tallied and certified. He's challenged 50 county board of elections and is continuing to try to extend his stay in Raleigh. Mr. McCrory you've damaged our state enough, cost us enough- it's time for the voters voices to be heard.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jenni Barnes
    Asking Clinton & the Democratic Party to fund 2016 Recounts.
    813 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by harvey wasserman
    Our elected leaders are entrusted with representing our communities and government bodies with dignity and respect towards all citizens and will work to uphold our civil rights. It is dangerous enough when normal citizens convey racism and violence towards our neighbors. When our leaders do it, we face a potentially mortal threat to our Republic, which is based on a social contract of equality for all. The current political climate has our country in turmoil following the election. There has been a significant increase in hateful acts in our children’s schools, on our college campuses, and in our communities. We fear that the hateful and racist rhetoric of the campaign and its subsequent outcome has emboldened some citizens to unleash their previously restrained bigotry and prejudices. We are a civilized nation and each of us is accountable to denounce the prejudices and violence that threaten peace, democracy, and civilized society. Respectful and civilized behavior is not simply something we expect of our elected leaders in Washington, D.C. We expect it even more so from our neighbors and friends and local leaders here at home. Salem is our city. It is our home, and we will fight to protect it from hatred and discrimination and work to ensure that it is a community of respect, inclusion, and equality.
    298 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Amy Urban
    Irregularities in vote patterns have been found in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania by computer experts. http://theweek.com/speedreads/663679/computer-science-experts-recommend-hillary-clinton-challenge-election-results-3-swing-states
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen M Gang
  • Trump Supporters Standing Against Racism
    I'm appealing to everyone who voted for Trump: if you are ashamed of the recent rise of hate crimes and some of Trump's picks for his administration, sign this petition. It’s disheartening to hear that the most racist of Americans believe that “Trump is President” is a fine excuse to draw swastikas, shout hateful slurs, and otherwise harass minorities. White Nationalists are growing in number and gaining power in "Trump’s America." Trump himself thinks that your vote for him, after everything he said during the election season, means he can pick people who have promoted hatred for Jews, Muslims, and other minorities for his administration. I have to hope that for most of you, this was not your intention; regardless, it is the outcome. I say all of this not to scorn you but to call you to action. I want to create a space where, should it be possible, a bold coalition of regretful Trump voters rise up, poised to fight back against what their votes have perhaps unintentionally encouraged. As the people who put him into power, you have a unique role to play, as your voices will ring louder than those who opposed him. I believe you are currently our best bet in the continued struggle for equality and respect for all. Thank you.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alyssa Johnson