• prison over crowding
    Because of the kidnaping of my oldest son lance ealy by U.S. Marshals under the order of Federal Judges Thomas Rose and Michael Barrett who are out to deprive the black, negro and colored race of due process of law for fighting for there constitutional rights in Ohio. Strauder vs W. Virginia, 100 U.S. 303(1880) people are being illegally sentenced by agents of the judicial branch of government where no charge had been established, the government is out of control and are imprisoning citizens for profit
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by larry ealy
  • Let Jessica Gain Legal Custody of Mabel
    Anyone who knows me knows that my furbaby Mabel is the love of my life and my reason for living. My mother has decided to be a horrible person and hold her hostage from me regardless of offering money, pleading, and begging for her to live with me. She knows full well that I have hand-raised Mabel since her first few weeks, feeding her, burping her, stimulating her bowel movements, and staying up all night with her and loving and cherishing her. My mother claims that I am not able to properly take care of her because "I don't have a real job or place to live," but I work in an animal clinic where I get free procedures and vaccines done and good pay, and I do have a place to live and I will soon be moving closer to work with my friends. The only reason my mother wants to keep her is out of spite and complete selfishness and disregard for her own daughter's mental health and happiness. By getting a good amount of signatures on this petition, I am hoping that my mother comes to her senses and simply surrenders Mabel to her real mother, me, or if she refuses, then I will have this petition as legal evidence for a lawyer, and maybe even a courtroom judge, that it is a widespread belief that Mabel is mine and belongs with me so we can both be safe, healthy and happy. Please show your support and sign, share, and boost my message. You have no idea how much I have missed her, my mother won't even send me pictures of her. What she is doing is cruel and unnecessary. She will never love Mabel as much as I do. Thank you for your time and support.
    66 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jessica Tiberio
  • Time for North Carolina to Remove a Statue of a White Supremacist to Represent the State
    I am a citizen of North Carolina and I abhor the idea that my state is represented in the US Hall of Statuary by a white supremacist.
    99 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jonathan Scott
  • Vote 16 DC
    In the District of Columbia, you can hold a job at 16, drive a car, pay taxes, be tried as an adult in court, but cannot vote. The 26th Amendment reads: “The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age.” This does not disenfranchise people under the age of 18 or prevent greater inclusion. Allowing 16-17-year-olds to vote in the district will give a voice to what is already a responsible and engaged portion of our community.
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Greta Jelen
  • Equal Rights for Fathers
    I am a father watching my son suffer from biased decisions ordered by the Family Court System.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Adam Salamone
  • Voter Suppression: Loudoun County Democrats Loyalty Oath
    I am an African-American Democratic local elected official for the Town of Leesburg, VA and I have challenged the Loudoun County Democratic committee on their requirement for a signed loyalty statement contained in their membership application. My efforts to have a conversation to address this problem have been dismissed and I, as an elected Democratic leader, have been subjected to public retaliation by the local party leaders. Democrats know that the right to vote for all Americans was hard fought and is sacred and fundamental to the principles of the party. The Democratic Party was founded on the promise of an expanded democracy and that the inclusion of many different voices makes our democracy work better. The right to vote is a key principle of the Democratic Party and a core goal is to maximize voter participation and not to control how you vote. As a democratic value, we must all support efforts to defeat ill-motivated voter suppression tactics and to preserve the fundamental right to vote. Loudoun County Democratic Committee of VA has violated this core value and is subverting the fundamental right to vote by engaging in these efforts by promoting ill-motivated voter suppression tactics to unduly influence the outcome of local elections. The Loudoun County Democratic Committee in their January 2018 membership notification letter stated: “…at its core, LCDC membership means that you will support our nominees and endorsees…This means more than not supporting Republicans, it also means not supporting Independents in races.” This statement alone is an affront to every person who bled, fought and died for the rights of all citizens to freely vote. I could have chosen to simply not renew my membership and walked away as many others have, but this is a fundamental wrong that must be corrected. The LCDC leadership must repeal this loyalty pledge and restore the democratic values and principles of “…preserving the fundamental right to vote." I urge you to join my efforts and sign this petition. The freedom to vote as your values dictate must be a protected right and not the right of any party to control your voting choice. I believe in people over politics and now it’s time for the people to speak.
    65 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ron Campbell
  • Tell Facebook: Stop putting profits over our rights
    For years, Facebook has allowed the use of its platform to promote bigotry and potentially violate civil rights, allowing operatives to promote misleading propaganda and hate groups to organize and promote rallies on their platform. They’ve even gone as far as selling ads that could violate the Fair Housing Act and offered their expertise and assistance in spreading anti-Muslim videos. While recent leaks and news reports have revealed some of the problem, Facebook has evaded requests for full transparency and disclosure from groups like Muslim Advocates and our partners at Color of Change. Facebook claims to be dedicated to giving people “the power to build community and bring the world closer together”, yet they have refused to adequately address their repeated breaches of the public trust. They have shown they cannot be trusted to be fully transparent on their own and must immediately allow an audit of their policies and platforms by an independent third-party.
    578 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Kendall Brown Picture
  • Raising the Black Lives Matter Flag at South Burlington High School, Vermont
    Injustice and racism have been an ongoing struggle in our nation-wide educational system and continues to traumatize and exclude traditionally marginalized groups. At South Burlington High School we need greater action toward justice. As a community, we must do better in dismantling the racism and white supremacy that is embedded in our culture. This proposal is inspired by actions taken by the Social Justice Union of Burlington High School and the Racial Justice Alliance at Montpelier High School, both of which have been successful in petitioning their school boards to raise the Black Lives Matter flag. The Black Lives Matter movement is an affirmation of the value of black lives in response to the racism that infiltrates every institution of the United States. We recognize that all South Burlington students enrich our community. In raising the flag we do not attempt to undermine the value of each and every student, but we do act to affirm the value of South Burlington’s black students.
    76 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Student Diversity Union
  • Raising the Black Lives Matter Flag at South Burlington High School
    Injustice and racism have been an ongoing struggle in our nation-wide educational system and continues to traumatize and exclude traditionally marginalized groups. At South Burlington High School we need greater action toward justice. As a community, we must do better in dismantling the racism and white supremacy that is embedded in our culture. This proposal is inspired by actions taken by the Social Justice Union of Burlington High School and the Racial Justice Alliance at Montpelier High School, both of which have been successful in petitioning their school boards to raise the Black Lives Matter flag. The Black Lives Matter movement is an affirmation of the value of black lives in response to the racism that infiltrates every institution of the United States. We recognize that all South Burlington students enrich our community. In raising the flag we do not attempt to undermine the value of each and every student, but we do act to affirm the value of South Burlington’s black students.
    339 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Student Diversity Union
  • Legalize open adoption.
    18 years ago I gave my daughter up for adoption. Previously, I had talked the entire time with the adopting family. I actually knew the wife and her mother and father previously as a child in their church. Within a year-and-a-half of the adoption, all the promises made were taken away. I wasn't sent pictures, I wasn't called, I didn't get updates, I didn't get videos, I got treated like I did something wrong and was cut out. I want to start this petition so that no other person has to go through what I did. Adoption is a beautiful thing. What's not beautiful is telling lies to a birth mother and then reneging on everything because, as the attorney informed me laughing, there's no such thing and any papers aren't legally binding! Don't feel sorry and take the cheaper route for the adoptive parents. You protect yourself, birth mothers and fathers. Protect yourself because the law does not
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Laura Gray
    The People's New Black Panther Party are tired of the abuse to our brothers and sisters by the hands of the government, police officers, and white America. We have been systematically held down for years, robbed, beaten, and murdered. Our ancestors suffrered horrendous acts by the hands of America and still have not received what is due to them. Blacks can never advance because America's foot is on our necks. We are seeking reparations for ourselves and on behalf of our ancestors.
    144 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Stacia Cook
  • Stop defaming the name of Pocahontas
    As a blood relative of the great Native American woman Matoaka aka Pocahontas I’m disgusted and offended by President Trump’s continued denigration of her name as a political insult. I believe most people with native blood feel the same. President Trump stop the childish insults of a native woman who had more integrity in her short life than you will ever have.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Post