• Stop ignoring adults with special needs
    If you live in CT, pls sign and / or forward to a friend I was taken on a life changing journey into the fascinating world of people with special needs. I want to change their lives for the better. We already have hundreds of people but need to recruit more Election Day is when we make our politicians accountable.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Gilerman
  • Congress: Press Israeli Govt to Disavow Anti-Muslim Hate Group
    Israel’s ambassador to the U.S. Ron Dermer is set to receive an award from the Center for Security Policy. CSP head Frank Gaffney claims that Hillary Clinton’s top aide Huma Abedin has ties to terrorist groups. Gaffney has suggested that President Obama might be a Muslim, that Muslim members of Congress shouldn’t be given access to classified information, and that white nationalist Jared Taylor’s website is "wonderful." Donald Trump cited a bogus survey Gaffney produced as justification for his proposed ban on Muslims. [1] The Southern Poverty Law Center classifies the Center for Security Policy as a hate group. [2] J Street has called on Ambassador Dermer to refuse the award and to condemn the dangerous activities and views of the CSP and Frank Gaffney. [3] Urge Members of Congress to press Ambassador Dermer to refuse this award and condemn this hate group by signing our petition. References: 1. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/ron-dermer-frank-gaffney_us_58191790e4b0f96eba96b6bd 2. https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/center-security-policy 3. http://jstreet.org/press-releases/j-street-calls-israels-ambassador-dermer-decline-award-islamophobic-hate-group-condemn-groups-activities/
    6,443 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Robert Naiman
  • FCC: Investigate Alleged Cell Phone Jamming at Standing Rock #NoDAPL
    Protestors at the Standing Rock #NoDAPL protest have alleged that police have jammed their cell phone communications [1] and have spied on their communications. [2] Cell phone jamming by state or local authorities is illegal, and general surveillance of protesters without probable cause violates the Fourth Amendment. Proving or disproving allegations about jamming is very difficult for anyone except the Federal Communications Commission [FCC]. Only the FCC can work with wireless providers, protesters, and local law enforcement to find out definitively what’s going on. The FCC is the only expert agency with authority to require law enforcement to disclose their use of any wireless devices and the only agency with the expertise to assess what is actually happening. If the FCC investigates and finds that there is no illegal jamming happening, then it can settle this concern. If the FCC discovers that there is illegal jamming happening, it has an obligation to expose the jamming and use its power under federal law to order local law enforcement to stop interfering with First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and freedom of the press. [3] Congress and the President may request the FCC to take appropriate action to determine whether illegal jamming is taking place, and whether law enforcement have violated the terms of the FCC license to use IMSI Catchers ("Stingrays") by expressly requiring local law enforcement to use IMSI Catchers in accordance with due process. The Administration can order the Justice Department to investigate whether local law enforcement have violated the civil rights of the protesters through unlawful surveillance and illegal disruption of their freedom to communicate and freedom of the press under the First Amendment. Urge President Obama & Congress to act to protect the First and Fourth amendment rights of #NoDAPL protesters at Standing Rock by signing our petition. References: 1. https://www.wired.com/2016/10/standing-rock-protesters-face-police-world-watches-facebook/ 2. http://motherboard.vice.com/read/tech-behind-the-dakota-access-pipeline-protests 3. http://www.wetmachine.com/tales-of-the-sausage-factory/are-police-jamming-cell-phones-at-standing-rock-protest-the-fcc-should-investigate/
    7,634 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by Robert Naiman
  • Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey: Stop aiding voter deception
    Every voter deserves to have their voice heard and vote counted. But according to the Washington Post & others, some Trump supporters don’t agree -- they’re targeting Clinton voters with fake ads that falsely claim you can vote by text message. The ads are made to look like official campaign ads -- one says “Avoid the line. Vote from home. Text ‘Hillary’ to 59925,” with a picture of Clinton and her campaign’s logo. Even worse, many of these deceptive ads feature and are targeted at Black voters and Spanish speakers. Activists have asked Twitter to remove them, but Twitter says that attempting to deceive voters doesn’t violate its terms of service. That’s no excuse for letting trolls use your platform to discourage Americans from making their voices heard. And while they've deleted some of the deceptive posts, there's more out there -- and no plan from Twitter to prevent this from happening again or to change its terms of service. We need to put immediate, massive public pressure on Twitter to take these deceptive ads down. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is looking to sell the company right now, so they’ll do anything to avoid bad press. It’s great that new technology has made voting easier and more accessible -- like online voter registration and automatic voter registration. But there’s no such thing as voting by text message -- and lying about it to trick voters into staying home hurts our democracy. Twitter must take a decisive stand against voter deception, stop allowing trolls use its platform to confuse and discourage voters, and remove any and all ads on its platform that use false information to prevent Americans from showing up at the polls.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Common Cause Picture
  • Indiana: Don't Send Cops to #NoDAPL Protest at Standing Rock
    On October 28, Senator Bernie Sanders sent a letter to President Obama requesting that he intervene to protect Native Americans peacefully protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline. [1] At least 140 people were arrested at the construction site in Cannon Ball, N.D., last Wednesday after police moved in with tanks and riot gear, using sound cannons, pepper spray and rubber bullets. Hundreds of Native American protectors have gathered at the site since April to protest the pipeline’s construction on land they claim is tribal under the 1851 Treaty of Fort Laramie. States which have recently deployed personnel against the Standing Rock protests include Wisconsin, Indiana, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wyoming, and Nebraska, according to an October 23 press release from the Morton County Sheriff's Department. [2] Some Minnesota elected officials called on Minnesota authorities not to send police officers to the Dakota Access Pipeline protest at Standing Rock after it was revealed that the Hennepin County Sheriff had done so. [3] Urge Governor Pence and Indiana legislators to discourage Indiana law enforcement agencies from sending police officers to the #NoDAPL protest at Standing Rock by signing our petition. References: 1. http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/obama-protect-native?r_by=1135580 2. http://www.desmogblog.com/2016/10/27/emergency-assistance-law-dakota-access-pipeline-out-state-cops 3. http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/minnesota-dont-send-cops?r_by=1135580
    130 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Robert Naiman
  • Obama: Protect Native American Protestors at Standing Rock
    On Friday, October 28, Senator Bernie Sanders sent a letter to President Obama requesting that he intervene to protect Native Americans peacefully protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline. [1] At least 140 people were arrested at the construction site in Cannon Ball, N.D., Wednesday after police moved in with tanks and riot gear, using sound cannons, pepper spray and rubber bullets. Hundreds of Native American protectors have gathered at the site since April to protest the pipeline’s construction on land they claim is tribal under the 1851 Treaty of Fort Laramie. Sen. Sanders asked that President Obama direct the Justice Department to send observers to the site to protect protestors’ safety and First Amendment rights; call on North Dakota Governor Dalrymple to remove the National Guard from the protest camp; and direct the Army Corps of Engineers to issue an order to stop work on construction of the pipeline near the protest site to reduce tensions while awaiting judicial action. Sanders again called on the president to suspend construction of the pipeline until the Army Corps of Engineers completes a full cultural and environmental review. Urge President Obama and Members of Congress to take action to protect the protestors at Standing Rock by signing our petition. References: 1. http://www.sanders.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/sanders-calls-on-president-to-intervene-in-dakota-access-pipeline-dispute
    10,640 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Robert Naiman
  • Amnesty for Adam Crapser and all international adoptees!
    I am a Korean adoptee. I have hundreds of friends who are also adoptees. I have two brothers who are also Vietnamese adoptees. I am lucky that my parents were responsible and got us naturalized, but thousands aren't so fortunate and are too afraid to speak up for fear of being deported. We need to create awareness now and stop the deportation of Adam Crapser so that he can go back to his wife and children.
    272 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Jeanie Inglis
  • We demand an independent investigation of the Massachusetts Department of Corrections
    We are creating this petition due to decades-long observations and credible reports of inhumane, unethical and illegal policies and practices by various personnel and departments of the Department of Corrections, leading to the detriment of those individuals incarcerated and the communities to which they return.
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lynn Currier
  • Protect Children At Standing Rock
    As a mandated reporter, I must bring awareness to the child abuse that is being perpetrated by law enforcement on Native children at Standing Rock. President Obama, as a dad, I ask that you step in to protect our children. Many of the protesters are minors who are being physically and emotionally abused. This is illegal, and our Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, needs to step in to stop these actions against our children. Remind her of how Bobby Kennedy responded to similar situations when he was among us.
    456 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Eduardo Duran PhD
  • Demand One Last Presidential Debate Regarding The Dakota Pipeline
    I am requesting this topic be discussed because if we can discuss issues such as the economy, the military, foreign affairs, immigration, emails, sexual conduct, race issues, LGBT issues, abortion, Russia and Russian (hacking), etc... THEN WE CERTAINLY OWE IT TO THE FIRST PEOPLE OF THIS LAND, (as they were here first), to respond to the horrible affliction that is happening to OUR AMERICAN CITIZENS. If this was occurring in another location in the U.S. that was going to disrupt entire communities, their water and way of life, I am certain that it would be dealt with differently. Look how Flint Michigan became such a hot topic. Well, this Pipeline has been a hot topic from the beginning and they try to silence it and not allow our presidential candidates to discuss it in debate with other important current issues. Someone in our government needs to start working honestly and being honest with the American people because we are living in times with technology, and the evolution of our thought, in that many of us, and many more of us daily, are aware of the truth. It has become obvious that this pipeline was an answer to the original Keystone Pipeline - they were going to build it all along, no matter what cost - like raping a person, or raping the land, or raping the water and way of life... shoving a huge pipe up into the raw core belly of earth and all life there, while saying – “and you’re going to like it and have no choice”. When this behavior occurs, those involved are raping ALL OF AMERICA and we demand open public discussion about it from our leaders and why they are harming and innocent, peaceful people who are simply saying - you are hurting me and my community and our water and way of life. The people of Standing Rock deserve support from other Fellow Americans and we all deserve to have this vitally important topic discussed by our current presidential candidates and let us know why they both have been silent about it.
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen
  • URGENT: Require Long Form for Liquor Licenses in Whiteclay, NE.
    In an unincorporated town with a population of 14 people, four stores sell 3.5 million cans of beer annually. This has created a health crisis in that area and on the nearby Pine Ridge reservation. Murder, rape, sex trafficking, and domestic violence plague this area where no adequate law enforcement exists. At the November 1st Liquor Control Commission meeting offers, they will consider requiring the licensees to submit long forms in lieu of an automatic renewal.
    240 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Carly Conrad
  • End Child Labor
    Child Laborers are getting abused both mentally and physically. Instead of getting a proper education, these children are becoming like puppets to big companies.
    106 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Catherine