• Publix: Join the Fair Food Program
    Florida’s tomato farms supply 50% of all U.S. fresh tomatoes but have also been called America’s ‘ground zero for slavery.’ Countless workers held against their will, threatened with violence and forced to haul hundreds of heavy tomato buckets a day for little to no pay. Thankfully, a new solution called the Fair Food Program has been proven successful. The Fair Food Program is working to enforce a policy of zero tolerance for slavery on tomato farms. But a major U.S. supermarket chain, Publix Super Markets, is refusing to support the Fair Food Program. Publix continues to buy tomatoes from growers that are not partners of the Fair Food Program and where workers still toil beyond the reach of its proven protection from modern slavery. Will Publix Super Markets, which prides itself on making Fortune’s ‘Best Companies to Work For’ list, continue to turn a blind eye and give excuses, or will it leverage its vast market influence and lead the way in cleaning up slavery in the tomato supply chain once and for all?
    10,934 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Jessica Hollinshead
  • Let My People Go
    There are too many of us dying and in jail. Murder and slavery should not be an option to population control. They don't need us anymore they have so many new people to control. We can't hurt them more than they have already hurt themselves. So why fear us? Actually we need $8,000,000,000 to complete the move.
    61 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Audrey Ophelia Boyd
  • Justice for Boujemaa Razguice
    Instead of apologizing and rectifying the situation, the Government is circling the wagons and stonewalling. This man needs to be compensated for the economic repercussions of this disasterous and ridiculous decision immediately. The Government has deprived him of his livelihood. We cannot allow such injustice to thrive.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Justice for Boujemaa Razguice
  • Same Sex Marriage
    My partner and I are both KY residents. We want to stay in KY and have our family. But until we can achieve the same marital status as everyone else we will never feel as though KY recognizes us as equal citizens. Please allow same sex marriage in KY so all of us in the LGBT community can be true equal KY residents. We pay our taxes, work, and help KY to grow. We deserve the same as everyone else.
    451 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Trevor Henry
  • Tell President Obama to grant clemency to Edward Snowden
    It has been seven months since government contractor Edward Snowden exposed the NSA’s highly questionable—and often illegal—methods of surveillance. He is still in Russia under the watch of Vladimir Putin, eluding extradition back to the United States where he faces serious criminal charges. As the New York Times put it in an editorial this week, it is time to grant clemency to Edward Snowden: "Considering the enormous value of the information he has revealed, and the abuses he has exposed, Mr. Snowden deserves better than a life of permanent exile, fear and flight. He may have committed a crime to do so, but he has done his country a great service." Sign our petition, urging President Obama to grant clemency to Edward Snowden.
    174 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Paul Hogarth
  • MS Gov and Legislature should take drug tests
    My friends who receive TANF benefits are being singled out for drug tests. It's only fair to ask the Governor and Legislature, who receive taxpayer money in the form of their salaries, to be tested also.
    140 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Spell Bound
  • stop them from taking away family reunion visits from NY prisoners
    Prisoners are still people who need rehabilitation. They still have family's and loved ones. These visits help them while in prison and unite them with there family. They deserve these to grow with life outside of prison so they come home a better person and ready for life again outside of those bars. Completely taking them away will take away something that keeps the prisoners on a good track and keeps them close with there families
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by crystal
  • Oust Aramark
    I do not believe human beings should be subjected to this type of treatment. They are incarcerated, for whatever reason, and are dependent upon their jailers to provide them food; Instead, they are given inadequate food that is not fit for human consumption.
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joyce S Adams
  • Dear GOP, spend your money on positive change, not discrimination.
    I grew up in Sandy Utah and love my home town. I love the people and the beauty here. However, I am struggling with the idea of buying a home since I have to keep my pregnant wife indoors and tell my kids it isn't safe for them to go outside. When I saw the governor planning to spend 2 million dollars on something that has already been ruled unconstitutional, it made me sick. It is time to let him know how we feel and take the advice of Pope Francis by focusing on improvement and love rather than tearing other people down. Tax dollars should not be spent trying to defend discrimination. Spending this money would be a losing battle for the state, the governor, and the people of Utah. Put this money towards air quality incentives, wood burning conversions, electric car incentives, etc.
    350 of 400 Signatures
    Created by David Williams
  • Kiona Smiley: Saving Americans
    My house was just taken from me without any kind of notification . Banks should be stopped from this CA PENAL CODE 211, Profit or Justice ????
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kiona Smiley
  • One Law for all in the U.S.: the Constitution
    I have lived in many countries, including Iran, Egypt. In Muslim countries Sharia religious law often dictates the killing of Gays, persecution of Christians, Baha'is and Jews, subordination of women, etc. I do not want this or any other religious law to influence legal decisions in our country.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dennis Trisker
  • Relocate Ani Difranco's "Righteous Retreat" at Nottoway Plantation
    As anti-racist feminists and members and allies of the black rights movement, we are asking you, Ani Difranco as well as Righteous Babe Records, PR/Marketing department (Anna Kapechuk) and Booking/Scheduling (Karla Rice), to change the location of your retreat or otherwise cancel the event and make an apology.
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by jersey deutsch