NDAA 2012 RECALLThe National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) is a set up just waiting for abuse and erodes the foundation of our Constitution.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nicholas Kovalenko
Legalize and Recognize Civil Unions in ColoradoThe Colorado Civil Union Act was introduced in February 2011. It passed in the Senate with a vote of 23-12. When the Act moved on to the House, it was defeated 5-6. We need your help to re-introduce this act and stop discriminating against LGBT couples by not giving them marriage-associated rights. If we legalize the Colorado Civil Union Act, we will be that much closer to overturning Amendment 43 to Colorado's Constitution and equal rights for all couples in Colorado. Sign now and help equality!914 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Hazel Seremet
OBAMA: VETO POLICE STATE BILLRegardless of whether obama has a signing statement stating that he will not use this new law that allows citizens and non-citizens to be disappeared in the U.S. that is no guarantee that future presidents will not use this provision. This bill is anti-american, anti-bill of rights, anti-constitutional and should not be signed by the president.22 of 100 SignaturesCreated by raquel brac
Stop Facebook Hate GroupsHave you been attacked online by a hate group on facebook. Have you been banned for defending President Obama. Are you Jewish, African American or Hispanic and have suffered discrimination on facebook. We need to hear from you. We will stop the haters from ruining Facebook for everyone. Sign this petition please if you have been harassed on Facebook12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Vincent Cannady
Tell President Obama NOT to sign the NDAA Act!!The National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 aims at once again, curbing terrorism, but has very disturbing provisions which would enable everyday American citizens who protest, for example, Greenpeace, or the Occupy movements, to be arrested and held INDEFINITELY and WITHOUT TRIAL in a domestic prison OR a prison outside the U.S. Tell Congress and our President NOT to allow this bill to become law.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sarah Fernald Loft
Kayak: Stand Up to HatredKayak, rather than standing up to hatred, promoted it when it heeded the call of an activist group to stop advertising on the show All-American Muslim because "the show profiles only Muslims that appear to be ordinary folks." It's not too late for Kayak to reverse its actions and take a stand against hatred. Please support our effort to encourage Kayak to take these steps and play its role in fostering a society that treats all groups equally and with respect.54 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Farooq Javed
Official Petition For Breastfeeding Lawsuit Against FacebookFacebook is currently in the practice of violating the state laws of 45 states that allow woman to Breastfeed in public, this includes businesses. Facebook is a business and should also have to conform to these laws.3,683 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Respect The Breast
MNR Restore Equal Public Access to Crown LandIntroduce legislation requiring the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) to immediately restore equal public access to all Crown Land and Lakes in Ontario.2,916 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Tym Barker
Alabama Constitutional ReformAlabama's outdated and hurtful constitution, written in 1901 to disenfranchise African Americans and poor white people, is one of the major roadblocks to equal justice and true reform in Alabama. It is the longest constitution in the world with over 800 amendments and still holds racist language and gives tremendous power to a small handful of people in Montgomery. Alabama voters deserve the right to vote for real reform through a constitutional convention. Until that happens, the most serious issues in our constitution remain off limits to reform.1,932 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Callie Greer
Rewrite the National Defense Authorization Act to PROTECT American Citizens!The United States government has gone way too far this time. It has passed legislation, which Obama failed to veto, that allows American citizens, both domestic and abroad, to be detained indefinitely, without trial, if they are accused (only accused) of being involved in terrorist activity. The words "terrorist" and "terrorism" have been thrown around far too easily in the past ten years. Regardless of the crime a person is accused of, they have the constitutional right to due process. This is a cornerstone of the freedom our government claims to value. The NDAA is worded in a manner just vague enough to promote confusion. It gives the government far too much power over the very citizens that define the country as a whole, and it fails to serve or protect the American people. Indefinite detention without trial of ANYONE, let alone United States Citizens, is obviously unconstitutional and un-American. This activity directly goes against the fifth and sixth amendments of the Constitution of the United States of America. What could be more unpatriotic than a government stripping basic civil rights from its own citizens? Has due process become too inconvenient for the United States Government? Please see this link for more information about the indefinite detention of American citizens allowed by the newly passed National Defense Authorization Act: http://www.salon.com/2011/12/16/three_myths_about_the_detention_bill/44 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Andrea Jones
Support the Due Process Guarantee Act of 2011There seems to be hope still … Although the President failed to show some backbone in vetoing the NDAA legislation!! Mark Udall, a member of the Senate Armed Services and Intelligence committees has joined Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein and a bipartisan group of his colleagues in introducing the Due Process Guarantee Act of 2011, to clarify that American citizens apprehended inside the United States cannot be indefinitely detained by the military. http://www.berthoudrecorder.com/2011/12/16/udall-co-sponsors-bipartisan-bill-to-prohibit-indefinite-detention-of-americans-without-trial-or-charge/ To read more on this issue go to this blog: http://cyclicantidotes.blogspot.com/ Contact your Senator: http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm274 of 300 SignaturesCreated by June