• voting rights
    Move forward. The voting right act was a important part of the civil rights. restore those protections for the people.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by dorothea couch
    Don't want our "civil liberties" infringed on anymore!
    763 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Annemarie & Robert W. Pazamickas, ACSW/LCSW-R
  • Restore the voting rights act
    If you are a United States citizen, we shouldhave the right to vote and voice our opinion. Reguardless of race, religion, and back ground. We as a nation of human race should be able to express ourselves. If we place God and morals back into politcs we will and can come together as a powerful Nation.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Trakethia Jackson
  • Todd Young: Voting Rights Deserve Your Support
    Congress can restore the protection to all voters struck down by the Supreme Court last year. We are calling on Rep. Todd Young to cosponsor and fight for his constituents voter rights. Voting keeps America great.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dennis Stork
  • Voting rights are RIGHTS not Tokens
    I've been working to secure voting rights most of my life and I'm not going to let some misguided southern white men take them away.
    908 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by cynthia hamilton
  • Rep. Rob Wittman: Support Voting Rights!
    Because we need everyone's participation in the democratic process and not just a select few.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anita Roberson
  • Restore Voting Rights
    “The Voting Rights Act is one of the most important pieces of civil rights legislation Congress has ever passed. Last year's Supreme Court decision weakened critical provisions of it. Right now, Congress can restore those protections by passing this important bill. Rep. Swalwell should support this effort by cosponsoring and fighting for a strong bill.”
    414 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Helen Cochems
  • Mike Honda: Co-Sponsor the Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2014
    At this time of honoring Martin Luther King, Jr. and the civil rights movement in 1964, voting rights is one of the most important parts of the civil rights legislation that Congress ever passed. The Supreme Courts decision last year severely weakened key parts of voting rights. This is a major step backwards in civil rights protection. Congress can repair and restore this legislation. Rep. Honda should support this necessary effort to strengthen this legislation.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Douglas Edwards
  • Mr. Mark Takano: Make The Different and Vote to Restore The VOTING RIGHTS ACT FOR 2014.
    I practice my freedom of speech, for myself, my community and the entire country.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Librada Murillo
  • Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2014
    For Voting rights for The American People
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by chris
  • Protect one man one vote.
    Many jurisdictions consistently target groups of voters simply because insider privileges are threatened by one man one vote democracy. Even the simplest election made crooked is difficult to entirely reverse. To prevent these free attacks on democracy the voting rights act identified the offending jurisdictions and had them prove first that any tinkering was not going to perpetrate targeted voter exclusion. The supreme court has on a narrow party line removed that protection, and the free attacks are in process in corrupt districts newly unleashed across the country. This petition calls on Kevin McCarthy to chose justice over corrupt special interest and to stop the devious bigotry now in progress.
    322 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Jonathan Hall
  • Rep. Julia Brownly, Please Support Voting Rights
    The Voting Rights Act is one of the most important pieces of civil rights legislation Congress has ever passed. Without it We the People loose the right to choose who represents us. A Republican district like the 26th, would never allow Rep Julia Brownley to serve in Congress if the votes of Black, Brown, women, student, and seniors are eliminated. This is Representative Brownley's chance to shine by cosponsoring and fighting for a STRONG Voting Rights Act of 2014!
    840 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Cassandria Slay