Houston Police Dept: publicly apologize for racist arrest of white dance student and black dance ...A young 13 year old dancer, Landry Thompson, came to Houston from Oklahoma. She travelled with her two dance instructors over the weekend. The intent of their visit was to train all weekend with some of the best in dance industry. When they left the studio Saturday night they stopped at a gas station very exhausted as they searched for their lodging. They were trying to locate their hotel on the GPS. Out of nowhere they were surrounded by the Houston police. The Houston police dragged them out of the car and handcuffed them all. “I was kind of freaked out and surprised by it,” said Landry Thompson. “They just pulled us out of the car. Put our hands behind out backs like we were criminals,” said Landry’s dance instructor Emmanuel Hurd. “He asked me; who is the girl? She is my student. I said I have a notarized letter from her parents stating that I have full guardianship over her while we are here.” Landry Thompson and the instructors said they pleaded with the police and told the police their story repeatedly. It did not matter to the Houston police. Landry Thompson said, “They still put handcuffs on me. And it really scared me. And they put me in the back of the cop car. I was terrified.” Landry Thompson was taken to Protective Services. “I was horrified. She was with the people I wanted her to be with. She was with people who were safe who I knew would take care of her,” said Her mother, Destiny Thompson. “Yet they had taken her away from those people and now she was in a shelter, wherever she was with people I didn’t know.” Protective Services told Destiny Thompson that she would have to fly to Houston to get her daughter. After many phone calls with various officials, Landry Thompson was released back into the custody of her dance instructors. “I would love an apology,” said Landry Thompson’s mother. “They owe her an apology.” Soon after, the trio was back at the dance studio. They intend to leave Houston on Monday afternoon. The Houston police (HPD) has not been responding to inquiries as to what happened. ** Complaints against the HPD can be filed by the instructions here: http://www.houstontx.gov/police/contact/iad.htm (sources: http://www.khou.com/news/local/oklahoma-dancer-houston-police-cps-234062201.html and http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/12/02/1259558/-Young-white-dancer-with-her-two-black-instructors-handcuffed-by-Houston-Police-Racism)18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Arvan Reese
Restore writ of Habeas Corpus; Nix Martial LawThere are two basic elements required in a conviction for a crime: ACTUS REUS = the guilty act, and MENS REA = the guilty mind. Absent one or the other, there can be no conviction. The US Department of Justice abuses its power, unnecessarily detaining accused persons INDEFINITELY in order to coerce an admission of guilt (to lighten the prosecution's burden of proof) in exchange for restoration of one's Constitutional rights, of which one has been deprived. Check out the Facebook page entitled, "Restore Habeas Corpus". In addition to the guilty plea, the accused is also required to waive monetary damages incurred as a result of the false imprisonment, accept the false imprisonment as "credit for time served", waive the right to an appeal, and a myriad of other conditions that may give the accused further recourse. The originator of this petition has been "released" from maximum security false imprisonment after 3 1/3 years, but is still under house arrest with a GPS sending unit strapped to his ankle in order to ensure an appearance at a trial that he contends will never occur (the January 2013 trial date was continued to March 2013, and then to November 2013, and now once again continued indefinitely, as he has refused to sign the guilty plea prepared for him by the prosecution, despite the urgings of the judge, and his court-appointed lawyer). Fortunately, his family was able to retain a private lawyer. A Motion to Suppress (MtS -- the evidence was contrived from a false arrest) was subsequently filed, which was used as leverage to "release" him last 19 September 2013 although this MtS has not been ruled upon by the Court. He is accused of ATTEMPTED fraud. The MtS points out that the prosecution has a serious problem that, were the United States not currently under Martial Law and the writ of Habeas Corpus available for detainees, ought to have made a detention review available to him, possibly to be freed outright. While imprisoned at CADC in Florence, Arizona, it was observed that the system is also abused to include an ethnic cleansing that targets Latinos (mostly Mexicans). Roughly 90% of those falsely imprisoned at this private prison (not under the purview of the Federal Bureau of Prisons, nor any government agency empowered by the government to imprison individuals) are of Mexican origin, people who are coerced into signing waivers for "voluntary departure", in addition to guilty pleas for the "crime" of "re-entry", drug trafficking, or human smuggling, all without the benefit of a trial -- needless to say, some are actually US citizens or legal permanent residents who are systematically stripped of their legal status, simply because they happen to have Mexican roots. There is a clear sentiment that there is an effort to control the voting population, and that the Democrat constituency, having been successfully utilized, is now being minimized. Our (US) Foreign Policy has intermittently spiked in favor of Imperialism, which necessitates a Fascist government (in our case with a bi-partisan Dictatorship). The hyped-up threat of terrorism has created the excuse for military backing. We (the United States of America) are currently under Martial Law. It may be too late to stop the onset, but a passive resistance is necessary to peacefully dismantle the regime. A Facebook page, "Restore Habeas Corpus" contains a collection of articles and videos to outline the "legal" structure underneath our current predicament. View this interesting link containing embed code: The originator of this petition has standing (Locus Standi) to sue the US government for allowing employees of the Department of Justice (the US Attorney, the US Marshal Service, the FBI, the DEA, etc.) to torture a US citizen (the prosecution has also attempted to cause petitioner to give up his US citizenship, so that he may be deported). A team of fearless lawyers who will take up the cause on a contingency basis is required, backed by a public outcry. Hence this petition. The Department of Justice (DOJ) does have a Civil Rights department, but attempts at bringing this matter up to them has met with filibustering. Asking the Chief of Police to prosecute the serial killer when the serial killer is the COP is a practice in futility. The DOJ also has an Office of the Inspector-General that handles such complaints. The originator of this petition has lodged a complaint with that office, but I have come up against a blank wall. The predicament we are in is very political, and one solution that has worked in the past is to simply start a drive to inform the public. The internet is an inexpensive and (so far) unadulterated source. Once I was "released", attempts were made to contact interested media and tell the story, but success has been elusive in that respect. The few hundred friends the originator of this petition had who live within the State of Arizona understandably are very cautious of his attempts at contact, for fear of having their lives also inconvenienced by Department of Justice personnel. It is anticipated therefore that the initial response will be coming from outside the USA, and will gain momentum once US citizens realize the truth.72 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Victor J Buencamino
Stop the Genocide in the Dominican RepublicWhat is happening is the Dominican Republic is quickly turning into a human tragedy. We think it is urgent that the rest of the world give a quick response to the Dominican Republic.1,617 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Haitian Americans for Progress
FIFAFédération Internationale de Football Association FIFA-Strasse 20, P.O. Box 8044 Zurich, Switzerland Tel : +41-(0)43 222 7777, Dear FIFA and President Sepp Blatter: On November 19th, the Croatian national team, led by Josip Simunic, together with the entire Croatian stadium chanted a Nazi chant, “ZA DOM SPREMNI.” Imagine… in today’s world, Hitler and Nazi Croatia being glorified on center stage – in front of the world. Maybe you don’t know because nobody cares about the Serbian dead, but allow me to try express what the Serbian people went through in Croatia during the Second World War, please let the historical data speak: 1. “Increased activity of the bands [of rebels] is chiefly due to atrocities carried out by Ustaše units in Croatia against the Orthodox population. The Ustaše committed their deeds in a bestial manner not only against males of conscript age, but especially against helpless old people, women and children. The number of the Orthodox that the Croats have massacred and sadistically tortured to death is about three hundred thousand.” - Gestapo report to Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler, dated 17 February 1942, stated that: 2. "The Orthodox recipe of Ante Pavelic, Ustashi leader and Croatian Fuehrer, reminds one of the religious wars in [their] bloodiest aspects: one-third must become Catholic, one-third must leave the country and one-third must die. The last item was executed. When the leading men of the Ustashi movement are stating that they have slaughtered one million Serbs (including infants, children, women and aged) this in my opinion is a self-praising exaggeration. According to the reports that have reached me, my estimate is that the number of those defenseless slaughtered is some three-quarters of a million. [750,000]" [End quote.] - Herman Naubacher, "Sonderauftrag Sudosten 1940-1945. Bericht eines fliegenden Diplomate," Gottingen, 1956, 31. Mr. Naubacher was Hitler's personal assistant for Southeastern Europe and Balkan affairs. 3. "The greatest genocide during World War II, in proportion to a nation's population, took place, not in Nazi Germany but in the Nazi-created puppet state of Croatia. There, in the years 1941-1945, some 750,000 Serbs, 60,000 Jews and 26,000 Gypsies - men, women and children - perished in a gigantic holocaust. These are the figures used by most foreign authors, especially Germans, who were in the best position to know... "...The magnitude and the bestial nature of these atrocities makes it difficult to believe that such a thing could have happened in an allegedly civilized part of the world. Yet even a book such as this can attempt to tell only a part of the story." [End quote] - Professor Edmond Paris, 'Genocide in Satellite Croatia, 1941- 1945,' November, 1961, The American Institute for Balkan Affairs, from the introduction. Infants, children… women… can you even begin to imagine? Can you, tell me? Can you imagine my pain, our pain? Do you need more scientific data to empathize? Three, only three little quotes that tell the story of my grandmother, my family’s suffering and all suffering of Christian Serbs in Nazi Croatia, and the suffering continues even to this day. I get it the world doesn’t care. For most a Serbian life doesn’t mean much. European countries can hate Serbia and the Serbian people all they want, but today your submission, silence and continued appeasement of Croatian soccer’s Nazi tributes, salutes, and glorification ends. As much as your organization helped me, as much as I appreciate your kindness towards us and everything you did for us regarding the documentary film, as much as I love the way you work, and as much as I love soccer – it is ENOUGH. I will no longer sit by while your organization (and UEFA) let Croatians do what Josip Simunic did last night, or continue to chant “KILL THE SERB” every time there is an international match taking place in Zagreb. I, myself, will no longer allow your body to stay silent while 50,000 Croatians chant “SIEG HEIL” in Croatian (ZA DOM SPREMNI), and salute the Nazi way in FRONT of the whole world. It ends now. I will use all my resources, and I am announcing that I will do my best to prepare all legal action against FIFA or any other international body that continues supporting Croatian Nazi chants, salutes, their sick Nazi love, the records of threats to kill Serbs, the relentless dense racism against the Serbian people, public hate speech from the Croatian soccer executives, the Croatian National soccer team, governing body, players and fans. Remember and know all of this Croatian Nazi love is not new. Rather, it is a collective pattern throughout Croatian society and always has been this way since their defeat in World War II. Can you believe that a player with 105 caps for the Croatian soccer team, a role model for young Croatian children, a legend in Croatian soccer history, not only salutes Hitler and Nazi Croatia in front of the world, he then in the media defends it all. This is who you allow to be a role model for the next generation of soccer players around the world? Why haven’t you, FIFA, ever reacted? Why haven’t you, FIFA, done anything to STOP the pain and hurt the never ending Croatian soccer love affair with Nazi Croatia and Hitler causes? WHY? Please, I want an answer, tell me why? Too late. Now your silence and passive support of the close to 1 million children, women, and Serbian people who had their throats slit, their eyes and tongues cut out, who were raped, buried alive, hung on trees, burnt alive, starved to death, put in concentration camps, humiliated, violated, desecrated, murdered, persecuted, oppressed, totally ruined by the official state of Croatia and the Croatian people – STOPS HERE. No more FIFA. You will no longer stay silent. The Croatian National team body, players, coaches, fans and the Croatian state’s love for their Nazi past will be fought against. I will fight it legally, one young ...2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by RANKO TUTULUGDZIJA
FIFA: Expel CROATIA FOR NAZI glorificationFédération Internationale de Football Association FIFA-Strasse 20, P.O. Box 8044 Zurich, Switzerland Tel : +41-(0)43 222 7777, Dear FIFA and President Sepp Blatter: On November 19th, the Croatian national team, led by Josip Simunic, together with the entire Croatian stadium chanted a Nazi chant, “ZA DOM SPREMNI.” Imagine… in today’s world, Hitler and Nazi Croatia being glorified on center stage – in front of the world. Maybe you don’t know because nobody cares about the Serbian dead, but allow me to try express what the Serbian people went through in Croatia during the Second World War, please let the historical data speak: 1. “Increased activity of the bands [of rebels] is chiefly due to atrocities carried out by Ustaše units in Croatia against the Orthodox population. The Ustaše committed their deeds in a bestial manner not only against males of conscript age, but especially against helpless old people, women and children. The number of the Orthodox that the Croats have massacred and sadistically tortured to death is about three hundred thousand.” - Gestapo report to Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler, dated 17 February 1942, stated that: 2. "The Orthodox recipe of Ante Pavelic, Ustashi leader and Croatian Fuehrer, reminds one of the religious wars in [their] bloodiest aspects: one-third must become Catholic, one-third must leave the country and one-third must die. The last item was executed. When the leading men of the Ustashi movement are stating that they have slaughtered one million Serbs (including infants, children, women and aged) this in my opinion is a self-praising exaggeration. According to the reports that have reached me, my estimate is that the number of those defenseless slaughtered is some three-quarters of a million. [750,000]" [End quote.] - Herman Naubacher, "Sonderauftrag Sudosten 1940-1945. Bericht eines fliegenden Diplomate," Gottingen, 1956, 31. Mr. Naubacher was Hitler's personal assistant for Southeastern Europe and Balkan affairs. 3. "The greatest genocide during World War II, in proportion to a nation's population, took place, not in Nazi Germany but in the Nazi-created puppet state of Croatia. There, in the years 1941-1945, some 750,000 Serbs, 60,000 Jews and 26,000 Gypsies - men, women and children - perished in a gigantic holocaust. These are the figures used by most foreign authors, especially Germans, who were in the best position to know... "...The magnitude and the bestial nature of these atrocities makes it difficult to believe that such a thing could have happened in an allegedly civilized part of the world. Yet even a book such as this can attempt to tell only a part of the story." [End quote] - Professor Edmond Paris, 'Genocide in Satellite Croatia, 1941- 1945,' November, 1961, The American Institute for Balkan Affairs, from the introduction. Infants, children… women… can you even begin to imagine? Can you, tell me? Can you imagine my pain, our pain? Do you need more scientific data to empathize? Three, only three little quotes that tell the story of my grandmother, my family’s suffering and all suffering of Christian Serbs in Nazi Croatia, and the suffering continues even to this day. I get it the world doesn’t care. For most a Serbian life doesn’t mean much. European countries can hate Serbia and the Serbian people all they want, but today your submission, silence and continued appeasement of Croatian soccer’s Nazi tributes, salutes, and glorification ends. As much as your organization helped me, as much as I appreciate your kindness towards us and everything you did for us regarding the documentary film, as much as I love the way you work, and as much as I love soccer – it is ENOUGH. I will no longer sit by while your organization (and UEFA) let Croatians do what Josip Simunic did last night, or continue to chant “KILL THE SERB” every time there is an international match taking place in Zagreb. I, myself, will no longer allow your body to stay silent while 50,000 Croatians chant “SIEG HEIL” in Croatian (ZA DOM SPREMNI), and salute the Nazi way in FRONT of the whole world. It ends now. I will use all my resources, and I am announcing that I will do my best to prepare all legal action against FIFA or any other international body that continues supporting Croatian Nazi chants, salutes, their sick Nazi love, the records of threats to kill Serbs, the relentless dense racism against the Serbian people, public hate speech from the Croatian soccer executives, the Croatian National soccer team, governing body, players and fans. Remember and know all of this Croatian Nazi love is not new. Rather, it is a collective pattern throughout Croatian society and always has been this way since their defeat in World War II. Can you believe that a player with 105 caps for the Croatian soccer team, a role model for young Croatian children, a legend in Croatian soccer history, not only salutes Hitler and Nazi Croatia in front of the world, he then in the media defends it all. This is who you allow to be a role model for the next generation of soccer players around the world? Why haven’t you, FIFA, ever reacted? Why haven’t you, FIFA, done anything to STOP the pain and hurt the never ending Croatian soccer love affair with Nazi Croatia and Hitler causes? WHY? Please, I want an answer, tell me why? Too late. Now your silence and passive support of the close to 1 million children, women, and Serbian people who had their throats slit, their eyes and tongues cut out, who were raped, buried alive, hung on trees, burnt alive, starved to death, put in concentration camps, humiliated, violated, desecrated, murdered, persecuted, oppressed, totally ruined by the official state of Croatia and the Croatian people – STOPS HERE. No more FIFA. You will no longer stay silent. The Croatian National team body, players, coaches, fans and the Croatian state’s love for their Nazi past will be fought against. I will fight it legally, one young ...5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by RANKO TUTULUGDZIJA
Haitians deported from The Dominican RepublicTo strip citizens of their identity with no valid reason, and send them to a country they may not even know of is cruel and anti-humanitarian. Please support this petition to assist those who can not help themselves.12,525 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Svens Telemaque
steak n shake open on the holidaysI am starting this petition because 1. It is not fair that we be open all day thanksgiving and Christmas eve and now Christmas day. 2. If were going to be open and be away from are families then help us out and pay time in a half! I am a single mom and I have to to work the holidays now and be away from my 3 year old daughter. I have sacrificed a lot for this company and in return they take away the one important day of the year that I should get to spend with my daughter. Not to mention being a single mother how would you expect me to find a sitter on the holidays when day cares are closed and people spending time with there families. And be able to afford paying someone extra when we dont even get time in half......how do you expect to keep or get new employees when you run your employees to the ground and don't treat them well with at least giving them one special day a to spend with there families. I hate having to tell my staff that they have to work on a day that they should be spending with there families. It's just not right.158 of 200 SignaturesCreated by amber
Stand up for IssaicA recent news report profiled the story of Issaic, a gay teen who was attacked in Albquerque's Coronado Mall for being gay. Responding police and mall management didn't recognize the signs of gay bullying and anti-gay violence and instead banned the victim from the mall.1,129 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Pat Davis
Stop the Dominican Republic's violence against HaitiansWe condemn the Dominican Republic’s constitutional court ruling of Sept. 23, 2013, stripping citizenship from anyone born in the country to parents who were undocumented. Further more we condemn the use of violence against Haitians now living in the Dominic Republic. We are requesting that the United States intervene on behalf of Haitians who have already suffered greatly.1,953 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by rosa kamson
Elton John -- Oppose Russia’s Anti-LGBT Laws From the Stage When You Perform in Russia on Decembe...All people of concience have a moral responsibility to stand up for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Russians who are under attack.117 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Richard Deagle
Shut Down Planet RockBy federal law, sex trafficking is illegal. However, what most people don't know is that strip clubs are classified as sex trafficking industries according to "The Polaris Project." Personal testimonies have made me aware that Planet Rock has not only employed minors, it has also prostituted some of its workers. I want to make a difference in the families of this community by shutting down Planet Rock and offering better opportunities for the women of Barre that are being wounded by this corrupt business.20 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Meredith Dunavant
President Jose Eduardo dos Santos : approve Islam as a religion in AngolaIslam is banned in Angola. The The now banned religion of Islam is practiced by a very small percentage of the 18.5 million inhabitants of Angola. Only about 80,000-90,000 Angolans practice Islam. Freedom of religion is recognized by all civilized nations. The world community must pressure Angola to recognize Islam and reopen mosques for prayers.151 of 200 SignaturesCreated by M. Emad Salem