• Add your name: Google must stop funding hate speech and white supremacy
    There is a growing wave of white supremacist hate crimes unfolding across the country... in Portland, OR where two people were killed following an Islamophobic attack...in Manhattan, NY where a self-proclaimed white supremacist stabbed a Black man with a sword...in Grays Harbor, WA where a driver of a pickup truck intentionally ran down two Quinault tribal members at a campground, killing one and injuring the other. Communities across much of America are grappling with how best to unite against bigotry and racism. Meanwhile, Google--one of America's largest companies--is enabling networks of white supremacists to grow and thrive online. Rather than ending its business ties with racist and extremist websites that promote hate speech, recent policy changes from Google now allow extremist sites to keep collecting ad money on some pages while spreading hate speech on others. That's why ahead of Google's annual stockholder meeting on June 7th, a massive social media campaign from Sleeping Giants is asking Google's three biggest stockholders --Vanguard, Fidelity and Blackrock -- to hold Google accountable for funding sites that promote hate speech and contribute to white supremacist violence, such as Breitbart. Funding online hate speech is not a responsible business practice. Let's ask Google's largest shareholders to commit to vote in favor of Proposal 12 and help us hold the company accountable.
    761 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Justin Krebs
  • Tell UMD they need to hold students accountable for their white supremacy ties.
    As a veteran who swore to protect and defend this country from all enemies foreign AND domestic, I am appalled that students under the tutelage and austere leadership formation of UMD are not being held accountable for their hate speech and hate embodiment. Black lives matter and they need to matter before they're just another statistic. Until institutions start acting with formidable integrity by living into their call of forming future leaders, words are meaningless and a slap in the face to the families of those who have been killed or harmed. With respect to Richard Collins III, there needs to be an immediate expulsion of all students at UMD with ties to white supremacy. Not doing so makes it known that students who think black lives are meaningless are students that are approved of. As the power dynamic in a covenantal relationship between college and student, colleges cannot allow students that choice while they are aligned with a purportedly healthy mission statement. Doing so puts fellow students and surrounding citizen lives at risk. This cannot continue.
    145 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Laura Stembridge
  • President Duterte: Lift Martial Law in Mindanao!
    Under Martial law, the people of Mindanao, civilians and other innocent people, especially the Moro and Lumad, will be further victimized and suffer.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by National Alliance for Filipino Concerns
  • Restore These Athletes
    The Community Action Committee of the New York City Police Council of Retired Guardians requests your support. It has been some 49 years since Dr. Tommie Smith & Dr. John Carlos protested conditions in this country at the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City. In the aftermath of their protest, they were kicked out of the Olympic Village and not allowed to participate in any further competition(s) at those games. They were also banned “for life” from any affiliation(s) with the International Olympic Committee and to the best of my knowledge, The U.S. Olympic Committee as well. In our humble opinion, the time has come to have these men re-instated into their rightful places in the Olympic Community and the history of our country. After all, did the United States not PARDON Richard Nixon after the Watergate Affair? Did not the Republic of South Africa “embrace” the late Mr. Nelson Mandela to the point where he was elected President of that country? Has the United States, “forgiven” Japan, Germany & Vietnam after the wars we fought with them? Hasn't Martha Stewart "recovered" from her transgression? And I’m sure there are many more similar incidents that have occurred since 1968 on the International Stage. Dr. Smith & Dr. Carlos’ action(s) on that day were nothing more than an attempt to peacefully protest the situation of African American people in this country as they existed at that time. So did Mrs. Rosa Parks, Mrs. Fannie Lou Hamer and countless other individuals at the forefront of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. Almost 49 years in “exile” should be enough “punishment”. If anyone has read Dr. John Carlos' Book, “The John Carlos Story”, you know the repercussions he has suffered since 1968. It is our sincerest hope that upon receipt of these many signatures in support of Drs. Smith & Carlos, the International Olympic Committee will take the Correct and Just course, and restore these athletes their proper rights and entitlements within the International and U.S.Olympic Communities. Thank you all for your support in this endeavor. Pete Ahern Community Action Committee NYC Police Council of Retired Guardians
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pete Ahern
  • Block actual fascist David Clark from being appointed to the Office of Homeland Security
    Actual fascist David Clark has been nominated by Donald Trump to be the assistant secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. He has not yet been confirmed. Read about him here: http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2017/05/david-clarke-actual.html This is a very dangerous man and we must block his appointment. Please sign the petition and share it with your friends.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carol Geisler
  • Tell Dept. of Homeland Security: Don't Hire Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke!
    Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke has announced he will resign to take a job in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) under Donald Trump.[1] Amazingly, DHS has not confirmed that they actually offered Clarke the job he claims. There's still time to stop DHS Secretary John Kelly from appointing Sheriff Clarke to any position. David Clarke has referred to #BlackLivesMatter activists as "black slime" and “sub-human creeps,” [2] and has slandered Muslims. [3] He has pledged to crack down on undocumented immigrants, and wants to turn Milwaukee County Sheriffs deputies into immigration agents through the discriminatory 287g program, used by Joe Arpaio in Arizona to racially profile and terrorize immigrant communities.[4] In a 6-month period in 2016, four deaths occurred at the Milwaukee County Jail under Sheriff Clarke’s charge. One death was Terrill Thomas, who died of dehydration after guards shut off his water for 8 days;[5] Clarke later threatened the medical examiner in an attempt to obstruct the investigation into Thomas' death.[6] Another death was a newborn baby after the mother gave birth while in chains; she was just one of more than 40 pregnant women who have been shackled by Clarke’s jail. Should he join the Dept. of Homeland Security, Clarke would use his new position to continue his racist rhetoric and have a powerful federal platform for advancing policies targeting immigrants, Muslims, and Black people. [1] "Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke says he's taking a job in Department of Homeland Security," Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, May 17, 2017. [2] “Milwaukee Sheriff Calls Black Lives Matter Activists 'Garbage' and 'Sub-Human Creeps',” Jezebel, October 29, 2015. [3] “Sheriff Clarke: Don't Try to Understand 'Sick Ideology' of Radical Islam, Destroy It,” Fox Insider, July 16, 2016. [4] “Sheriff David Clarke commits to immigration crackdown amid protests,” ThinkProgress, February 13, 2017. [5] “4 People, Including A Baby, Have Died In A Jail Run By Potential Trump Nominee Sheriff David Clarke,” Huffington Post, Nov. 29, 2017. [6] “Medical examiner 'threatened' by Clarke over jail deaths,” Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Dec. 1, 2016.
    343 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Gloria, MomsRising.org Picture
  • Boycott NFL & Sponsors if Kaepernick is not signed
    As a national organization of Black Law Enforcement Professionals, we have always supported Colin Kaepernick stance on bringing awareness to social justice issues of Black people. USA TODAY: “What does it say about the NFL, and about us, when at least a half-dozen men who have been accused of physical or sexual assault have been welcomed into the NFL over the past week, while Colin Kaepernick still has not? While some NFL teams were busy drafting names from the police blotter last weekend, Kaepernick was standing outside a New York City parole office, handing out two boxes of his own custom-made suits to men who needed them for upcoming job interviews. He has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to charity. In March, it was reported by several news media outlets, including USA TODAY Sports, that Kaepernick will not protest the national anthem this coming season. And yet he’s still a free agent, so far unwanted by all 32 NFL teams.“ The NFL is also broadcasting a message to Black people throughout the world that Black issues do not matter. It is uncommon that our children see athletes standing up for issues in their communities, especially for the many black men that have been unjustly killed by Law Enforcement. As conscious people, we must send the same message to the NFL and their Sponsors that our dollars matter by boycotting the NFL and their products for basically punishing Kaepernick for his position on social justice issues. NFL SPONSORS TO BOYCOTT Anheuser-Busch, Barclaycard US, Bose, Bridgestone, Campbell’s Soup Company, Castrol, Courtyard Marriott, Dairy Management, Inc. (DMI/National Dairy Council), Dannon, Extreme Networks, FedEx, Gatorade, Hyundai Motor America, Mars Snackfood, McDonald’s, Microsoft (XBOX, Surface and Windows), Nationwide, News America, Papa John’s, Pepsi, Procter & Gamble, Quaker, SAP Americas, TD Ameritrade, Verizon, Visa,
    404 of 500 Signatures
    Created by damon Jones
  • Freedom of Speech Protects EVERYONE
    "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." -Evelyn Beatrice Hall There is no "hate speech" exemption to the First Amendment. The Constitution defends this man's right to say what he said, however offensive it may be. Just as it defends the equally ugly things that have been said to and about him in response to his actions. It is not the local government's job to impede his Constitutional rights. That is a matter for the Supreme Court to decide how to enforce the First Amendment. If we want to change the Constitution then that's up to Congress. It is way beyond the scope of a local city government to decide which parts of the Constitution it wants to throw out because they don't like something that was said. The appropriate course of action is to boycott his business if you disagree with his actions. I'm sure the damage this man has done to his business with his careless words will ruin him anyway so that will take care of itself. But I take HUGE exemption to his Constitutional rights being squashed by the City of Hoboken. Hoboken is way overstepping their power and their actions and response to this matter. These actions are bordering on creating a police state. I hope Hoboken will instead choose to defend the Constitutional rights of ALL of their citizens even the ones who say or do things they may not agree with, however unpleasant. This man broke no laws and was acting within the bounds of his Constitutional right to free speech, the City of Hoboken has no standing to deny him those rights. The citizens can decide to boycott him but the city cannot deny him his Constitutional rights.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michele Cruz
  • Legalize Backyard Chickens in the City of Clearwater
    The City of Clearwater currently prohibits residents from having backyard chickens. Backyard chickens provide their owners with organic eggs that are more nutritious than those found in stores. Hens make less noise than birds living naturally in the wild.
    1,180 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Jess Mears
  • Cancel Anti-Muslim Law Enforcement Training in Arizona
    The Mesa Police Department in Maricopa County, Arizona, is hosting a training by John Guandolo—a disgraced former FBI agent known for peddling hateful anti-Muslim conspiracy theories. Guandolo’s theories range from simply bigoted to downright bizarre: along with once stating that mosques "don't have a First Amendment right to do anything," he’s produced a video claiming that a Delaware imam who touched his nose during the Pledge Of Allegiance was signaling "civilizational jihad." He also believes that former CIA Director John Brennan had secretly converted to Islam. This is the type of training that Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery and Mesa Police Chief Michael Dvorak think is worth spending taxpayer money on. Demand that they cancel it. Guandolo would be a comical figure if he wasn’t given credibility—and public money—by officials like Bill Montgomery and Michael Dvorak. It’s time for these Arizona officials to stop mainstreaming hate and cancel Guandolo’s training. Other Arizona police departments have publicly vowed not to attend Guandolo’s trainings. And law enforcement offices around the country, from Kansas to Virginia, have previously cancelled or pulled out of his trainings. But just as Guandolo is a fringe anti-Muslim extremist, the Mesa Police Department and Maricopa County Attorney are acting as outliers by embracing—and paying him for—his bigoted views. In 2014, Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery spent close to $40,000 in public money to bring Guandolo in for training. Now, once again, he’s reportedly booked a space at the Mesa Police Department to have Guandolo train local law enforcement officers in his bizarre and toxic brand of anti-Muslim bigotry. Sign and let Bill Montgomery and Michael Dvorak know: John Guandolo and his trainings have no place in Arizona—or anywhere else.
    2,799 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Imraan Siddiqui
  • Trump? Not in Minnesota!
    Our state is a better place to live than the world Donald Trump fears and hates so much. As president his job is to stand up for the rights of all our people -- those who protest his actions, the immigrants who enrich our state's culture and whose work is often the forgotten backbone of our communities, the women of Minnesota, who deserve the same rights, pay, and privileges as Minnesota's men, the LGBTQ communities throughout our state, and people of all races, genders, colors and religions in Minnesota! We do not discriminate! We reject hate! We know all people deserve protection by our police -- not harassment. We believe Minnesotan's come in all colors and cultures, and worship in churches, synagogues and religious temples throughout our state. And, we believe what bathroom you use does not make you dangerous or different!
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rosalie Sundin
  • Replace Electoral College with Popular Vote
    It is ludicrous in this day and age that the President of the United States should be elected by an outdated and universally despised system, which obscures the will of the people. If you feel similarly and would like to see a change, please sign the petition to let Congress know.
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dylan W. Mills