Tell Facebook: Stop putting profits over our rightsFor years, Facebook has allowed the use of its platform to promote bigotry and potentially violate civil rights, allowing operatives to promote misleading propaganda and hate groups to organize and promote rallies on their platform. They’ve even gone as far as selling ads that could violate the Fair Housing Act and offered their expertise and assistance in spreading anti-Muslim videos. While recent leaks and news reports have revealed some of the problem, Facebook has evaded requests for full transparency and disclosure from groups like Muslim Advocates and our partners at Color of Change. Facebook claims to be dedicated to giving people “the power to build community and bring the world closer together”, yet they have refused to adequately address their repeated breaches of the public trust. They have shown they cannot be trusted to be fully transparent on their own and must immediately allow an audit of their policies and platforms by an independent third-party.579 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Kendall Brown
Raising the Black Lives Matter Flag at South Burlington High School, VermontInjustice and racism have been an ongoing struggle in our nation-wide educational system and continues to traumatize and exclude traditionally marginalized groups. At South Burlington High School we need greater action toward justice. As a community, we must do better in dismantling the racism and white supremacy that is embedded in our culture. This proposal is inspired by actions taken by the Social Justice Union of Burlington High School and the Racial Justice Alliance at Montpelier High School, both of which have been successful in petitioning their school boards to raise the Black Lives Matter flag. The Black Lives Matter movement is an affirmation of the value of black lives in response to the racism that infiltrates every institution of the United States. We recognize that all South Burlington students enrich our community. In raising the flag we do not attempt to undermine the value of each and every student, but we do act to affirm the value of South Burlington’s black students.76 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Student Diversity Union
Raising the Black Lives Matter Flag at South Burlington High SchoolInjustice and racism have been an ongoing struggle in our nation-wide educational system and continues to traumatize and exclude traditionally marginalized groups. At South Burlington High School we need greater action toward justice. As a community, we must do better in dismantling the racism and white supremacy that is embedded in our culture. This proposal is inspired by actions taken by the Social Justice Union of Burlington High School and the Racial Justice Alliance at Montpelier High School, both of which have been successful in petitioning their school boards to raise the Black Lives Matter flag. The Black Lives Matter movement is an affirmation of the value of black lives in response to the racism that infiltrates every institution of the United States. We recognize that all South Burlington students enrich our community. In raising the flag we do not attempt to undermine the value of each and every student, but we do act to affirm the value of South Burlington’s black students.339 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Student Diversity Union
Legalize open adoption.18 years ago I gave my daughter up for adoption. Previously, I had talked the entire time with the adopting family. I actually knew the wife and her mother and father previously as a child in their church. Within a year-and-a-half of the adoption, all the promises made were taken away. I wasn't sent pictures, I wasn't called, I didn't get updates, I didn't get videos, I got treated like I did something wrong and was cut out. I want to start this petition so that no other person has to go through what I did. Adoption is a beautiful thing. What's not beautiful is telling lies to a birth mother and then reneging on everything because, as the attorney informed me laughing, there's no such thing and any papers aren't legally binding! Don't feel sorry and take the cheaper route for the adoptive parents. You protect yourself, birth mothers and fathers. Protect yourself because the law does not19 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Laura Gray
REPARATIONS FOR BLACKS IN AMERICAThe People's New Black Panther Party are tired of the abuse to our brothers and sisters by the hands of the government, police officers, and white America. We have been systematically held down for years, robbed, beaten, and murdered. Our ancestors suffrered horrendous acts by the hands of America and still have not received what is due to them. Blacks can never advance because America's foot is on our necks. We are seeking reparations for ourselves and on behalf of our ancestors.144 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Stacia Cook
Stop defaming the name of PocahontasAs a blood relative of the great Native American woman Matoaka aka Pocahontas I’m disgusted and offended by President Trump’s continued denigration of her name as a political insult. I believe most people with native blood feel the same. President Trump stop the childish insults of a native woman who had more integrity in her short life than you will ever have.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David Post
Tell PA lawmakers to reject any attempts to impeach our justices!It’s official! The U.S. Supreme Court and the federal district court in Pennsylvania have both declined requests from Republican leaders to block the new congressional district map from going into effect for the May 15 primary. These decisions essentially put an end to our state’s gerrymandered congressional district lines and are a huge victory for Pennsylvania voters. But a group of lawmakers are retaliating by trying to impeach four of the Supreme Court justices who ruled in favor of the new map. Unbelievable. The state Supreme Court justices did their job: they found the congressional district maps to be unconstitutional. The case for impeachment has little grounding, but we need to make sure this effort doesn’t gain steam in the legislature. Tell your state lawmakers to vote AGAINST any effort to impeach Supreme Court justices who ruled to override the gerrymandered district map.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Conservation Voters of PA
Add" African American Descendants of Chattel Slavery" to 2020 CensusThe 2020 Census is offering Black and White respondents the opportunity to answer the question, "Where are you from?", giving a country of origin. This option is confusing to and exclusive of African Americans who are the Descendants of Chattel Slavery (DoCS). We are born and bred American originals, a unique ethnic identity of people who descend from the unique American institution of chattel slavery. African American DoCS need to be especially included in the 2020 U.S. Census to aid in the just distribution of resources to a group of people still suffering the affects of being property for centuries and excluded from wealth generation after enslavement. This category will give clarity to millions, including the the following respondents in this NPR interview regarding the 2020 Census: "Where are you from from?" Still, Greer says she's planning to write down "Black American" for her origins. "I consider myself a 'J.B.,' which is 'just black,' " she says. "When people ask you where you're from, and I say, 'Oh, you know, New York, Philly, Chicago, Baltimore,' it's like, 'No, but where are you from from?' " Many African-Americans who have roots in the U.S. going back centuries to ancestors forced upon these shores as enslaved people cannot answer that question. "If we're really honest with what hundreds of years of U.S. chattel slavery really meant," Greer says, "many people had to walk miles and across countries before they were shipped off." The enslavement of hundreds of thousands of African people in the U.S. cut ties to home countries for their descendants, including Chris Owens, a project engineer for an energy consulting firm based in New York City. Raised in St. Louis, Owens says for most of his life, questions about his race were straightforward. "Either you're black or you're white, at least where I'm from," he says. But after moving to Boston and later New York, he says he has been asked whether he is of Haitian or Jamaican descent. "That's even caused me to try to figure out which island I was from," Owens says. He has just over two years to keep digging into family history for an answer before the 2020 census forms come out. For now, though, if you ask him about his origins, he says he's sticking with "American." https://www.npr.org/2018/03/13/593272215/for-the-first-time-2020-census-will-ask-black-americans-about-their-exact-origin314 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Valencia Garner
Required Mental illness assessment for entire Sacramento Police DeparmentIt is time to asses why these killings are happening, for what reason, and find new measures for diffusing these situations. Performing Psychiatric evaluations will be a good start as we will be able to find the root cause of these unlawful and unjustified killings.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Brittany Carriger
Take Down The Flag! Now!Making Virginia a better place to live for everyone.16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Adam Duncan
Remove Trayon White from Washington DC CouncilHate, bigotry, ignorance, racism and anti-Semitism must be confronted everywhere it appears, especially when it comes from an elected government official.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jeff Ginsberg
DC Council Member Trayon White is a bigot who needs to resign.I am starting this petition, because Council Member White's attitude of bigotry must not be tolerated from a DC Government legislator - or any official.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Andrew