• Body Cameras for the St. Petersburg Police Department
    Given the St. Petersburg's Police Departments past history of killing an unarmed motorist and its recent controversial interaction with another citizen, they can not be trusted nor expected to monitor their own behavior without additional tools such as body cameras.
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tina Allen
  • Coalition Against Sex Trafficking
    Over 400,000 children are currently being victimized by sex trafficking in the United States. At risk youth such as LGTBQ, runways, and foster youth are targets for this type of exploitation. Our youth should be protected in this country and not targeted and used to sex trafficking in our own backyard.
    57 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cristiana Schneiderhan
  • Conversion Therapy with Minors in Michigan
    I am a student at Eastern Michigan University in the Masters of Social Work Program. I am starting this petition in support of Rep. Zempke's bill to end conversion therapy by mental health professionals in the state of Michigan. The bill was introduced on February 13th 2018 for the 3rd time. Conversion therapy has no scientific basis and has many potential risks for clients, including depression, anxiety, social isolation and self-destructive behavior. According to many in the mental health community, sexual orientation and expressions of gender identity occur naturally therefore, there is no reason sexual orientation needs to be changed especially with methods proven to be harmful. Please help support the LBGTQ community in our state.
    174 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Eack
  • Free
    Because I want to
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alfredo castaneda
  • Gender equality for men in Family Court.
    Obtaining a Bachelors level education and climbing the ranks of employment for twenty years within New York City service had not prepared me for the battle legally to raise my son appropriately for the last six years due to his biological mother choosing to not be a custodial parent. Family courts referees, magistrates and judges need to discontinue their prejudices against men.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eric W Hall
  • Withdraw nomination of anti-LGBT lawyer Gordon Giampietro!
    One in three of Trump's judicial nominees have an explicit anti-LGBT record and Mr. Giampietro is just the latest to get caught red-handed voicing his bigotry on air. This type of prejudice and bias have no place in our federal courts. The vitriolic and incendiary anti-LGBT rhetoric from Giampietro captured in the recordings, while shocking and disturbing, is unfortunately par for the course with respect to many of the judicial nominees coming out of this White House. In addition, Giampietro has made disturbing comments in blog posts about what he calls a "racial spoils system;" writing about the Civil Rights Act of 1964, he claimed that "calls for diversity" are "code for relaxed standards." He has also said in interviews that he, "grew up next to lawyers, architects and crack dealers...The common denominator [he] saw was that the children who succeeded in Washington, [DC] were in private schools, and the children who turned out to be criminals were in public schools." Even if it is becoming commonplace, we must never accept this discriminatory and divisive as worthy of a federal judge.
    13,458 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Ian Wilhite
  • Georgia Custodial Parents On A Mission
    Due to the current Georgia law, which states that the case is to stay in the County/State of the Noncustodial Parent, which is difficult when they up and leave without notification. My 8-year-old son's father is still using my previous address, where he has been gone from the home for over 4 years. The noncustodial parent should NOT fall more than 30-45 days behind in payment. It's hard being a single parent and the noncustodial parent neglects the child/children as if their needs are not important. Being a single mother, all the responsibility and financial duties fall solely on me. Its hard to tell my 8-year old I don't have funds to pay for him to participate in a sport or can't take him to bowling or determining whether to be late paying a bill so that I can purchase clothes that fit. Custodial parents don't have a day off; I am always on the clock as a SINGLE PARENT 365 days a year, at PTA meetings, dentist/doctor appointments, working to provide for us, cooking dinner, helping with homework, giving birthday parties, consoling him when he cries for his noncustodial parent, making ends meet with the help of the Good Lord on my side and answering our prayers.
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nicole Mathis
  • Allow "No Party" Voters to Vote in Party Primaries in NYS
    Many voters choose to remain unaffiliated with a political party for various reasons. They consider themselves independent or may object to political parties in general or for specific reasons. These voters represent a substantial number of voters in the the state and should have a voice, in the party of their choice, in selecting candidates at party primaries. This would help assure that the state's political parties put forward strong candidates who are electable with the population of unaffiliated voters. It would also help strengthen the party system by attracting "no party" voters to vote in their primaries.
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Thomas Goodfellow
  • Hands Off Our ADA
    1 in 5 adults in the U.S. is living with a disability. Thursday, the House signed a bill called the H.R. 620, the inaptly named “ADA Education And Reform Act Of 2017,” that would weaken the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a critical source of rights for people with disabilities to architectural access in public accommodations—that is, businesses such as stores, restaurants, hotels, etc. H.R. 620: Removes any incentive for voluntary compliance. Rewards non-compliance by allowing businesses generous additional timelines, even though the ADA’s very reasonable requirements are already over 25 years old! The ADA is already carefully crafted to take the needs of business into account. Pretends that money damages requested from businesses are part of the ADA. Actually, this part of the ADA doesn’t even allow money damages, so changing the Federal ADA will not affect any state law money damage provisions. Ignores the extensive, free educational resources already available today to any business on how to comply with the ADA. Ignores the effective & extensive methods already available to courts and state bar associations to deal with a very few frivolous lawsuits or unscrupulous attorneys. We should use those existing legal mechanisms when needed, rather than deny the civil rights established by the ADA that aid people with disabilities every day. Look behind the media myths: The vast majority of ADA attorneys and plaintiffs are seeking solutions to fix real denials of access. But the business community has pushed the media to portray “a few bad apples” as a landslide. A good example of what might happen if this is signed into law: I get a job offer from a company that I find has a supposed "handicapped stall", but it only fits a manual chair. I can't use the restroom at all while I'm at work. A good example of how it may affect one living with a disability is this: I can go and complain that my power chair won't fit and ask them to make a change to the restroom. They don't have to do anything now but wait until I sue them. Then they have 60 days to show they are planning an accessible restroom stall. Then they have another 120 days to show they are making progress towards changing this architectural barrier. All the while, if I want to work there, I cannot get in the stall to pee! There are countless examples I could come up with as to how this bill would not help but harm the quality of life for those living with diverse types of disabilities. This bill is asking us to jump off a cliff and scream " Lord help me"
    219 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Whitney Ford
  • Stop texting while driving in Missouri
    Texting while driving is endangering our lives on the roads. Drivers cannot be giving the proper attention to the road if they are texting.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Deena J Budd
  • Have Facebook fund the Election Security Act
    To hold Facebook accountable for letting Russians influence the 2016 election by making them pay to secure our election systems around the country.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ann Storm
  • Warn Olympic Athletes and Public at Pyeongchang of “5G” Microwave Radiation Experiment
    The new 5G technology has not passed any government safety testing. There is indisputable scientific evidence that “low-level” microwave radiation can harm human health. Action Requested: We urge you to halt the “5G” deployment and warn both the public and athletes of this reckless and insidious experiment. We especially urge an alert to athletes who were provided "5G" enabled devices such as mobile phones and computer tablets. These devices use a harmful new “5G” beamed technology that focuses radiation from cell towers directly to the user’s device. A product warning alert about “5G” microwave radiation will inform athletes and the public of the danger and advise them what to do if they experience immediate symptoms. It will also allow athletes to determine whether they wish to use these new “5G” electronic devices. Additional Background: As some of our planet’s finest young athletes, as well as residents, and visitors, gather in Pyeongchang for the Olympic Games, there is an insidious corporate experiment playing out. Korea Telecom, together with Ericsson and Intel, are using the Olympic Games to launch the 5G network, without any government safety testing. No one knows how this new 5G-microwave radiation technology will impact the delicate bioelectrical systems of human beings, plants, and animals. 5G includes higher millimeter wave frequencies never used before for Internet and communications technology. 5G also uses phased array and beam-forming technologies making these higher millimeter wave frequencies yet more potent. Instead of heeding the cautions of internationally respected scientists, these corporate entities are recklessly pushing to increase radiation exposure even more --- putting all humanity and the environment at risk. At the Olympic Games, unsuspecting athletes and the public have become guinea pigs for 5G phased array, microwave radiation technology. Athletes have been provided with special 5G-enabled tablets and mobile devices using a new beam-forming technology that focuses radiation from cell towers directly to the user’s device. Athletes and visitors could experience reactions such as nausea, dizziness, nosebleeds, cardiac problems, chest and head pressure, seizures, stabbing pains, and many other symptoms. More disturbing is that we already know that exposure to wireless radiation could result in harmful effects that may not surface until years later. What is happening in Korea demonstrates a reckless disregard for the health and safety of the Olympic athletes and the public. It blatantly disregards decades of research on non-ionizing radiation, and the recent warning of over 230 peer-reviewed published scientists from 42 countries to the United Nations and to the World Health Organization urging for more caution and greater measures to protect the public from non-ionizing radiation - the kind used in all our wireless technologies and 5G. https://www.emfscientist.org/index.php/emf-scientist-appeal Last year, 180 scientists, including two South Korean researchers, called upon the European Union to halt the roll-out of 5G until “potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from industry.” https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B14R6QNkmaXuelFrNWRQcThNV0U/view We think that all Olympic attendees have the right to protect themselves from this serious invisible threat to their health. We demand that a product warning alert about the risks of 5G radiation exposure be immediately sent out to athletes and to everyone attending the Olympic Games. Links about health effects of radiofrequency/microwave radiation: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/305689940_EUROPAEM_EMF_Guideline_2016_for_the_prevention_diagnosis_and_treatment_of_EMF-related_health_problems_and_illnesses (European Academy for Environmental Medicine’s EUROPAEM Guideline 2016 for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of EMF-related health problems and illnesses) https://wirelessaction.files.wordpress.com/2017/04/irradiated.pdf (IRRADIATED A comprehensive compilation and analysis of the literature on radiofrequency fields and the negative biological impacts of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (particularly radiofrequency fields) on biological organisms) Links about 5G: whatis5g.info https://ehtrust.org/?s=5g http://whatis5g.info/health/2017/09/millimeter-wave-frequency-studies-and-reviews/ More about the 5G experiment at the Olympic Games: http://whatis5g.info/south-korean-oympics-and-5g/2018/02/stop-5g-launch-winter-olympics-south-korea-acute-public-health-reactions-likely/ https://www.opednews.com/articles/5G-launch-at-South-Korea-W-by-Nina-Beety-Athletes_Health_Health_International-180203-238.html http://fortune.com/2018/02/13/winter-olympics-2018-5g-networks/ Co-written by: Anita J. Prince, Nancy Wallace, and Katherine Kheel
    260 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Anita J. Prince