• Sit Yuli Gurriel
    Regardless of the World Series importance, and even more so since this is a series viewed by millions of people across the globe, these types of racist words and actions should not be tolerated by this Astros organization. The team should take a stand against this form of ignorance by sending a clear message that this will not be tolerated.
    117 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Lee
  • Release Jordi Cruixart and Jordi Sanchez, protesters, from Madrid, Spain prison
    Jordi Cruixart and Jordi Sanchez were protesting after voting for independence on Oct. 1, 2017. The Madrid police took Jordi Cruixart and Jordi Sanchez as prisoners for no other reason than a peaceful demonstration. These two men deserve to be free from unimaginably harsh prison conditions, to return to their families and to their jobs. Peacefully protesting for independence was given an unfair charge by the police who targeted Jordi Cruixart and Jordi Sanchez.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David DesJardine
  • Michigan: Equal pay for equal work
    Too many people are discriminated against.
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matt Erickson
  • Stopping Racial profiling
    To protect people in the United states and trying to get involved. People should be concerned the law enforcement agents are violating the constitution. The 8th law Human rights are protected by law
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nate Burleson
  • Remove The Confederate Flag At Bowie High School (This Flag Is Considered The First National Flag...
    The flag is offensive and racist and needs to be removed IMMEDIATELY.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by KG
  • One million signatures for animal rights at the United Nations
    The United Nations regularly holds a Universal Periodic Review (UPR) in which it reviews the human rights record of nations across the world. While the UPR has expanded to include violence based on nationality, gender identity, and sexual orientation, animals continue to be completely ignored. This neglect occurs despite the trillions of individual animals - including entire species - who are being exterminated across the globe. The Compassionate City Campaign lays out a bold vision for cities within the UN to enshrine the right of all sentient beings to live free from violence. We are calling on the UN Human Rights Council to include animal rights -- and the goal of gradually creating a truly compassionate vegan city -- in its covenant on civil and political rights at its next UPR. By setting out this vision today, the United Nations will lay the groundwork for achieving an end to institutionalized animal exploitation worldwide in one generation.
    20,131 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by Compassionate City
  • WE THE PEOPLE DAY, Jan. 1st, 2018
    Our world has become numb to the ongoing tragedies and it is time for a good, old fashioned, peaceful, UPRISING! My hope is that people will agree and go outside and start a conversation with their neighbors and this will grow into a global conversation. The space station will film the lights turning on as it orbits the globe and this will be the sign of our collective voice for the above ideals, one our leaders simply cannot ignore. Please look at my Facebook page for the logo and other news regarding WE THE PEOPLE DAY. I very much appreciate the help and support from Moveon.org! Robert Dover U.S, Olympic Team Coach
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Dover
  • Support Cowboys Players if J. Jones Sidelines Them for Kneeling
    We believe it is wrong to sideline players for protesting the systemic injustice against blacks in this country. The best thing the NFL owners could do to return their player to standing during the national anthem is to visibly show the players (and public) that the owners are using their influence to counter Trump's cowardly and racist rhetoric. The damage that Trump's rhetoric (and the owners' complicit inaction) to the players' lives outweighs the benefits of having a good job in the NFL. The players are doing their best to do their job while living in a country with issues larger than their job. The owners should do their job of creating an environment (which includes issues outside their stadiums) that helps their players win games. If the owners refuse to do this, necessitating that some players feel compelled to kneel and be docked time and pay, then we the people of the USA will financially support those players while publically highlighting the injustice those owners perpetuate and in effect show that they have inadequate understandings of how to manage a winning team. We are taught that, and the President provides and example of, hate begets hate. The NFL owners and commissioner seem to have not learned this. Their solution to their perceived problem of their players acts of silent protest against oppression is to apply oppression. Clueless owners are poor managers and cannot ultimately create and support winning teams. Please, you know the players' cause is just and is greater that an issue of simple respect. Support their cause in ways that visibly show you understand that it is difficult for the players to highlight a just cause at the cost of igniting a smaller battle. The players are willing to lose a battle if they believe they must fight to win a war. What is the war the owners are fighting?
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peter M
  • The silencing of Jemele Hill
    We are in a period of sustained egregious behavior from our country's top leader who is carrying out policies that are an assault on our humanity's future. Never is the time to support silencing varying viewpoints in our country, and particularly in the case of an intelligent African American female reporter.
    208 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Gregg Salisbury
  • Remove ALL Confederate monuments
    So why is it that we portray statues in major cities of pro-confederates (those that support slavery) throughout our nation? This needs to be reconsidered, greatly. Those who oppose getting rid of the pro-confederate monuments suggest that it erases a part of their ancerstry and it means a lot to them because it's a part of their heritage and their history. However the confederate flag and its monuments symbolize one thing: the belief that owning a black person is right and that they are the subordinate race. Slavery is a harsh and unusual punishment that humans dictated over others and it is wrong. It's not something we should continue to glorify via monuments or flags. We can still teach people our history without making it seem like our cultural views about slavery and freedom seem one sided. Culturally, why do we even have these monuments here? They're not promoting what we want our nation to be which is together AND united. Hate crime has been on the rise since these monuments have landed and if we can get rid of them that would mean a lot to the lives of millions of people that oppose confederate monuments.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Erlyn Morales
  • Section 35 quality care
    NO one should ever be treated the way people are treated when sent to Plymouth on a section . They are NOT inmates that are people who need help with substance abuse . Guards have no right to treat them any less . We need to help them instead of knocking them down further and major changes need to happen before more kids die. We must demand change, and Plymouth needs to be investigated .
    85 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kris Perry Long
  • Stand with Puerto Rico
    I was born in Puerto Rico, home to 3.4 million American citizens. My parents are still on the island in Bayamon, a town near the capitol city of San Juan. As a New York state senator from the Bronx, many of my constituents are Puerto Rican--so what's happening is personal for me. And I need it to be personal for you, as well. Hurricanes Irma and Maria have laid waste to my home. Nearly half of the country has no access to clean water. The majority of Puerto Rico still has no electricity. No access to medical care. No way to communicate. But thus far the responses from Congress and FEMA have not come close to addressing the tragic destruction and human suffering on the island. Numerous credible sources report that basic relief functions are in shameful chaos. And as time passes, this is only going to get worse. Here’s what’s needed right now from Congress: 1. Demand FEMA adequately address this tragedy by devoting the immediate people-power and resources that Puerto Ricans need and deserve. 2. Cancel Puerto Rico’s $73 billion predatory debt. 3. Pass a significant relief and recovery package, that includes a permanent end to the Jones Act, so that Puerto Rico has the resources both for this acute crisis and for the longer rebuilding process. Puerto Rico must rebuild, but the same vultures who caused this crisis are going to try and make money off of Puerto Rico’s rebuilding and we cannot let that happen. Look, I have been able to speak to my parents twice and they are OK so far. They had enough food and water for a week—but time is running out. And I’m lucky that I’ve been able to reach them. Constituents are coming into my office who can’t reach their families. One man can’t reach his mother, doesn’t know if she has access to medicine, and is worried about her survival. We’re doing what we can in our office to support our constituents—but we need Congress and FEMA to do more. MUCH more. And do it now.
    123,085 of 200,000 Signatures
    Created by New York State Senator Gustavo Rivera