A First Amendment for the entire worldBecause a free world is the only kind worth having.20 of 100 SignaturesCreated by P.D.
Protect the ProtectorsState paid CEO "steals" money from social service workers, by failing to pay them and not one official, from governing positions, express concern or advocacy. The only option for victims is to spend more unpaid time, as well as personal money, to seek legal action that is unreasonable, with unlikely results. The "criminal" aka employer is protected. This has got to stop. Social workers and counselors are commonly hired as Independent contractors, and unknowingly are not covered by rules that apply to "employees", that would offer them some level of recourse and advocacy when unpaid. Help Protect the Protectors of Children, not CEO's that became wealthy on stolen tax dollars, that should go to those that directly provided the service.122 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Sandra Wiley
President Jonathan:Say no to InjusticeNigeria and its supporters from Europe killed 3.5Million Biafrans between 1966 and 1979 in a civil war, added to mass killing of Biafrans since 1945 by Notherners,- till today by Boko Harram all goes up to10Million. APC Party of Nigeria says: it will starve Biafrans to death once more. The world FOLK stop this and let Biafra go away from Nigeria for Peace.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ikechukwu S. A. OMENKA
Remove Anti-Gay Exorcist Bishop Paprocki from OfficeIn recent days, Catholic Bishop Paprocki of Springfield, Illinois, has launched a homophobic, potentially hatemongering crusade reminiscent of Rev. Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church (godhatesfags.com) which the bishop, in his own words, apparently plans to build upon in the future. On November 20th, Bishop Paprocki chose to conduct an "exorcism" in Springfield, Illinois, to coincide with our governor's ceremony signing the same-sex marriage bill, in order to draw media attention to his virulently anti-gay political positions regarding same-sex marriage in our State of Illinois. The Baptist Church may be unwilling or unable to hold Fred Phelps accountable for his actions, but the Roman Catholic Church is well-equipped to deal with its Bishops when they begin acting in a manner such as this. We want to put a stop to all this as soon as possible. We believe that we have a potential ally in Pope Francis, especially considering His words from last July: “If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?”45 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Richard and Marcus Slater
HELP RECOGNIZE NJ CIVIL UNIONS AS MARRIAGES NOW!PLEASE SIGN & THEN SHARE OUR PETITION TO HAVE NJ CIVIL UNIONS RECOGNIZED AS MARRIAGES NOW. 16,000+ Same Sex couples completed the process of getting “Married” when New Jersey Civil Unions were promised to provide complete EQUALITY; they followed all the rules, paid the required fees, filed the applications and they have already had their wedding day. These Couples chose the people who would be their best men and maids of honor; they meticulously planned their special events, picked out the locations, the flowers, the Tuxedos and the Dresses. These couples already stood in front of their family members and friends to vow to love, cherish and obey each other for as long as they both shall live. And such as it is with any other Marriage, this experience was meant to be a “Once in a Lifetime” celebration and for that special day to be commemorated with each Anniversary Year on that exact date. These couples entered into New Jersey Civil Unions with the full knowledge, understanding and expectations of the being granted the legal equivalent to every other New Jersey Marriage. It’s time the New Jersey Legislature honor its promise of Full Marriage Equality to these Civil Union Partnerships. More so than the injustice and the inequality created by excluding these Civil Unions from the full protections of marriage, Civil Union partners are forced to deal with a variety of legal, financial and emotional hardships. Of course with the recent court ruling most of these Civil Union Partnerships can now “get married” just like any other same-sex couple. But just as opposite-sex couples who were already Married would not be required to do this, it should not be required of Civil Unions. From a financial prospective, if these Civil Union partners are required to get "re-married', they would be doing so without preserving their original Civil Union date, in which case, they may be excluded from all types of benefits and tax deductions that can be claimed retroactively. However, the option of “getting married” is no longer available to all Civil Unions. Without the ability to have Civil Unions recognized as Marriages, the surviving partner of a Civil Union where one partner dies or has died, may be excluded from death benefits including Federal Estate/Inheritance taxes exemptions, Social Security survivor benefits as well as many types of annuities and Pensions. On behalf of the 16,000+ New Jersey Civil Union Partnerships, we respectfully and firmly request the immediate option to exchange their existing lawful NEW JERSEY CIVIL UNION PARTNERSHIP CERTIFICATES for NEW JERSEY MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES without any further fees or application requirements other than proper Identification. These newly exchanged certificates must be identical in every way with all other New Jersey Marriage Certificates and must include the original date of the Civil Union listed as the Date of Marriage. These Marriages should also be made legally retroactive as of the original Civil Union date, in accordance with the intention of the original 2006 Ruling of the New Jersey Supreme Court which ordered the State of New Jersey to provide Same Sex Couples the same exact rights of being "married" that are granted to Opposite Sex Marriages. Please help us make this right by signing this petition today and then SHARING it with your family and friends. THANK YOU!274 of 300 SignaturesCreated by NJ CIVIL UNION EQUALITY
Nationalize Guard units in states which refuse to extend equal benefits to same-sex partnersIn response to several Republican governors and legislatures refusing to extend benefits to same-sex marriage partners of Guard members, we want the President to order the Secretary of Defense to nationalize, under authority granted by the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act of 2007, all Guard units in those states which refuse to comply with the law.56 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Richard Leighton
The Dominican Republic (D.R) a Pariah State has recently created a group of Stateless Persons in ...This petition is an attempt to restore the dignity and respect of Dominican who are born of Haitian Parents in Dominican Republic. It is our understanding that the United Nations have demanded member nations to prevent statelessness in their territory. in the concert of the nations, only the Dominican Republic has shown and demonstrated that they are a rogue nation with no respect for human rights. It is a radical state that knows no boundaries in its intention to clean its nation from Haitian Blood. This is a de facto ethnic cleansing policy against those with negroid attributes using the principle of sovereignty to mask their real aim. We are demanding that D.R authorities behave themselves as a civilized nation instead of taking the road of belligerence and division to rule the nation. At this moment, D.R authorities are committing a collective suicide and genocide on the name of insanity. If no action is taken, after 60 days, members of the U.S Haitian Diaspora will consider other serious measures in the coming months.55 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jean-Robert Lafortune
Help Fight Discrimination in Dover, DelawareI support the House of Pride, which provides low-cost housing, meals, and a number of essential resources on a daily basis to disadvantaged members of the Dover community. As of late, the City of Dover has increased its efforts to dismantle the House of Pride as it moves forward with plans to drive African Americans out of the surrounding downtown area to attract investors for redevelopment projects. Reports of excessive police force and discriminatory housing practices have proliferated in recent months. This type of racially motivated behavior can no longer be tolerated.18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by La Mar Gunn
Demand the NY Times Apologize for Hate SpeechThe purpose of this petition is to combat the demonization and delegitimization of the State of Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East and the national home of the Jewish people.123 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Garrett Rutledge
Stop State Rep. Tom Brower (D) from destroying a homeless person’s possessions.As someone born and raised in Hawaii, I have seen our homeless population grow over my lifetime. We need smart and effective policies to ensure that we are creating solutions and NOT treating people like criminals.31 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Simmy Singh
TELL FIFA TO KEEP SLAVERY OUT OF THE 2022 WORLD CUP QATARThousands of Nepalese workers are being forced to work in 122F degree heat with no access to food or water, no pay, passports held to prevent them from leaving. Experts estimate over 1 million migrant workers could be at risk of modern slavery in Qatar between now and the 2022 World Cup; an average of twelve workers could die per week unless action is taken at this critical stage in the construction process. There have been serious challenges in protecting migrant workers from modern slavery in Qatar. But with the prestige of hosting the World Cup on the line, there has never been a better chance to push the Qatari government for change. If FIFA takes advantage of this opportunity for policy reform, workers could be protected from falling into the nightmare of modern slavery in Qatar for generations to come. Tell FIFA to help ensure construction for the Qatar World Cup does not use slave labour.9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jessica
Stop the Murdering of Christians from a Mad boyStop the killing of Christians around the world,We stopped the Nazi's with the Jewish people. Forget about the rain forrest and whales.Where talking human life.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tim