• NO Sit-Lie Ban
    On March 7th, the City of Fort Collins will be voting on proposed restrictions to sitting and lying down (beyond durations which are still undetermined) on sidewalks, benches, and planters within the smoking restricted perimeter of Old Town. In addition, it will restrict leaving personal items unattended within these locations (also beyond durations which are still undetermined). Although the creators claim it is a restriction on "behavior", and not targeted to any subgroup of people, it will clearly restrict behavior most associated with homeless people. This is not a black and white issue which should be solved with a ban or restriction, but a nuanced challenge with many sides and possible solutions. Many of these people are ill, dealing with addiction, or have fallen on hard times. Most are already struggling and living on the edge. Simply imposing restrictions is an inhumane approach to a challenge we all share. At the City's final public meeting on this (at the Aztlan Center), the terms and wording still hadn't been worked through. It was a work in progress, which the public wouldn't be able to have any further input on. We can do better. We have to do better. In the current political environment with its restrictions on immigrants and other populations, now is not the time for our open and reasonable city to impose further restrictions. Let's instead work creatively to find solutions which humanely addresses the challenges of the populations most affected, and in doing so, creates better outcomes for us all. Signatures of this petition will be delivered on or before the voting deadline above. Please share widely as there isn't much time. Honorable Mayor and City Council, please do not pass the Sit-Lie Ban or any variation of these. Now is not the time. This is not the way.
    116 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jeff Bailey
  • Protect Indiana's right to peaceful assembly!
    An important right that we have as Americans is the right to participate in our democracy by peaceful assembly. This right allows us to express our opinions and values. Republicans in Indiana have introduced legislation to deter peaceful protests. It us up to us, Indiana residents, to protect our right to peaceful assembly. We, residents of Indiana, ask that our governor and legislators reject legislation that restricts our right to peaceful assembly.
    113 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Ashley Lewin
  • Christians Standing up for our Jewish communities
    The media has begun to report these attacks on the Jewish community, almost on a daily basis. These attacks are not confined to one area but seem to be occurring all over the world.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Denise Wilhite Thomas
  • Petition to Protect the Right to Peaceful Assembly and Protest
    This is a petition to protect the rights given to people who protest and assemble peacefully. I feel that this should be protected from people who try to violently silence them on needs that need to be brought up to attention. I am a peaceful protestor and my friends are peaceful protestors. All we are trying to do is utilize our first amendment rights of Freedom of Speech and Freedom to Protest.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stanley Rodgers
  • Indiana State House of Representatives: Protect Right To Peacefully Assemble
    The policies that Donald Trump and the Republicans are proposing frighten me and many of those who I love. The only push-back we have is in our right to peacefully assemble to make our fears known. Republicans in Indiana have introduced legislation to curb protest tactics, and it's up to us to protect our right to peaceful assembly.
    77 of 100 Signatures
  • Get our bathrooms back!
    Donald Trump has made it so transgender students and people may not use the bathroom that they feel comfortable in but they have to use there birth sex bathroom. I feel as though as a transgender student myself this is highly hurtful because coming out as transgender is hard enough but having a whole group of people in the White House against you is far too much. I came out a couple months ago because I thought America was getting better and that I could feel more comfortable because everything is going to change and I'm going to be comfortable in my own skin. But boy was I wrong! So I was 6 years old when I started feeling uncomfortable with my body something just wasn't right. As a six-year-old you don't particularly know what's wrong but you know something's wrong. So I went quiet for nine more years. 9 years I was this dark shadow hiding behind a mask so they won't see me. I don't want to deal with that anymore. I am out as a transgender boy and there's so many others just like myself. Actors singers writers journalists coffee shop workers they're all just trying to live peacefully and I think people should understand that. So please join in to help us to get our bathroom back. Some people may say it's just the bathroom but the bathroom symbolizes our rights. Once you take our bathroom what else will you take from referring to us as our preferred pronouns and names. I hope this petition is known to people and people join the fight with us because we need it. I thank everyone who signs my position. Thank you.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kole Morton
  • Tell the OCDA: Indict the LAPD officer who shot at a 13-yr-old boy
    Orange County is proving to the world once again that police are above the law. An off-duty LAPD officer is shown on video forcefully grabbing and dragging 13-year-old Christian Dorscht, after he stood up for a girl the officer called a "c**t" and yelled to get off of his lawn. And when other children try to help him, the officer pulls out his gun and fires a shot into the crowd. If that isn't upsetting enough, what happens next is even worse: when police show up, they let the officer--who still hasn't been identified--walk free, but arrest Christian and another 15-year-old boy with charges of "battery and terrorist threats." It's a combination of white vigilante and police violence terror--and it's horrifying. Hundreds of people poured into the streets in protest to demand the officer be charged. The Anaheim Police Department posted a statement that they are working on an investigation--but the power rests with the District Attorney's office. And technically, after an investigation, the DA's office could still charge the children that were terrorized on that day. That's why we're demanding that Orange County DA, Tony Rackauckas, immediately indict the officer--and refuse to prosecute any of the children involved. Will you sign the petition?
    93 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rashad Robinson Picture
  • Protect Freedom of Speech in Arizona
    SB 1142 will allow the state to arrest and prosecute anyone involved in a protest that has any vandalism, whether that person was involved, whether the offender was part of the protest, an onlooker, or part of the opposition. Clearly it a response to the false notion that protesters are paid troublemakers, not responsible citizens. AB 1142 is not about preventing vandalism; it's about preventing protests.
    486 of 500 Signatures
    Created by bradley taylor hudson
  • First Amendment violation to peaceful assembly in Arizona will result in Tourism stoppage
    It is the duty and honor of every citizen, to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America.
    155 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lauren Piraino
  • Transgender rights are human rights
    I was a popular educator who always fought for the underdog. Being gay gave me first-hand experience of this kind of hate. It has to stop.
    245 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Robert F. Scherma
  • Pass GENDA Now!
    Protect transgender youth NOW.
    57 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mel Wymore
  • Uphold Transgender Rights
    As a teacher and parent, I have seen firsthand the power of respecting all students and their chosen identities. Preserve their fundamental rights to use the appropriate bathroom facilities. Limiting this will only pave the way for further denial of human rights.
    121 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Shannon Christine