• Remove Confederate Monuments in South Carolina
    The people of South Carolina want the Confederate monuments down NOW. Sign the petition then call Gov. McMaster: (803) 734-5167.
    130 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Haley Walker
  • Remove Jefferson Davis
    Congress should remove the statue of Jefferson Davis that still stands in the rotunda of the United States Capitol.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marie DeBonis
  • Denounce KKK and Rename Forrest City, Arkansas
    There is literally no reason whatsoever to have a town in Arkansas named after the founder of the KKK. None. The "heritage, not hate" crowd can take their bigotry somewhere else.
    86 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matt Campbell
  • Action, Not Words, for Charlottesville
    The racist, xenophobic, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic invasion of Charlottesville demands a greater response than our tears.
    50 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andy Holtz
  • Remove Congressman Lee Zeldin from the US Holocaust Memorial Council
    As the granddaughter of Jewish immigrants I am appalled and scared at the failure of elected officials to condemn hate groups unequivocally. Our president uses his power to support and embolden white supremacists -- he speaks on their behalf; he hires them as his closest advisors. Lee Zeldin, while claiming to be a "proud Jew" and sitting on the US Holocaust Memorial Council, takes his every cue from the president. In the wake of Charlottesville, Zeldin delayed in calling white supremacist groups by name and still refuses to identify them as the cause of the violence, continuing to claim that both "sides" are to blame, even when one of those sides is Nazis! The Republican Jewish Coalition and the Rabbinical Council of America have rightly condemned the president for his lack of moral leadership. But not Zeldin. He stands by every one of our president's misguided twists and turns. In doing so, Zeldin is making America less safe for Jews, other marginalized groups, and those who are fighting to protect our Democracy and democratic values. We need the USHMC to stand up for what is right and fulfill its purpose to help ensure that "never again" is not just a slogan.
    1,868 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Mara G
  • Demand that Congress will stand up against racism!
    No one should stay neutral in the face of legitimizing overt bigotry in our country!
    125 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Ruth Barak
  • Remove City of Decatur's Confederate Memorial
    ***** August 16, 2017 UPDATE TO PETITION***** Since we started this petition on August 14, 2017, we have gotten an incredible response from the Decatur and DeKalb communities, with over 1,200 signatures in less than 24 hours. We have also heard from several city, county, and state leaders. From Decatur officials, we have heard DeKalb County owns and maintains the monument, and thus the City cannot remove it. From DeKalb County officials, we have heard that state law OCGA 50-3-1(b)(2) prohibits the removal of such monuments, and thus the County cannot remove it. From State Representative Howard Mosby and State Senator Elena Parent, we have heard that there is little prospect for amending or repealing this law in the state legislature, and thus there is no foreseeable way for removing the monument. These responses are not acceptable. The monument can and must be removed. Why should we remove the confederate monument? The Confederate monument opposes the values of Decatur and DeKalb citizens. We are a diverse and inclusive community, but this monument reveres white supremacy and the enslavement of African Americans. Children of color look up at this monument daily, seeing a symbol of an ideology that stripped their rights as citizens and dignity as humans. The monument was erected 42 years after the Civil War in order to celebrate the atrocities of the Jim Crow South. It has no place in our square today. How can we remove the confederate monument? OCGA 50-3-1(b)(2) allows for “appropriate measures for the preservation, protection, and interpretation of such monuments.” Recent acts against confederate memorials in Piedmont Park and Durham, North Carolina give DeKalb County clear justification to use this “appropriate measures” provision to relocate the Decatur confederate monument. Further, as Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh noted in her statement regarding the removal of confederate statues in Baltimore, these types of monuments are a threat to public safety. We also do not want white supremacists and neo-nazis coming into the City of Decatur inciting violence and harming our diverse citizenry We demand that DeKalb County take this action immediately. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original Petition from August 14, 2017: We the citizens of Decatur and DeKalb County Georgia want the "Lost Cause" Confederate Memorial removed from downtown Decatur Square (behind the historic courthouse). The memorial was erected in 1908 at the height of Jim Crow laws in Georgia. Lynchings were routine in Georgia, occurring at a rate of at least once a month. Two years prior, in 1906, African-Americans were hung from lamp posts during the “Atlanta Race Riot,” which was a riot consisting of white people terrorizing and brutalizing black people. The statue refers to those listed on the monument as a "covenant keeping race" and thus, the statue serves as a shrine to white supremacists like those we saw in Charlottesville. If the City of Decatur and DeKalb County truly value diversity, then both entities will listen to its citizens and fight vigorously for the removal of this monument. Please sign below so our representatives can see all our signatures. Our community, our city, does not want this tribute to slavery and Jim Crow encroaching on our space. We recognize that this will not be an easy process. After seeing our signatures, we hope that our representatives will get to work on repealing and/or amending O.C.G.A 50-3-1 (b)(2) which prohibits the removal of such monuments. Once that process is complete, cities across the state of Georgia can determine for themselves whether these confederate memorials are appropriate for their public spaces. By signing this petition, you are saying there is no space for hate, racism, white supremacy, and bigotry in the City of Decatur. ** Please feel free to sign even if you do not live in Decatur or DeKalb County because this action requires a change in Georgia law so we want all representatives in the State House and Senate to hear our voices ***
    2,672 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Eric Erzinger
  • Remove Dairy, Eggs, & Honey from the Menu at City O'City
    Nonhuman animals are violently abused and slaughtered in the dairy and egg industries. Bees are killed in great numbers and are deprived of their food source (honey). Any individual exploited for their milk, eggs, or honey deserves moral consideration just as we provide for other human and nonhuman animals. At City O' City, every menu item, except for two, are animal-friendly or can be made animal-friendly. We are asking the restaurant to take the next step beyond a vegetarian menu and cut their ties with animal abusing companies in order to become the next eatery that provides exclusively nonviolent foods in Denver.
    315 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Direct Action Everywhere Colorado
  • Mr. President: Remove White Supremacists From Your Administration
    Extremists have no place guiding and determining the strategies and policies of the USA. When they do, they embolden people like Ku Kluxer David Duke who said in Charlottesville, Virginia, before Saturday’s violence, “We are determined to take our country back. We are going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump. That’s what we believed in, that’s why we voted for Donald Trump." Sebastian Gorka, the bogus security advisor told Breitbart News Daily that white supremacists are not a problem. Stephen Miller inferred the Statue of Liberty is not a symbol of freedom and welcome. Steve Bannon promotes destructive theories of white nationalism and anti-stability of democratic government.
    80 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joyce A. Woods
  • It is time for Preventive Action to be Taken by Congress against White Supremacist Groups.
    The recent acts of violence in Charlottesville, VA are only an example of how the White Supremacists have caused either direct harm, or threat of harm and in addition seriously disrupted the lives of innocent civilians and their places of residence or business. It is time for Congress to take swift and decisive action to prevent these groups from bringing further violence or disruption to this country. There should be an immediate Investigation into these groups and their actions in such places as Charlottesville. If necessary, those directly- or indirectly responsible for such violence should be indicted. Furthermore; state, local, and Federal locations should be directed to prevent the presence of such groups if it is shown there is a clear threat to the safety of innocent civiliians or that any disruption to their homes- or businesses or any other location.
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Steiner
  • Pull The Permit - Boston, MA
    This is not about stopping free speech. This is about protecting the citizenry from this murderous, violent, and unlawful group. Update: Sun pm - Thus far, there is no permit. Marty Walsh has made a statement that said that thus far the group that requested the permit- a different name from the Charlottesville group - has not completed the process for a permit.
    374 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Shaari Neretin
  • Arrest Jason Kessler
    What happened yesterday in Charlottesville VA was an act of terrorism, from the most dangerous group at work in the US today: the Alt-right. These terrorists must be held accountable.
    169 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Anonymous