Reunite Dad and DaughterI love my Daughter!53 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ty
NFL vs First AmendmentThe purpose of this petition is to penalize the NFL in Oakland, California for its blatant abuse of their players' right to free speech and protest.63 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michael Allen Pearce
Reverse the NFL rule to fine players when protesting the National Anthem!Here's what Golden State Warriors coach Steve Kerr had to say today about the NFL's decision to fine players who kneel during the national anthem: “They weren't disrespecting the flag or the military. But our president decided to make it about that and the NFL followed suit, pandered to their fanbase, created this hysteria. This is kind of what's wrong with our country right now. People in high places are trying to divide us, divide loyalties, make this about the flag as if the flag is something other than what it really is. It's a a representation of what we’re about, which is diversity, peaceful protests, abilities, right to free speech. It's really ironic, actually." Once again, Kerr articulates the true meaning of patriotism better than the current president.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dan Mintz
Amazon: Get out of the surveillance business.Amazon is selling a racially biased surveillance tool to law enforcement. Amazon's surveillance product, Rekognition claims it has the power to identify people in real time, in photos of large groups of people, and in crowded events and public places like protests. But study after study has shown that real time face recognition like this has strong racial biases leading to more erroneous police stops for Black people, women, and young people. With built-in racial bias and no public oversight, this system is guaranteed to harm our communities, ensuring that Black folks get stopped by police more often and put in jail more often. At a time when our communities are organizing in public at unprecedented levels, and discriminatory policing continues to terrorize us, handing this surveillance technology over to the government threatens our civil rights and liberties. Facial recognition is not a neutral technology, no matter how Amazon spins this. Amazon has no business allowing law enforcement to use Rekognition – and powering anti-Black surveillance. Already, Rekognition is in use in Florida and Oregon. Government agencies in California and Arizona have sought information about it, too. And Amazon didn't just sell Rekognition to law enforcement, it's actively partnering with them to ensure that authorities can fully utilize Rekognition's capabilities. Amazon has branded itself as customer-centric, opposed secret government surveillance, and has a CEO who publicly supported First Amendment freedoms and spoke out against the discriminatory Muslim Ban. Yet, Amazon is powering dangerous surveillance that poses a grave threat to customers and communities already unjustly targeted in the current political climate. We must make it clear to Amazon that we won't stand by and let it pad its bottom line by selling out our civil rights.1,480 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Rashad Robinson
Trans student force to be called by other name at Allen High graduationA Transgender student Jay Alfie is a student at Allen High School. He is graduating this year and Allen ISD refuses to announce Jay during the commencement ceremony, instead calling out his Dead Name (legal name before transitioning). The parents have met with the appropriate people to try to get this resolved, but leadership in Allen ISD will not agree to announce Jay. Let's see if we can change their minds.6,487 of 7,000 SignaturesCreated by Isabella Alfie
The White House: Safeguarding LGBTQMy close friend is gay and I believe in his cause. Nobody should be terminated just because of their sexual orientation. With the new administration of Donald Trump, many gays fear their rights will be diminished based on his campaign style as well as his treatment of immigrants. It is still legal for companies in 28 states to fire employees for being gay or transgender, and notwithstanding Trump's manifest hostility to LGBTQ rights, there are signs that the political winds are blowing over that map in a more inclusive direction. No states have changed their state nondiscrimination laws since the November election. In the Lambda Legal's case on behalf of Kimberly Lively, an instructor at Ivy Tech Community College was fired for being a lesbian. In a groundbreaking, 8-3 decision, the full Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation violates federal civil right law. This law is Title VII of the Civil Right Act of 1964, the federal law prohibiting employers from discriminating against employees on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, and religion. We need to change the laws in all 50 states to protect all LGBTQ people so that we all can have the same equal rights as our founding four fathers wanted us to have.38 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sterling Salguero
Allow Freedom of belief againWhen I was talking about my belief of how many genders there is I ended up getting in trouble and I realized that I am not allowed to voice my opinions and I want others opinions to feel safe about their beliefs16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by bob
Boycott NFL until free speech returnsIt's unAmerican.32 of 100 SignaturesCreated by craig adams
Anti-Lynching legislationAfter the opening of The National Memorial for Peace and Justice, I was made more aware of how often lynchings still take place. I was baffled. How can someone be opposed to anti-lynching!? After making calls and sending emails, I have yet to get a response from my senators or representatives. The people want answers and solutions.61 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jason C Green
Speaker @Rendon63rd and @SenToniAtkins: Please fund #OpenSource #PaperBallot Voting!Ever since presidential election controversies in Florida ('00) and Ohio ('04), there have been grave concerns about the integrity of proprietary voting systems from corporate vendors. The 2017 DEF CON security conference called them a “national security threat”. Open-Source Paper Ballot Voting Systems are more secure and transparent. And, after one county develops a system, the whole state could use it for free. That’s why Assemblymember David Chiu and Senator Scott Wiener, working with the California Clean Money Campaign, submitted a state budget request for $8 million in matching funds to help counties develop them. Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon and Senate President Pro Tem Toni Atkins are key to this funding. Ask them to fund open-source voting now!871 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by California Clean Money Campaign
Human traffickingYour community and your kids are at risk. Sexual human trafficking is a growing problem in the United States, in every state. That’s why we need a single federal office responsible for coordinating this fight across the entire government. With leadership from the President and Congress, we can and will win this fight against those that exploit children for sex.45 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Laryssa Creswell
Don't let racist Aaron Schlossberg keep his legal credentialsRacist, xenophbic lawyer Aaron Schlossberg was recently caught on camera yelling at women speaking Spanish and saying they should be "kicked out of my country." Another instance shows him yelling at a couple on the street "I'm a citizen here. You’re not. You’re an ugly f***ing foreigner, so f**k you!" Civil rights advocate Shaun King also reports that more than dozen other people have come forward to share stories about being "targeted & harassed" by Schlossberg. It should come as no surprise that Schlossberg donated hundreds of dollars to the Trump campaign and is now apparently one of the many bigots emboldened by the administration's racist and xenophobic agenda. We demand a full investigation into Schlossberg's racist and xenophobic history and for him to be disbarred so he can no longer practice law.66,594 of 75,000 SignaturesCreated by Ronen Kauffman